/** @file This file declares Migrate Temporary Memory PPI. This PPI is published by the PEI Foundation when temporary RAM needs to evacuate. Its purpose is to be used as a signal for other PEIMs who can register for a notification on its installation. Copyright (c) 2024, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef PEI_MIGRATE_TEMP_RAM_PPI_H_ #define PEI_MIGRATE_TEMP_RAM_PPI_H_ #define EFI_PEI_MIGRATE_TEMP_RAM_PPI_GUID \ { \ 0xc79dc53b, 0xafcd, 0x4a6a, {0xad, 0x94, 0xa7, 0x6a, 0x3f, 0xa9, 0xe9, 0xc2 } \ } extern EFI_GUID gEdkiiPeiMigrateTempRamPpiGuid; #endif