/*++ Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: GenDepex.c Abstract: Generate Dependency Expression ("GenDepex") Infix to Postfix Algorithm This code has been scrubbed to be free of having any EFI core tree dependencies. It should build in any environment that supports a standard C-library w/ string operations and File I/O services. As an example of usage, consider the following: The input user file could be something like "Sample.DXS" whose contents are #include "Tiano.h" DEPENDENCY_START NOT (DISK_IO_PROTOCOL AND SIMPLE_FILE_SYSTEM_PROTOCOL) OR EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_PROTOCOL DEPENDENCY_END This file is then washed through the C-preprocessor, viz., cl /EP Sample.DXS > Sample.TMP1 This yields the following file "Sample.TMP1" whose contents are DEPENDENCY_START NOT ({ 0xce345171, 0xba0b, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x4f, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b } AND { 0x964e5b22, 0x6459, 0x11d2, 0x8e, 0x39, 0x0, 0xa0, 0xc9, 0x69, 0x72, 0x3b }) OR { 0x03c4e603, 0xac28, 0x11d3, 0x9a, 0x2d, 0x00, 0x90, 0x27, 0x3f, 0xc1, 0x4d } DEPENDENCY_END This file, in turn, will be fed into the utility, viz., GenDepex Sample.TMP1 Sample.TMP2 With a file that is 55 bytes long: 55 bytes for the grammar binary PUSH opcode - 1 byte GUID Instance - 16 bytes PUSH opcode - 1 byte GUID Instance - 16 bytes AND opcode - 1 byte NOT opcode - 1 byte PUSH opcode - 1 byte GUID Instance - 16 bytes OR opcode - 1 byte END opcode - 1 byte The file "Sample.TMP2" could be fed via a Section-builder utility (GenSection) that would be used for the creation of a dependency section file (.DPX) which in turn would be used by a generate FFS utility (GenFfsFile) to produce a DXE driver/core (.DXE) or a DXE application (.APP) file. Complies with Tiano C Coding Standards Document, version 0.31, 12 Dec 2000. --*/ #include "GenDepex.h" #define TOOL_NAME "GenDepex" extern ParseDepex ( IN INT8 *Pbegin, IN UINT32 length ); VOID PrintGenDepexUtilityInfo ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays the standard utility information to SDTOUT. Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ { printf ( "%s, Tiano Dependency Expression Generation Utility. Version %d.%d.\n", UTILITY_NAME, UTILITY_MAJOR_VERSION, UTILITY_MINOR_VERSION ); printf ("Copyright (C) 1996-2002 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.\n\n"); } VOID PrintGenDepexUsageInfo ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Displays the utility usage syntax to STDOUT. Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ { printf ( "Usage: %s -I -O [-P ] \n", UTILITY_NAME ); printf (" Where:\n"); printf (" is the input pre-processed dependency text files name.\n"); printf (" is the output binary dependency files name.\n"); printf (" is the padding integer value.\n"); printf (" This is the boundary to align the output file size to.\n"); } DEPENDENCY_OPCODE PopOpCode ( IN OUT VOID **Stack ) /*++ Routine Description: Pop an element from the Opcode stack. Arguments: Stack Current top of the OpCode stack location Returns: DEPENDENCY_OPCODE OpCode at the top of the OpCode stack. Stack New top of the OpCode stack location --*/ { DEPENDENCY_OPCODE *OpCodePtr; OpCodePtr = *Stack; OpCodePtr--; *Stack = OpCodePtr; return *OpCodePtr; } VOID PushOpCode ( IN OUT VOID **Stack, IN DEPENDENCY_OPCODE OpCode ) /*++ Routine Description: Push an element onto the Opcode Stack Arguments: Stack Current top of the OpCode stack location OpCode OpCode to push onto the stack Returns: Stack New top of the OpCode stack location --*/ { DEPENDENCY_OPCODE *OpCodePtr; OpCodePtr = *Stack; *OpCodePtr = OpCode; OpCodePtr++; *Stack = OpCodePtr; } EFI_STATUS GenerateDependencyExpression ( IN FILE *InFile, IN OUT FILE *OutFile, IN UINT8 Padding OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: This takes the pre-compiled dependency text file and converts it into a binary dependency file. The BNF for the dependency expression is as follows (from the DXE 1.0 Draft specification). The inputted BNF grammar is thus: ::= sor | before GUID | after GUID | ::= | ::= and | or | ::= not | ::= ( ) | | GUID | ::= true | false The outputed binary grammer is thus: ::= sor | before | after | ::= | ::= and | or | ::= not | ::= ( ) | | | | ::= true | false ::= push GUID ::= end BugBug: A correct grammer is parsed correctly. A file that violates the grammer may parse when it should generate an error. There is some error checking and it covers most of the case when it's an include of definition issue. An ill formed expresion may not be detected. Arguments: InFile - Input pre-compiled text file of the dependency expression. This needs to be in ASCII. The file pointer can not be NULL. OutFile - Binary dependency file. The file pointer can not be NULL. Padding - OPTIONAL integer value to pad the output file to. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the parameters in the text file was invalid. EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to allocate memory. EFI_ABORTED An misc error occurred. --*/ { INT8 *Ptrx; INT8 *Pend; INT8 *EvaluationStack; INT8 *StackPtr; INT8 *Buffer; INT8 Line[LINESIZE]; UINTN Index; UINTN OutFileSize; UINTN FileSize; UINTN Results; BOOLEAN NotDone; BOOLEAN Before_Flag; BOOLEAN After_Flag; BOOLEAN Dep_Flag; BOOLEAN SOR_Flag; EFI_GUID Guid; UINTN ArgCountParsed; DEPENDENCY_OPCODE Opcode; Before_Flag = FALSE; After_Flag = FALSE; Dep_Flag = FALSE; SOR_Flag = FALSE; memset (Line, 0, LINESIZE); OutFileSize = 0; EvaluationStack = (INT8 *) malloc (EVAL_STACK_SIZE); if (EvaluationStack != NULL) { StackPtr = EvaluationStack; } else { printf ("Unable to allocate memory to EvaluationStack - Out of resources\n"); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Results = (UINTN) fseek (InFile, 0, SEEK_END); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FSEEK failed - Aborted\n"); return EFI_ABORTED; } FileSize = ftell (InFile); if (FileSize == -1L) { printf ("FTELL failed - Aborted\n"); return EFI_ABORTED; } Buffer = (INT8 *) malloc (FileSize + BUFFER_SIZE); if (Buffer == NULL) { printf ("Unable to allocate memory to Buffer - Out of resources\n"); free (EvaluationStack); Results = (UINTN) fclose (InFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } Results = (UINTN) fclose (OutFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Results = (UINTN) fseek (InFile, 0, SEEK_SET); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FSEEK failed - Aborted\n"); return EFI_ABORTED; } fread (Buffer, FileSize, 1, InFile); Ptrx = Buffer; Pend = Ptrx + FileSize - strlen (DEPENDENCY_END); Index = FileSize; NotDone = TRUE; while ((Index--) && NotDone) { if (strncmp (Pend, DEPENDENCY_END, strlen (DEPENDENCY_END)) == 0) { NotDone = FALSE; } else { Pend--; } } if (NotDone) { printf ("Couldn't find end string %s\n", DEPENDENCY_END); Results = (UINTN) fclose (InFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } Results = (UINTN) fclose (OutFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } free (Buffer); free (EvaluationStack); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Index = FileSize; NotDone = TRUE; while ((Index--) && NotDone) { if (strncmp (Ptrx, DEPENDENCY_START, strlen (DEPENDENCY_START)) == 0) { Ptrx += sizeof (DEPENDENCY_START); NotDone = FALSE; // // BUGBUG -- should Index be decremented by sizeof(DEPENDENCY_START)? // } else { Ptrx++; } } if (NotDone) { printf ("Couldn't find start string %s\n", DEPENDENCY_START); Results = (UINTN) fclose (InFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } Results = (UINTN) fclose (OutFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } free (Buffer); free (EvaluationStack); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // validate the syntax of expression // if (!ParseDepex (Ptrx, Pend - Ptrx - 1)) { printf ("The syntax of expression is wrong\n"); Results = (UINTN) fclose (InFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } Results = (UINTN) fclose (OutFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } free (Buffer); free (EvaluationStack); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } NotDone = TRUE; while ((Index--) && NotDone) { if (*Ptrx == ' ') { Ptrx++; } else if (*Ptrx == '\n' || *Ptrx == '\r') { Ptrx++; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_SOR, strlen (OPERATOR_SOR)) == 0) { // // Checks for some invalid dependencies // if (Before_Flag) { printf ("A BEFORE operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (After_Flag) { printf ("An AFTER operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (SOR_Flag) { printf ("Another SOR operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (Dep_Flag) { printf ("The Schedule On Request - SOR operator must be the first operator following DEPENDENCY_START\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // // BUGBUG - This was not in the spec but is in the CORE code // An OPERATOR_SOR has to be first - following the DEPENDENCY_START // fputc (EFI_DEP_SOR, OutFile); OutFileSize++; Ptrx += sizeof (OPERATOR_SOR); SOR_Flag = TRUE; } } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_BEFORE, strlen (OPERATOR_BEFORE)) == 0) { // // Checks for some invalid dependencies // if (Before_Flag) { printf ("Another BEFORE operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (After_Flag) { printf ("An AFTER operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (SOR_Flag) { printf ("A SOR operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (Dep_Flag) { printf ("The BEFORE operator must be the first operator following DEPENDENCY_START\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { fputc (EFI_DEP_BEFORE, OutFile); OutFileSize++; Ptrx += sizeof (OPERATOR_BEFORE); Before_Flag = TRUE; } } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_AFTER, strlen (OPERATOR_AFTER)) == 0) { // // Checks for some invalid dependencies // if (Before_Flag) { printf ("A BEFORE operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (After_Flag) { printf ("Another AFTER operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (SOR_Flag) { printf ("A SOR operator was detected.\n"); printf ("There can only be one SOR or one AFTER or one BEFORE operator\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (Dep_Flag) { printf ("The AFTER operator must be the first operator following DEPENDENCY_START\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { fputc (EFI_DEP_AFTER, OutFile); OutFileSize++; Ptrx += sizeof (OPERATOR_AFTER); Dep_Flag = TRUE; After_Flag = TRUE; } } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_AND, strlen (OPERATOR_AND)) == 0) { while (StackPtr != EvaluationStack) { Opcode = PopOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr); if (Opcode != DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { fputc (Opcode, OutFile); OutFileSize++; } else { PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); break; } } PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, EFI_DEP_AND); Ptrx += sizeof (OPERATOR_AND); Dep_Flag = TRUE; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_OR, strlen (OPERATOR_OR)) == 0) { while (StackPtr != EvaluationStack) { Opcode = PopOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr); if (Opcode != DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { fputc (Opcode, OutFile); OutFileSize++; } else { PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); break; } } PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, EFI_DEP_OR); Ptrx += sizeof (OPERATOR_OR); Dep_Flag = TRUE; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_NOT, strlen (OPERATOR_NOT)) == 0) { while (StackPtr != EvaluationStack) { Opcode = PopOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr); if (Opcode != DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { fputc (Opcode, OutFile); OutFileSize++; } else { PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); break; } } PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, EFI_DEP_NOT); Ptrx += sizeof (OPERATOR_NOT); Dep_Flag = TRUE; } else if (*Ptrx == '\t') { printf ("File contains tabs. This violates the coding standard\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (*Ptrx == '\n') { // // Skip the newline character in the file // Ptrx++; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS, strlen (OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS)) == 0) { PushOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr, DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); Ptrx += strlen (OPERATOR_LEFT_PARENTHESIS); Dep_Flag = TRUE; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS, strlen (OPERATOR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS)) == 0) { while (StackPtr != EvaluationStack) { Opcode = PopOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr); if (Opcode != DXE_DEP_LEFT_PARENTHESIS) { fputc (Opcode, OutFile); OutFileSize++; } else { break; } } Ptrx += strlen (OPERATOR_RIGHT_PARENTHESIS); Dep_Flag = TRUE; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_TRUE, strlen (OPERATOR_TRUE)) == 0) { fputc (EFI_DEP_TRUE, OutFile); OutFileSize++; // // OutFileSize += sizeof (EFI_DEP_TRUE); // Dep_Flag = TRUE; Ptrx += strlen (OPERATOR_TRUE); } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, OPERATOR_FALSE, strlen (OPERATOR_FALSE)) == 0) { fputc (EFI_DEP_FALSE, OutFile); OutFileSize++; // // OutFileSize += sizeof (EFI_DEP_FALSE); // Dep_Flag = TRUE; Ptrx += strlen (OPERATOR_FALSE); } else if (*Ptrx == '{') { Ptrx++; if (*Ptrx == ' ') { Ptrx++; } { int byte_index; // This is an array of UINT32s. sscanf will trash memory // if you try to read into a UINT8 with a %x formatter. UINT32 Guid_Data4[8]; ArgCountParsed = sscanf ( Ptrx, "%x, %x, %x, { %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x, %x }", &Guid.Data1, &Guid.Data2, &Guid.Data3, &Guid_Data4[0], &Guid_Data4[1], &Guid_Data4[2], &Guid_Data4[3], &Guid_Data4[4], &Guid_Data4[5], &Guid_Data4[6], &Guid_Data4[7] ); // Now we can copy the 32 bit ints into the GUID. for (byte_index=0; byte_index<8; byte_index++) { Guid.Data4[byte_index] = (UINT8) Guid_Data4[byte_index]; } } if (ArgCountParsed != 11) { printf ("We have found an illegal GUID\n"); printf ("Fix your depex\n"); exit (-1); } while (*Ptrx != '}') { Ptrx++; } Ptrx++; while (*Ptrx != '}') { Ptrx++; } // // Absorb the closing } // Ptrx++; // // Don't provide a PUSH Opcode for the Before and After case // if ((!Before_Flag) && (!After_Flag)) { fputc (EFI_DEP_PUSH, OutFile); OutFileSize++; } fwrite (&Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID), 1, OutFile); OutFileSize += sizeof (EFI_GUID); Dep_Flag = TRUE; } else if (strncmp (Ptrx, DEPENDENCY_END, strlen (DEPENDENCY_END)) == 0) { NotDone = FALSE; } else { // // Not a valid construct. Null terminate somewhere out there and // print an error message. // *(Ptrx + 20) = 0; printf (TOOL_NAME " ERROR: Unrecognized input at: \"%s\"...\n", Ptrx); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } // // DRAIN(); // while (StackPtr != EvaluationStack) { fputc (PopOpCode ((VOID **) &StackPtr), OutFile); OutFileSize++; } if (OutFileSize == 0) { printf ("Grammer contains no operators or constants\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } fputc (EFI_DEP_END, OutFile); OutFileSize++; // // Checks for invalid padding values // if (Padding < 0) { printf ("The inputted padding value was %d\n", Padding); printf ("The optional padding value can not be less than ZERO\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (Padding > 0) { while ((OutFileSize % Padding) != 0) { fputc (' ', OutFile); OutFileSize++; } } Results = (UINTN) fclose (InFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } Results = (UINTN) fclose (OutFile); if (Results != 0) { printf ("FCLOSE failed\n"); } free (Buffer); free (EvaluationStack); return EFI_SUCCESS; } // End GenerateDependencyExpression function int main ( IN UINTN argc, IN CHAR8 *argv[] ) /*++ Routine Description: Parse user entries. Print some rudimentary help Arguments: argc The count of input arguments argv The input arguments string array Returns: EFI_SUCCESS The function completed successfully. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER One of the input parameters was invalid or one of the parameters in the text file was invalid. EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Unable to allocate memory. EFI_ABORTED Unable to open/create a file or a misc error. --*/ // TODO: ] - add argument and description to function comment { FILE *OutFile; FILE *InFile; UINT8 Padding; UINTN Index; BOOLEAN Input_Flag; BOOLEAN Output_Flag; BOOLEAN Pad_Flag; InFile = NULL; OutFile = NULL; Padding = 0; Input_Flag = FALSE; Output_Flag = FALSE; Pad_Flag = FALSE; // // Output the calling arguments // printf ("\n\n"); for (Index = 0; Index < argc; Index++) { printf ("%s ", argv[Index]); } printf ("\n\n"); if (argc < 5) { printf ("Not enough arguments\n"); PrintGenDepexUsageInfo (); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } for (Index = 1; Index < argc - 1; Index++) { if ((strcmp (argv[Index], "-I") == 0) || (strcmp (argv[Index], "-i") == 0)) { if (!Input_Flag) { InFile = fopen (argv[Index + 1], "rb"); Input_Flag = TRUE; } else { printf ("GenDepex only allows one INPUT (-I) argument\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if ((strcmp (argv[Index], "-O") == 0) || (strcmp (argv[Index], "-o") == 0)) { if (!Output_Flag) { OutFile = fopen (argv[Index + 1], "wb"); Output_Flag = TRUE; } else { printf ("GenDepex only allows one OUTPUT (-O) argument\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } else if ((strcmp (argv[Index], "-P") == 0) || (strcmp (argv[Index], "-p") == 0)) { if (!Pad_Flag) { Padding = (UINT8) atoi (argv[Index + 1]); Pad_Flag = TRUE; } else { printf ("GenDepex only allows one PADDING (-P) argument\n"); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } } PrintGenDepexUtilityInfo (); if (InFile == NULL) { printf ("Can not open for reading.\n"); PrintGenDepexUsageInfo (); return EFI_ABORTED; } if (OutFile == NULL) { printf ("Can not open for writting.\n"); PrintGenDepexUsageInfo (); return EFI_ABORTED; } return GenerateDependencyExpression (InFile, OutFile, Padding); }