/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module name: decode.c Abstract: Revision history: --*/ // TODO: fix comment to add: Module Name: DECODE.C #include "undi32.h" // // #pragma data_seg("rtdata") is only recognized by MSFT C compiler. // But EBC compiler "Intel(R) C Compiler for EFI Byte Code, Version 1.2 Build 20040123" // does not recognize this pragma. // #if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) && !defined(MDE_CPU_EBC) #pragma data_seg("rtdata") #endif // // Global variables defined in this file // UNDI_CALL_TABLE api_table[PXE_OPCODE_LAST_VALID+1] = { \ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,0, (UINT16)(ANY_STATE),UNDI_GetState },\ {(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,0,(UINT16)(ANY_STATE),UNDI_Start },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,0,MUST_BE_STARTED,UNDI_Stop },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,sizeof(PXE_DB_GET_INIT_INFO),0,MUST_BE_STARTED, UNDI_GetInitInfo },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,sizeof(PXE_DB_GET_CONFIG_INFO),0,MUST_BE_STARTED, UNDI_GetConfigInfo },\ {sizeof(PXE_CPB_INITIALIZE),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),MUST_BE_STARTED,UNDI_Initialize },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED,UNDI_Reset },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,0, MUST_BE_INITIALIZED,UNDI_Shutdown },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED,UNDI_Interrupt },\ {(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_RecFilter },\ {(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_StnAddr },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED, (UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), (UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_Statistics },\ {sizeof(PXE_CPB_MCAST_IP_TO_MAC),sizeof(PXE_DB_MCAST_IP_TO_MAC), (UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_ip2mac },\ {(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_NVData },\ {PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED,(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_Status },\ {(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_FillHeader },\ {(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK),PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED,(UINT16)(DONT_CHECK), MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_Transmit },\ {sizeof(PXE_CPB_RECEIVE),sizeof(PXE_DB_RECEIVE),0,MUST_BE_INITIALIZED, UNDI_Receive } \ }; // // end of global variables // VOID UNDI_GetState ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine determines the operational state of the UNDI. It updates the state flags in the Command Descriptor Block based on information derived from the AdapterInfo instance data. To ensure the command has completed successfully, CdbPtr->StatCode will contain the result of the command execution. The CdbPtr->StatFlags will contain a STOPPED, STARTED, or INITIALIZED state once the command has successfully completed. Keep in mind the AdapterInfo->State is the active state of the adapter (based on software interrogation), and the CdbPtr->StateFlags is the passed back information that is reflected to the caller of the UNDI API. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { CdbPtr->StatFlags = (PXE_STATFLAGS) (CdbPtr->StatFlags | AdapterInfo->State); return ; } VOID UNDI_Start ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to change the operational state of the UNDI from stopped to started. It will do this as long as the adapter's state is PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STOPPED, otherwise the CdbPtr->StatFlags will reflect a command failure, and the CdbPtr->StatCode will reflect the UNDI as having already been started. This routine is modified to reflect the undi 1.1 specification changes. The changes in the spec are mainly in the callback routines, the new spec adds 3 more callbacks and a unique id. Since this UNDI supports both old and new undi specifications, The NIC's data structure is filled in with the callback routines (depending on the version) pointed to in the caller's CpbPtr. This seeds the Delay, Virt2Phys, Block, and Mem_IO for old and new versions and Map_Mem, UnMap_Mem and Sync_Mem routines and a unique id variable for the new version. This is the function which an external entity (SNP, O/S, etc) would call to provide it's I/O abstraction to the UNDI. It's final action is to change the AdapterInfo->State to PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STARTED. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_CPB_START_30 *CpbPtr; PXE_CPB_START_31 *CpbPtr_31; // // check if it is already started. // if (AdapterInfo->State != PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STOPPED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_ALREADY_STARTED; return ; } if (CdbPtr->CPBsize != sizeof(PXE_CPB_START_30) && CdbPtr->CPBsize != sizeof(PXE_CPB_START_31)) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } CpbPtr = (PXE_CPB_START_30 *) (UINTN) (CdbPtr->CPBaddr); CpbPtr_31 = (PXE_CPB_START_31 *) (UINTN) (CdbPtr->CPBaddr); if (AdapterInfo->VersionFlag == 0x30) { AdapterInfo->Delay_30 = (bsptr_30) (UINTN) CpbPtr->Delay; AdapterInfo->Virt2Phys_30 = (virtphys_30) (UINTN) CpbPtr->Virt2Phys; AdapterInfo->Block_30 = (block_30) (UINTN) CpbPtr->Block; // // patch for old buggy 3.0 code: // In EFI1.0 undi used to provide the full (absolute) I/O address to the // i/o calls and SNP used to provide a callback that used GlobalIoFncs and // everything worked fine! In EFI 1.1, UNDI is not using the full // i/o or memory address to access the device, The base values for the i/o // and memory address is abstracted by the device specific PciIoFncs and // UNDI only uses the offset values. Since UNDI3.0 cannot provide any // identification to SNP, SNP cannot use nic specific PciIoFncs callback! // // To fix this and make undi3.0 work with SNP in EFI1.1 we // use a TmpMemIo function that is defined in init.c // This breaks the runtime driver feature of undi, but what to do // if we have to provide the 3.0 compatibility (including the 3.0 bugs) // // This TmpMemIo function also takes a UniqueId parameter // (as in undi3.1 design) and so initialize the UniqueId as well here // Note: AdapterInfo->Mem_Io_30 is just filled for consistency with other // parameters but never used, we only use Mem_Io field in the In/Out routines // inside e100b.c. // AdapterInfo->Mem_Io_30 = (mem_io_30) (UINTN) CpbPtr->Mem_IO; AdapterInfo->Mem_Io = (mem_io) (UINTN) TmpMemIo; AdapterInfo->Unique_ID = (UINT64) (UINTN) AdapterInfo; } else { AdapterInfo->Delay = (bsptr) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->Delay; AdapterInfo->Virt2Phys = (virtphys) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->Virt2Phys; AdapterInfo->Block = (block) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->Block; AdapterInfo->Mem_Io = (mem_io) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->Mem_IO; AdapterInfo->Map_Mem = (map_mem) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->Map_Mem; AdapterInfo->UnMap_Mem = (unmap_mem) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->UnMap_Mem; AdapterInfo->Sync_Mem = (sync_mem) (UINTN) CpbPtr_31->Sync_Mem; AdapterInfo->Unique_ID = CpbPtr_31->Unique_ID; } AdapterInfo->State = PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STARTED; return ; } VOID UNDI_Stop ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to change the operational state of the UNDI from started to stopped. It will not do this if the adapter's state is PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_INITIALIZED, otherwise the CdbPtr->StatFlags will reflect a command failure, and the CdbPtr->StatCode will reflect the UNDI as having already not been shut down. The NIC's data structure will have the Delay, Virt2Phys, and Block, pointers zero'd out.. It's final action is to change the AdapterInfo->State to PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STOPPED. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { if (AdapterInfo->State == PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_INITIALIZED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_NOT_SHUTDOWN; return ; } AdapterInfo->Delay_30 = 0; AdapterInfo->Virt2Phys_30 = 0; AdapterInfo->Block_30 = 0; AdapterInfo->Delay = 0; AdapterInfo->Virt2Phys = 0; AdapterInfo->Block = 0; AdapterInfo->Map_Mem = 0; AdapterInfo->UnMap_Mem = 0; AdapterInfo->Sync_Mem = 0; AdapterInfo->State = PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STOPPED; return ; } VOID UNDI_GetInitInfo ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to retrieve the initialization information that is needed by drivers and applications to initialize the UNDI. This will fill in data in the Data Block structure that is pointed to by the caller's CdbPtr->DBaddr. The fields filled in are as follows: MemoryRequired, FrameDataLen, LinkSpeeds[0-3], NvCount, NvWidth, MediaHeaderLen, HWaddrLen, MCastFilterCnt, TxBufCnt, TxBufSize, RxBufCnt, RxBufSize, IFtype, Duplex, and LoopBack. In addition, the CdbPtr->StatFlags ORs in that this NIC supports cable detection. (APRIORI knowledge) Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_DB_GET_INIT_INFO *DbPtr; DbPtr = (PXE_DB_GET_INIT_INFO *) (UINTN) (CdbPtr->DBaddr); DbPtr->MemoryRequired = MEMORY_NEEDED; DbPtr->FrameDataLen = PXE_MAX_TXRX_UNIT_ETHER; DbPtr->LinkSpeeds[0] = 10; DbPtr->LinkSpeeds[1] = 100; DbPtr->LinkSpeeds[2] = DbPtr->LinkSpeeds[3] = 0; DbPtr->NvCount = MAX_EEPROM_LEN; DbPtr->NvWidth = 4; DbPtr->MediaHeaderLen = PXE_MAC_HEADER_LEN_ETHER; DbPtr->HWaddrLen = PXE_HWADDR_LEN_ETHER; DbPtr->MCastFilterCnt = MAX_MCAST_ADDRESS_CNT; DbPtr->TxBufCnt = TX_BUFFER_COUNT; DbPtr->TxBufSize = sizeof (TxCB); DbPtr->RxBufCnt = RX_BUFFER_COUNT; DbPtr->RxBufSize = sizeof (RxFD); DbPtr->IFtype = PXE_IFTYPE_ETHERNET; DbPtr->SupportedDuplexModes = PXE_DUPLEX_ENABLE_FULL_SUPPORTED | PXE_DUPLEX_FORCE_FULL_SUPPORTED; DbPtr->SupportedLoopBackModes = PXE_LOOPBACK_INTERNAL_SUPPORTED | PXE_LOOPBACK_EXTERNAL_SUPPORTED; CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_CABLE_DETECT_SUPPORTED; return ; } VOID UNDI_GetConfigInfo ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to retrieve the configuration information about the NIC being controlled by this driver. This will fill in data in the Data Block structure that is pointed to by the caller's CdbPtr->DBaddr. The fields filled in are as follows: DbPtr->pci.BusType, DbPtr->pci.Bus, DbPtr->pci.Device, and DbPtr->pci. In addition, the DbPtr->pci.Config.Dword[0-63] grabs a copy of this NIC's PCI configuration space. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { UINT16 Index; PXE_DB_GET_CONFIG_INFO *DbPtr; DbPtr = (PXE_DB_GET_CONFIG_INFO *) (UINTN) (CdbPtr->DBaddr); DbPtr->pci.BusType = PXE_BUSTYPE_PCI; DbPtr->pci.Bus = AdapterInfo->Bus; DbPtr->pci.Device = AdapterInfo->Device; DbPtr->pci.Function = AdapterInfo->Function; for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_PCI_CONFIG_LEN; Index++) { DbPtr->pci.Config.Dword[Index] = AdapterInfo->Config[Index]; } return ; } VOID UNDI_Initialize ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine resets the network adapter and initializes the UNDI using the parameters supplied in the CPB. This command must be issued before the network adapter can be setup to transmit and receive packets. Once the memory requirements of the UNDI are obtained by using the GetInitInfo command, a block of non-swappable memory may need to be allocated. The address of this memory must be passed to UNDI during the Initialize in the CPB. This memory is used primarily for transmit and receive buffers. The fields CableDetect, LinkSpeed, Duplex, LoopBack, MemoryPtr, and MemoryLength are set with information that was passed in the CPB and the NIC is initialized. If the NIC initialization fails, the CdbPtr->StatFlags are updated with PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED Otherwise, AdapterInfo->State is updated with PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_INITIALIZED showing the state of the UNDI is now initialized. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_CPB_INITIALIZE *CpbPtr; if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags != PXE_OPFLAGS_INITIALIZE_DETECT_CABLE) && (CdbPtr->OpFlags != PXE_OPFLAGS_INITIALIZE_DO_NOT_DETECT_CABLE)) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } // // check if it is already initialized // if (AdapterInfo->State == PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_INITIALIZED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_ALREADY_INITIALIZED; return ; } CpbPtr = (PXE_CPB_INITIALIZE *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->CPBaddr; if (CpbPtr->MemoryLength < (UINT32) MEMORY_NEEDED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CPB; return ; } // // default behaviour is to detect the cable, if the 3rd param is 1, // do not do that // AdapterInfo->CableDetect = (UINT8) ((CdbPtr->OpFlags == (UINT16) PXE_OPFLAGS_INITIALIZE_DO_NOT_DETECT_CABLE) ? (UINT8) 0 : (UINT8) 1); AdapterInfo->LinkSpeedReq = (UINT16) CpbPtr->LinkSpeed; AdapterInfo->DuplexReq = CpbPtr->DuplexMode; AdapterInfo->LoopBack = CpbPtr->LoopBackMode; AdapterInfo->MemoryPtr = CpbPtr->MemoryAddr; AdapterInfo->MemoryLength = CpbPtr->MemoryLength; CdbPtr->StatCode = (PXE_STATCODE) E100bInit (AdapterInfo); if (CdbPtr->StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; } else { AdapterInfo->State = PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_INITIALIZED; } return ; } VOID UNDI_Reset ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine resets the network adapter and initializes the UNDI using the parameters supplied in the CPB. The transmit and receive queues are emptied and any pending interrupts are cleared. If the NIC reset fails, the CdbPtr->StatFlags are updated with PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { if (CdbPtr->OpFlags != PXE_OPFLAGS_NOT_USED && CdbPtr->OpFlags != PXE_OPFLAGS_RESET_DISABLE_INTERRUPTS && CdbPtr->OpFlags != PXE_OPFLAGS_RESET_DISABLE_FILTERS ) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } CdbPtr->StatCode = (UINT16) E100bReset (AdapterInfo, CdbPtr->OpFlags); if (CdbPtr->StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; } } VOID UNDI_Shutdown ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine resets the network adapter and leaves it in a safe state for another driver to initialize. Any pending transmits or receives are lost. Receive filters and external interrupt enables are disabled. Once the UNDI has been shutdown, it can then be stopped or initialized again. If the NIC reset fails, the CdbPtr->StatFlags are updated with PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED Otherwise, AdapterInfo->State is updated with PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STARTED showing the state of the NIC as being started. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { // // do the shutdown stuff here // CdbPtr->StatCode = (UINT16) E100bShutdown (AdapterInfo); if (CdbPtr->StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; } else { AdapterInfo->State = PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STARTED; } return ; } VOID UNDI_Interrupt ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine can be used to read and/or change the current external interrupt enable settings. Disabling an external interrupt enable prevents and external (hardware) interrupt from being signaled by the network device. Internally the interrupt events can still be polled by using the UNDI_GetState command. The resulting information on the interrupt state will be passed back in the CdbPtr->StatFlags. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { UINT8 IntMask; IntMask = (UINT8)(UINTN)(CdbPtr->OpFlags & (PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_RECEIVE | PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_TRANSMIT | PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_COMMAND | PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_SOFTWARE)); switch (CdbPtr->OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_OPMASK) { case PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_READ: break; case PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_ENABLE: if (IntMask == 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } AdapterInfo->int_mask = IntMask; E100bSetInterruptState (AdapterInfo); break; case PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_DISABLE: if (IntMask != 0) { AdapterInfo->int_mask = (UINT16) (AdapterInfo->int_mask & ~(IntMask)); E100bSetInterruptState (AdapterInfo); break; } // // else fall thru. // default: CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } if ((AdapterInfo->int_mask & PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_RECEIVE) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_INTERRUPT_RECEIVE; } if ((AdapterInfo->int_mask & PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_TRANSMIT) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_INTERRUPT_TRANSMIT; } if ((AdapterInfo->int_mask & PXE_OPFLAGS_INTERRUPT_COMMAND) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_INTERRUPT_COMMAND; } return ; } VOID UNDI_RecFilter ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to read and change receive filters and, if supported, read and change multicast MAC address filter list. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { UINT16 NewFilter; UINT16 OpFlags; PXE_DB_RECEIVE_FILTERS *DbPtr; UINT8 *MacAddr; UINTN MacCount; UINT16 Index; UINT16 copy_len; UINT8 *ptr1; UINT8 *ptr2; OpFlags = CdbPtr->OpFlags; NewFilter = (UINT16) (OpFlags & 0x1F); switch (OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_OPMASK) { case PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_READ: // // not expecting a cpb, not expecting any filter bits // if ((NewFilter != 0) || (CdbPtr->CPBsize != 0)) { goto BadCdb; } if ((NewFilter & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_RESET_MCAST_LIST) == 0) { goto JustRead; } NewFilter = (UINT16) (NewFilter | AdapterInfo->Rx_Filter); // // all other flags are ignored except mcast_reset // break; case PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_ENABLE: // // there should be atleast one other filter bit set. // if (NewFilter == 0) { // // nothing to enable // goto BadCdb; } if (CdbPtr->CPBsize != 0) { // // this must be a multicast address list! // don't accept the list unless selective_mcast is set // don't accept confusing mcast settings with this // if (((NewFilter & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FILTERED_MULTICAST) == 0) || ((NewFilter & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_RESET_MCAST_LIST) != 0) || ((NewFilter & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_ALL_MULTICAST) != 0) || ((CdbPtr->CPBsize % sizeof (PXE_MAC_ADDR)) != 0) ) { goto BadCdb; } MacAddr = (UINT8 *) ((UINTN) (CdbPtr->CPBaddr)); MacCount = CdbPtr->CPBsize / sizeof (PXE_MAC_ADDR); for (; MacCount-- != 0; MacAddr += sizeof (PXE_MAC_ADDR)) { if (MacAddr[0] != 0x01 || MacAddr[1] != 0x00 || MacAddr[2] != 0x5E || (MacAddr[3] & 0x80) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CPB; return ; } } } // // check selective mcast case enable case // if ((OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FILTERED_MULTICAST) != 0) { if (((OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_RESET_MCAST_LIST) != 0) || ((OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_ALL_MULTICAST) != 0) ) { goto BadCdb; } // // if no cpb, make sure we have an old list // if ((CdbPtr->CPBsize == 0) && (AdapterInfo->mcast_list.list_len == 0)) { goto BadCdb; } } // // if you want to enable anything, you got to have unicast // and you have what you already enabled! // NewFilter = (UINT16) (NewFilter | (PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_UNICAST | AdapterInfo->Rx_Filter)); break; case PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_DISABLE: // // mcast list not expected, i.e. no cpb here! // if (CdbPtr->CPBsize != PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED) { goto BadCdb; } NewFilter = (UINT16) ((~(CdbPtr->OpFlags & 0x1F)) & AdapterInfo->Rx_Filter); break; default: goto BadCdb; } if ((OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_RESET_MCAST_LIST) != 0) { AdapterInfo->mcast_list.list_len = 0; NewFilter &= (~PXE_OPFLAGS_RECEIVE_FILTER_FILTERED_MULTICAST); } E100bSetfilter (AdapterInfo, NewFilter, CdbPtr->CPBaddr, CdbPtr->CPBsize); JustRead: // // give the current mcast list // if ((CdbPtr->DBsize != 0) && (AdapterInfo->mcast_list.list_len != 0)) { // // copy the mc list to db // DbPtr = (PXE_DB_RECEIVE_FILTERS *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->DBaddr; ptr1 = (UINT8 *) (&DbPtr->MCastList[0]); // // DbPtr->mc_count = AdapterInfo->mcast_list.list_len; // copy_len = (UINT16) (AdapterInfo->mcast_list.list_len * PXE_MAC_LENGTH); if (copy_len > CdbPtr->DBsize) { copy_len = CdbPtr->DBsize; } ptr2 = (UINT8 *) (&AdapterInfo->mcast_list.mc_list[0]); for (Index = 0; Index < copy_len; Index++) { ptr1[Index] = ptr2[Index]; } } // // give the stat flags here // if (AdapterInfo->Receive_Started) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = (PXE_STATFLAGS) (CdbPtr->StatFlags | AdapterInfo->Rx_Filter); } return ; BadCdb: CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; } VOID UNDI_StnAddr ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to get the current station and broadcast MAC addresses, and to change the current station MAC address. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_CPB_STATION_ADDRESS *CpbPtr; PXE_DB_STATION_ADDRESS *DbPtr; UINT16 Index; if (CdbPtr->OpFlags == PXE_OPFLAGS_STATION_ADDRESS_RESET) { // // configure the permanent address. // change the AdapterInfo->CurrentNodeAddress field. // if (CompareMem ( &AdapterInfo->CurrentNodeAddress[0], &AdapterInfo->PermNodeAddress[0], PXE_MAC_LENGTH ) != 0) { for (Index = 0; Index < PXE_MAC_LENGTH; Index++) { AdapterInfo->CurrentNodeAddress[Index] = AdapterInfo->PermNodeAddress[Index]; } E100bSetupIAAddr (AdapterInfo); } } if (CdbPtr->CPBaddr != (UINT64) 0) { CpbPtr = (PXE_CPB_STATION_ADDRESS *) (UINTN) (CdbPtr->CPBaddr); // // configure the new address // for (Index = 0; Index < PXE_MAC_LENGTH; Index++) { AdapterInfo->CurrentNodeAddress[Index] = CpbPtr->StationAddr[Index]; } E100bSetupIAAddr (AdapterInfo); } if (CdbPtr->DBaddr != (UINT64) 0) { DbPtr = (PXE_DB_STATION_ADDRESS *) (UINTN) (CdbPtr->DBaddr); // // fill it with the new values // for (Index = 0; Index < PXE_MAC_LENGTH; Index++) { DbPtr->StationAddr[Index] = AdapterInfo->CurrentNodeAddress[Index]; DbPtr->BroadcastAddr[Index] = AdapterInfo->BroadcastNodeAddress[Index]; DbPtr->PermanentAddr[Index] = AdapterInfo->PermNodeAddress[Index]; } } return ; } VOID UNDI_Statistics ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to read and clear the NIC traffic statistics. This command is supported only if the !PXE structure's Implementation flags say so. Results will be parsed out in the following manner: CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[0] R Total Frames (Including frames with errors and dropped frames) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[1] R Good Frames (All frames copied into receive buffer) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[2] R Undersize Frames (Frames below minimum length for media <64 for ethernet) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[4] R Dropped Frames (Frames that were dropped because receive buffers were full) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[8] R CRC Error Frames (Frames with alignment or CRC errors) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[A] T Total Frames (Including frames with errors and dropped frames) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[B] T Good Frames (All frames copied into transmit buffer) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[C] T Undersize Frames (Frames below minimum length for media <64 for ethernet) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[E] T Dropped Frames (Frames that were dropped because of collisions) CdbPtr->DBaddr.Data[14] T Total Collision Frames (Total collisions on this subnet) Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags &~(PXE_OPFLAGS_STATISTICS_RESET)) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_STATISTICS_RESET) != 0) { // // Reset the statistics // CdbPtr->StatCode = (UINT16) E100bStatistics (AdapterInfo, 0, 0); } else { CdbPtr->StatCode = (UINT16) E100bStatistics (AdapterInfo, CdbPtr->DBaddr, CdbPtr->DBsize); } return ; } VOID UNDI_ip2mac ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to translate a multicast IP address to a multicast MAC address. This results in a MAC address composed of 25 bits of fixed data with the upper 23 bits of the IP address being appended to it. Results passed back in the equivalent of CdbPtr->DBaddr->MAC[0-5]. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_CPB_MCAST_IP_TO_MAC *CpbPtr; PXE_DB_MCAST_IP_TO_MAC *DbPtr; UINT8 *TmpPtr; CpbPtr = (PXE_CPB_MCAST_IP_TO_MAC *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->CPBaddr; DbPtr = (PXE_DB_MCAST_IP_TO_MAC *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->DBaddr; if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_MCAST_IPV6_TO_MAC) != 0) { // // for now this is not supported // CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_UNSUPPORTED; return ; } TmpPtr = (UINT8 *) (&CpbPtr->IP.IPv4); // // check if the ip given is a mcast IP // if ((TmpPtr[0] & 0xF0) != 0xE0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CPB; } // // take the last 23 bits in IP. // be very careful. accessing word on a non-word boundary will hang motherboard codenamed Big Sur // casting the mac array (in the middle) to a UINT32 pointer and accessing // the UINT32 content hung the system... // DbPtr->MAC[0] = 0x01; DbPtr->MAC[1] = 0x00; DbPtr->MAC[2] = 0x5e; DbPtr->MAC[3] = (UINT8) (TmpPtr[1] & 0x7f); DbPtr->MAC[4] = (UINT8) TmpPtr[2]; DbPtr->MAC[5] = (UINT8) TmpPtr[3]; return ; } VOID UNDI_NVData ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to read and write non-volatile storage on the NIC (if supported). The NVRAM could be EEPROM, FLASH, or battery backed RAM. This is an optional function according to the UNDI specification (or will be......) Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_DB_NVDATA *DbPtr; UINT16 Index; if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags == PXE_OPFLAGS_NVDATA_READ) != 0) { if ((CdbPtr->DBsize == PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } DbPtr = (PXE_DB_NVDATA *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->DBaddr; for (Index = 0; Index < MAX_PCI_CONFIG_LEN; Index++) { DbPtr->Data.Dword[Index] = AdapterInfo->NVData[Index]; } } else { // // no write for now // CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_UNSUPPORTED; } return ; } VOID UNDI_Status ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine returns the current interrupt status and/or the transmitted buffer addresses. If the current interrupt status is returned, pending interrupts will be acknowledged by this command. Transmitted buffer addresses that are written to the DB are removed from the transmit buffer queue. Normally, this command would be polled with interrupts disabled. The transmit buffers are returned in CdbPtr->DBaddr->TxBufer[0 - NumEntries]. The interrupt status is returned in CdbPtr->StatFlags. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_DB_GET_STATUS *DbPtr; PXE_DB_GET_STATUS TmpGetStatus; UINT16 Index; UINT16 Status; UINT16 NumEntries; RxFD *RxPtr; // // Fill in temporary GetStatus storage. // RxPtr = &AdapterInfo->rx_ring[AdapterInfo->cur_rx_ind]; if ((RxPtr->cb_header.status & RX_COMPLETE) != 0) { TmpGetStatus.RxFrameLen = RxPtr->ActualCount & 0x3fff; } else { TmpGetStatus.RxFrameLen = 0; } TmpGetStatus.reserved = 0; // // Fill in size of next available receive packet and // reserved field in caller's DB storage. // DbPtr = (PXE_DB_GET_STATUS *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->DBaddr; if (CdbPtr->DBsize > 0 && CdbPtr->DBsize < sizeof (UINT32) * 2) { CopyMem (DbPtr, &TmpGetStatus, CdbPtr->DBsize); } else { CopyMem (DbPtr, &TmpGetStatus, sizeof (UINT32) * 2); } // // // if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_GET_TRANSMITTED_BUFFERS) != 0) { // // DBsize of zero is invalid if Tx buffers are requested. // if (CdbPtr->DBsize == 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } // // remember this b4 we overwrite // NumEntries = (UINT16) (CdbPtr->DBsize - sizeof (UINT64)); // // We already filled in 2 UINT32s. // CdbPtr->DBsize = sizeof (UINT32) * 2; // // will claim any hanging free CBs // CheckCBList (AdapterInfo); if (AdapterInfo->xmit_done_head == AdapterInfo->xmit_done_tail) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATUS_TXBUF_QUEUE_EMPTY; } else { for (Index = 0; NumEntries >= sizeof (UINT64); Index++, NumEntries -= sizeof (UINT64)) { if (AdapterInfo->xmit_done_head != AdapterInfo->xmit_done_tail) { DbPtr->TxBuffer[Index] = AdapterInfo->xmit_done[AdapterInfo->xmit_done_head]; AdapterInfo->xmit_done_head = next (AdapterInfo->xmit_done_head); CdbPtr->DBsize += sizeof (UINT64); } else { break; } } } if (AdapterInfo->xmit_done_head != AdapterInfo->xmit_done_tail) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_DB_WRITE_TRUNCATED; } // // check for a receive buffer and give it's size in db // } // // // if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_GET_INTERRUPT_STATUS) != 0) { Status = InWord (AdapterInfo, AdapterInfo->ioaddr + SCBStatus); AdapterInfo->Int_Status = (UINT16) (AdapterInfo->Int_Status | Status); // // acknoledge the interrupts // OutWord (AdapterInfo, (UINT16) (Status & 0xfc00), (UINT32) (AdapterInfo->ioaddr + SCBStatus)); // // report all the outstanding interrupts // Status = AdapterInfo->Int_Status; if ((Status & SCB_STATUS_FR) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATUS_RECEIVE; } if ((Status & SCB_STATUS_SWI) != 0) { CdbPtr->StatFlags |= PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATUS_SOFTWARE; } } return ; } VOID UNDI_FillHeader ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to fill media header(s) in transmit packet(s). Copies the MAC address into the media header whether it is dealing with fragmented or non-fragmented packets. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { PXE_CPB_FILL_HEADER *Cpb; PXE_CPB_FILL_HEADER_FRAGMENTED *Cpbf; EtherHeader *MacHeader; UINTN Index; if (CdbPtr->CPBsize == PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } if ((CdbPtr->OpFlags & PXE_OPFLAGS_FILL_HEADER_FRAGMENTED) != 0) { Cpbf = (PXE_CPB_FILL_HEADER_FRAGMENTED *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->CPBaddr; // // assume 1st fragment is big enough for the mac header // if ((Cpbf->FragCnt == 0) || (Cpbf->FragDesc[0].FragLen < PXE_MAC_HEADER_LEN_ETHER)) { // // no buffers given // CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } MacHeader = (EtherHeader *) (UINTN) Cpbf->FragDesc[0].FragAddr; // // we don't swap the protocol bytes // MacHeader->type = Cpbf->Protocol; for (Index = 0; Index < PXE_HWADDR_LEN_ETHER; Index++) { MacHeader->dest_addr[Index] = Cpbf->DestAddr[Index]; MacHeader->src_addr[Index] = Cpbf->SrcAddr[Index]; } } else { Cpb = (PXE_CPB_FILL_HEADER *) (UINTN) CdbPtr->CPBaddr; MacHeader = (EtherHeader *) (UINTN) Cpb->MediaHeader; // // we don't swap the protocol bytes // MacHeader->type = Cpb->Protocol; for (Index = 0; Index < PXE_HWADDR_LEN_ETHER; Index++) { MacHeader->dest_addr[Index] = Cpb->DestAddr[Index]; MacHeader->src_addr[Index] = Cpb->SrcAddr[Index]; } } return ; } VOID UNDI_Transmit ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: This routine is used to place a packet into the transmit queue. The data buffers given to this command are to be considered locked and the application or network driver loses ownership of these buffers and must not free or relocate them until the ownership returns. When the packets are transmitted, a transmit complete interrupt is generated (if interrupts are disabled, the transmit interrupt status is still set and can be checked using the UNDI_Status command. Some implementations and adapters support transmitting multiple packets with one transmit command. If this feature is supported, the transmit CPBs can be linked in one transmit command. All UNDIs support fragmented frames, now all network devices or protocols do. If a fragmented frame CPB is given to UNDI and the network device does not support fragmented frames (see !PXE.Implementation flag), the UNDI will have to copy the fragments into a local buffer before transmitting. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { if (CdbPtr->CPBsize == PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } CdbPtr->StatCode = (PXE_STATCODE) E100bTransmit (AdapterInfo, CdbPtr->CPBaddr, CdbPtr->OpFlags); if (CdbPtr->StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; } return ; } VOID UNDI_Receive ( IN PXE_CDB *CdbPtr, IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo ) /*++ Routine Description: When the network adapter has received a frame, this command is used to copy the frame into the driver/application storage location. Once a frame has been copied, it is removed from the receive queue. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ { // // check if RU has started... // if (!AdapterInfo->Receive_Started) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_NOT_INITIALIZED; return ; } CdbPtr->StatCode = (UINT16) E100bReceive (AdapterInfo, CdbPtr->CPBaddr, CdbPtr->DBaddr); if (CdbPtr->StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; } return ; } VOID UNDI_APIEntry_old ( IN UINT64 cdb ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the main SW UNDI API entry using the older nii protocol. The parameter passed in is a 64 bit flat model virtual address of the cdb. We then jump into the common routine for both old and new nii protocol entries. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ // TODO: cdb - add argument and description to function comment { PXE_CDB *CdbPtr; NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo; if (cdb == (UINT64) 0) { return ; } CdbPtr = (PXE_CDB *) (UINTN) cdb; if (CdbPtr->IFnum >= pxe->IFcnt) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } AdapterInfo = &(UNDI32DeviceList[CdbPtr->IFnum]->NicInfo); // // entering from older entry point // AdapterInfo->VersionFlag = 0x30; UNDI_APIEntry_Common (cdb); } VOID UNDI_APIEntry_new ( IN UINT64 cdb ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the main SW UNDI API entry using the newer nii protocol. The parameter passed in is a 64 bit flat model virtual address of the cdb. We then jump into the common routine for both old and new nii protocol entries. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ // TODO: cdb - add argument and description to function comment { PXE_CDB *CdbPtr; NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo; if (cdb == (UINT64) 0) { return ; } CdbPtr = (PXE_CDB *) (UINTN) cdb; if (CdbPtr->IFnum >= pxe_31->IFcnt) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } AdapterInfo = &(UNDI32DeviceList[CdbPtr->IFnum]->NicInfo); // // entering from older entry point // AdapterInfo->VersionFlag = 0x31; UNDI_APIEntry_Common (cdb); } VOID UNDI_APIEntry_Common ( IN UINT64 cdb ) /*++ Routine Description: This is the common routine for both old and new entry point procedures. The parameter passed in is a 64 bit flat model virtual address of the cdb. We then jump into the service routine pointed to by the Api_Table[OpCode]. Arguments: CdbPtr - Pointer to the command descriptor block. AdapterInfo - Pointer to the NIC data structure information which the UNDI driver is layering on.. Returns: None --*/ // TODO: cdb - add argument and description to function comment { PXE_CDB *CdbPtr; NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *AdapterInfo; UNDI_CALL_TABLE *tab_ptr; CdbPtr = (PXE_CDB *) (UINTN) cdb; // // check the OPCODE range // if ((CdbPtr->OpCode > PXE_OPCODE_LAST_VALID) || (CdbPtr->StatCode != PXE_STATCODE_INITIALIZE) || (CdbPtr->StatFlags != PXE_STATFLAGS_INITIALIZE) || (CdbPtr->IFnum >= pxe_31->IFcnt) ) { goto badcdb; } if (CdbPtr->CPBsize == PXE_CPBSIZE_NOT_USED) { if (CdbPtr->CPBaddr != PXE_CPBADDR_NOT_USED) { goto badcdb; } } else if (CdbPtr->CPBaddr == PXE_CPBADDR_NOT_USED) { goto badcdb; } if (CdbPtr->DBsize == PXE_DBSIZE_NOT_USED) { if (CdbPtr->DBaddr != PXE_DBADDR_NOT_USED) { goto badcdb; } } else if (CdbPtr->DBaddr == PXE_DBADDR_NOT_USED) { goto badcdb; } // // check if cpbsize and dbsize are as needed // check if opflags are as expected // tab_ptr = &api_table[CdbPtr->OpCode]; if (tab_ptr->cpbsize != (UINT16) (DONT_CHECK) && tab_ptr->cpbsize != CdbPtr->CPBsize) { goto badcdb; } if (tab_ptr->dbsize != (UINT16) (DONT_CHECK) && tab_ptr->dbsize != CdbPtr->DBsize) { goto badcdb; } if (tab_ptr->opflags != (UINT16) (DONT_CHECK) && tab_ptr->opflags != CdbPtr->OpFlags) { goto badcdb; } AdapterInfo = &(UNDI32DeviceList[CdbPtr->IFnum]->NicInfo); // // check if UNDI_State is valid for this call // if (tab_ptr->state != (UINT16) (-1)) { // // should atleast be started // if (AdapterInfo->State == PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_STOPPED) { CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_NOT_STARTED; return ; } // // check if it should be initialized // if (tab_ptr->state == 2) { if (AdapterInfo->State != PXE_STATFLAGS_GET_STATE_INITIALIZED) { CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_NOT_INITIALIZED; CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; return ; } } } // // set the return variable for success case here // CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_COMPLETE; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_SUCCESS; tab_ptr->api_ptr (CdbPtr, AdapterInfo); return ; // // %% AVL - check for command linking // badcdb: CdbPtr->StatFlags = PXE_STATFLAGS_COMMAND_FAILED; CdbPtr->StatCode = PXE_STATCODE_INVALID_CDB; return ; } STATIC UINT8 ChkSum ( IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINT16 Len ) /*++ Routine Description: This does an 8 bit check sum of the passed in buffer for Len bytes. This is primarily used to update the check sum in the SW UNDI header. Arguments: Buffer - Pointer to the passed in buffer to check sum Len - Length of buffer to be check summed in bytes. Returns: None --*/ { UINT8 Chksum; INT8 *Bp; Chksum = 0; if ((Bp = Buffer) != NULL) { while (Len--) { Chksum = (UINT8) (Chksum +*Bp++); } } return Chksum; } VOID PxeUpdate ( IN NIC_DATA_INSTANCE *NicPtr, IN PXE_SW_UNDI *PxePtr ) /*++ Routine Description: When called with a null NicPtr, this routine decrements the number of NICs this UNDI is supporting and removes the NIC_DATA_POINTER from the array. Otherwise, it increments the number of NICs this UNDI is supported and updates the pxe.Fudge to ensure a proper check sum results. Arguments: NicPtr - Pointer to the NIC data structure. Returns: None --*/ // TODO: PxePtr - add argument and description to function comment { if (NicPtr == NULL) { if (PxePtr->IFcnt > 0) { // // number of NICs this undi supports // PxePtr->IFcnt--; } PxePtr->Fudge = (UINT8) (PxePtr->Fudge - ChkSum ((VOID *) PxePtr, PxePtr->Len)); return ; } // // number of NICs this undi supports // PxePtr->IFcnt++; PxePtr->Fudge = (UINT8) (PxePtr->Fudge - ChkSum ((VOID *) PxePtr, PxePtr->Len)); return ; } VOID PxeStructInit ( IN PXE_SW_UNDI *PxePtr, IN UINTN VersionFlag ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize the !PXE structure Arguments: RemainingDevicePath - Not used, always produce all possible children. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - This driver is added to Controller. other - This driver does not support this device. --*/ // TODO: PxePtr - add argument and description to function comment // TODO: VersionFlag - add argument and description to function comment { // // Initialize the !PXE structure // PxePtr->Signature = PXE_ROMID_SIGNATURE; PxePtr->Len = sizeof (PXE_SW_UNDI); // // cksum // PxePtr->Fudge = 0; // // number of NICs this undi supports // PxePtr->IFcnt = 0; PxePtr->Rev = PXE_ROMID_REV; PxePtr->MajorVer = PXE_ROMID_MAJORVER; PxePtr->MinorVer = PXE_ROMID_MINORVER; PxePtr->reserved1 = 0; PxePtr->Implementation = PXE_ROMID_IMP_SW_VIRT_ADDR | PXE_ROMID_IMP_FRAG_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_CMD_LINK_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_NVDATA_READ_ONLY | PXE_ROMID_IMP_STATION_ADDR_SETTABLE | PXE_ROMID_IMP_PROMISCUOUS_MULTICAST_RX_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_PROMISCUOUS_RX_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_BROADCAST_RX_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_FILTERED_MULTICAST_RX_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_SOFTWARE_INT_SUPPORTED | PXE_ROMID_IMP_PACKET_RX_INT_SUPPORTED; if (VersionFlag == 0x30) { PxePtr->EntryPoint = (UINT64) UNDI_APIEntry_old; } else { PxePtr->EntryPoint = (UINT64) UNDI_APIEntry_new; PxePtr->MinorVer = PXE_ROMID_MINORVER_31; } PxePtr->reserved2[0] = 0; PxePtr->reserved2[1] = 0; PxePtr->reserved2[2] = 0; PxePtr->BusCnt = 1; PxePtr->BusType[0] = PXE_BUSTYPE_PCI; PxePtr->Fudge = (UINT8) (PxePtr->Fudge - ChkSum ((VOID *) PxePtr, PxePtr->Len)); } // // #pragma data_seg("rtdata") is only recognized by MSFT C compiler. // But EBC compiler "Intel(R) C Compiler for EFI Byte Code, Version 1.2 Build 20040123" // does not recognize this pragma. // #if defined(_MSC_EXTENSIONS) && !defined(MDE_CPU_EBC) #pragma data_seg() #endif