/*++ Copyright (c) 2004, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: SalDriverLib.h Abstract: SAL Driver Lib Revision History --*/ #ifndef _SAL_DRIVER_LIB_H_ #define _SAL_DRIVER_LIB_H_ #include "Tiano.h" #include "EfiDriverLib.h" #include "SalApi.h" #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (ExtendedSalBootService) #include EFI_PROTOCOL_DEFINITION (ExtendedSalGuid) // // Assembly Functions // SAL_RETURN_REGS LibGetEsalPhyData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Esal global data in physical mode. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibGetEsalVirtData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Esal global data in virtual mode. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibSetEsalPhyData ( IN VOID *Ptr, IN UINT64 GP ) /*++ Routine Description: Set Esal global data in physical mode. Arguments: Ptr - Pointer to the data GP - Global pointer Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibSetEsalVirtData ( IN VOID *Ptr, IN UINT64 GP ) /*++ Routine Description: Set Esal global data in virtual mode. Arguments: Ptr - Pointer to the data GP - Global pointer Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibGetGlobalPhyData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Esal global data in physical mode. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibGetGlobalVirtData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Esal global data in virtual mode. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibSetGlobalPhyData ( IN VOID *Ptr, IN UINT64 GP ) /*++ Routine Description: Set Esal global data in physical mode. Arguments: Ptr - Pointer to the data GP - Global pointer Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibSetGlobalVirtData ( IN VOID *Ptr, IN UINT64 GP ) /*++ Routine Description: Set Esal global data in virtual mode. Arguments: Ptr - Pointer to the data GP - Global pointer Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS GetIrrData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get interrupt request register. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; VOID PrepareApsForHandOverToOS ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Prepare AP info for hand over to OS. Arguments: None Returns: None --*/ ; VOID HandOverApsToOS ( IN UINT64 a1, IN UINT64 a2, IN UINT64 a3 ) /*++ Routine Description: Hand over AP info to OS. Arguments: a1 - Address to call into a2 - GP a3 - Undefined Returns: None --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS GetPsrData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get PSR register. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs. --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS GetProcIdData ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get LID Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; VOID SwitchCpuStack ( IN UINT64 NewBsp, IN UINT64 OldBsp ) /*++ Routine Description: Switch BSP Arguments: NewBsp - New BSP index OldBsp - Old BSP index Returns: None --*/ ; // // SAL Reset Class // VOID SalResetSystem ( IN EFI_RESET_TYPE ResetType, IN EFI_STATUS ResetStatus, IN UINTN DataSize, IN CHAR16 *ResetData ) /*++ Routine Description: Reset system Arguments: ResetType - Reset type ResetStatus - Reset status DataSize - Size of ResetData ResetData - Description string Returns: None --*/ ; // // PAL PROC Class // SAL_RETURN_REGS SalPalProc ( IN UINT64 Arg1, IN UINT64 Arg2, IN UINT64 Arg3, IN UINT64 Arg4 ) /*++ Routine Description: Call pal proc. Arguments: Arg1 - Pal call index Arg2 - First arg Arg3 - Second arg Arg4 - Third arg Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalRegisterNewPalEntry ( IN BOOLEAN PhysicalPalAddress, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS NewPalAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Register Pal entry. Arguments: PhysicalPalAddress - The address is physical or virtual NewPalAddress - New Pal entry address Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalGetPalEntryPointer ( IN BOOLEAN PhysicalPalAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Pal entry. Arguments: PhysicalPalAddress - The address is physical or virtual Returns: Output regs --*/ ; // // SAL MTC Class // EFI_STATUS SalGetNextHighMonotonicCount ( OUT UINT32 *HighCount ) /*++ Routine Description: Get next high 32 bits of monotonic count. Arguments: HighCount - High 32 bits of monotonic count. Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // SAL BASE Class // SAL_RETURN_REGS SalProcSetVectors ( IN UINT64 SalVectorType, IN UINT64 PhyAddr1, IN UINT64 Gp1, IN UINT64 LengthCs1, IN UINT64 PhyAddr2, IN UINT64 Gp2, IN UINT64 LengthCs2 ) /*++ Routine Description: Set vectors. Arguments: SalVectorType - Vector type PhyAddr1 - OS MCA entry point Gp1 - GP for OS MCA entry LengthCs1 - Length of OS MCA PhyAddr2 - OS INIT entry point Gp2 - GP for OS Init entry LengthCs2 - Length of OS INIT Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalProcMcRendez ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Mc rendezvous function. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalProcMcSetParams ( IN UINT64 ParamType, IN UINT64 IntOrMem, IN UINT64 IntOrMemVal, IN UINT64 Timeout, IN UINT64 McaOpt ) /*++ Routine Description: Set MCA parameters. Arguments: ParamType - Parameter type IntOrMem - Interrupt or memory address IntOrMemVal - Interrupt number or memory address value Timeout - Time out value McaOpt - Option for MCA Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS EsalProcGetVectors ( IN UINT64 VectorType ) /*++ Routine Description: Get OS MCA vector. Arguments: VectorType - Vector type Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS EsalProcMcGetParams ( IN UINT64 ParamInfoType ) /*++ Routine Description: Get MCA parameter. Arguments: ParamInfoType - Parameter info type Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS EsalProcMcGetMcParams ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get MCA parameter. Arguments: Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS EsalProcGetMcCheckinFlags ( IN UINT64 ProcessorUnit ) /*++ Routine Description: Get process status. Arguments: ProcessorUnit - Processor Index Returns: Output regs --*/ ; // // Sal Base Class enums // typedef enum { McaVector, BspInitVector, BootRendezVector, ApInitVector } ESAL_GET_VECTOR_TYPE; // // Sal RTC Class // EFI_STATUS SalGetTime ( OUT EFI_TIME *Time, OUT EFI_TIME_CAPABILITIES *Capabilities ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the current time and date information, and the time-keeping capabilities of the hardware platform. Arguments: Time - A pointer to storage to receive a snapshot of the current time. Capabilities - An optional pointer to a buffer to receive the real time clock device's capabilities. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS SalSetTime ( OUT EFI_TIME *Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the current local time and date information. Arguments: Time - A pointer to the current time. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS SalGetWakeupTime ( OUT BOOLEAN *Enabled, OUT BOOLEAN *Pending, OUT EFI_TIME *Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Returns the current wakeup alarm clock setting. Arguments: Enabled - Indicates if the alarm is currently enabled or disabled. Pending - Indicates if the alarm signal is pending and requires acknowledgement. Time - The current alarm setting. Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS SalSetWakeupTime ( IN BOOLEAN Enable, IN EFI_TIME *Time ) /*++ Routine Description: Sets the system wakeup alarm clock time. Arguments: Enable - Enable or disable the wakeup alarm. Time - If Enable is TRUE, the time to set the wakeup alarm for. If Enable is FALSE, then this parameter is optional, and may be NULL. Returns: Status code --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalInitializeThreshold ( IN VOID *ThresholdStruct, IN UINT64 Count, IN UINT64 Duration ) /*++ Routine Description: Init threshold structure. Arguments: ThresholdStruct - Threshold structure Count - Threshold count Duration - Duration Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalBumpThresholdCount ( IN VOID *ThresholdStruct, IN UINT64 Count, IN UINT64 Duration ) /*++ Routine Description: Bump threshold count. Arguments: ThresholdStruct - Threshold structure Count - Threshold count Duration - Duration Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalGetThresholdCount ( IN VOID *ThresholdStruct, IN UINT64 Count, IN UINT64 Duration ) /*++ Routine Description: Get threshold structure. Arguments: ThresholdStruct - Threshold structure Count - Threshold count Duration - Duration Returns: Output regs --*/ ; // // Common Lib Function // EFI_STATUS RegisterEsalFunction ( IN UINT64 FunctionId, IN EFI_GUID *ClassGuid, IN SAL_INTERNAL_EXTENDED_SAL_PROC Function, IN VOID *ModuleGlobal ) /*++ Routine Description: Register ESAL Class Function and it's asociated global. This function is boot service only! Arguments: FunctionId - ID of function to register ClassGuid - GUID of function class Function - Function to register under ClassGuid/FunctionId pair ModuleGlobal - Module global for Function. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - If ClassGuid/FunctionId Function was registered. --*/ ; EFI_STATUS EfiInitializeSalDriverLib ( IN BOOLEAN Runtime ) /*++ Routine Description: Initialize Sal driver lib. Arguments: Runtime - At runtime or not? Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // MCA PMI INIT Registeration Functions. // EFI_STATUS LibRegisterMcaFunction ( IN EFI_SAL_MCA_HANDLER McaHandler, IN VOID *ModuleGlobal, IN BOOLEAN MakeFirst, IN BOOLEAN MakeLast ) /*++ Routine Description: Register MCA handler. Arguments: McaHandler - MCA handler ModuleGlobal - Module global for function MakeFirst - Make it as first? MakeLast - Make it as last? Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibRegisterPmiFunction ( IN EFI_SAL_PMI_HANDLER PmiHandler, IN VOID *ModuleGlobal, IN BOOLEAN MakeFirst, IN BOOLEAN MakeLast ) /*++ Routine Description: Register PMI handler. Arguments: PmiHandler - PMI handler ModuleGlobal - Module global for function MakeFirst - Make it as first? MakeLast - Make it as last? Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibRegisterInitFunction ( IN EFI_SAL_INIT_HANDLER InitHandler, IN VOID *ModuleGlobal, IN BOOLEAN MakeFirst, IN BOOLEAN MakeLast ) /*++ Routine Description: Register INIT handler. Arguments: InitHandler - INIT handler ModuleGlobal - Module global for function MakeFirst - Make it as first? MakeLast - Make it as last? Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // Base IO Class Functions // EFI_STATUS ESalIoRead ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Io read operation. Arguments: Width - Width of read operation Address - Start IO address to read Count - Read count Buffer - Buffer to store result Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS ESalIoWrite ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Io write operation. Arguments: Width - Width of write operation Address - Start IO address to write Count - Write count Buffer - Buffer to write to the address Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS ESalMemRead ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform a Memory mapped IO read into Buffer. Arguments: Width - Width of each read transaction. Address - Memory mapped IO address to read Count - Number of Width quanta to read Buffer - Buffer to read data into. size is Width * Count Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS ESalMemWrite ( IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH Width, IN UINT64 Address, IN UINTN Count, IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform a memory mapped IO write into Buffer. Arguments: Width - Width of write transaction, and repeat operation to use Address - IO address to write Count - Number of times to write the IO address. Buffer - Buffer to write data from. size is Width * Count Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // PCI Class Functions // SAL_RETURN_REGS SalPCIConfigRead ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT64 Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Pci config space read. Arguments: Address - PCI address to read Size - Size to read Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS SalPCIConfigWrite ( IN UINT64 Address, IN UINT64 Size, IN UINT64 Value ) /*++ Routine Description: Pci config space write. Arguments: Address - PCI address to write Size - Size to write Value - Value to write Returns: Output regs --*/ ; // // MP Class Functions // SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMPAddCpuData ( IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId, IN BOOLEAN Enabled, IN UINT64 PalCompatability ) /*++ Routine Description: Add CPU data. Arguments: CpuGlobalId - CPU ID Enabled - Enabled or not PalCompatability - Pal compatability Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMPRemoveCpuData ( IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId ) /*++ Routine Description: Remove CPU data. Arguments: CpuGlobalId - CPU ID Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMPModifyCpuData ( IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId, IN BOOLEAN Enabled, IN UINT64 PalCompatability ) /*++ Routine Description: Modify CPU data. Arguments: CpuGlobalId - CPU ID Enabled - Enabled or not PalCompatability - Pal compatability Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMPGetCpuDataByID ( IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId, IN BOOLEAN IndexByEnabledCpu ) /*++ Routine Description: Get CPU data. Arguments: CpuGlobalId - CPU ID IndexByEnabledCpu - Whether indexed by enabled CPU Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMPGetCpuDataByIndex ( IN UINT64 Index, IN BOOLEAN IndexByEnabledCpu ) /*++ Routine Description: Get CPU data. Arguments: Index - CPU index IndexByEnabledCpu - Whether indexed by enabled CPU Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMPSendIpi ( IN UINT64 ProcessorNumber, IN UINT64 VectorNumber, IN EFI_DELIVERY_MODE DeliveryMode, IN BOOLEAN IRFlag ) /*++ Routine Description: Send IPI. Arguments: ProcessorNumber - Processor number VectorNumber - Vector number DeliveryMode - Delivery mode IRFlag - Interrupt Redirection flag Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMpCurrentProcessor ( IN BOOLEAN IndexByEnabledCpu ) /*++ Routine Description: Get current processor index. Arguments: IndexByEnabledCpu - Whether indexed by enabled CPU Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibGetNumProcessors ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Get number of processors. Arguments: None Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMpSaveMinStatePointer ( IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS MinStatePointer ) /*++ Routine Description: Register pointer to save min state. Arguments: CpuGlobalId - CPU global ID MinStatePointer - Pointer to save min state Returns: Output regs --*/ ; SAL_RETURN_REGS LibMpRestoreMinStatePointer ( IN UINT64 CpuGlobalId ) /*++ Routine Description: Restore pointer to save min state. Arguments: CpuGlobalId - CPU global ID Returns: Output regs --*/ ; // // MCA Class Functions // EFI_STATUS LibMcaGetStateInfo ( IN UINT64 CpuId, OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *StateBufferPointer, OUT UINT64 *RequiredStateBufferSize ) /*++ Routine Description: MCA get state info. Arguments: CpuId - CPU ID StateBufferPointer - Pointer of state buffer RequiredStateBufferSize - Size of required state buffer Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibMcaRegisterCpu ( IN UINT64 CpuId, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS StateBufferAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: MCA register CPU state info. Arguments: CpuId - CPU ID StateBufferAddress - Pointer of state buffer Returns: Status code --*/ ; // // SAL ELOG Functions // EFI_STATUS LibSalGetStateInfo ( IN UINT64 McaType, IN UINT8 *McaBuffer, OUT UINTN *Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Get state info. Arguments: McaType - MCA type McaBuffer - Info buffer provided by caller Size - Size of info Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibSalGetStateInfoSize ( IN UINT64 McaType, OUT UINTN *Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Get state info size. Arguments: McaType - MCA type Size - Size required Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibSalClearStateInfo ( IN UINT64 McaType ) /*++ Routine Description: Clear state info. Arguments: McaType - MCA type Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibEsalGetStateBuffer ( IN UINT64 McaType, OUT UINT8 **McaBuffer, OUT UINTN *Index ) /*++ Routine Description: Get state buffer. Arguments: McaType - MCA type McaBuffer - MCA buffer Index - CPU index Returns: Status code --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LibEsalSaveStateBuffer ( IN UINT64 McaType ) /*++ Routine Description: Save state buffer. Arguments: McaType - MCA type Returns: Status code --*/ ; #endif