// *++ // // Copyright (c) 2004 - 2013, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> // This program and the accompanying materials // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License // which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // // Module Name: // // SetupBrowserStr.uni // // Abstract: // // String definitions for Browser. // // --*/ /=# #langdef en-US "English" #langdef fr-FR "Français" #string ENTER_STRING #language en-US "<Enter>=Select Entry" #language fr-FR "<Enter>=Choisir l'Entrée" #string ENTER_COMMIT_STRING #language en-US "<Enter>=Complete Entry" #language fr-FR "<Enter>=Compléter l'Entrée" #string ENTER_ESCAPE_STRING #language en-US "Esc=Exit Entry" #language fr-FR "Esc=Sortir l'Entrée" #string ESCAPE_STRING #language en-US "Esc=Exit" #language fr-FR "Esc=Sortir" #string ADJUST_NUMBER #language en-US "+/- =Adjust Value" #language fr-FR "+/- =Ajuster la valeur" #string PLUS_STRING #language en-US "+ =Move Selection Up" #language fr-FR "+ =Relever le choix" #string MINUS_STRING #language en-US "- =Move Selection Down" #language fr-FR "- =Abaisser le choix" #string MOVE_HIGHLIGHT #language en-US "=Move Highlight" #language fr-FR "=Essentiel de mouvement" #string DEC_NUMERIC_INPUT #language en-US "0123456789 are valid inputs" #language fr-FR "0123456789 sont des données valides" #string HEX_NUMERIC_INPUT #language en-US "0-9 a-f are valid inputs" #language fr-FR "0-9 a-f sont des données valides" #string TOGGLE_CHECK_BOX #language en-US "<Spacebar>Toggle Checkbox" #language fr-FR "<Spacebar>Bascule la Case de pointage" #string NV_UPDATE_MESSAGE #language en-US "Configuration changed" #language fr-FR "Configuration changed" #string INPUT_ERROR_MESSAGE #language en-US "!!" #language fr-FR "!!" #string EMPTY_STRING #language en-US "" #language fr-FR "" #string ARE_YOU_SURE_YES #language en-US "Y" #language fr-FR "Y" #string ARE_YOU_SURE_NO #language en-US "N" #language fr-FR "N" #string SAVE_CHANGES #language en-US "Changes have not saved. Save Changes and exit?" #language fr-FR "Enregistrer les modifications et quitter?" #string ARE_YOU_SURE #language en-US "Press 'Y' to save and exit, 'N' to discard and exit, 'ESC' to cancel." #language fr-FR "Pressez 'Y' pour sauvegarder et quitter, 'N' de se défaire et de sortie"