/** @file Read EDID information and parse EDID information. Copyright (c) 2008 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "CirrusLogic5430.h" #include "CirrusLogic5430I2c.h" // // EDID block // typedef struct { UINT8 Header[8]; //EDID header "00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00" UINT16 ManufactureName; //EISA 3-character ID UINT16 ProductCode; //Vendor assigned code UINT32 SerialNumber; //32-bit serial number UINT8 WeekOfManufacture; //Week number UINT8 YearOfManufacture; //Year UINT8 EdidVersion; //EDID Structure Version UINT8 EdidRevision; //EDID Structure Revision UINT8 VideoInputDefinition; UINT8 MaxHorizontalImageSize; //cm UINT8 MaxVerticalImageSize; //cm UINT8 DisplayTransferCharacteristic; UINT8 FeatureSupport; UINT8 RedGreenLowBits; //Rx1 Rx0 Ry1 Ry0 Gx1 Gx0 Gy1Gy0 UINT8 BlueWhiteLowBits; //Bx1 Bx0 By1 By0 Wx1 Wx0 Wy1 Wy0 UINT8 RedX; //Red-x Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 RedY; //Red-y Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 GreenX; //Green-x Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 GreenY; //Green-y Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 BlueX; //Blue-x Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 BlueY; //Blue-y Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 WhiteX; //White-x Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 WhiteY; //White-x Bits 9 - 2 UINT8 EstablishedTimings[3]; UINT8 StandardTimingIdentification[16]; UINT8 DetailedTimingDescriptions[72]; UINT8 ExtensionFlag; //Number of (optional) 128-byte EDID extension blocks to follow UINT8 Checksum; } EDID_BLOCK; #define EDID_BLOCK_SIZE 128 #define VBE_EDID_ESTABLISHED_TIMING_MAX_NUMBER 17 typedef struct { UINT16 HorizontalResolution; UINT16 VerticalResolution; UINT16 RefreshRate; } EDID_TIMING; typedef struct { UINT32 ValidNumber; UINT32 Key[VBE_EDID_ESTABLISHED_TIMING_MAX_NUMBER]; } VALID_EDID_TIMING; // // Standard timing defined by VESA EDID // EDID_TIMING mVbeEstablishedEdidTiming[] = { // // Established Timing I // {800, 600, 60}, {800, 600, 56}, {640, 480, 75}, {640, 480, 72}, {640, 480, 67}, {640, 480, 60}, {720, 400, 88}, {720, 400, 70}, // // Established Timing II // {1280, 1024, 75}, {1024, 768, 75}, {1024, 768, 70}, {1024, 768, 60}, {1024, 768, 87}, {832, 624, 75}, {800, 600, 75}, {800, 600, 72}, // // Established Timing III // {1152, 870, 75} }; /** Read EDID information from I2C Bus on CirrusLogic. @param Private Pointer to CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_PRIVATE_DATA. @param EdidDataBlock Pointer to EDID data block. @param EdidSize Returned EDID block size. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED @retval EFI_SUCCESS **/ EFI_STATUS ReadEdidData ( CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, UINT8 **EdidDataBlock, UINTN *EdidSize ) { UINTN Index; UINT8 EdidData[EDID_BLOCK_SIZE * 2]; UINT8 *ValidEdid; UINT64 Signature; for (Index = 0; Index < EDID_BLOCK_SIZE * 2; Index ++) { I2cReadByte (Private->PciIo, 0xa0, (UINT8)Index, &EdidData[Index]); } // // Search for the EDID signature // ValidEdid = &EdidData[0]; Signature = 0x00ffffffffffff00ull; for (Index = 0; Index < EDID_BLOCK_SIZE * 2; Index ++, ValidEdid ++) { if (CompareMem (ValidEdid, &Signature, 8) == 0) { break; } } if (Index == 256) { // // No EDID signature found // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } *EdidDataBlock = AllocateCopyPool ( EDID_BLOCK_SIZE, ValidEdid ); if (*EdidDataBlock == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Currently only support EDID 1.x // *EdidSize = EDID_BLOCK_SIZE; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Generate a search key for a specified timing data. @param EdidTiming Pointer to EDID timing @return The 32 bit unique key for search. **/ UINT32 CalculateEdidKey ( EDID_TIMING *EdidTiming ) { UINT32 Key; // // Be sure no conflicts for all standard timing defined by VESA. // Key = (EdidTiming->HorizontalResolution * 2) + EdidTiming->VerticalResolution; return Key; } /** Search a specified Timing in all the valid EDID timings. @param ValidEdidTiming All valid EDID timing information. @param EdidTiming The Timing to search for. @retval TRUE Found. @retval FALSE Not found. **/ BOOLEAN SearchEdidTiming ( VALID_EDID_TIMING *ValidEdidTiming, EDID_TIMING *EdidTiming ) { UINT32 Index; UINT32 Key; Key = CalculateEdidKey (EdidTiming); for (Index = 0; Index < ValidEdidTiming->ValidNumber; Index ++) { if (Key == ValidEdidTiming->Key[Index]) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** Parse the Established Timing and Standard Timing in EDID data block. @param EdidBuffer Pointer to EDID data block @param ValidEdidTiming Valid EDID timing information @retval TRUE The EDID data is valid. @retval FALSE The EDID data is invalid. **/ BOOLEAN ParseEdidData ( UINT8 *EdidBuffer, VALID_EDID_TIMING *ValidEdidTiming ) { UINT8 CheckSum; UINT32 Index; UINT32 ValidNumber; UINT32 TimingBits; UINT8 *BufferIndex; UINT16 HorizontalResolution; UINT16 VerticalResolution; UINT8 AspectRatio; UINT8 RefreshRate; EDID_TIMING TempTiming; EDID_BLOCK *EdidDataBlock; EdidDataBlock = (EDID_BLOCK *) EdidBuffer; // // Check the checksum of EDID data // CheckSum = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < EDID_BLOCK_SIZE; Index ++) { CheckSum = (UINT8) (CheckSum + EdidBuffer[Index]); } if (CheckSum != 0) { return FALSE; } ValidNumber = 0; SetMem (ValidEdidTiming, sizeof (VALID_EDID_TIMING), 0); if ((EdidDataBlock->EstablishedTimings[0] != 0) || (EdidDataBlock->EstablishedTimings[1] != 0) || (EdidDataBlock->EstablishedTimings[2] != 0) ) { // // Established timing data // TimingBits = EdidDataBlock->EstablishedTimings[0] | (EdidDataBlock->EstablishedTimings[1] << 8) | ((EdidDataBlock->EstablishedTimings[2] & 0x80) << 9) ; for (Index = 0; Index < VBE_EDID_ESTABLISHED_TIMING_MAX_NUMBER; Index ++) { if (TimingBits & 0x1) { ValidEdidTiming->Key[ValidNumber] = CalculateEdidKey (&mVbeEstablishedEdidTiming[Index]); ValidNumber ++; } TimingBits = TimingBits >> 1; } } else { // // If no Established timing data, read the standard timing data // BufferIndex = &EdidDataBlock->StandardTimingIdentification[0]; for (Index = 0; Index < 8; Index ++) { if ((BufferIndex[0] != 0x1) && (BufferIndex[1] != 0x1)){ // // A valid Standard Timing // HorizontalResolution = (UINT16) (BufferIndex[0] * 8 + 248); AspectRatio = (UINT8) (BufferIndex[1] >> 6); switch (AspectRatio) { case 0: VerticalResolution = (UINT16) (HorizontalResolution / 16 * 10); break; case 1: VerticalResolution = (UINT16) (HorizontalResolution / 4 * 3); break; case 2: VerticalResolution = (UINT16) (HorizontalResolution / 5 * 4); break; case 3: VerticalResolution = (UINT16) (HorizontalResolution / 16 * 9); break; default: VerticalResolution = (UINT16) (HorizontalResolution / 4 * 3); break; } RefreshRate = (UINT8) ((BufferIndex[1] & 0x1f) + 60); TempTiming.HorizontalResolution = HorizontalResolution; TempTiming.VerticalResolution = VerticalResolution; TempTiming.RefreshRate = RefreshRate; ValidEdidTiming->Key[ValidNumber] = CalculateEdidKey (&TempTiming); ValidNumber ++; } BufferIndex += 2; } } ValidEdidTiming->ValidNumber = ValidNumber; return TRUE; } /** Construct the valid video modes for CirrusLogic5430. **/ EFI_STATUS CirrusLogic5430VideoModeSetup ( CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Index; BOOLEAN EdidFound; EFI_EDID_OVERRIDE_PROTOCOL *EdidOverride; UINT32 EdidAttributes; BOOLEAN EdidOverrideFound; UINTN EdidOverrideDataSize; UINT8 *EdidOverrideDataBlock; UINTN EdidDiscoveredDataSize; UINT8 *EdidDiscoveredDataBlock; UINTN EdidActiveDataSize; UINT8 *EdidActiveDataBlock; VALID_EDID_TIMING ValidEdidTiming; UINT32 ValidModeCount; CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_MODE_DATA *ModeData; BOOLEAN TimingMatch; CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_VIDEO_MODES *VideoMode; EDID_TIMING TempTiming; // // setup EDID information // Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid = NULL; Private->EdidDiscovered.SizeOfEdid = 0; Private->EdidActive.Edid = NULL; Private->EdidActive.SizeOfEdid = 0; EdidFound = FALSE; EdidOverrideFound = FALSE; EdidAttributes = 0xff; EdidOverrideDataSize = 0; EdidOverrideDataBlock = NULL; EdidActiveDataSize = 0; EdidActiveDataBlock = NULL; EdidDiscoveredDataBlock = NULL; // // Find EDID Override protocol firstly, this protocol is installed by platform if needed. // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiEdidOverrideProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &EdidOverride ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Allocate double size of VESA_BIOS_EXTENSIONS_EDID_BLOCK_SIZE to avoid overflow // EdidOverrideDataBlock = AllocatePool (EDID_BLOCK_SIZE * 2); if (NULL == EdidOverrideDataBlock) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } Status = EdidOverride->GetEdid ( EdidOverride, Private->Handle, &EdidAttributes, &EdidOverrideDataSize, (UINT8 **) &EdidOverrideDataBlock ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && EdidAttributes == 0 && EdidOverrideDataSize != 0) { // // Succeeded to get EDID Override Data // EdidOverrideFound = TRUE; } } if (EdidOverrideFound != TRUE || EdidAttributes == EFI_EDID_OVERRIDE_DONT_OVERRIDE) { // // If EDID Override data doesn't exist or EFI_EDID_OVERRIDE_DONT_OVERRIDE returned, // read EDID information through I2C Bus // if (ReadEdidData (Private, &EdidDiscoveredDataBlock, &EdidDiscoveredDataSize) == EFI_SUCCESS) { Private->EdidDiscovered.SizeOfEdid = (UINT32) EdidDiscoveredDataSize; Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid = (UINT8 *) AllocateCopyPool ( EdidDiscoveredDataSize, EdidDiscoveredDataBlock ); if (NULL == Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } EdidActiveDataSize = Private->EdidDiscovered.SizeOfEdid; EdidActiveDataBlock = Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid; EdidFound = TRUE; } } if (EdidFound != TRUE && EdidOverrideFound == TRUE) { EdidActiveDataSize = EdidOverrideDataSize; EdidActiveDataBlock = EdidOverrideDataBlock; EdidFound = TRUE; } if (EdidFound == TRUE) { // // Parse EDID data structure to retrieve modes supported by monitor // if (ParseEdidData ((UINT8 *) EdidActiveDataBlock, &ValidEdidTiming) == TRUE) { // // Copy EDID Override Data to EDID Active Data // Private->EdidActive.SizeOfEdid = (UINT32) EdidActiveDataSize; Private->EdidActive.Edid = (UINT8 *) AllocateCopyPool ( EdidActiveDataSize, EdidActiveDataBlock ); if (NULL == Private->EdidActive.Edid) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto Done; } } } else { Private->EdidActive.SizeOfEdid = 0; Private->EdidActive.Edid = NULL; EdidFound = FALSE; } if (EdidFound) { // // Initialize the private mode data with the supported modes. // ValidModeCount = 0; ModeData = &Private->ModeData[0]; VideoMode = &CirrusLogic5430VideoModes[0]; for (Index = 0; Index < CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_MODE_COUNT; Index++) { TimingMatch = TRUE; // // Check whether match with CirrusLogic5430 video mode // TempTiming.HorizontalResolution = (UINT16) VideoMode->Width; TempTiming.VerticalResolution = (UINT16) VideoMode->Height; TempTiming.RefreshRate = (UINT16) VideoMode->RefreshRate; if (SearchEdidTiming (&ValidEdidTiming, &TempTiming) != TRUE) { TimingMatch = FALSE; } // // Not export Mode 0x0 as GOP mode, this is not defined in spec. // if ((VideoMode->Width == 0) || (VideoMode->Height == 0)) { TimingMatch = FALSE; } if (TimingMatch) { ModeData->ModeNumber = Index; ModeData->HorizontalResolution = VideoMode->Width; ModeData->VerticalResolution = VideoMode->Height; ModeData->ColorDepth = VideoMode->ColorDepth; ModeData->RefreshRate = VideoMode->RefreshRate; ModeData ++; ValidModeCount ++; } VideoMode ++; } Private->MaxMode = ValidModeCount; } else { // // If EDID information wasn't found // ModeData = &Private->ModeData[0]; VideoMode = &CirrusLogic5430VideoModes[0]; for (Index = 0; Index < CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_MODE_COUNT; Index ++) { ModeData->ModeNumber = Index; ModeData->HorizontalResolution = VideoMode->Width; ModeData->VerticalResolution = VideoMode->Height; ModeData->ColorDepth = VideoMode->ColorDepth; ModeData->RefreshRate = VideoMode->RefreshRate; ModeData ++ ; VideoMode ++; } Private->MaxMode = CIRRUS_LOGIC_5430_MODE_COUNT; } if (EdidOverrideDataBlock != NULL) { FreePool (EdidOverrideDataBlock); } return EFI_SUCCESS; Done: if (EdidOverrideDataBlock != NULL) { FreePool (EdidOverrideDataBlock); } if (Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid != NULL) { FreePool (Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid); } if (Private->EdidDiscovered.Edid != NULL) { FreePool (Private->EdidActive.Edid); } return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; }