#include "Uefi/UefiSpec.h" #include "Protocol/UnixThunk.h" #include "Protocol/SimpleTextIn.h" #include "Protocol/UgaDraw.h" #include "Protocol/UnixUgaIo.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include /* XQueryPointer */ struct uga_drv_shift_mask { unsigned char shift; unsigned char size; unsigned char csize; }; #define NBR_KEYS 32 typedef struct { EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL UgaIo; Display *display; int screen; /* values for window_size in main */ Window win; GC gc; Visual *visual; int depth; unsigned int width; unsigned int height; unsigned int line_bytes; unsigned int pixel_shift; unsigned char *image_data; struct uga_drv_shift_mask r, g, b; int use_shm; XShmSegmentInfo xshm_info; XImage *image; unsigned int key_rd; unsigned int key_wr; unsigned int key_count; EFI_INPUT_KEY keys[NBR_KEYS]; } UGA_IO_PRIVATE; static void HandleEvents(UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv); static void fill_shift_mask (struct uga_drv_shift_mask *sm, unsigned long mask) { sm->shift = 0; sm->size = 0; while ((mask & 1) == 0) { mask >>= 1; sm->shift++; } while (mask & 1) { sm->size++; mask >>= 1; } sm->csize = 8 - sm->size; } static int TryCreateShmImage(UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv) { drv->image = XShmCreateImage (drv->display, drv->visual, drv->depth, ZPixmap, NULL, &drv->xshm_info, drv->width, drv->height); if (drv->image == NULL) return 0; switch (drv->image->bitmap_unit) { case 32: drv->pixel_shift = 2; break; case 16: drv->pixel_shift = 1; break; case 8: drv->pixel_shift = 0; break; } drv->xshm_info.shmid = shmget (IPC_PRIVATE, drv->image->bytes_per_line * drv->image->height, IPC_CREAT | 0777); if (drv->xshm_info.shmid < 0) { XDestroyImage(drv->image); return 0; } drv->image_data = shmat (drv->xshm_info.shmid, NULL, 0); if(!drv->image_data) { shmctl (drv->xshm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL); XDestroyImage(drv->image); return 0; } /* Can this fail ? */ shmctl (drv->xshm_info.shmid, IPC_RMID, NULL); drv->xshm_info.shmaddr = drv->image_data; drv->image->data = drv->image_data; if (!XShmAttach (drv->display, &drv->xshm_info)) { shmdt (drv->image_data); XDestroyImage(drv->image); return 0; } return 1; } static EFI_STATUS UgaClose (EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL *UgaIo) { UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv = (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *)UgaIo; if (drv == NULL) return EFI_SUCCESS; if (drv->image != NULL) { XDestroyImage(drv->image); if (drv->use_shm) shmdt (drv->image_data); drv->image_data = NULL; drv->image = NULL; } XDestroyWindow(drv->display, drv->win); XCloseDisplay(drv->display); free(drv); return EFI_SUCCESS; } static EFI_STATUS UgaSize(EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL *UgaIo, UINT32 Width, UINT32 Height) { UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv = (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *)UgaIo; XSizeHints size_hints; /* Destroy current buffer if created. */ if (drv->image != NULL) { XDestroyImage(drv->image); if (drv->use_shm) shmdt (drv->image_data); drv->image_data = NULL; drv->image = NULL; } drv->width = Width; drv->height = Height; XResizeWindow (drv->display, drv->win, Width, Height); /* Allocate image. */ if (XShmQueryExtension(drv->display) && TryCreateShmImage(drv)) { drv->use_shm = 1; } else { drv->use_shm = 0; if (drv->depth > 16) drv->pixel_shift = 2; else if (drv->depth > 8) drv->pixel_shift = 1; else drv->pixel_shift = 0; drv->image_data = malloc((drv->width * drv->height) << drv->pixel_shift); drv->image = XCreateImage (drv->display, drv->visual, drv->depth, ZPixmap, 0, drv->image_data, drv->width, drv->height, 8 << drv->pixel_shift, 0); } drv->line_bytes = drv->image->bytes_per_line; fill_shift_mask (&drv->r, drv->image->red_mask); fill_shift_mask (&drv->g, drv->image->green_mask); fill_shift_mask (&drv->b, drv->image->blue_mask); /* Set WM hints. */ size_hints.flags = PSize | PMinSize | PMaxSize; size_hints.min_width = size_hints.max_width = size_hints.base_width = Width; size_hints.min_height = size_hints.max_height = size_hints.base_height = Height; XSetWMNormalHints (drv->display, drv->win, &size_hints); XMapWindow (drv->display, drv->win); HandleEvents(drv); return EFI_SUCCESS; } static void handleKeyEvent(UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv, XEvent *ev) { KeySym keysym; char str[4]; EFI_INPUT_KEY Key; int res; if (drv->key_count == NBR_KEYS) return; res = XLookupString(&ev->xkey, str, sizeof(str), &keysym, NULL); Key.ScanCode = 0; Key.UnicodeChar = 0; switch (keysym) { case XK_Home: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_HOME; break; case XK_End: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_END; break; case XK_Left: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_LEFT; break; case XK_Right: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_RIGHT; break; case XK_Up: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_UP; break; case XK_Down: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_DOWN; break; case XK_Delete: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_DELETE; break; case XK_Insert: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_INSERT; break; case XK_Page_Up: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_PAGE_UP; break; case XK_Page_Down: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_PAGE_DOWN; break; case XK_Escape: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_ESC; break; case XK_F1: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F1; break; case XK_F2: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F2; break; case XK_F3: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F3; break; case XK_F4: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F4; break; case XK_F5: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F5; break; case XK_F6: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F6; break; case XK_F7: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F7; break; case XK_F8: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F8; break; case XK_F9: Key.ScanCode = SCAN_F9; break; default: if (res == 1) { Key.UnicodeChar = str[0]; } else { return; } } drv->keys[drv->key_wr] = Key; drv->key_wr = (drv->key_wr + 1) % NBR_KEYS; drv->key_count++; } static void Redraw(UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv, UINTN X, UINTN Y, UINTN Width, UINTN Height) { if (drv->use_shm) XShmPutImage (drv->display, drv->win, drv->gc, drv->image, X, Y, X, Y, Width, Height, False); else XPutImage (drv->display, drv->win, drv->gc, drv->image, X, Y, X, Y, Width, Height); } static void HandleEvent(UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv, XEvent *ev) { switch (ev->type) { case Expose: Redraw(drv, ev->xexpose.x, ev->xexpose.y, ev->xexpose.width, ev->xexpose.height); break; case GraphicsExpose: Redraw(drv, ev->xgraphicsexpose.x, ev->xgraphicsexpose.y, ev->xgraphicsexpose.width, ev->xgraphicsexpose.height); break; case KeyPress: handleKeyEvent(drv, ev); break; case MappingNotify: XRefreshKeyboardMapping(&ev->xmapping); break; #if 0 case DestroyNotify: XCloseDisplay (drv->display); exit (1); break; #endif case NoExpose: default: break; } } static void HandleEvents(UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv) { while (XPending(drv->display) != 0) { XEvent ev; XNextEvent (drv->display, &ev); HandleEvent(drv, &ev); } } static unsigned long UgaPixelToColor (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv, EFI_UGA_PIXEL pixel) { return ((pixel.Red >> drv->r.csize) << drv->r.shift) | ((pixel.Green >> drv->g.csize) << drv->g.shift) | ((pixel.Blue >> drv->b.csize) << drv->b.shift); } static EFI_UGA_PIXEL UgaColorToPixel (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv, unsigned long val) { EFI_UGA_PIXEL res; /* FIXME: should round instead of truncate. */ res.Red = (val >> drv->r.shift) << drv->r.csize; res.Green = (val >> drv->g.shift) << drv->g.csize; res.Blue = (val >> drv->b.shift) << drv->b.csize; return res; } static EFI_STATUS UgaCheckKey(EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL *UgaIo) { UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv = (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *)UgaIo; HandleEvents(drv); if (drv->key_count != 0) return EFI_SUCCESS; else { /* EFI is certainly polling. Be CPU-friendly. */ usleep (50000); return EFI_NOT_READY; } } static EFI_STATUS UgaGetKey(EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL *UgaIo, EFI_INPUT_KEY *key) { UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv = (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *)UgaIo; EFI_STATUS status; status = UgaCheckKey(UgaIo); if (status != EFI_SUCCESS) return status; *key = drv->keys[drv->key_rd]; drv->key_rd = (drv->key_rd + 1) % NBR_KEYS; drv->key_count--; return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS UgaBlt(EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL *UgaIo, IN EFI_UGA_PIXEL *BltBuffer OPTIONAL, IN EFI_UGA_BLT_OPERATION BltOperation, IN UINTN SourceX, IN UINTN SourceY, IN UINTN DestinationX, IN UINTN DestinationY, IN UINTN Width, IN UINTN Height, IN UINTN Delta OPTIONAL ) { UGA_IO_PRIVATE *Private = (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *)UgaIo; UINTN DstY; UINTN SrcY; UINTN DstX; UINTN SrcX; UINTN Index; EFI_UGA_PIXEL *Blt; UINT8 *Dst; UINT8 *Src; UINTN Nbr; unsigned long Color; // // Check bounds // if (BltOperation == EfiUgaVideoToBltBuffer || BltOperation == EfiUgaVideoToVideo) { // // Source is Video. // if (SourceY + Height > Private->height) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (SourceX + Width > Private->width) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } if (BltOperation == EfiUgaBltBufferToVideo || BltOperation == EfiUgaVideoToVideo || BltOperation == EfiUgaVideoFill) { // // Destination is Video // if (DestinationY + Height > Private->height) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (DestinationX + Width > Private->width) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } } switch (BltOperation) { case EfiUgaVideoToBltBuffer: Blt = BltBuffer; Delta -= Width * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL); for (SrcY = SourceY; SrcY < (Height + SourceY); SrcY++) { for (SrcX = SourceX; SrcX < (Width + SourceX); SrcX++) { *Blt++ = UgaColorToPixel(Private, XGetPixel(Private->image, SrcX, SrcY)); } Blt = (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) ((UINT8 *) Blt + Delta); } break; case EfiUgaBltBufferToVideo: Blt = BltBuffer; Delta -= Width * sizeof (EFI_UGA_PIXEL); for (DstY = DestinationY; DstY < (Height + DestinationY); DstY++) { for (DstX = DestinationX; DstX < (Width + DestinationX); DstX++) { XPutPixel(Private->image, DstX, DstY, UgaPixelToColor(Private, *Blt)); Blt++; } Blt = (EFI_UGA_PIXEL *) ((UINT8 *) Blt + Delta); } break; case EfiUgaVideoToVideo: Dst = Private->image_data + (DestinationX << Private->pixel_shift) + DestinationY * Private->line_bytes; Src = Private->image_data + (SourceX << Private->pixel_shift) + SourceY * Private->line_bytes; Nbr = Width << Private->pixel_shift; if (DestinationY < SourceY) { for (Index = 0; Index < Height; Index++) { memcpy (Dst, Src, Nbr); Dst += Private->line_bytes; Src += Private->line_bytes; } } else { Dst += (Height - 1) * Private->line_bytes; Src += (Height - 1) * Private->line_bytes; for (Index = 0; Index < Height; Index++) { // // Source and Destination Y may be equal, therefore Dst and Src may // overlap. // memmove (Dst, Src, Nbr); Dst -= Private->line_bytes; Src -= Private->line_bytes; } } break; case EfiUgaVideoFill: Color = UgaPixelToColor(Private, *BltBuffer); for (DstY = DestinationY; DstY < (Height + DestinationY); DstY++) { for (DstX = DestinationX; DstX < (Width + DestinationX); DstX++) { XPutPixel(Private->image, DstX, DstY, Color); } } break; default: return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Refresh screen. // switch (BltOperation) { case EfiUgaVideoToVideo: XCopyArea(Private->display, Private->win, Private->win, Private->gc, SourceX, SourceY, Width, Height, DestinationX, DestinationY); while (1) { XEvent ev; XNextEvent (Private->display, &ev); HandleEvent(Private, &ev); if (ev.type == NoExpose || ev.type == GraphicsExpose) break; } break; case EfiUgaVideoFill: Color = UgaPixelToColor(Private, *BltBuffer); XSetForeground(Private->display, Private->gc, Color); XFillRectangle(Private->display, Private->win, Private->gc, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height); break; case EfiUgaBltBufferToVideo: Redraw(Private, DestinationX, DestinationY, Width, Height); break; default: break; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS UgaCreate (EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL **Uga, CONST CHAR16 *Title) { UGA_IO_PRIVATE *drv; unsigned int border_width = 0; char *display_name = NULL; int title_len; drv = (UGA_IO_PRIVATE *) calloc (1, sizeof (UGA_IO_PRIVATE)); if (drv == NULL) return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; drv->UgaIo.UgaClose = UgaClose; drv->UgaIo.UgaSize = UgaSize; drv->UgaIo.UgaCheckKey = UgaCheckKey; drv->UgaIo.UgaGetKey = UgaGetKey; drv->UgaIo.UgaBlt = UgaBlt; drv->key_count = 0; drv->key_rd = 0; drv->key_wr = 0; drv->display = XOpenDisplay (display_name); if (drv->display == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "uga: cannot connect to X server %s\n", XDisplayName (display_name)); free (drv); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } drv->screen = DefaultScreen (drv->display); drv->visual = DefaultVisual (drv->display, drv->screen); drv->win = XCreateSimpleWindow (drv->display, RootWindow (drv->display, drv->screen), 0, 0, 4, 4, border_width, BlackPixel (drv->display, drv->screen), WhitePixel (drv->display, drv->screen)); drv->depth = DefaultDepth (drv->display, drv->screen); /* Compute title len and convert to Ascii. */ for (title_len = 0; Title[title_len] != 0; title_len++) ; { char title[title_len + 1]; int i; for (i = 0; i < title_len; i++) title[i] = Title[i]; title[i] = 0; XStoreName (drv->display, drv->win, title); } XSelectInput (drv->display, drv->win, ExposureMask | KeyPressMask); drv->gc = DefaultGC (drv->display, drv->screen); *Uga = (EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL *)drv; return EFI_SUCCESS; }