/** @file helper file for Unit tests of the CpuPageTableLib instance of the CpuPageTableLib class Copyright (c) 2022 - 2023, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "CpuPageTableLibUnitTest.h" #include "../CpuPageTable.h" // // Global Data to validate if the page table is legal // mValidMaskNoLeaf[0] is not used // mValidMaskNoLeaf[1] ... mValidMaskNoLeaf [5] represent PTE ... PML5E // mValidMaskNoLeaf[Index] means if it is a valid no leaf entry, entry should equal to (entry & mValidMaskNoLeaf[Index]) // mValidMaskLeaf[Index] means if it is a valid leaf entry, entry should equal to (entry & mValidMaskLeaf[Index]) // mValidMaskLeafFlag[Index] means if it is a leaf entry, if and only if ((entry & mValidMaskLeafFlag[Index]) == mValidMaskLeafFlag[Index]) // IA32_PAGING_ENTRY mValidMaskNoLeaf[6]; IA32_PAGING_ENTRY mValidMaskLeaf[6]; IA32_PAGING_ENTRY mValidMaskLeafFlag[6]; /** Init global data. @param[in] MemorySpace Memory space **/ VOID InitGlobalData ( UINTN MemorySpace ) { UINTN Index; ASSERT (MemorySpace <= 52); mValidMaskNoLeaf[0].Uint64 = 0; mValidMaskLeaf[0].Uint64 = 0; mValidMaskLeafFlag[0].Uint64 = 0; // // Set common part for all kinds of entrys. // for (Index = 1; Index < 6; Index++) { mValidMaskNoLeaf[Index].Uint64 = MAX_UINT64; mValidMaskLeaf[Index].Uint64 = MAX_UINT64; // // bit 51:M is reserved, and should be zero // if (MemorySpace - 1 < 51) { mValidMaskNoLeaf[Index].Uint64 = BitFieldWrite64 (mValidMaskNoLeaf[Index].Uint64, MemorySpace - 1, 51, 0); mValidMaskLeaf[Index].Uint64 = BitFieldWrite64 (mValidMaskLeaf[Index].Uint64, MemorySpace - 1, 51, 0); } } // // Handle mask for no leaf entry. // mValidMaskNoLeaf[1].Uint64 = 0; // PTE can't map to page structure. mValidMaskNoLeaf[2].Pnle.Bits.MustBeZero = 0; // for PML4E, bit 7 must be zero. mValidMaskNoLeaf[3].Pnle.Bits.MustBeZero = 0; // for PML5E, bit 7 must be zero. mValidMaskNoLeaf[4].Pml4.Bits.MustBeZero = 0; // for PML4E, bit 7 must be zero. mValidMaskNoLeaf[5].Pml4.Bits.MustBeZero = 0; // for PML5E, bit 7 must be zero. // // Handle mask for leaf entry. // No need to modification for PTE, since it doesn't have extra reserved bit // mValidMaskLeaf[2].Uint64 = BitFieldWrite64 (mValidMaskLeaf[2].Uint64, 13, 20, 0); // bit 13-20 is reserved for PDE mValidMaskLeaf[3].Uint64 = BitFieldWrite64 (mValidMaskLeaf[2].Uint64, 13, 29, 0); // bit 13-29 is reserved for PDPTE mValidMaskLeaf[4].Uint64 = 0; // for PML4E, no possible to map to page. mValidMaskLeaf[5].Uint64 = 0; // for PML5E, no possible to map to page. // // Handle Flags to indicate it is a leaf entry. // for PML4E and PML5E, no possible to map to page, so the flag should be MAX_UINT64. // mValidMaskLeafFlag[1].Pce.Present = 1; // For PTE, as long as it is present, it maps to page // // For PDE and PDPTE, the bit 7 should be set to map to pages // mValidMaskLeafFlag[2].Pde2M.Bits.MustBeOne = 1; mValidMaskLeafFlag[2].Pde2M.Bits.Present = 1; mValidMaskLeafFlag[3].Pde2M.Bits.MustBeOne = 1; mValidMaskLeafFlag[3].Pde2M.Bits.Present = 1; mValidMaskLeafFlag[4].Uint64 = MAX_UINT64; mValidMaskLeafFlag[5].Uint64 = MAX_UINT64; } /** Check if the Page table entry is valid @param[in] PagingEntry The entry in page table to verify @param[in] Level the level of PagingEntry. @param[in] MaxLeafLevel Max leaf entry level. @param[in] LinearAddress The linear address verified. @retval Leaf entry. **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS IsPageTableEntryValid ( IN IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *PagingEntry, IN UINTN Level, IN UINTN MaxLeafLevel, IN UINT64 Address ) { UINT64 Index; IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *ChildPageEntry; UNIT_TEST_STATUS Status; if (PagingEntry->Pce.Present == 0) { return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } if ((PagingEntry->Uint64 & mValidMaskLeafFlag[Level].Uint64) == mValidMaskLeafFlag[Level].Uint64) { // // It is a Leaf // if (Level > MaxLeafLevel) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: Level %d entry 0x%lx is a leaf entry, but max leaf level is %d \n", Level, PagingEntry->Uint64, MaxLeafLevel)); UT_ASSERT_TRUE (Level <= MaxLeafLevel); } if ((PagingEntry->Uint64 & mValidMaskLeaf[Level].Uint64) != PagingEntry->Uint64) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: Level %d Leaf entry is 0x%lx, which reserved bit is set \n", Level, PagingEntry->Uint64)); UT_ASSERT_EQUAL ((PagingEntry->Uint64 & mValidMaskLeaf[Level].Uint64), PagingEntry->Uint64); } return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } // // Not a leaf // UT_ASSERT_NOT_EQUAL (Level, 1); if ((PagingEntry->Uint64 & mValidMaskNoLeaf[Level].Uint64) != PagingEntry->Uint64) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "ERROR: Level %d no Leaf entry is 0x%lx, which reserved bit is set \n", Level, PagingEntry->Uint64)); UT_ASSERT_EQUAL ((PagingEntry->Uint64 & mValidMaskNoLeaf[Level].Uint64), PagingEntry->Uint64); } ChildPageEntry = (IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *)(UINTN)(((UINTN)(PagingEntry->Pnle.Bits.PageTableBaseAddress)) << 12); for (Index = 0; Index < 512; Index++) { Status = IsPageTableEntryValid (&ChildPageEntry[Index], Level-1, MaxLeafLevel, Address + (Index<<(9*(Level-1) + 3))); if (Status != UNIT_TEST_PASSED) { return Status; } } return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } /** Check if the Page table is valid @param[in] PageTable The pointer to the page table. @param[in] PagingMode The paging mode. @retval UNIT_TEST_PASSED It is a valid Page Table **/ UNIT_TEST_STATUS IsPageTableValid ( IN UINTN PageTable, IN PAGING_MODE PagingMode ) { UINTN MaxLevel; UINTN MaxLeafLevel; UINT64 Index; UNIT_TEST_STATUS Status; IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *PagingEntry; if (PageTable == 0) { return UNIT_TEST_PASSED; } if ((PagingMode == Paging32bit) || (PagingMode == PagingPae) || (PagingMode >= PagingModeMax)) { // // 32bit paging is never supported. // PAE paging will be supported later. // return UNIT_TEST_ERROR_TEST_FAILED; } MaxLeafLevel = (UINT8)PagingMode; MaxLevel = (UINT8)(PagingMode >> 8); PagingEntry = (IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *)(UINTN)PageTable; for (Index = 0; Index < 512; Index++) { Status = IsPageTableEntryValid (&PagingEntry[Index], MaxLevel, MaxLeafLevel, Index << (9 * MaxLevel + 3)); if (Status != UNIT_TEST_PASSED) { return Status; } } return Status; } /** Get the leaf entry for a given linear address from one entry in page table @param[in] PagingEntry The entry in page table which covers the linear address @param[in, out] Level On input, is the level of PagingEntry. On outout, is the level of the leaf entry @param[in] MaxLeafLevel Max leaf entry level. @param[in] LinearAddress The linear address. @retval Leaf entry. **/ UINT64 GetEntryFromSubPageTable ( IN IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *PagingEntry, IN OUT UINTN *Level, IN UINTN MaxLeafLevel, IN UINT64 Address ) { UINT64 Index; IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *ChildPageEntry; if (PagingEntry->Pce.Present == 0) { return 0; } if ((PagingEntry->Uint64 & mValidMaskLeafFlag[*Level].Uint64) == mValidMaskLeafFlag[*Level].Uint64) { // // It is a Leaf // return PagingEntry->Uint64; } // // Not a leaf // ChildPageEntry = (IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *)(UINTN)(((UINTN)(PagingEntry->Pnle.Bits.PageTableBaseAddress)) << 12); *Level = *Level -1; Index = Address >> (*Level * 9 + 3); ASSERT (Index == (Index & ((1<< 9) - 1))); return GetEntryFromSubPageTable (&ChildPageEntry[Index], Level, MaxLeafLevel, Address - (Index << (9 * *Level + 3))); } /** Get the leaf entry for a given linear address from a page table @param[in] PageTable The pointer to the page table. @param[in] PagingMode The paging mode. @param[in] LinearAddress The linear address. @param[out] Level leaf entry's level. @retval Leaf entry. **/ UINT64 GetEntryFromPageTable ( IN UINTN PageTable, IN PAGING_MODE PagingMode, IN UINT64 Address, OUT UINTN *Level ) { UINTN MaxLevel; UINTN MaxLeafLevel; UINT64 Index; IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *PagingEntry; if ((PagingMode == Paging32bit) || (PagingMode == PagingPae) || (PagingMode >= PagingModeMax)) { // // 32bit paging is never supported. // PAE paging will be supported later. // return 0; } MaxLeafLevel = (UINT8)PagingMode; MaxLevel = (UINT8)(PagingMode >> 8); Index = Address >> (MaxLevel * 9 + 3); ASSERT (Index == (Index & ((1<< 9) - 1))); PagingEntry = (IA32_PAGING_ENTRY *)(UINTN)PageTable; *Level = MaxLevel; return GetEntryFromSubPageTable (&PagingEntry[Index], Level, MaxLeafLevel, Address - (Index << (9 * MaxLevel + 3))); } /** Get max physical adrress supported by specific page mode @param[in] Mode The paging mode. @retval max address. **/ UINT64 GetMaxAddress ( IN PAGING_MODE Mode ) { switch (Mode) { case Paging32bit: case PagingPae: return SIZE_4GB; case Paging4Level: case Paging4Level1GB: case Paging5Level: case Paging5Level1GB: return 1ull << MIN (12 + (Mode >> 8) * 9, 52); default: ASSERT (0); return 0; } }