## @file # Store a Platform class object to an INF file. # # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # from LoadFpd import LoadFpd from CommonDataClass.PlatformClass import * from CommonDataClass.FdfClass import * from Common.MigrationUtilities import * from Common.ToolDefClassObject import * from Common.TargetTxtClassObject import * ## Store Defines section # # Write [Defines] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Defines section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformDefinesSection(DscFile, Platform): PlatformHeader = Platform.Header DefinesTupleList = [] if PlatformHeader.Name != "": DefinesTupleList.append(("PLATFORM_NAME", PlatformHeader.Name)) if PlatformHeader.Guid != "": DefinesTupleList.append(("PLATFORM_GUID", PlatformHeader.Guid)) if PlatformHeader.Version != "": DefinesTupleList.append(("PLATFORM_VERSION", PlatformHeader.Version)) for key in PlatformHeader.Specification.keys(): SpecificationValue = PlatformHeader.Specification.get(key) DefinesTupleList.append(("DSC_ SPECIFICATION", SpecificationValue)) if PlatformHeader.OutputDirectory != "": DefinesTupleList.append(("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY", PlatformHeader.OutputDirectory)) if PlatformHeader.SupArchList != "": String = "|".join(PlatformHeader.SupArchList) DefinesTupleList.append(("SUPPORTED_ARCHITECTURES", String)) if PlatformHeader.BuildTargets != "": String = "|".join(PlatformHeader.BuildTargets) DefinesTupleList.append(("BUILD_TARGETS", String)) if PlatformHeader.SkuIdName != "": #DefinesTupleList.append(("SKUID_IDENTIFIER", PlatformHeader.SkuIdName)) String = "|".join(PlatformHeader.SkuIdName) if String != "": DefinesTupleList.append(("SKUID_IDENTIFIER", String)) String = Platform.FlashDefinitionFile.FilePath if String != "": DefinesTupleList.append(("FLASH_DEFINITION", String)) List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Defines Section - statements that will be processed to create a Makefile.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") Section = "\n".join(List) Section += "\n" StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) StoreDefinesSection(DscFile, DefinesTupleList) ## Store SkuIds section # # Write [SkuIds] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Library Classes section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformSkuIdsSection(DscFile, Platform): List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# SKU Identification section - list of all SKU IDs supported by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") Section = "\n".join(List) Section += "\n" Section += "[SkuIds]" + '\n' List = Platform.SkuInfos.SkuInfoList for Item in List: Section = Section + "%s" % Item[0] + '|' + "%s" % Item[1] + '\n' Section = Section + '\n' StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Store Build Options section # # Write [BuildOptions] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Build Options section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformBuildOptionsSection(DscFile, Platform): # which is from tools_def.txt StandardBuildTargets = ["DEBUG", "RELEASE"] SupportedArches = ["COMMON", "IA32", "X64", "IPF", "EBC", "ARM"] Target = TargetTxtClassObject() WorkSpace = os.getenv('WORKSPACE') Target.LoadTargetTxtFile(WorkSpace + '\\Conf\\target.txt') ToolDef = ToolDefClassObject() ToolDef.LoadToolDefFile(WorkSpace + '\\' + Target.TargetTxtDictionary[DataType.TAB_TAT_DEFINES_TOOL_CHAIN_CONF]) # Now we have got ToolDef object #ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary Dict = ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDatabase Dict1 = ToolDef.ToolsDefTxtDictionary # we care the info in this Dict # # We only support *(DEBUG/RELEASE) and *(All Arch: IA32, X64, IPF and EBC) for now # SectionWINDDK = '' SectionVS2003 = '' SectionVS2005EXP = '' SectionVS2005STD = '' SectionVS2005PRO = '' SectionVS2005TEAMSUITE = '' SectionUNIXGCC = '' SectionCYGWINGCC = '' SectionELFGCC = '' SectionICC = '' SectionMYTOOLS = '' for key in Dict1.keys(): if key.find("_CC_FLAGS") != -1: if key.find('WINDDK3790x1830') != -1: SectionWINDDK = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('VS2003') != -1: SectionVS2003 = " = " + Dict1.get(key)+ "\n" elif key.find('VS2005EXP') != -1: SectionVS2005EXP = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('VS2005STD') != -1: SectionVS2005STD = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('VS2005PRO') != -1: SectionVS2005PRO = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('VS2005TEAMSUITE') != -1: SectionVS2005TEAMSUITE = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('UNIXGCC') != -1: SectionUNIXGCC = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('CYGWINGCC') != -1: SectionCYGWINGCC = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('ELFGCC') != -1: SectionELFGCC = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('ICC') != -1: SectionICC = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" elif key.find('MYTOOLS') != -1: SectionMYTOOLS = " = " + Dict1.get(key) + "\n" else: print "Error!" # # First need to check which arch # Archs = Platform.Header.SupArchList BuildTargets = Platform.Header.BuildTargets #if BuildTargets == StandardBuildTargets: #print "Debug and Release both support" # skip debug/release string search #else: #print "need to search debug/release string" if len(Archs) == 4: Arch = "*" SectionName = "[BuildOptions.Common]\n" else: for Arch in Archs: if Arch == 'IA32': SectionName = "[BuildOptions.IA32]\n" elif Arch == 'X64': SectionName = "[BuildOptions.X64]\n" elif Arch == 'IPF': SectionName = "[BuildOptions.IPF]\n" elif Arch == 'EBC': SectionName = "[BuildOptions.EBC]\n" else: print 'Error!' Section = "" if SectionWINDDK != "": SectionWINDDK = "*_WINDDK3790x1830_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionWINDDK Section += SectionWINDDK if SectionVS2003 != "": SectionVS2003 = "*_VS2003_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionVS2003 Section += SectionVS2003 if SectionVS2005EXP != "": SectionVS2005EXP = "*_VS2005EXP_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionVS2005EXP Section += SectionVS2005EXP if SectionVS2005STD != "": SectionVS2005STD = "*_VS2005STD_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionVS2005STD Section += SectionVS2005STD if SectionVS2005PRO != "": SectionVS2005PRO = "*_VS2005PRO_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionVS2005PRO Section += SectionVS2005PRO if SectionVS2005TEAMSUITE != "": SectionVS2005TEAMSUITE = "*_VS2005TEAMSUITE_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionVS2005TEAMSUITE Section += SectionVS2005TEAMSUITE if SectionUNIXGCC != "": SectionUNIXGCC = "*_UNIXGCC_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionUNIXGCC Section += SectionUNIXGCC if SectionCYGWINGCC != "": SectionCYGWINGCC = "*_CYGWINGCC_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionCYGWINGCC Section += SectionCYGWINGCC if SectionELFGCC != "": SectionELFGCC = "*_ELFGCC_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionELFGCC Section += SectionELFGCC if SectionICC != "": SectionICC = "*_ICC_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionICC Section += SectionICC if SectionMYTOOLS != "": SectionMYTOOLS = "*_MYTOOLS_" + Arch + "_CC_FLAGS" + SectionMYTOOLS Section += SectionMYTOOLS List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Build Options section - list of all Build Options supported by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") SectionHeader = "\n".join(List) SectionHeader += "\n" Section = SectionHeader + SectionName + Section Section += "\n" StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Store Libraries section # # Write [Libraries] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Library Classes section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformLibrariesSection(DscFile,Platform): List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Libraries section - list of all Libraries needed by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") SectionHeader = "\n".join(List) SectionHeader += "\n" Section = SectionHeader + '[Libraries]\n\n' StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Return a Platform Library Class Item # # Read the input LibraryClass class object and return one line of Library Class Item. # # @param LibraryClass An input LibraryClass class object # # @retval LibraryClassItem A Module Library Class Item # def GetPlatformLibraryClassItem(LibraryClass): LibraryClassList = [] LibraryClassList.append(LibraryClass.Name) LibraryClassList.append(LibraryClass.FilePath) return "|$(WORKSPACE)/".join(LibraryClassList).rstrip("|") ## Add item to a LibraryClass section # # Add an Item with specific Module Type to section dictionary. # The possible duplication is ensured to be removed. # # @param Section Section dictionary indexed by CPU architecture # @param SupModuleList LibraryClass SupModuleList: BASE, SEC, PEI_CORE, PEIM, etc # @param Item The Item to be added to section dictionary # def AddToLibraryClassSection(Section, SupModuleList, Item): for ModuleType in SupModuleList: SectionModule = Section.get(ModuleType, []) if Item not in SectionModule: SectionModule.append(Item) Section[ModuleType] = SectionModule ## Get Library Classes section contents # # Return the content of section named SectionName. # the contents is based on Methods and ObjectLists. # # @param SectionName The name of the section # @param Method A function returning a string item of an object # @param ObjectList The list of object # # @retval Section The string content of a section # def GetLibraryClassesSection(SectionName, Method, ObjectList): SupportedArches = ["COMMON", "IA32", "X64", "IPF", "EBC"] ModuleTypes = ["BASE","SEC","PEI_CORE","PEIM","DXE_CORE","DXE_DRIVER","DXE_SMM_DRIVER","DXE_SAL_DRIVER","DXE_RUNTIME_DRIVER","UEFI_DRIVER","UEFI_APPLICATION"] SectionCommonDict = {} SectionIA32Dict = {} SectionX64Dict = {} SectionIPFDict = {} SectionEBCDict = {} #ObjectList = list(set(ObjectList)) # delete the same element in the list for Object in ObjectList: if Object == None: continue Item = Method(Object) if Item == "": continue Item = " %s" % Item Arches = Object.SupArchList if len(Arches) == 4: ModuleType = Object.ModuleType # [LibraryClasses.Common.ModuleType] if ModuleType == "BASE": SupModuleList = ["BASE"] AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionCommonDict, SupModuleList, Item) else: # SupModuleList = Object.SupModuleList #AddToSection(SectionDict, "|".join(SupModuleList), Item) AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionCommonDict, SupModuleList, Item) else: # Arch for Arch in SupportedArches: if Arch.upper() in Arches: if Arch == "IA32": # [LibraryClasses.IA32.ModuleType] ModuleType = Object.ModuleType if ModuleType == "BASE": SupModuleList = ["BASE"] AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionIA32Dict, SupModuleList, Item) else: SupModuleList = Object.SupModuleList AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionIA32Dict, SupModuleList, Item) elif Arch == "X64": # [LibraryClasses.X64.ModuleType] ModuleType = Object.ModuleType if ModuleType == "BASE": SupModuleList = ["BASE"] AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionX64Dict, SupModuleList, Item) else: SupModuleList = Object.SupModuleList AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionX64Dict, SupModuleList, Item) elif Arch == "IPF": # [LibraryClasses.IPF.ModuleType] ModuleType = Object.ModuleType if ModuleType == "BASE": SupModuleList = ["BASE"] AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionIPFDict, SupModuleList, Item) else: SupModuleList = Object.SupModuleList AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionIPFDict, SupModuleList, Item) elif Arch == "EBC": # [LibraryClasses.EBC.ModuleType] ModuleType = Object.ModuleType if ModuleType == "BASE": SupModuleList = ["BASE"] AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionEBCDict, SupModuleList, Item) else: SupModuleList = Object.SupModuleList AddToLibraryClassSection(SectionEBCDict, SupModuleList, Item) Section = "" for ModuleType in ModuleTypes: SectionCommonModule = "\n".join(SectionCommonDict.get(ModuleType, [])) if SectionCommonModule != "": Section += "[%s.Common.%s]\n%s\n" % (SectionName, ModuleType, SectionCommonModule) Section += "\n" for ModuleType in ModuleTypes: ListIA32 = SectionIA32Dict.get(ModuleType, []) if ListIA32 != []: SectionIA32Module = "\n".join(SectionIA32Dict.get(ModuleType, [])) if SectionIA32Module != "": Section += "[%s.IA32.%s]\n%s\n" % (SectionName, ModuleType, SectionIA32Module) Section += "\n" ListX64 = SectionX64Dict.get(ModuleType, []) if ListX64 != []: SectionX64Module = "\n".join(SectionX64Dict.get(ModuleType, [])) if SectionX64Module != "": Section += "[%s.X64.%s]\n%s\n" % (SectionName, ModuleType, SectionX64Module) Section += "\n" ListIPF = SectionIPFDict.get(ModuleType, []) if ListIPF != []: SectionIPFModule = "\n".join(SectionIPFDict.get(ModuleType, [])) if SectionIPFModule != "": Section += "[%s.IPF.%s]\n%s\n" % (SectionName, ModuleType, SectionIPFModule) Section += "\n" ListEBC = SectionEBCDict.get(ModuleType, []) if ListEBC != []: SectionEBCModule = "\n".join(SectionEBCDict.get(ModuleType, [])) if SectionEBCModule != "": Section += "[%s.EBC.%s]\n%s\n" % (SectionName, ModuleType, SectionEBCModule) Section += "\n" if Section != "": Section += "\n" return Section ## Store Library Classes section # # Write [LibraryClasses] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Library Classes section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformLibraryClassesSection(DscFile, Platform): Section = GetLibraryClassesSection("LibraryClasses", GetPlatformLibraryClassItem, Platform.LibraryClasses.LibraryList) List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Library Class section - list of all Library Classes needed by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") SectionHeader = "\n".join(List) SectionHeader += "\n" Section = SectionHeader + Section StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Store Pcd section # # Write [Pcd] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Build Options section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformPcdSection(DscFile, Platform): # {PcdsFixedAtBuild:String1, PcdsFixedAtBuild:String2, PcdsPatchableInModule:String3} SectionDict = {} # # [PcdsFixedAtBuild], [PcdsPatchableInModule] and [PcdsFeatureFlag] are from platform.modules # [PcdsDynamic] is from platform.DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions # Modules = Platform.Modules.ModuleList # it's a list of modules for Module in Modules: PcdBuildDefinitions = Module.PcdBuildDefinitions # it's a list of PcdData for PcdData in PcdBuildDefinitions: if PcdData.ItemType == "FEATURE_FLAG": List = [] List.append(PcdData.TokenSpaceGuidCName + "." + PcdData.C_NAME) List.append(PcdData.Value) String = "|".join(List) ItemType = PcdData.ItemType SectionPcdsFeatureFlag = SectionDict.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcdsFeatureFlag: SectionPcdsFeatureFlag.append(String) SectionDict[ItemType] = SectionPcdsFeatureFlag else: List = [] List.append(PcdData.TokenSpaceGuidCName + "." + PcdData.C_NAME) List.append(PcdData.Value) List.append(PcdData.Token) List.append(PcdData.DatumType) List.append(PcdData.MaxDatumSize) String = "|".join(List) ItemType = PcdData.ItemType if PcdData.ItemType == "FIXED_AT_BUILD": SectionPcdsFixedAtBuild = SectionDict.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcdsFixedAtBuild: SectionPcdsFixedAtBuild.append(String) SectionDict[ItemType] = SectionPcdsFixedAtBuild #elif PcdData.ItemType == "FEATURE_FLAG": #SectionPcdsFeatureFlag = SectionDict.get(ItemType, []) #if String not in SectionPcdsFeatureFlag: #SectionPcdsFeatureFlag.append(String) #SectionDict[ItemType] = SectionPcdsFeatureFlag elif PcdData.ItemType == "PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE": SectionPcdsPatchableInModule = SectionDict.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcdsPatchableInModule: SectionPcdsPatchableInModule.append(String) SectionDict[ItemType] = SectionPcdsPatchableInModule elif PcdData.ItemType == "DYNAMIC": SectionPcdsDynamic = SectionDict.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcdsDynamic: SectionPcdsDynamic.append(String) SectionDict[ItemType] = SectionPcdsDynamic DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions = Platform.DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions # It's a list for PcdBuildData in DynamicPcdBuildDefinitions: List = [] List.append(PcdData.TokenSpaceGuidCName + "." + PcdData.C_NAME) List.append(PcdData.Token) List.append(PcdData.DatumType) List.append(PcdData.MaxDatumSize) String = "|".join(List) if PcdBuildData.ItemType == "DYNAMIC": ItemType = PcdBuildData.ItemType SectionPcdsDynamic = SectionDict.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcdsDynamic: SectionPcdsDynamic.append(String) SectionDict[ItemType] = SectionPcdsDynamic ItemType = "FIXED_AT_BUILD" Section = "[PcdsFixedAtBuild]\n " + "\n ".join(SectionDict.get(ItemType, [])) ItemType = "FEATURE_FLAG" Section += "\n\n[PcdsFeatureFlag]\n " + "\n ".join(SectionDict.get(ItemType, [])) ItemType = "PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE" Section += "\n\n[PcdsPatchableInModule]\n " + "\n ".join(SectionDict.get(ItemType, [])) Section += "\n\n" List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Pcd Dynamic Section - list of all EDK II PCD Entries defined by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") String = "\n".join(List) Section += String ItemType = "DYNAMIC" Section += "\n\n[PcdsDynamic]\n " + "\n ".join(SectionDict.get(ItemType, [])) Section += "\n\n" List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Pcd Section - list of all EDK II PCD Entries defined by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") SectionHeader = "\n".join(List) SectionHeader += "\n" Section = SectionHeader + Section StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Add item to a section # # Add an Item with specific CPU architecture to section dictionary. # The possible duplication is ensured to be removed. # # @param Section Section dictionary indexed by CPU architecture # @param Arch CPU architecture: Ia32, X64, Ipf, Ebc or Common # @param Item The Item to be added to section dictionary # def AddToSection(Section, Arch, Item): SectionArch = Section.get(Arch, []) if Item not in SectionArch: SectionArch.append(Item) Section[Arch] = SectionArch ## Get section contents # # Return the content of section named SectionName. # the contents is based on Methods and ObjectLists. # # @param SectionName The name of the section # @param Method A function returning a string item of an object # @param ObjectList The list of object # # @retval Section The string content of a section # def GetSection(SectionName, Method, ObjectList): SupportedArches = ["COMMON", "IA32", "X64", "IPF", "EBC"] SectionDict = {} for Object in ObjectList: if Object.FilePath == "": continue Item = Method(Object) if Item == "": continue Item = " %s" % Item Arches = Object.SupArchList if len(Arches) == 4: AddToSection(SectionDict, "common", Item) else: for Arch in SupportedArches: if Arch.upper() in Arches: AddToSection(SectionDict, Arch, Item) Section = "" for Arch in SupportedArches: SectionArch = "\n".join(SectionDict.get(Arch, [])) if SectionArch != "": Section += "[%s.%s]\n%s\n" % (SectionName, Arch, SectionArch) Section += "\n" if Section != "": Section += "\n" return Section ## Return a Platform Component Item # # Read the input Platform Component object and return one line of Platform Component Item. # # @param Component An input Platform Component class object # # @retval ComponentItem A Platform Component Item # def GetPlatformComponentItem(Component): List = [] Section = {} List.append("$(WORKSPACE)/" + Component.FilePath) LibraryClasses = Component.LibraryClasses if LibraryClasses != []: List = [] List.append("$(WORKSPACE)/" + Component.FilePath + " {") List.append("") for LibraryClass in LibraryClasses: if LibraryClass == ["", ""]: continue List.append(" " + LibraryClass[0] + "|$(WORKSPACE)/" + LibraryClass[1]) PcdBuildDefinitions = Component.PcdBuildDefinitions for PcdData in PcdBuildDefinitions: if PcdData.ItemType == "FEATURE_FLAG": List1 = [] List1.append(PcdData.TokenSpaceGuidCName + "." + PcdData.C_NAME) List1.append(PcdData.Value) String = "|".join(List1) ItemType = PcdData.ItemType SectionPcd = Section.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcd: SectionPcd.append(String) Section[ItemType] = SectionPcd else: List1 = [] List1.append(PcdData.TokenSpaceGuidCName + "." + PcdData.C_NAME) List1.append(PcdData.Value) List1.append(PcdData.Token) List1.append(PcdData.DatumType) List1.append(PcdData.MaxDatumSize) String = "|".join(List1) ItemType = PcdData.ItemType if ItemType == "FIXED_AT_BUILD": SectionPcd = Section.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcd: SectionPcd.append(String) Section[ItemType] = SectionPcd #elif ItemType == "FEATURE_FLAG": #SectionPcd = Section.get(ItemType, []) #if String not in SectionPcd: #SectionPcd.append(String) #Section[ItemType] = SectionPcd elif ItemType == "PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE": SectionPcd = Section.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcd: SectionPcd.append(String) Section[ItemType] = SectionPcd elif ItemType == "DYNAMIC": SectionPcd = Section.get(ItemType, []) if String not in SectionPcd: SectionPcd.append(String) Section[ItemType] = SectionPcd ItemType = "FIXED_AT_BUILD" if Section.get(ItemType, []) != []: List.append("") List.append(" " + "\n ".join(Section.get(ItemType,[]))) ItemType = "FEATURE_FLAG" if Section.get(ItemType, []) != []: List.append("") List.append(" " + "\n ".join(Section.get(ItemType,[]))) ItemType = "PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE" if Section.get(ItemType, []) != []: List.append("") List.append(" " + "\n ".join(Section.get(ItemType,[]))) ItemType = "DYNAMIC" if Section.get(ItemType, []) != []: List.append("") List.append(" " + "\n ".join(Section.get(ItemType,[]))) ListOption = [] SectionOption = "" ListBuildOptions = Component.BuildOptions # a list if ListBuildOptions != []: SectionOption += "\n \n" for BuildOptions in ListBuildOptions: Options = BuildOptions.Options for Option in Options: for Item in Option.BuildTargetList: ListOption.append(Item) List.append(Option.ToolChainFamily) for Item in Option.SupArchList: ListOption.append(Item) ListOption.append(Option.ToolCode) ListOption.append("FLAGS") #print ListOption SectionOption += " " + "_".join(List) + " = " + Option.Option + "\n" ListOption = [] if SectionOption != "": List.append(SectionOption) if List != ["$(WORKSPACE)/" + Component.FilePath]: List.append("}\n") return "\n ".join(List) ## Store Components section. # # Write [Components] section to the DscFile based on Platform class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the Components section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformComponentsSection(DscFile, Platform): Section = GetSection("Components", GetPlatformComponentItem, Platform.Modules.ModuleList) List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# Components Section - list of all EDK II Modules needed by this Platform.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") SectionHeader = "\n".join(List) SectionHeader += "\n" Section = SectionHeader + Section StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Store User Extensions section. # # Write [UserExtensions] section to the InfFile based on Module class object. # Different CPU architectures are specified in the subsection if possible. # # @param DscFile The output DSC file to store the User Extensions section # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StorePlatformUserExtensionsSection(DscFile, Platform): Section = "".join(map(GetUserExtensions, Platform.UserExtensions)) List = [] List.append("################################################################################") List.append("#") List.append("# User Extensions Section - list of all User Extensions specified by user.") List.append("#") List.append("################################################################################") SectionHeader = "\n".join(List) SectionHeader += "\n" Section = SectionHeader + Section StoreTextFile(DscFile, Section) ## Store a Platform class object to a new DSC file. # # Read an input Platform class object and save the contents to a new DSC file. # # @param DSCFileName The output DSC file # @param Platform An input Platform class object # def StoreDsc(DscFileName, Platform): DscFile = open(DscFileName, "w+") EdkLogger.info("Save file to %s" % DscFileName) StoreHeader(DscFile, Platform.Header) StorePlatformDefinesSection(DscFile, Platform) StorePlatformBuildOptionsSection(DscFile,Platform) StorePlatformSkuIdsSection(DscFile,Platform) StorePlatformLibrariesSection(DscFile,Platform) # new in dsc, Edk I components, list of INF files StorePlatformLibraryClassesSection(DscFile, Platform) # LibraryClasses are from Modules StorePlatformPcdSection(DscFile, Platform) #StorePlatformPcdDynamicSection(DscFile, Platform) StorePlatformComponentsSection(DscFile,Platform) StorePlatformUserExtensionsSection(DscFile,Platform) DscFile.close() if __name__ == '__main__': pass