/*++ Copyright (c) 2005 - 2006, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: PciCommand.h Abstract: PCI Bus Driver Revision History --*/ #ifndef _EFI_PCI_COMMAND_H #define _EFI_PCI_COMMAND_H #include "PciBus.h" // // The PCI Command register bits owned by PCI Bus driver. // // They should be cleared at the beginning. The other registers // are owned by chipset, we should not touch them. // #define EFI_PCI_COMMAND_BITS_OWNED ( \ EFI_PCI_COMMAND_IO_SPACE | \ EFI_PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY_SPACE | \ EFI_PCI_COMMAND_BUS_MASTER | \ EFI_PCI_COMMAND_MEMORY_WRITE_AND_INVALIDATE | \ EFI_PCI_COMMAND_VGA_PALETTE_SNOOP | \ EFI_PCI_COMMAND_FAST_BACK_TO_BACK \ ) // // The PCI Bridge Control register bits owned by PCI Bus driver. // // They should be cleared at the beginning. The other registers // are owned by chipset, we should not touch them. // #define EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_BITS_OWNED ( \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_ISA | \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_VGA | \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_VGA_16 | \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_FAST_BACK_TO_BACK \ ) // // The PCCard Bridge Control register bits owned by PCI Bus driver. // // They should be cleared at the beginning. The other registers // are owned by chipset, we should not touch them. // #define EFI_PCCARD_BRIDGE_CONTROL_BITS_OWNED ( \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_ISA | \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_VGA | \ EFI_PCI_BRIDGE_CONTROL_FAST_BACK_TO_BACK \ ) EFI_STATUS PciReadCommandRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, OUT UINT16 *Command ); EFI_STATUS PciSetCommandRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, IN UINT16 Command ); EFI_STATUS PciEnableCommandRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, IN UINT16 Command ); EFI_STATUS PciDisableCommandRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, IN UINT16 Command ); EFI_STATUS PciDisableBridgeControlRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, IN UINT16 Command ); EFI_STATUS PciEnableBridgeControlRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, IN UINT16 Command ); EFI_STATUS PciReadBridgeControlRegister ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, OUT UINT16 *Command ); BOOLEAN PciCapabilitySupport ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice ) /*++ Routine Description: TODO: Add function description Arguments: PciIoDevice - TODO: add argument description Returns: TODO: add return values --*/ ; EFI_STATUS LocateCapabilityRegBlock ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice, IN UINT8 CapId, IN OUT UINT8 *Offset, OUT UINT8 *NextRegBlock OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Locate Capability register. Arguments: PciIoDevice - A pointer to the PCI_IO_DEVICE. CapId - The capability ID. Offset - A pointer to the offset. As input: the default offset; As output: the offset of the found block. NextRegBlock - An optional pointer to return the value of next block. Returns: EFI_UNSUPPORTED - The Pci Io device is not supported. EFI_NOT_FOUND - The Pci Io device cannot be found. EFI_SUCCESS - The Pci Io device is successfully located. --*/ ; #endif