/** @file Tests for Dhcp6Io.c. Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include extern "C" { #include #include #include #include #include "../Dhcp6Impl.h" #include "../Dhcp6Utility.h" #include "Dhcp6IoGoogleTest.h" } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Defines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN 1500 // This definition is used by this test but is also required to compile // by Dhcp6Io.c #define DHCPV6_OPTION_IA_NA 3 #define DHCPV6_OPTION_IA_TA 4 #define SEARCH_PATTERN 0xDEADC0DE #define SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN sizeof(SEARCH_PATTERN) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Test structures for IA_NA and IA_TA options //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// typedef struct { UINT16 Code; UINT16 Len; UINT32 IAID; } DHCPv6_OPTION; typedef struct { DHCPv6_OPTION Header; UINT32 T1; UINT32 T2; UINT8 InnerOptions[0]; } DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA; typedef struct { DHCPv6_OPTION Header; UINT8 InnerOptions[0]; } DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Symbol Definitions // These functions are not directly under test - but required to compile //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // This definition is used by this test but is also required to compile // by Dhcp6Io.c EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress = { { 0xFF, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 2 } }; EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UdpIoSendDatagram ( IN UDP_IO *UdpIo, IN NET_BUF *Packet, IN UDP_END_POINT *EndPoint OPTIONAL, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS *Gateway OPTIONAL, IN UDP_IO_CALLBACK CallBack, IN VOID *Context ) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UdpIoRecvDatagram ( IN UDP_IO *UdpIo, IN UDP_IO_CALLBACK CallBack, IN VOID *Context, IN UINT32 HeadLen ) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dhcp6AppendOptionTest Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Dhcp6AppendOptionTest : public ::testing::Test { public: UINT8 *Buffer = NULL; EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *Packet; protected: // Add any setup code if needed virtual void SetUp ( ) { // Initialize any resources or variables Buffer = (UINT8 *)AllocateZeroPool (DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN); ASSERT_NE (Buffer, (UINT8 *)NULL); Packet = (EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *)Buffer; Packet->Size = DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN; } // Add any cleanup code if needed virtual void TearDown ( ) { // Clean up any resources or variables if (Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Buffer); } } }; // Test Description: // Attempt to append an option to a packet that is too small by a duid that is too large TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendOptionTest, InvalidDataExpectBufferTooSmall) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_DHCP6_DUID *UntrustedDuid; EFI_STATUS Status; UntrustedDuid = (EFI_DHCP6_DUID *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_DUID)); ASSERT_NE (UntrustedDuid, (EFI_DHCP6_DUID *)NULL); UntrustedDuid->Length = NTOHS (0xFFFF); Cursor = Dhcp6AppendOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Status = Dhcp6AppendOption ( Dhcp6AppendOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, HTONS (Dhcp6OptServerId), UntrustedDuid->Length, UntrustedDuid->Duid ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); } // Test Description: // Attempt to append an option to a packet that is large enough TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendOptionTest, ValidDataExpectSuccess) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_DHCP6_DUID *UntrustedDuid; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN OriginalLength; UINT8 Duid[6] = { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05 }; Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); OriginalLength = Packet->Length; UntrustedDuid = (EFI_DHCP6_DUID *)AllocateZeroPool (OFFSET_OF (EFI_DHCP6_DUID, Duid) + sizeof (Duid)); ASSERT_NE (UntrustedDuid, (EFI_DHCP6_DUID *)NULL); UntrustedDuid->Length = NTOHS (sizeof (Duid)); CopyMem (UntrustedDuid->Duid, Duid, sizeof (Duid)); Cursor = Dhcp6AppendOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Status = Dhcp6AppendOption ( Dhcp6AppendOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, HTONS (Dhcp6OptServerId), UntrustedDuid->Length, UntrustedDuid->Duid ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); // verify that the pointer to cursor moved by the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Cursor, (UINT8 *)Dhcp6AppendOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option + sizeof (Duid) + 4); // verify that the length of the packet is now the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Dhcp6AppendOptionTest::Packet->Length, OriginalLength + sizeof (Duid) + 4); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dhcp6AppendETOption Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest : public ::testing::Test { public: UINT8 *Buffer = NULL; EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *Packet; protected: // Add any setup code if needed virtual void SetUp ( ) { // Initialize any resources or variables Buffer = (UINT8 *)AllocateZeroPool (DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN); ASSERT_NE (Buffer, (UINT8 *)NULL); Packet = (EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *)Buffer; Packet->Size = DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN; Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); } // Add any cleanup code if needed virtual void TearDown ( ) { // Clean up any resources or variables if (Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Buffer); } } }; // Test Description: // Attempt to append an option to a packet that is too small by a duid that is too large TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest, InvalidDataExpectBufferTooSmall) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_STATUS Status; DHCP6_INSTANCE Instance; UINT16 ElapsedTimeVal; UINT16 *ElapsedTime; Cursor = Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; ElapsedTime = &ElapsedTimeVal; Packet->Length = Packet->Size - 2; Status = Dhcp6AppendETOption ( Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, &Instance, // Instance is not used in this function &ElapsedTime ); // verify that we error out because the packet is too small for the option header ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); // reset the length Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); } // Test Description: // Attempt to append an option to a packet that is large enough TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest, ValidDataExpectSuccess) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_STATUS Status; DHCP6_INSTANCE Instance; UINT16 ElapsedTimeVal; UINT16 *ElapsedTime; UINTN ExpectedSize; UINTN OriginalLength; Cursor = Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; ElapsedTime = &ElapsedTimeVal; ExpectedSize = 6; OriginalLength = Packet->Length; Status = Dhcp6AppendETOption ( Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, &Instance, // Instance is not used in this function &ElapsedTime ); // verify that the status is EFI_SUCCESS ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); // verify that the pointer to cursor moved by the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Cursor, (UINT8 *)Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option + ExpectedSize); // verify that the length of the packet is now the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Dhcp6AppendETOptionTest::Packet->Length, OriginalLength + ExpectedSize); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dhcp6AppendIaOption Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest : public ::testing::Test { public: UINT8 *Buffer = NULL; EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *Packet; EFI_DHCP6_IA *Ia; protected: // Add any setup code if needed virtual void SetUp ( ) { // Initialize any resources or variables Buffer = (UINT8 *)AllocateZeroPool (DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN); ASSERT_NE (Buffer, (UINT8 *)NULL); Packet = (EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *)Buffer; Packet->Size = DHCP6_PACKET_MAX_LEN; Ia = (EFI_DHCP6_IA *)AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA) + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS) * 2); ASSERT_NE (Ia, (EFI_DHCP6_IA *)NULL); CopyMem (Ia->IaAddress, mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress.Addr, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (Ia->IaAddress + 1, mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress.Addr, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS)); Ia->IaAddressCount = 2; } // Add any cleanup code if needed virtual void TearDown ( ) { // Clean up any resources or variables if (Buffer != NULL) { FreePool (Buffer); } if (Ia != NULL) { FreePool (Ia); } } }; // Test Description: // Attempt to append an option to a packet that doesn't have enough space // for the option header TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest, IaNaInvalidDataExpectBufferTooSmall) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_STATUS Status; Packet->Length = Packet->Size - 2; Ia->Descriptor.Type = Dhcp6OptIana; Ia->Descriptor.IaId = 0x12345678; Cursor = Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Status = Dhcp6AppendIaOption ( Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, Ia, 0x12345678, 0x11111111, Dhcp6OptIana ); // verify that we error out because the packet is too small for the option header ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); // reset the length Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); } // Test Description: // Attempt to append an option to a packet that doesn't have enough space // for the option header TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest, IaTaInvalidDataExpectBufferTooSmall) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_STATUS Status; // Use up nearly all the space in the packet Packet->Length = Packet->Size - 2; Ia->Descriptor.Type = Dhcp6OptIata; Ia->Descriptor.IaId = 0x12345678; Cursor = Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Status = Dhcp6AppendIaOption ( Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, Ia, 0, 0, Dhcp6OptIata ); // verify that we error out because the packet is too small for the option header ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL); // reset the length Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); } TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest, IaNaValidDataExpectSuccess) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ExpectedSize; UINTN OriginalLength; // // 2 bytes for the option header type // ExpectedSize = 2; // // 2 bytes for the option header length // ExpectedSize += 2; // // 4 bytes for the IAID // ExpectedSize += 4; // // + 4 bytes for the T1 // ExpectedSize += 4; // // + 4 bytes for the T2 // ExpectedSize += 4; // // + (4 + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS)) * 2; // + 2 bytes for the option header type // + 2 bytes for the option header length // + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS) for the IA Address // ExpectedSize += (4 + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS)) * 2; Cursor = Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); OriginalLength = Packet->Length; Ia->Descriptor.Type = Dhcp6OptIana; Ia->Descriptor.IaId = 0x12345678; Status = Dhcp6AppendIaOption ( Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, Ia, 0x12345678, 0x12345678, Dhcp6OptIana ); // verify that the pointer to cursor moved by the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Cursor, (UINT8 *)Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option + ExpectedSize); // verify that the length of the packet is now the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Length, OriginalLength + ExpectedSize); // verify that the status is EFI_SUCCESS ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); } TEST_F (Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest, IaTaValidDataExpectSuccess) { UINT8 *Cursor; EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN ExpectedSize; UINTN OriginalLength; // // 2 bytes for the option header type // ExpectedSize = 2; // // 2 bytes for the option header length // ExpectedSize += 2; // // 4 bytes for the IAID // ExpectedSize += 4; // // + (4 + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS)) * 2; // + 2 bytes for the option header type // + 2 bytes for the option header length // + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS) for the IA Address // ExpectedSize += (4 + sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_IA_ADDRESS)) * 2; Cursor = Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); OriginalLength = Packet->Length; Ia->Descriptor.Type = Dhcp6OptIata; Ia->Descriptor.IaId = 0x12345678; Status = Dhcp6AppendIaOption ( Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet, &Cursor, Ia, 0, 0, Dhcp6OptIata ); // verify that the pointer to cursor moved by the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Cursor, (UINT8 *)Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option + ExpectedSize); // verify that the length of the packet is now the expected amount ASSERT_EQ (Dhcp6AppendIaOptionTest::Packet->Length, OriginalLength + ExpectedSize); // verify that the status is EFI_SUCCESS ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Define a fixture for your tests if needed class Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafeTest : public ::testing::Test { protected: // Add any setup code if needed virtual void SetUp ( ) { // Initialize any resources or variables } // Add any cleanup code if needed virtual void TearDown ( ) { // Clean up any resources or variables } }; // Test Description: // This test verifies that Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe returns EFI_SUCCESS when the IANA option is found. TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafeTest, IANAValidOptionExpectSuccess) { EFI_STATUS Result; UINT8 Option[sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA) + SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN] = { 0 }; UINT32 OptionLength = sizeof (Option); DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA *OptionPtr = (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA *)Option; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINTN SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; UINT8 *InnerOptionPtr = NULL; UINT16 InnerOptionLength = 0; OptionPtr->Header.Code = Dhcp6OptIana; OptionPtr->Header.Len = HTONS (4 + 12); // Valid length has to be more than 12 OptionPtr->Header.IAID = 0x12345678; OptionPtr->T1 = 0x11111111; OptionPtr->T2 = 0x22222222; CopyMem (OptionPtr->InnerOptions, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength); Result = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe ( Dhcp6OptIana, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength ); ASSERT_EQ (Result, EFI_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ (InnerOptionLength, 4); ASSERT_EQ (CompareMem (InnerOptionPtr, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength), 0); } // Test Description: // This test verifies that Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe returns EFI_DEIVCE_ERROR when the IANA option size is invalid. TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafeTest, IANAInvalidSizeExpectFail) { // Lets add an inner option of bytes we expect to find EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 Option[sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA) + SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN] = { 0 }; UINT32 OptionLength = sizeof (Option); DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA *OptionPtr = (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA *)Option; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINTN SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; UINT8 *InnerOptionPtr = NULL; UINT16 InnerOptionLength = 0; OptionPtr->Header.Code = Dhcp6OptIana; OptionPtr->Header.Len = HTONS (4); // Set the length to lower than expected (12) OptionPtr->Header.IAID = 0x12345678; OptionPtr->T1 = 0x11111111; OptionPtr->T2 = 0x22222222; CopyMem (OptionPtr->InnerOptions, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength); // Set the InnerOptionLength to be less than the size of the option Status = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe ( Dhcp6OptIana, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); // Now set the OptionLength to be less than the size of the option OptionLength = sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_NA) - 1; Status = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe ( Dhcp6OptIana, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); } // Test Description: // This test verifies that Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe returns EFI_SUCCESS when the IATA option is found TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafeTest, IATAValidOptionExpectSuccess) { // Lets add an inner option of bytes we expect to find EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 Option[sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA) + SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN] = { 0 }; UINT32 OptionLength = sizeof (Option); DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA *OptionPtr = (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA *)Option; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINTN SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; UINT8 *InnerOptionPtr = NULL; UINT16 InnerOptionLength = 0; OptionPtr->Header.Code = Dhcp6OptIata; OptionPtr->Header.Len = HTONS (4 + 4); // Valid length has to be more than 4 OptionPtr->Header.IAID = 0x12345678; CopyMem (OptionPtr->InnerOptions, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength); Status = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe ( Dhcp6OptIata, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); ASSERT_EQ (InnerOptionLength, 4); ASSERT_EQ (CompareMem (InnerOptionPtr, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength), 0); } // Test Description: // This test verifies that Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe returns EFI_SUCCESS when the IATA option size is invalid. TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafeTest, IATAInvalidSizeExpectFail) { // Lets add an inner option of bytes we expect to find EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 Option[sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA) + SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN] = { 0 }; UINT32 OptionLength = sizeof (Option); DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA *OptionPtr = (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA *)Option; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINTN SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; UINT8 *InnerOptionPtr = NULL; UINT16 InnerOptionLength = 0; OptionPtr->Header.Code = Dhcp6OptIata; OptionPtr->Header.Len = HTONS (2); // Set the length to lower than expected (4) OptionPtr->Header.IAID = 0x12345678; CopyMem (OptionPtr->InnerOptions, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength); Status = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe ( Dhcp6OptIata, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); // Now lets try modifying the OptionLength to be less than the size of the option OptionLength = sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA) - 1; Status = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe ( Dhcp6OptIata, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); } // Test Description: // This test verifies that any other Option Type fails TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafeTest, InvalidOption) { // Lets add an inner option of bytes we expect to find EFI_STATUS Result; UINT8 Option[sizeof (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA) + SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN] = { 0 }; UINT32 OptionLength = sizeof (Option); DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA *OptionPtr = (DHCPv6_OPTION_IA_TA *)Option; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINTN SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; UINT8 *InnerOptionPtr = NULL; UINT16 InnerOptionLength = 0; OptionPtr->Header.Code = 0xC0DE; OptionPtr->Header.Len = HTONS (2); // Set the length to lower than expected (4) OptionPtr->Header.IAID = 0x12345678; CopyMem (OptionPtr->InnerOptions, &SearchPattern, SearchPatternLength); Result = Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe (0xC0DE, Option, OptionLength, &InnerOptionPtr, &InnerOptionLength); ASSERT_EQ (Result, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Dhcp6SeekStsOption Tests //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define PACKET_SIZE (1500) class Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest : public ::testing::Test { public: DHCP6_INSTANCE Instance = { 0 }; EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *Packet = NULL; EFI_DHCP6_CONFIG_DATA Config = { 0 }; protected: // Add any setup code if needed virtual void SetUp ( ) { // Allocate a packet Packet = (EFI_DHCP6_PACKET *)AllocateZeroPool (PACKET_SIZE); ASSERT_NE (Packet, nullptr); // Initialize the packet Packet->Size = PACKET_SIZE; Instance.Config = &Config; } // Add any cleanup code if needed virtual void TearDown ( ) { // Clean up any resources or variables FreePool (Packet); } }; // Test Description: // This test verifies that Dhcp6SeekStsOption returns EFI_DEVICE_ERROR when the option is invalid // This verifies that the calling function is working as expected TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest, SeekIATAOptionExpectFail) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 *Option = NULL; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINT16 SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; UINT16 *Len = NULL; EFI_DHCP6_IA Ia = { 0 }; Ia.Descriptor.Type = DHCPV6_OPTION_IA_TA; Ia.IaAddressCount = 1; Ia.IaAddress[0].PreferredLifetime = 0xDEADBEEF; Ia.IaAddress[0].ValidLifetime = 0xDEADAAAA; Ia.IaAddress[0].IpAddress = mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress; Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); Option = Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; // Let's append the option to the packet Status = Dhcp6AppendOption ( Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet, &Option, Dhcp6OptStatusCode, HTONS (SearchPatternLength), (UINT8 *)&SearchPattern ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); // Inner option length - this will be overwritten later Len = (UINT16 *)(Option + 2); // Fill in the inner IA option Status = Dhcp6AppendIaOption ( Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet, &Option, &Ia, 0x12345678, 0x11111111, 0x22222222 ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); // overwrite the len of inner Ia option *Len = HTONS (3); Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Instance.Config->IaDescriptor.Type = DHCPV6_OPTION_IA_TA; Option = NULL; Status = Dhcp6SeekStsOption (&(Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Instance), Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet, &Option); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_DEVICE_ERROR); } // Test Description: // This test verifies that Dhcp6SeekInnerOptionSafe returns EFI_SUCCESS when the IATA option size is invalid. TEST_F (Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest, SeekIANAOptionExpectSuccess) { EFI_STATUS Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; UINT8 *Option = NULL; UINT32 SearchPattern = SEARCH_PATTERN; UINT16 SearchPatternLength = SEARCH_PATTERN_LEN; EFI_DHCP6_IA Ia = { 0 }; Ia.Descriptor.Type = DHCPV6_OPTION_IA_NA; Ia.IaAddressCount = 1; Ia.IaAddress[0].PreferredLifetime = 0x11111111; Ia.IaAddress[0].ValidLifetime = 0x22222222; Ia.IaAddress[0].IpAddress = mAllDhcpRelayAndServersAddress; Packet->Length = sizeof (EFI_DHCP6_HEADER); Option = Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet->Dhcp6.Option; Status = Dhcp6AppendOption ( Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet, &Option, Dhcp6OptStatusCode, HTONS (SearchPatternLength), (UINT8 *)&SearchPattern ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); Status = Dhcp6AppendIaOption ( Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet, &Option, &Ia, 0x12345678, 0x11111111, 0x22222222 ); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Instance.Config->IaDescriptor.Type = DHCPV6_OPTION_IA_NA; Option = NULL; Status = Dhcp6SeekStsOption (&(Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Instance), Dhcp6SeekStsOptionTest::Packet, &Option); ASSERT_EQ (Status, EFI_SUCCESS); }