/** @file
  Debug Port Library implementation based on usb3 debug port.

  Copyright (c) 2014 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

#include "DebugCommunicationLibUsb3Internal.h"

  Synchronize the specified transfer ring to update the enqueue and dequeue pointer.

  @param  Handle      Debug port handle.
  @param  TrsRing     The transfer ring to sync.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS The transfer ring is synchronized successfully.

XhcSyncTrsRing (
  IN TRANSFER_RING             *TrsRing
  UINTN               Index;
  TRB_TEMPLATE        *TrsTrb;
  UINT32              CycleBit;

  ASSERT (TrsRing != NULL);

  // Calculate the latest RingEnqueue and RingPCS
  TrsTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) TrsRing->RingEnqueue;

  ASSERT (TrsTrb != NULL);

  for (Index = 0; Index < TrsRing->TrbNumber; Index++) {
    if (TrsTrb->CycleBit != (TrsRing->RingPCS & BIT0)) {
    if ((UINT8) TrsTrb->Type == TRB_TYPE_LINK) {
      ASSERT (((LINK_TRB*)TrsTrb)->TC != 0);
      // set cycle bit in Link TRB as normal
      ((LINK_TRB*)TrsTrb)->CycleBit = TrsRing->RingPCS & BIT0;
      // Toggle PCS maintained by software
      TrsRing->RingPCS = (TrsRing->RingPCS & BIT0) ? 0 : 1;
      TrsTrb           = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN)((TrsTrb->Parameter1 | LShiftU64 ((UINT64)TrsTrb->Parameter2, 32)) & ~0x0F);
  ASSERT (Index != TrsRing->TrbNumber);

  if ((EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) TrsTrb != TrsRing->RingEnqueue) {
    TrsRing->RingEnqueue = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN) TrsTrb;

  // Clear the Trb context for enqueue, but reserve the PCS bit which indicates free Trb.
  CycleBit = TrsTrb->CycleBit;
  ZeroMem (TrsTrb, sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE));
  TrsTrb->CycleBit = CycleBit;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  Synchronize the specified event ring to update the enqueue and dequeue pointer.

  @param  Handle      Debug port handle.
  @param  EvtRing     The event ring to sync.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS The event ring is synchronized successfully.

XhcSyncEventRing (
  IN EVENT_RING                *EvtRing
  UINTN               Index;
  TRB_TEMPLATE        *EvtTrb1;

  ASSERT (EvtRing != NULL);

  // Calculate the EventRingEnqueue and EventRingCCS.
  // Note: only support single Segment
  EvtTrb1 = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingDequeue;

  for (Index = 0; Index < EvtRing->TrbNumber; Index++) {
    if (EvtTrb1->CycleBit != EvtRing->EventRingCCS) {


    if ((UINTN)EvtTrb1 >= ((UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingSeg0 + sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * EvtRing->TrbNumber)) {
      EvtTrb1 = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingSeg0;
      EvtRing->EventRingCCS = (EvtRing->EventRingCCS) ? 0 : 1;

  if (Index < EvtRing->TrbNumber) {
    EvtRing->EventRingEnqueue = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)EvtTrb1;
  } else {

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  Check if there is a new generated event.

  @param  Handle        Debug port handle.
  @param  EvtRing       The event ring to check.
  @param  NewEvtTrb     The new event TRB found.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   Found a new event TRB at the event ring.
  @retval EFI_NOT_READY The event ring has no new event.

XhcCheckNewEvent (
  IN  EVENT_RING               *EvtRing,
  OUT TRB_TEMPLATE             **NewEvtTrb
  EFI_STATUS          Status;

  ASSERT (EvtRing != NULL);

  *NewEvtTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingDequeue;

  if (EvtRing->EventRingDequeue == EvtRing->EventRingEnqueue) {
    return EFI_NOT_READY;

  Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  EvtRing->EventRingDequeue += sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE);
  // If the dequeue pointer is beyond the ring, then roll-back it to the beginning of the ring.
  if ((UINTN)EvtRing->EventRingDequeue >= ((UINTN) EvtRing->EventRingSeg0 + sizeof (TRB_TEMPLATE) * EvtRing->TrbNumber)) {
    EvtRing->EventRingDequeue = EvtRing->EventRingSeg0;

  return Status;

  Check if the Trb is a transaction of the URB.

  @param Ring   The transfer ring to be checked.
  @param Trb    The TRB to be checked.

  @retval TRUE  It is a transaction of the URB.
  @retval FALSE It is not any transaction of the URB.

IsTrbInTrsRing (
  IN  TRANSFER_RING       *Ring,
  IN  TRB_TEMPLATE        *Trb
  TRB_TEMPLATE  *CheckedTrb;
  UINTN         Index;

  CheckedTrb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) Ring->RingSeg0;

  ASSERT (Ring->TrbNumber == TR_RING_TRB_NUMBER);

  for (Index = 0; Index < Ring->TrbNumber; Index++) {
    if (Trb == CheckedTrb) {
      return TRUE;

  return FALSE;

  Check the URB's execution result and update the URB's
  result accordingly.

  @param  Handle          Debug port handle.
  @param  Urb             The URB to check result.

XhcCheckUrbResult (
  IN  URB                      *Urb
  EVT_TRB_TRANSFER        *EvtTrb;
  TRB_TEMPLATE            *TRBPtr;
  UINTN                   Index;
  EFI_STATUS              Status;
  URB                     *CheckedUrb;
  UINT64                  XhcDequeue;
  UINT32                  High;
  UINT32                  Low;

  ASSERT ((Handle != NULL) && (Urb != NULL));

  if (Urb->Finished) {
    goto EXIT;

  EvtTrb = NULL;

  // Traverse the event ring to find out all new events from the previous check.
  XhcSyncEventRing (Handle, &Handle->EventRing);

  for (Index = 0; Index < Handle->EventRing.TrbNumber; Index++) {

    Status = XhcCheckNewEvent (Handle, &Handle->EventRing, ((TRB_TEMPLATE **)&EvtTrb));
    if (Status == EFI_NOT_READY) {
      // All new events are handled, return directly.
      goto EXIT;

    if ((EvtTrb->Type != TRB_TYPE_COMMAND_COMPLT_EVENT) && (EvtTrb->Type != TRB_TYPE_TRANS_EVENT)) {

    TRBPtr = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN)(EvtTrb->TRBPtrLo | LShiftU64 ((UINT64) EvtTrb->TRBPtrHi, 32));

    if (IsTrbInTrsRing ((TRANSFER_RING *)(UINTN)(Urb->Ring), TRBPtr)) {
      CheckedUrb = Urb;
    } else if (IsTrbInTrsRing ((TRANSFER_RING *)(UINTN)(Handle->UrbIn.Ring), TRBPtr)) {
      // If it is read event and it should be generated by poll, and current operation is write, we need save data into internal buffer.
      // Internal buffer is used by next read.
      Handle->DataCount = (UINT8) (Handle->UrbIn.DataLen - EvtTrb->Length);
      CopyMem ((VOID *)(UINTN)Handle->Data, (VOID *)(UINTN)Handle->UrbIn.Data, Handle->DataCount);
      // Fill this TRB complete with CycleBit, otherwise next read will fail with old TRB.
      TRBPtr->CycleBit = (TRBPtr->CycleBit & BIT0) ? 0 : 1;
    } else {

    if ((EvtTrb->Completecode == TRB_COMPLETION_SHORT_PACKET) ||
        (EvtTrb->Completecode == TRB_COMPLETION_SUCCESS)) {
      // The length of data which were transferred.
      CheckedUrb->Completed += (((TRANSFER_TRB_NORMAL*)TRBPtr)->Length - EvtTrb->Length);
    } else {
      CheckedUrb->Result  |= EFI_USB_ERR_TIMEOUT;
    // This Urb has been processed
    CheckedUrb->Finished = TRUE;

  // Advance event ring to last available entry
  // Some 3rd party XHCI external cards don't support single 64-bytes width register access,
  // So divide it to two 32-bytes width register access.
  Low  = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP);
  High = XhcReadDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP + 4);
  XhcDequeue = (UINT64)(LShiftU64((UINT64)High, 32) | Low);

  if ((XhcDequeue & (~0x0F)) != ((UINT64)(UINTN)Handle->EventRing.EventRingDequeue & (~0x0F))) {
    // Some 3rd party XHCI external cards don't support single 64-bytes width register access,
    // So divide it to two 32-bytes width register access.
    XhcWriteDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP, XHC_LOW_32BIT (Handle->EventRing.EventRingDequeue));
    XhcWriteDebugReg (Handle, XHC_DC_DCERDP + 4, XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Handle->EventRing.EventRingDequeue));

  Ring the door bell to notify XHCI there is a transaction to be executed.

  @param  Handle        Debug port handle.
  @param  Urb           The pointer to URB.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   Successfully ring the door bell.

XhcRingDoorBell (
  IN URB                       *Urb
  UINT32      Dcdb;

  // DCDB Register
  Dcdb = (Urb->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) ? 0x100 : 0x0;

  XhcWriteDebugReg (

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  Execute the transfer by polling the URB. This is a synchronous operation.

  @param  Handle            Debug port handle.
  @param  Urb               The URB to execute.
  @param  Timeout           The time to wait before abort, in microsecond.

XhcExecTransfer (
  IN  URB                      *Urb,
  IN  UINTN                    Timeout
  TRANSFER_RING           *Ring;
  TRB_TEMPLATE            *Trb;
  UINTN                   Loop;
  UINTN                   Index;

  if (Timeout == 0) {
    Loop = 0xFFFFFFFF;
  XhcRingDoorBell (Handle, Urb);
  // Event Ring Not Empty bit can only be set to 1 by XHC after ringing door bell with some delay.
  for (Index = 0; Index < Loop; Index++) {
    XhcCheckUrbResult (Handle, Urb);
    if (Urb->Finished) {
    MicroSecondDelay (XHC_DEBUG_PORT_1_MILLISECOND);
  if (Index == Loop) {
    // If time out occurs.
    Urb->Result |= EFI_USB_ERR_TIMEOUT;
  // If URB transfer is error, restore transfer ring to original value before URB transfer
  // This will make the current transfer TRB is always at the latest unused one in transfer ring.
  Ring = (TRANSFER_RING *)(UINTN) Urb->Ring;
  if ((Urb->Result != EFI_USB_NOERROR) && (Urb->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn)) {
    // Adjust Enqueue pointer
    Ring->RingEnqueue = Urb->Trb;
    // Clear CCS flag for next use
    Trb = (TRB_TEMPLATE *)(UINTN) Urb->Trb;
    Trb->CycleBit = ((~Ring->RingPCS) & BIT0);
  } else {
    // Update transfer ring for next transfer.
    XhcSyncTrsRing (Handle, Ring);

  Create a transfer TRB.

  @param  Handle  Debug port handle.
  @param  Urb     The urb used to construct the transfer TRB.

  @return Created TRB or NULL

XhcCreateTransferTrb (
  IN URB                        *Urb
  TRANSFER_RING                 *EPRing;
  TRB                           *Trb;

  if (Urb->Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
    EPRing = &Handle->TransferRingIn;
  } else {
    EPRing = &Handle->TransferRingOut;

  XhcSyncTrsRing (Handle, EPRing);

  Urb->Trb = EPRing->RingEnqueue;
  Trb = (TRB *)(UINTN)EPRing->RingEnqueue;
  Trb->TrbNormal.TRBPtrLo  = XHC_LOW_32BIT (Urb->Data);
  Trb->TrbNormal.TRBPtrHi  = XHC_HIGH_32BIT (Urb->Data);
  Trb->TrbNormal.Length    = Urb->DataLen;
  Trb->TrbNormal.TDSize    = 0;
  Trb->TrbNormal.IntTarget = 0;
  Trb->TrbNormal.ISP       = 1;
  Trb->TrbNormal.IOC       = 1;
  Trb->TrbNormal.Type      = TRB_TYPE_NORMAL;

  // Update the cycle bit to indicate this TRB has been consumed.
  Trb->TrbNormal.CycleBit = EPRing->RingPCS & BIT0;

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  Create a new URB for a new transaction.

  @param  Handle     Debug port handle.
  @param  Direction  The direction of data flow.
  @param  Data       The user data to transfer
  @param  DataLen    The length of data buffer

  @return Created URB or NULL

XhcCreateUrb (
  IN USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE             *Handle,
  IN EFI_USB_DATA_DIRECTION             Direction,
  IN VOID                               *Data,
  IN UINTN                              DataLen
  EFI_STATUS                    Status;
  URB                           *Urb;
  EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS          UrbData;

  if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
    Urb = &Handle->UrbIn;
  } else {
    Urb = &Handle->UrbOut;

  UrbData  = Urb->Data;

  ZeroMem (Urb, sizeof (URB));
  Urb->Direction = Direction;

  // Allocate memory to move data from CAR or SMRAM to normal memory
  // to make XHCI DMA successfully
  // re-use the pre-allocate buffer in PEI to avoid DXE memory service or gBS are not ready
  Urb->Data  = UrbData;

  if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
    // Do not break URB data in buffer as it may contain the data which were just put in via DMA by XHC
    Urb->DataLen  = (UINT32) DataLen;
  } else {
    // Put data into URB data out buffer which will create TRBs
    ZeroMem ((VOID*)(UINTN) Urb->Data, DataLen);
    CopyMem ((VOID*)(UINTN) Urb->Data, Data, DataLen);
    Urb->DataLen  = (UINT32) DataLen;

  Status = XhcCreateTransferTrb (Handle, Urb);

  return Urb;

  Submits bulk transfer to a bulk endpoint of a USB device.

  @param  Handle                Debug port handle.
  @param  Direction             The direction of data transfer.
  @param  Data                  Array of pointers to the buffers of data to transmit
                                from or receive into.
  @param  DataLength            The length of the data buffer.
  @param  Timeout               Indicates the maximum time, in microsecond, which
                                the transfer is allowed to complete.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS           The transfer was completed successfully.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  The transfer failed due to lack of resource.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Some parameters are invalid.
  @retval EFI_TIMEOUT           The transfer failed due to timeout.
  @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR      The transfer failed due to host controller error.

XhcDataTransfer (
  IN     USB3_DEBUG_PORT_HANDLE              *Handle,
  IN     EFI_USB_DATA_DIRECTION              Direction,
  IN OUT VOID                                *Data,
  IN OUT UINTN                               *DataLength,
  IN     UINTN                               Timeout
  URB                     *Urb;
  EFI_STATUS              Status;

  // Validate the parameters
  if ((DataLength == NULL) || (*DataLength == 0) || (Data == NULL)) {

  // Create a new URB, insert it into the asynchronous
  // schedule list, then poll the execution status.
  Urb = XhcCreateUrb (Handle, Direction, Data, *DataLength);
  ASSERT (Urb != NULL);

  XhcExecTransfer (Handle, Urb, Timeout);

  // Make sure the data received from HW can fit in the received buffer.
  if (Urb->Completed > *DataLength) {
    return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR;

  *DataLength     = Urb->Completed;

  Status = EFI_TIMEOUT;
  if (Urb->Result == EFI_USB_NOERROR) {
    Status = EFI_SUCCESS;

  if (Direction == EfiUsbDataIn) {
    // Move data from internal buffer to outside buffer (outside buffer may be in SMRAM...)
    // SMRAM does not allow to do DMA, so we create an internal buffer.
    CopyMem (Data, (VOID *)(UINTN)Urb->Data, *DataLength);

  return Status;