## @file # This file is used to create/update/query/erase table for ECC reports # # Copyright (c) 2008, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger import os, time from Table import Table from Common.String import ConvertToSqlString2 import EccToolError as EccToolError import EccGlobalData as EccGlobalData ## TableReport # # This class defined a table used for data model # # @param object: Inherited from object class # # class TableReport(Table): def __init__(self, Cursor): Table.__init__(self, Cursor) self.Table = 'Report' ## Create table # # Create table report # # @param ID: ID of an Error # @param ErrorID: ID of an Error TypeModel of a Report item # @param OtherMsg: Other error message besides the standard error message # @param BelongsToItem: The error belongs to which item # @param Enabled: If this error enabled # @param Corrected: if this error corrected # def Create(self): SqlCommand = """create table IF NOT EXISTS %s (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ErrorID INTEGER NOT NULL, OtherMsg TEXT, BelongsToTable TEXT NOT NULL, BelongsToItem SINGLE NOT NULL, Enabled INTEGER DEFAULT 0, Corrected INTEGER DEFAULT -1 )""" % self.Table Table.Create(self, SqlCommand) ## Insert table # # Insert a record into table report # # @param ID: ID of an Error # @param ErrorID: ID of an Error TypeModel of a report item # @param OtherMsg: Other error message besides the standard error message # @param BelongsToTable: The error item belongs to which table # @param BelongsToItem: The error belongs to which item # @param Enabled: If this error enabled # @param Corrected: if this error corrected # def Insert(self, ErrorID, OtherMsg = '', BelongsToTable = '', BelongsToItem = -1, Enabled = 0, Corrected = -1): self.ID = self.ID + 1 SqlCommand = """insert into %s values(%s, %s, '%s', '%s', %s, %s, %s)""" \ % (self.Table, self.ID, ErrorID, ConvertToSqlString2(OtherMsg), BelongsToTable, BelongsToItem, Enabled, Corrected) Table.Insert(self, SqlCommand) return self.ID ## Query table # # @retval: A recordSet of all found records # def Query(self): SqlCommand = """select ID, ErrorID, OtherMsg, BelongsToTable, BelongsToItem, Corrected from %s where Enabled > -1 order by ErrorID, BelongsToItem""" % (self.Table) return self.Exec(SqlCommand) ## Convert to CSV # # Get all enabled records from table report and save them to a .csv file # # @param Filename: To filename to save the report content # def ToCSV(self, Filename = 'Report.csv'): try: File = open(Filename, 'w+') File.write("""No, Error Code, Error Message, File, LineNo, Other Error Message\n""") RecordSet = self.Query() Index = 0 for Record in RecordSet: Index = Index + 1 ErrorID = Record[1] OtherMsg = Record[2] BelongsToTable = Record[3] BelongsToItem = Record[4] IsCorrected = Record[5] SqlCommand = '' if BelongsToTable == 'File': SqlCommand = """select 0, FullPath from %s where ID = %s """ % (BelongsToTable, BelongsToItem) else: SqlCommand = """select A.StartLine, B.FullPath from %s as A, File as B where A.ID = %s and B.ID = A.BelongsToFile """ % (BelongsToTable, BelongsToItem) NewRecord = self.Exec(SqlCommand) if NewRecord != []: File.write("""%s,%s,"%s",%s,%s,"%s"\n""" % (Index, ErrorID, EccToolError.gEccErrorMessage[ErrorID], NewRecord[0][1], NewRecord[0][0], OtherMsg)) File.close() except IOError: NewFilename = 'Report_' + time.strftime("%Y%m%d_%H%M%S.csv", time.localtime()) EdkLogger.warn("ECC", "The report file %s is locked by other progress, use %s instead!" % (Filename, NewFilename)) self.ToCSV(NewFilename)