/** @file Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: PxeBcDhcp.c Abstract: Support for PxeBc dhcp functions **/ #include "PxeBcImpl.h" // // This is a map from the interested DHCP4 option tags' index to the tag value. // UINT8 mInterestedDhcp4Tags[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MAX] = { PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE_LEN, PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR, PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_OVERLOAD, PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_MSG_TYPE, PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_SERVER_ID, PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_CLASS_ID, PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE }; /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Seed GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Udp4 GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ VOID PxeBcInitSeedPacket ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Seed, IN EFI_UDP4_PROTOCOL *Udp4 ) { EFI_SIMPLE_NETWORK_MODE Mode; EFI_DHCP4_HEADER *Header; Udp4->GetModeData (Udp4, NULL, NULL, NULL, &Mode); Seed->Size = sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET); Seed->Length = sizeof (Seed->Dhcp4); Header = &Seed->Dhcp4.Header; ZeroMem (Header, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_HEADER)); Header->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_OPCODE_REQUEST; Header->HwType = Mode.IfType; Header->HwAddrLen = (UINT8) Mode.HwAddressSize; CopyMem (Header->ClientHwAddr, &Mode.CurrentAddress, Header->HwAddrLen); Seed->Dhcp4.Magik = PXEBC_DHCP4_MAGIC; Seed->Dhcp4.Option[0] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_EOP; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Dst GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Src GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ VOID PxeBcCopyEfiDhcp4Packet ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Dst, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Src ) { ASSERT (Dst->Size >= Src->Length); CopyMem (&Dst->Dhcp4, &Src->Dhcp4, Src->Length); Dst->Length = Src->Length; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param OfferIndex GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ VOID PxeBcCopyProxyOffer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT32 OfferIndex ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; ASSERT (OfferIndex < Private->NumOffers); Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Offer = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[OfferIndex].Packet.Offer; PxeBcCopyEfiDhcp4Packet (&Private->ProxyOffer.Packet.Offer, Offer); CopyMem (&Mode->ProxyOffer, &Offer->Dhcp4, Offer->Length); Mode->ProxyOfferReceived = TRUE; PxeBcParseCachedDhcpPacket (&Private->ProxyOffer); } /** Parse the cached dhcp packet. @param CachedPacket Pointer to cached dhcp packet @return TRUE : Success to parse and validation @return FALSE : Fail to parse or validation **/ BOOLEAN PxeBcParseCachedDhcpPacket ( IN PXEBC_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET *CachedPacket ) { EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **Options; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *Option; UINT8 OfferType; UINTN Index; CachedPacket->IsPxeOffer = FALSE; ZeroMem (CachedPacket->Dhcp4Option, sizeof (CachedPacket->Dhcp4Option)); ZeroMem (&CachedPacket->PxeVendorOption, sizeof (CachedPacket->PxeVendorOption)); Offer = &CachedPacket->Packet.Offer; Options = CachedPacket->Dhcp4Option; // // Parse interested dhcp options and store their pointers in CachedPacket->Dhcp4Option. // for (Index = 0; Index < PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MAX; Index++) { Options[Index] = PxeBcParseExtendOptions ( Offer->Dhcp4.Option, GET_OPTION_BUFFER_LEN (Offer), mInterestedDhcp4Tags[Index] ); } // // Check whether is an offer with PXEClient or not. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_CLASS_ID]; if ((Option != NULL) && (Option->Length >= 9) && (CompareMem (Option->Data, DEFAULT_CLASS_ID_DATA, 9) == 0)) { CachedPacket->IsPxeOffer = TRUE; } // // Parse pxe vendor options and store their content/pointers in CachedPacket->PxeVendorOption. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_VENDOR]; if (CachedPacket->IsPxeOffer && (Option != NULL)) { if (!PxeBcParseVendorOptions (Option, &CachedPacket->PxeVendorOption)) { return FALSE; } } // // Check whether bootfilename/serverhostname overloaded (See details in dhcp spec). // If overloaded, parse this buffer as nested dhcp options, or just parse bootfilename/ // serverhostname option. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_OVERLOAD]; if ((Option != NULL) && (Option->Data[0] & PXEBC_DHCP4_OVERLOAD_FILE)) { Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] = PxeBcParseExtendOptions ( (UINT8 *) Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName, sizeof (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName), PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE ); } else if ((Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL) && (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName[0] != 0)) { // // If the bootfile is not present and bootfilename is present in dhcp packet, just parse it. // And do not count dhcp option header, or else will destory the serverhostname. // Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) (&Offer->Dhcp4.Header.BootFileName[0] - EFI_FIELD_OFFSET (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION, Data[0])); } // // Determine offer type of the dhcp packet. // Option = Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_MSG_TYPE]; if ((Option == NULL) || (Option->Data[0] == 0)) { // // It's a bootp offer // Option = CachedPacket->Dhcp4Option[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE]; if (Option == NULL) { // // bootp offer without bootfilename, discard it. // return FALSE; } OfferType = DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BOOTP; } else { if (IS_VALID_DISCOVER_VENDOR_OPTION (CachedPacket->PxeVendorOption.BitMap)) { // // It's a pxe10 offer with PXEClient and discover vendor option. // OfferType = DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10; } else if (IS_VALID_MTFTP_VENDOR_OPTION (CachedPacket->PxeVendorOption.BitMap)) { // // It's a wfm11a offer with PXEClient and mtftp vendor option, and // return false since mtftp not supported currently. // return FALSE; } else { // // If the binl offer with only PXEClient. // OfferType = (UINT8) ((CachedPacket->IsPxeOffer) ? DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL : DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY); } } CachedPacket->OfferType = OfferType; return TRUE; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Index GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ BOOLEAN PxeBcTryBinl ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN UINT32 Index ) { EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; EFI_IP_ADDRESS ServerIp; EFI_STATUS Status; PXEBC_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET *CachedPacket; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Reply; ASSERT (Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL); Offer = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].Packet.Offer; if (Offer->Dhcp4.Header.ServerAddr.Addr[0] == 0) { // // next server ip address is zero, use server id option instead. // CopyMem ( &ServerIp.Addr[0], Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].Dhcp4Option[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_SERVER_ID]->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS) ); } else { // // use next server ip address. // CopyMem (&ServerIp.Addr[0], &Offer->Dhcp4.Header.ServerAddr, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); } CachedPacket = &Private->ProxyOffer; Reply = &CachedPacket->Packet.Offer; Status = PxeBcDiscvBootService ( Private, 0, NULL, FALSE, &ServerIp, 0, NULL, FALSE, Reply ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return FALSE; } if (!PxeBcParseCachedDhcpPacket (CachedPacket)) { return FALSE; } if ((CachedPacket->OfferType != DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10) && (CachedPacket->Dhcp4Option[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL)) { // // This BINL ack doesn't have discovery options set or bootfile name // specified. // return FALSE; } Private->PxeBc.Mode->ProxyOfferReceived = TRUE; CopyMem (&Private->PxeBc.Mode->ProxyOffer, &Reply->Dhcp4, Reply->Length); return TRUE; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param OfferIndex GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ BOOLEAN PxeBcTryBinlProxy ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, OUT UINT32 *OfferIndex ) { UINT32 Index; for (Index = 0; Index < Private->ProxyIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL]; Index++) { *OfferIndex = Private->BinlIndex[Index]; // // Try this BINL proxy offer // if (PxeBcTryBinl (Private, *OfferIndex)) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcCheckSelectedOffer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { PXEBC_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET *SelectedOffer; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **Options; UINT32 Index; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; UINT32 ProxyOfferIndex; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Ack; ASSERT (Private->SelectedOffer != 0); Status = EFI_SUCCESS; SelectedOffer = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[Private->SelectedOffer - 1]; Options = SelectedOffer->Dhcp4Option; if (SelectedOffer->OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL) { // // The addresses are acquired from a BINL dhcp offer, try BINL to get // the bootfile name // if (!PxeBcTryBinl (Private, Private->SelectedOffer - 1)) { Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; } } else if ((SelectedOffer->OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY) && (Options[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL)) { // // The selected offer to finish the D.O.R.A. is a DHCP only offer and // bootfile name is not provided in this offer, we need try proxy offers // to get the bootfile name or the discovery info // ProxyOfferIndex = Private->NumOffers; if (Private->SortOffers) { // // Choose proxy offer from the type we stored during DHCP offer selection // ASSERT (Private->ProxyIndex[Private->ProxyOfferType] > 0); if (Private->ProxyOfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL) { // // We buffer all received BINL proxy offers, try them all one by one // if (!PxeBcTryBinlProxy (Private, &ProxyOfferIndex)) { Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; } } else { // // For other types, only one proxy offer is buffered. // ProxyOfferIndex = Private->ProxyIndex[Private->ProxyOfferType] - 1; } } else { // // Choose proxy offer in the received order. // Status = EFI_NO_RESPONSE; for (Index = 0; Index < Private->NumOffers; Index++) { Offer = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].Packet.Offer; if (!IS_PROXY_DHCP_OFFER (Offer)) { // // Skip non proxy dhcp offers. // continue; } if (Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL) { // // Try BINL // if (!PxeBcTryBinl (Private, Index)) { // // Failed, skip to the next offer // continue; } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; break; } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status) && (Private->ProxyOfferType != DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL)) { // // Copy the proxy offer to Mode and set the flag // PxeBcCopyProxyOffer (Private, ProxyOfferIndex); } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Everything is OK, set the flag and copy the DHCP packets. // Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Offer = &SelectedOffer->Packet.Offer; // // The discover packet is already copied, just set flag here. // Mode->DhcpDiscoverValid = TRUE; Ack = &Private->Dhcp4Ack.Packet.Ack; if (SelectedOffer->OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BOOTP) { // // Other type of ACK is already cached. Bootp is special that we should // use the bootp reply as the ACK and put it into the DHCP_ONLY buffer. // PxeBcCopyEfiDhcp4Packet (&Private->Dhcp4Ack.Packet.Ack, Offer); } PxeBcParseCachedDhcpPacket (&Private->Dhcp4Ack); Mode->DhcpAckReceived = TRUE; // // Copy the dhcp ack. // CopyMem (&Mode->DhcpAck, &Ack->Dhcp4, Ack->Length); } return Status; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param RcvdOffer GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ VOID PxeBcCacheDhcpOffer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *RcvdOffer ) { PXEBC_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET *CachedOffer; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; UINT8 OfferType; CachedOffer = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[Private->NumOffers]; Offer = &CachedOffer->Packet.Offer; // // Cache the orignal dhcp packet // PxeBcCopyEfiDhcp4Packet (Offer, RcvdOffer); // // Parse and validate the options (including dhcp option and vendor option) // if (!PxeBcParseCachedDhcpPacket (CachedOffer)) { return ; } OfferType = CachedOffer->OfferType; if (OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BOOTP) { if (Private->BootpIndex != 0) { // // Only cache the first bootp offer, discard others. // return ; } else { // // Take as a dhcp only offer, but record index specifically. // Private->BootpIndex = Private->NumOffers + 1; } } else { if (IS_PROXY_DHCP_OFFER (Offer)) { // // It's a proxy dhcp offer with no your address, including pxe10, wfm11a or binl offer. // if (OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL) { // // Cache all binl offers. // Private->BinlIndex[Private->ProxyIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL]] = Private->NumOffers; Private->ProxyIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL]++; } else if (Private->ProxyIndex[OfferType] != 0) { // // Only cache the first pxe10/wfm11a offers each, discard the others. // return ; } else { // // Record index of the proxy dhcp offer with type other than binl. // Private->ProxyIndex[OfferType] = Private->NumOffers + 1; } } else { // // It's a dhcp offer with your address. // Private->OfferIndex[OfferType][Private->ServerCount[OfferType]] = Private->NumOffers; Private->ServerCount[OfferType]++; } } // // Count the accepted offers. // Private->NumOffers++; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ VOID PxeBcSelectOffer ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { UINT32 Index; UINT32 OfferIndex; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Offer; BOOLEAN GotProxyOffer; Private->SelectedOffer = 0; if (Private->SortOffers) { // // Select offer according to the priority // if (Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10] > 0) { // // DHCP with PXE10 // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10][0] + 1; } else if (Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_WFM11A] > 0) { // // DHCP with WfM // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_WFM11A][0] + 1; } else if ((Private->ProxyIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10] > 0) && (Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY] > 0) ) { // // DHCP only and proxy DHCP with PXE10 // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY][0] + 1; Private->ProxyOfferType = DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10; } else if ((Private->ProxyIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_WFM11A] > 0) && (Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY] > 0) ) { // // DHCP only and proxy DHCP with WfM // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY][0] + 1; Private->ProxyOfferType = DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_WFM11A; } else if (Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL] > 0) { // // DHCP with BINL // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL][0] + 1; } else if ((Private->ProxyIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL] > 0) && (Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY] > 0) ) { // // DHCP only and proxy DHCP with BINL // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY][0] + 1; Private->ProxyOfferType = DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_BINL; } else { // // Try offers with bootfile // for (Index = 0; Index < Private->ServerCount[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY]; Index++) { // // Select the first DHCP only offer with bootfile // OfferIndex = Private->OfferIndex[DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY][Index]; if (Private->Dhcp4Offers[OfferIndex].Dhcp4Option[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] != NULL) { Private->SelectedOffer = OfferIndex + 1; break; } } if (Private->SelectedOffer == 0) { // // Select the Bootp reply with bootfile if any // Private->SelectedOffer = Private->BootpIndex; } } } else { // // Try the offers in the received order. // GotProxyOffer = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_MAX; Index++) { GotProxyOffer = (BOOLEAN) (Private->ProxyIndex[Index] > 0); if (GotProxyOffer) { break; } } for (Index = 0; Index < Private->NumOffers; Index++) { Offer = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].Packet.Offer; if (IS_PROXY_DHCP_OFFER (Offer)) { // // Skip proxy offers // continue; } if ((Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_DHCP_ONLY) && ((!GotProxyOffer) && (Private->Dhcp4Offers[Index].Dhcp4Option[PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_INDEX_BOOTFILE] == NULL))) { // // DHCP only offer but no proxy offer received and no bootfile option in this offer // continue; } Private->SelectedOffer = Index + 1; break; } } } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param This GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Context GC_NOTO: add argument description @param CurrentState GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Dhcp4Event GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Packet GC_NOTO: add argument description @param NewPacket GC_NOTO: add argument description @retval EFI_SUCCESS GC_NOTO: Add description for return value @retval EFI_ABORTED GC_NOTO: Add description for return value **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcDhcpCallBack ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL * This, IN VOID *Context, IN EFI_DHCP4_STATE CurrentState, IN EFI_DHCP4_EVENT Dhcp4Event, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET * Packet OPTIONAL, OUT EFI_DHCP4_PACKET **NewPacket OPTIONAL ) { PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL *Callback; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *MaxMsgSize; UINT16 Value; EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN Received; if ((Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4RcvdOffer) && (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4SelectOffer) && (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4SendDiscover) && (Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4RcvdAck)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } Private = (PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *) Context; Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Callback = Private->PxeBcCallback; // // Override the Maximum DHCP Message Size. // MaxMsgSize = PxeBcParseExtendOptions ( Packet->Dhcp4.Option, GET_OPTION_BUFFER_LEN (Packet), PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_MAXMSG ); if (MaxMsgSize != NULL) { Value = HTONS (PXEBC_DHCP4_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); CopyMem (MaxMsgSize->Data, &Value, sizeof (Value)); } if ((Dhcp4Event != Dhcp4SelectOffer) && (Callback != NULL)) { Received = (BOOLEAN) ((Dhcp4Event == Dhcp4RcvdOffer) || (Dhcp4Event == Dhcp4RcvdAck)); Status = Callback->Callback ( Callback, Private->Function, Received, Packet->Length, (EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_PACKET *) &Packet->Dhcp4 ); if (Status != EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_CALLBACK_STATUS_CONTINUE) { return EFI_ABORTED; } } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; switch (Dhcp4Event) { case Dhcp4SendDiscover: // // Cache the dhcp discover packet, of which some information will be used later. // CopyMem (Mode->DhcpDiscover.Raw, &Packet->Dhcp4, Packet->Length); break; case Dhcp4RcvdOffer: Status = EFI_NOT_READY; if (Private->NumOffers < PXEBC_MAX_OFFER_NUM) { // // Cache the dhcp offers in Private->Dhcp4Offers[] // PxeBcCacheDhcpOffer (Private, Packet); } break; case Dhcp4SelectOffer: // // Select an offer, if succeeded, Private->SelectedOffer points to // the index of the selected one. // PxeBcSelectOffer (Private); if (Private->SelectedOffer == 0) { Status = EFI_ABORTED; } else { *NewPacket = &Private->Dhcp4Offers[Private->SelectedOffer - 1].Packet.Offer; } break; case Dhcp4RcvdAck: // // Cache Ack // ASSERT (Private->SelectedOffer != 0); PxeBcCopyEfiDhcp4Packet (&Private->Dhcp4Ack.Packet.Ack, Packet); break; default: break; } return Status; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param OptList GC_NOTO: add argument description @param IsDhcpDiscover GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ UINT32 PxeBcBuildDhcpOptions ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION **OptList, IN BOOLEAN IsDhcpDiscover ) { UINT32 Index; PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_ENTRY OptEnt; UINT16 Value; CHAR8 *SystemSerialNumber; Index = 0; OptList[0] = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) Private->OptionBuffer; if (!IsDhcpDiscover) { // // Append message type. // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_MSG_TYPE; OptList[Index]->Length = 1; OptEnt.Mesg = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MESG *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Mesg->Type = PXEBC_DHCP4_MSG_TYPE_REQUEST; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append max message size. // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_MAXMSG; OptList[Index]->Length = sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_MESG_SIZE); OptEnt.MaxMesgSize = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_MAX_MESG_SIZE *) OptList[Index]->Data; Value = NTOHS (PXEBC_DHCP4_MAX_PACKET_SIZE); CopyMem (&OptEnt.MaxMesgSize->Size, &Value, sizeof (UINT16)); Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); } // // Parameter request list option. // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_PARA_LIST; OptList[Index]->Length = 35; OptEnt.Para = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_PARA *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[0] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_NETMASK; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[1] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_TIME_OFFSET; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[2] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_ROUTER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[3] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_TIME_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[4] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_NAME_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[5] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_DNS_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[6] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_HOSTNAME; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[7] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE_LEN; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[8] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_DOMAINNAME; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[9] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_ROOTPATH; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[10] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_EXTEND_PATH; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[11] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_EMTU; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[12] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_TTL; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[13] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_BROADCAST; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[14] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_NIS_DOMAIN; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[15] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_NIS_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[16] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_NTP_SERVER; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[17] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[18] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_REQUEST_IP; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[19] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_LEASE; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[20] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_SERVER_ID; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[21] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_T1; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[22] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_T2; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[23] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_CLASS_ID; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[24] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_TFTP; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[25] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_BOOTFILE; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[26] = PXEBC_PXE_DHCP4_TAG_UUID; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[27] = 0x80; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[28] = 0x81; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[29] = 0x82; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[30] = 0x83; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[31] = 0x84; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[32] = 0x85; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[33] = 0x86; OptEnt.Para->ParaList[34] = 0x87; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append UUID/Guid-based client identifier option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_PXE_DHCP4_TAG_UUID; OptList[Index]->Length = sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UUID); OptEnt.Uuid = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UUID *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Uuid->Type = 0; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); if (EFI_ERROR (GetSmbiosSystemGuidAndSerialNumber ((EFI_GUID *) OptEnt.Uuid->Guid, &SystemSerialNumber))) { // // GUID not yet set - send all 0xff's to show programable (via SetVariable) // SetMem(DHCPV4_OPTIONS_BUFFER.DhcpPlatformId.Guid, sizeof(EFI_GUID), 0xff); // GUID not yet set - send all 0's to show not programable // ZeroMem (OptEnt.Uuid->Guid, sizeof (EFI_GUID)); } // // Append client network device interface option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_PXE_DHCP4_TAG_UNDI; OptList[Index]->Length = sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UNDI); OptEnt.Undi = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_UNDI *) OptList[Index]->Data; OptEnt.Undi->Type = Private->Nii->Type; OptEnt.Undi->MajorVer = Private->Nii->MajorVer; OptEnt.Undi->MinorVer = Private->Nii->MinorVer; Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append client system architecture option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_PXE_DHCP4_TAG_ARCH; OptList[Index]->Length = sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_ARCH); OptEnt.Arch = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_ARCH *) OptList[Index]->Data; Value = HTONS (SYS_ARCH); CopyMem (&OptEnt.Arch->Type, &Value, sizeof (UINT16)); Index++; OptList[Index] = GET_NEXT_DHCP_OPTION (OptList[Index - 1]); // // Append client system architecture option // OptList[Index]->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_CLASS_ID; OptList[Index]->Length = sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_CLID); OptEnt.Clid = (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_CLID *) OptList[Index]->Data; CopyMem (OptEnt.Clid, DEFAULT_CLASS_ID_DATA, sizeof (PXEBC_DHCP4_OPTION_CLID)); CvtNum (SYS_ARCH, OptEnt.Clid->ArchitectureType, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->ArchitectureType)); CopyMem (OptEnt.Clid->InterfaceName, Private->Nii->StringId, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->InterfaceName)); CvtNum (Private->Nii->MajorVer, OptEnt.Clid->UndiMajor, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->UndiMajor)); CvtNum (Private->Nii->MinorVer, OptEnt.Clid->UndiMinor, sizeof (OptEnt.Clid->UndiMinor)); Index++; return Index; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Type GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Layer GC_NOTO: add argument description @param UseBis GC_NOTO: add argument description @param DestIp GC_NOTO: add argument description @param IpCount GC_NOTO: add argument description @param SrvList GC_NOTO: add argument description @param IsDiscv GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Reply GC_NOTO: add argument description @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES GC_NOTO: Add description for return value **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcDiscvBootService ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA * Private, IN UINT16 Type, IN UINT16 *Layer, IN BOOLEAN UseBis, IN EFI_IP_ADDRESS * DestIp, IN UINT16 IpCount, IN EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_SRVLIST * SrvList, IN BOOLEAN IsDiscv, OUT EFI_DHCP4_PACKET * Reply OPTIONAL ) { EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_UDP_PORT Sport; EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_MODE *Mode; EFI_DHCP4_PROTOCOL *Dhcp4; EFI_DHCP4_TRANSMIT_RECEIVE_TOKEN Token; BOOLEAN IsBCast; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 RepIndex; UINT16 SrvIndex; UINT16 TryIndex; EFI_DHCP4_LISTEN_POINT ListenPoint; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *Response; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *OptList[PXEBC_DHCP4_MAX_OPTION_NUM]; UINT32 OptCount; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *PxeOpt; PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM *PxeBootItem; UINT8 VendorOptLen; Mode = Private->PxeBc.Mode; Dhcp4 = Private->Dhcp4; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; ZeroMem (&Token, sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_TRANSMIT_RECEIVE_TOKEN)); if (DestIp == NULL) { Sport = PXEBC_DHCP4_S_PORT; IsBCast = TRUE; } else { Sport = PXEBC_BS_DISCOVER_PORT; IsBCast = FALSE; } if (!UseBis && Layer != NULL) { *Layer &= EFI_PXE_BASE_CODE_BOOT_LAYER_MASK; } OptCount = PxeBcBuildDhcpOptions (Private, OptList, FALSE); if (IsDiscv) { // // Add vendor option of PXE_BOOT_ITEM // VendorOptLen = (sizeof (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION) - 1) * 2 + sizeof (PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM) + 1; OptList[OptCount] = AllocatePool (VendorOptLen); if (OptList[OptCount] == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } OptList[OptCount]->OpCode = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_VENDOR; OptList[OptCount]->Length = (UINT8) (VendorOptLen - 2); PxeOpt = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) OptList[OptCount]->Data; PxeOpt->OpCode = PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_ITEM; PxeOpt->Length = sizeof (PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM); PxeBootItem = (PXEBC_OPTION_BOOT_ITEM *) PxeOpt->Data; PxeBootItem->Type = HTONS (Type); PxeBootItem->Layer = HTONS (*Layer); PxeOpt->Data[PxeOpt->Length] = PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_EOP; OptCount++; } Status = Dhcp4->Build (Dhcp4, &Private->SeedPacket, 0, NULL, OptCount, OptList, &Token.Packet); if (IsDiscv) { gBS->FreePool (OptList[OptCount - 1]); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.Xid = NET_RANDOM (NetRandomInitSeed ()); Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.Reserved = (UINT16) ((IsBCast) ? 0xf000 : 0x0); CopyMem (&Token.Packet->Dhcp4.Header.ClientAddr, &Private->StationIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); Token.RemotePort = Sport; if (DestIp == NULL) { SetMem (&Token.RemoteAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS), 0xff); } else { CopyMem (&Token.RemoteAddress, DestIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); } CopyMem (&Token.GatewayAddress, &Private->GatewayIp, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); if (!IsBCast) { Token.ListenPointCount = 1; Token.ListenPoints = &ListenPoint; Token.ListenPoints[0].ListenPort = PXEBC_BS_DISCOVER_PORT; CopyMem (&Token.ListenPoints[0].ListenAddress, &Private->StationIp, sizeof(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&Token.ListenPoints[0].SubnetMask, &Private->SubnetMask, sizeof(EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); } // // Send Pxe Discover // for (TryIndex = 1; TryIndex <= PXEBC_BOOT_REQUEST_RETRIES; TryIndex++) { Token.TimeoutValue = PXEBC_BOOT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT * TryIndex; Status = Dhcp4->TransmitReceive (Dhcp4, &Token); if (Token.Status != EFI_TIMEOUT) { break; } } if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Find Pxe Reply // RepIndex = 0; SrvIndex = 0; Response = Token.ResponseList; while (RepIndex < Token.ResponseCount) { while (SrvIndex < IpCount) { if (SrvList[SrvIndex].AcceptAnyResponse) { break; } if ((SrvList[SrvIndex].Type == Type) && EFI_IP4_EQUAL (&(Response->Dhcp4.Header.ServerAddr), &(Private->ServerIp))) { break; } SrvIndex++; } if ((IpCount != SrvIndex) || (IpCount == 0)) { break; } SrvIndex = 0; RepIndex++; Response = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET *) ((UINT8 *) Response + Response->Size); } if (RepIndex < Token.ResponseCount) { if (Reply != NULL) { PxeBcCopyEfiDhcp4Packet (Reply, Response); } if (IsDiscv) { CopyMem (&(Mode->PxeDiscover), &(Token.Packet->Dhcp4), Token.Packet->Length); Mode->PxeDiscoverValid = TRUE; CopyMem (Mode->PxeReply.Raw, &Response->Dhcp4, Response->Length); Mode->PxeReplyReceived = TRUE; } } else { Status = EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // free the responselist // gBS->FreePool (Token.ResponseList); } // // Free the dhcp packet // gBS->FreePool (Token.Packet); return Status; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Buffer GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Length GC_NOTO: add argument description @param OptTag GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION * PxeBcParseExtendOptions ( IN UINT8 *Buffer, IN UINT32 Length, IN UINT8 OptTag ) { EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *Option; UINT32 Offset; Option = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) Buffer; Offset = 0; while (Offset < Length && Option->OpCode != PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_EOP) { if (Option->OpCode == OptTag) { return Option; } if (Option->OpCode == PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_PAD) { Offset++; } else { Offset += Option->Length + 2; } Option = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) (Buffer + Offset); } return NULL; } /** This function is to parse and check vendor options. @param Dhcp4Option Pointer to dhcp options @param VendorOption Pointer to vendor options @return TRUE : Valid vendor options @return FALSE : Invalid vendor options **/ BOOLEAN PxeBcParseVendorOptions ( IN EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *Dhcp4Option, IN PXEBC_VENDOR_OPTION *VendorOption ) { UINT32 *BitMap; UINT8 VendorOptionLen; EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *PxeOption; UINT8 Offset; BitMap = VendorOption->BitMap; VendorOptionLen = Dhcp4Option->Length; PxeOption = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) &Dhcp4Option->Data[0]; Offset = 0; while ((Offset < VendorOptionLen) && (PxeOption->OpCode != PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_EOP)) { // // Parse every Vendor Option and set its BitMap // switch (PxeOption->OpCode) { case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_IP: CopyMem (&VendorOption->MtftpIp, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_CPORT: CopyMem (&VendorOption->MtftpCPort, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (VendorOption->MtftpCPort)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_SPORT: CopyMem (&VendorOption->MtftpSPort, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (VendorOption->MtftpSPort)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_TIMEOUT: VendorOption->MtftpTimeout = *PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MTFTP_DELAY: VendorOption->MtftpDelay = *PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_DISCOVER_CTRL: VendorOption->DiscoverCtrl = *PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_DISCOVER_MCAST: CopyMem (&VendorOption->DiscoverMcastIp, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_SERVERS: VendorOption->BootSvrLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->BootSvr = (PXEBC_BOOT_SVR_ENTRY *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_MENU: VendorOption->BootMenuLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->BootMenu = (PXEBC_BOOT_MENU_ENTRY *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MENU_PROMPT: VendorOption->MenuPromptLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->MenuPrompt = (PXEBC_MENU_PROMPT *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_MCAST_ALLOC: CopyMem (&VendorOption->McastIpBase, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (EFI_IPv4_ADDRESS)); CopyMem (&VendorOption->McastIpBlock, PxeOption->Data + 4, sizeof (VendorOption->McastIpBlock)); CopyMem (&VendorOption->McastIpRange, PxeOption->Data + 6, sizeof (VendorOption->McastIpRange)); break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_CREDENTIAL_TYPES: VendorOption->CredTypeLen = PxeOption->Length; VendorOption->CredType = (UINT32 *) PxeOption->Data; break; case PXEBC_VENDOR_TAG_BOOT_ITEM: CopyMem (&VendorOption->BootSrvType, PxeOption->Data, sizeof (VendorOption->BootSrvType)); CopyMem (&VendorOption->BootSrvLayer, PxeOption->Data + 2, sizeof (VendorOption->BootSrvLayer)); break; } SET_VENDOR_OPTION_BIT_MAP (BitMap, PxeOption->OpCode); if (PxeOption->OpCode == PXEBC_DHCP4_TAG_PAD) { Offset++; } else { Offset = (UINT8) (Offset + PxeOption->Length + 2); } PxeOption = (EFI_DHCP4_PACKET_OPTION *) (Dhcp4Option->Data + Offset); } // // FixMe, return falas if invalid of any vendor option // return TRUE; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Str GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Len GC_NOTO: add argument description @return GC_NOTO: add return values **/ VOID PxeBcDisplayBootItem ( IN UINT8 *Str, IN UINT8 Len ) { UINT8 Tmp; Len = (UINT8) MIN (70, Len); Tmp = Str[Len]; Str[Len] = 0; AsciiPrint ("%a \n", Str); Str[Len] = Tmp; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @retval EFI_SUCCESS GC_NOTO: Add description for return value @retval EFI_TIMEOUT GC_NOTO: Add description for return value **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcSelectBootPrompt ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private ) { PXEBC_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET *Packet; PXEBC_VENDOR_OPTION *VendorOpt; EFI_EVENT TimeoutEvent; EFI_EVENT DescendEvent; EFI_INPUT_KEY InputKey; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 Timeout; UINT8 *Prompt; UINT8 PromptLen; INT32 SecCol; INT32 SecRow; TimeoutEvent = NULL; DescendEvent = NULL; if (Private->PxeBc.Mode->ProxyOfferReceived) { Packet = &Private->ProxyOffer; } else { Packet = &Private->Dhcp4Ack; } if (Packet->OfferType != DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } VendorOpt = &Packet->PxeVendorOption; if (!IS_VALID_BOOT_PROMPT (VendorOpt->BitMap)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } Timeout = VendorOpt->MenuPrompt->Timeout; Prompt = VendorOpt->MenuPrompt->Prompt; PromptLen = (UINT8) (VendorOpt->MenuPromptLen - 1); if (Timeout == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (Timeout == 255) { return EFI_TIMEOUT; } Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_TIMER, TPL_CALLBACK, NULL, NULL, &TimeoutEvent ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = gBS->SetTimer ( TimeoutEvent, TimerRelative, Timeout * TICKS_PER_SECOND ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_TIMER, TPL_CALLBACK, NULL, NULL, &DescendEvent ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } Status = gBS->SetTimer ( DescendEvent, TimerPeriodic, TICKS_PER_SECOND ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } SecCol = gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorColumn; SecRow = gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorRow; PxeBcDisplayBootItem (Prompt, PromptLen); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, SecCol + PromptLen, SecRow); AsciiPrint ("(%d) ", Timeout--); while (EFI_ERROR (gBS->CheckEvent (TimeoutEvent))) { if (!EFI_ERROR (gBS->CheckEvent (DescendEvent))) { gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, SecCol + PromptLen, SecRow); AsciiPrint ("(%d) ", Timeout--); } if (gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &InputKey) == EFI_NOT_READY) { gBS->Stall (10 * TICKS_PER_MS); continue; } if (InputKey.ScanCode == 0) { switch (InputKey.UnicodeChar) { case CTRL ('c'): Status = EFI_ABORTED; break; case CTRL ('m'): case 'm': case 'M': Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; break; default: continue; } } else { switch (InputKey.ScanCode) { case SCAN_F8: Status = EFI_TIMEOUT; break; case SCAN_ESC: Status = EFI_ABORTED; break; default: continue; } } break; } gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0 , SecRow + 1); ON_EXIT: if (DescendEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (DescendEvent); } if (TimeoutEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (TimeoutEvent); } return Status; } /** GC_NOTO: Add function description @param Private GC_NOTO: add argument description @param Type GC_NOTO: add argument description @retval EFI_ABORTED GC_NOTO: Add description for return value @retval EFI_SUCCESS GC_NOTO: Add description for return value **/ EFI_STATUS PxeBcSelectBootMenu ( IN PXEBC_PRIVATE_DATA *Private, OUT UINT16 *Type, IN BOOLEAN UseDefaultItem ) { PXEBC_CACHED_DHCP4_PACKET *Packet; PXEBC_VENDOR_OPTION *VendorOpt; EFI_INPUT_KEY InputKey; UINT8 MenuSize; UINT8 MenuNum; INT32 TopRow; UINT16 Select; UINT16 LastSelect; UINT8 Index; BOOLEAN Finish; CHAR8 Blank[70]; PXEBC_BOOT_MENU_ENTRY *MenuItem; PXEBC_BOOT_MENU_ENTRY *MenuArray[PXEBC_MAX_MENU_NUM]; Finish = FALSE; Select = 1; Index = 0; *Type = 0; if (Private->PxeBc.Mode->ProxyOfferReceived) { Packet = &Private->ProxyOffer; } else { Packet = &Private->Dhcp4Ack; } ASSERT (Packet->OfferType == DHCP4_PACKET_TYPE_PXE10); VendorOpt = &Packet->PxeVendorOption; if (!IS_VALID_BOOT_MENU (VendorOpt->BitMap)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } SetMem (Blank, sizeof(Blank), ' '); MenuSize = VendorOpt->BootMenuLen; MenuItem = VendorOpt->BootMenu; while (MenuSize > 0) { MenuArray[Index] = MenuItem; MenuSize = (UINT8) (MenuSize - (MenuItem->DescLen + 3)); MenuItem = (PXEBC_BOOT_MENU_ENTRY *) ((UINT8 *) MenuItem + MenuItem->DescLen + 3); Index++; } if (UseDefaultItem) { *Type = NTOHS (MenuArray[0]->Type); return EFI_SUCCESS; } MenuNum = Index; for (Index = 0; Index < MenuNum; Index++) { PxeBcDisplayBootItem (MenuArray[Index]->DescStr, MenuArray[Index]->DescLen); } TopRow = gST->ConOut->Mode->CursorRow - MenuNum; do { // // highlight selected row // gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_BLACK, EFI_LIGHTGRAY)); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, TopRow + Select); Blank[MenuArray[Select]->DescLen] = 0; AsciiPrint ("%a\r", Blank); PxeBcDisplayBootItem (MenuArray[Select]->DescStr, MenuArray[Select]->DescLen); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, TopRow + MenuNum); LastSelect = Select; while (gST->ConIn->ReadKeyStroke (gST->ConIn, &InputKey) == EFI_NOT_READY) { gBS->Stall (10 * TICKS_PER_MS); } if (!InputKey.ScanCode) { switch (InputKey.UnicodeChar) { case CTRL ('c'): InputKey.ScanCode = SCAN_ESC; break; case CTRL ('j'): /* linefeed */ case CTRL ('m'): /* return */ Finish = TRUE; break; case CTRL ('i'): /* tab */ case ' ': case 'd': case 'D': InputKey.ScanCode = SCAN_DOWN; break; case CTRL ('h'): /* backspace */ case 'u': case 'U': InputKey.ScanCode = SCAN_UP; break; default: InputKey.ScanCode = 0; } } switch (InputKey.ScanCode) { case SCAN_LEFT: case SCAN_UP: if (Select) { --Select; } break; case SCAN_DOWN: case SCAN_RIGHT: if (++Select == MenuNum) { --Select; } break; case SCAN_PAGE_UP: case SCAN_HOME: Select = 0; break; case SCAN_PAGE_DOWN: case SCAN_END: Select = (UINT16) (MenuNum - 1); break; case SCAN_ESC: return EFI_ABORTED; } /* unhighlight last selected row */ gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR (EFI_LIGHTGRAY, EFI_BLACK)); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, TopRow + LastSelect); Blank[MenuArray[LastSelect]->DescLen] = 0; AsciiPrint ("%a\r", Blank); PxeBcDisplayBootItem (MenuArray[LastSelect]->DescStr, MenuArray[LastSelect]->DescLen); gST->ConOut->SetCursorPosition (gST->ConOut, 0, TopRow + MenuNum); } while (!Finish); // // Swap the byte order // *Type = NTOHS (MenuArray[Select]->Type); return EFI_SUCCESS; }