# @file HostBasedUnitTestRunner.py # Plugin to located any host-based unit tests in the output directory and execute them. ## # Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # ## import os import logging import glob import stat import xml.etree.ElementTree from edk2toolext.environment.plugintypes.uefi_build_plugin import IUefiBuildPlugin from edk2toolext import edk2_logging import edk2toollib.windows.locate_tools as locate_tools from edk2toolext.environment import shell_environment from edk2toollib.utility_functions import RunCmd from edk2toollib.utility_functions import GetHostInfo class HostBasedUnitTestRunner(IUefiBuildPlugin): def do_pre_build(self, thebuilder): ''' Run Prebuild ''' return 0 def do_post_build(self, thebuilder): ''' After a build, will automatically locate and run all host-based unit tests. Logs any failures with Warning severity and will return a count of the failures as the return code. EXPECTS: - Build Var 'CI_BUILD_TYPE' - If not set to 'host_unit_test', will not do anything. UPDATES: - Shell Var 'CMOCKA_XML_FILE' ''' ci_type = thebuilder.env.GetValue('CI_BUILD_TYPE') if ci_type != 'host_unit_test': return 0 shell_env = shell_environment.GetEnvironment() logging.log(edk2_logging.get_section_level(), "Run Host based Unit Tests") path = thebuilder.env.GetValue("BUILD_OUTPUT_BASE") failure_count = 0 # Set up the reporting type for Cmocka. shell_env.set_shell_var('CMOCKA_MESSAGE_OUTPUT', 'xml') for arch in thebuilder.env.GetValue("TARGET_ARCH").split(): logging.log(edk2_logging.get_subsection_level(), "Testing for architecture: " + arch) cp = os.path.join(path, arch) # If any old results XML files exist, clean them up. for old_result in glob.iglob(os.path.join(cp, "*.result.xml")): os.remove(old_result) # Find and Run any Host Tests if GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "LINUX": testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(cp, "*Test*")) for a in testList[:]: p = os.path.join(cp, a) # It must be a file if not os.path.isfile(p): testList.remove(a) logging.debug(f"Remove directory file: {p}") continue # It must be executable if os.stat(p).st_mode & (stat.S_IEXEC | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH) == 0: testList.remove(a) logging.debug(f"Remove non-executable file: {p}") continue logging.info(f"Test file found: {p}") elif GetHostInfo().os.upper() == "WINDOWS": testList = glob.glob(os.path.join(cp, "*Test*.exe")) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported Operating System") for test in testList: # Configure output name if test uses cmocka. shell_env.set_shell_var( 'CMOCKA_XML_FILE', test + ".CMOCKA.%g." + arch + ".result.xml") # Configure output name if test uses gtest. shell_env.set_shell_var( 'GTEST_OUTPUT', "xml:" + test + ".GTEST." + arch + ".result.xml") # Run the test. ret = RunCmd('"' + test + '"', "", workingdir=cp) if(ret != 0): logging.error("UnitTest Execution Error: " + os.path.basename(test)) else: logging.info("UnitTest Completed: " + os.path.basename(test)) file_match_pattern = test + ".*." + arch + ".result.xml" xml_results_list = glob.glob(file_match_pattern) for xml_result_file in xml_results_list: root = xml.etree.ElementTree.parse( xml_result_file).getroot() for suite in root: for case in suite: for result in case: if result.tag == 'failure': logging.warning( "%s Test Failed" % os.path.basename(test)) logging.warning( " %s - %s" % (case.attrib['name'], result.text)) failure_count += 1 return failure_count