/** @file Copyright (c) 2016 - 2018, ARM Limited. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AcpiParser.h" #include "AcpiTableParser.h" #include "AcpiView.h" #include "UefiShellAcpiViewCommandLib.h" EFI_HII_HANDLE gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle = NULL; // Report variables STATIC UINT32 mSelectedAcpiTable; STATIC CONST CHAR16* mSelectedAcpiTableName; STATIC BOOLEAN mSelectedAcpiTableFound; STATIC EREPORT_OPTION mReportType; STATIC UINT32 mTableCount; STATIC UINT32 mBinTableCount; STATIC BOOLEAN mVerbose; STATIC BOOLEAN mConsistencyCheck; STATIC BOOLEAN mColourHighlighting; /** An array of acpiview command line parameters. **/ STATIC CONST SHELL_PARAM_ITEM ParamList[] = { {L"/?", TypeFlag}, {L"-c", TypeFlag}, {L"-d", TypeFlag}, {L"-h", TypeValue}, {L"-l", TypeFlag}, {L"-s", TypeValue}, {L"-v", TypeFlag}, {NULL, TypeMax} }; /** This function returns the colour highlighting status. @retval TRUE if colour highlighting is enabled. **/ BOOLEAN GetColourHighlighting ( VOID ) { return mColourHighlighting; } /** This function sets the colour highlighting status. @param Highlight The Highlight status. **/ VOID SetColourHighlighting ( BOOLEAN Highlight ) { mColourHighlighting = Highlight; } /** This function returns the report options. @retval Returns the report option. **/ STATIC EREPORT_OPTION GetReportOption ( VOID ) { return mReportType; } /** This function returns the selected ACPI table. @retval Returns signature of the selected ACPI table. **/ STATIC UINT32 GetSelectedAcpiTable ( VOID ) { return mSelectedAcpiTable; } /** This function dumps the ACPI table to a file. @param [in] Ptr Pointer to the ACPI table data. @param [in] Length The length of the ACPI table. @retval TRUE Success. @retval FALSE Failure. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN DumpAcpiTableToFile ( IN CONST UINT8* Ptr, IN CONST UINTN Length ) { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 FileNameBuffer[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE DumpFileHandle; UINTN TransferBytes; DumpFileHandle = NULL; TransferBytes = Length; UnicodeSPrint ( FileNameBuffer, sizeof (FileNameBuffer), L".\\%s%04d.bin", mSelectedAcpiTableName, mBinTableCount++ ); Status = ShellOpenFileByName ( FileNameBuffer, &DumpFileHandle, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_READONLY_MEDIA), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview" ); return FALSE; } Print (L"Dumping ACPI table to : %s ... ", FileNameBuffer); Status = ShellWriteFile ( DumpFileHandle, &TransferBytes, (VOID*)Ptr ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Print (L"ERROR: Failed to dump table to binary file.\n"); TransferBytes = 0; } else { Print (L"DONE.\n"); } ShellCloseFile (&DumpFileHandle); return (Length == TransferBytes); } /** This function processes the table reporting options for the ACPI table. @param [in] Signature The ACPI table Signature. @param [in] TablePtr Pointer to the ACPI table data. @param [in] Length The length fo the ACPI table. @retval Returns TRUE if the ACPI table should be traced. **/ BOOLEAN ProcessTableReportOptions ( IN CONST UINT32 Signature, IN CONST UINT8* TablePtr, IN CONST UINT32 Length ) { UINTN OriginalAttribute; UINT8* SignaturePtr; BOOLEAN Log; BOOLEAN HighLight; SignaturePtr = (UINT8*)(UINTN)&Signature; Log = FALSE; HighLight = GetColourHighlighting (); switch (GetReportOption ()) { case ReportAll: Log = TRUE; break; case ReportSelected: if (Signature == GetSelectedAcpiTable ()) { Log = TRUE; mSelectedAcpiTableFound = TRUE; } break; case ReportTableList: if (mTableCount == 0) { if (HighLight) { OriginalAttribute = gST->ConOut->Mode->Attribute; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute ( gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR(EFI_CYAN, ((OriginalAttribute&(BIT4|BIT5|BIT6))>>4)) ); } Print (L"\nInstalled Table(s):\n"); if (HighLight) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, OriginalAttribute); } } Print ( L"\t%4d. %c%c%c%c\n", ++mTableCount, SignaturePtr[0], SignaturePtr[1], SignaturePtr[2], SignaturePtr[3] ); break; case ReportDumpBinFile: if (Signature == GetSelectedAcpiTable ()) { mSelectedAcpiTableFound = TRUE; DumpAcpiTableToFile (TablePtr, Length); } break; case ReportMax: // We should never be here. // This case is only present to prevent compiler warning. break; } // switch if (Log) { if (HighLight) { OriginalAttribute = gST->ConOut->Mode->Attribute; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute ( gST->ConOut, EFI_TEXT_ATTR(EFI_LIGHTBLUE, ((OriginalAttribute&(BIT4|BIT5|BIT6))>>4)) ); } Print ( L"\n\n --------------- %c%c%c%c Table --------------- \n\n", SignaturePtr[0], SignaturePtr[1], SignaturePtr[2], SignaturePtr[3] ); if (HighLight) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, OriginalAttribute); } } return Log; } /** This function converts a string to ACPI table signature. @param [in] Str Pointer to the string to be converted to the ACPI table signature. @retval The ACPI table signature. **/ STATIC UINT32 ConvertStrToAcpiSignature ( IN CONST CHAR16* Str ) { UINT8 Index; CHAR8 Ptr[4]; Index = 0; // Convert to Upper case and convert to ASCII while ((Index < 4) && (Str[Index] != 0)) { if (Str[Index] >= L'a' && Str[Index] <= L'z') { Ptr[Index] = (CHAR8)(Str[Index] - (L'a' - L'A')); } else { Ptr[Index] = (CHAR8)Str[Index]; } Index++; } return *(UINT32*)Ptr; } /** This function iterates the configuration table entries in the system table, retrieves the RSDP pointer and starts parsing the ACPI tables. @param [in] SystemTable Pointer to the EFI system table. @retval Returns EFI_NOT_FOUND if the RSDP pointer is not found. Returns EFI_UNSUPPORTED if the RSDP version is less than 2. Returns EFI_SUCCESS if successful. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS EFIAPI AcpiView ( IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; EFI_CONFIGURATION_TABLE* EfiConfigurationTable; BOOLEAN FoundAcpiTable; UINTN OriginalAttribute; UINTN PrintAttribute; EREPORT_OPTION ReportOption; UINT8* RsdpPtr; UINT32 RsdpLength; UINT8 RsdpRevision; PARSE_ACPI_TABLE_PROC RsdpParserProc; BOOLEAN Trace; // Search the table for an entry that matches the ACPI Table Guid FoundAcpiTable = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < SystemTable->NumberOfTableEntries; Index++) { if (CompareGuid (&gEfiAcpiTableGuid, &(SystemTable->ConfigurationTable[Index].VendorGuid))) { EfiConfigurationTable = &SystemTable->ConfigurationTable[Index]; FoundAcpiTable = TRUE; break; } } if (FoundAcpiTable) { RsdpPtr = (UINT8*)EfiConfigurationTable->VendorTable; // The RSDP revision is 1 byte starting at offset 15 RsdpRevision = *(RsdpPtr + RSDP_REVISION_OFFSET); if (RsdpRevision < 2) { Print ( L"ERROR: RSDP version less than 2 is not supported.\n" ); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // The RSDP length is 4 bytes starting at offset 20 RsdpLength = *(UINT32*)(RsdpPtr + RSDP_LENGTH_OFFSET); Trace = ProcessTableReportOptions (RSDP_TABLE_INFO, RsdpPtr, RsdpLength); Status = GetParser (RSDP_TABLE_INFO, &RsdpParserProc); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Print ( L"ERROR: No registered parser found for RSDP.\n" ); return Status; } RsdpParserProc ( Trace, RsdpPtr, RsdpLength, RsdpRevision ); } else { IncrementErrorCount (); Print ( L"ERROR: Failed to find ACPI Table Guid in System Configuration Table.\n" ); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } ReportOption = GetReportOption (); if (ReportTableList != ReportOption) { if (((ReportSelected == ReportOption) || (ReportDumpBinFile == ReportOption)) && (!mSelectedAcpiTableFound)) { Print (L"\nRequested ACPI Table not found.\n"); } else if (ReportDumpBinFile != ReportOption) { OriginalAttribute = gST->ConOut->Mode->Attribute; Print (L"\nTable Statistics:\n"); if (GetColourHighlighting ()) { PrintAttribute = (GetErrorCount () > 0) ? EFI_TEXT_ATTR ( EFI_RED, ((OriginalAttribute&(BIT4|BIT5|BIT6))>>4) ) : OriginalAttribute; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PrintAttribute); } Print (L"\t%d Error(s)\n", GetErrorCount ()); if (GetColourHighlighting ()) { PrintAttribute = (GetWarningCount () > 0) ? EFI_TEXT_ATTR ( EFI_RED, ((OriginalAttribute&(BIT4|BIT5|BIT6))>>4) ) : OriginalAttribute; gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, PrintAttribute); } Print (L"\t%d Warning(s)\n", GetWarningCount ()); if (GetColourHighlighting ()) { gST->ConOut->SetAttribute (gST->ConOut, OriginalAttribute); } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Function for 'acpiview' command. @param[in] ImageHandle Handle to the Image (NULL if Internal). @param[in] SystemTable Pointer to the System Table (NULL if Internal). **/ SHELL_STATUS EFIAPI ShellCommandRunAcpiView ( IN EFI_HANDLE ImageHandle, IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE* SystemTable ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SHELL_STATUS ShellStatus; LIST_ENTRY* Package; CHAR16* ProblemParam; CONST CHAR16* Temp; CHAR8 ColourOption[8]; SHELL_FILE_HANDLE TmpDumpFileHandle; // Set Defaults mReportType = ReportAll; mTableCount = 0; mBinTableCount = 0; mSelectedAcpiTable = 0; mSelectedAcpiTableName = NULL; mSelectedAcpiTableFound = FALSE; mVerbose = TRUE; mConsistencyCheck = TRUE; ShellStatus = SHELL_SUCCESS; Package = NULL; TmpDumpFileHandle = NULL; // Reset The error/warning counters ResetErrorCount (); ResetWarningCount (); Status = ShellCommandLineParse (ParamList, &Package, &ProblemParam, TRUE); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Status == EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED && ProblemParam != NULL) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_PROBLEM), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview", ProblemParam ); FreePool (ProblemParam); } else { Print (L"acpiview: Error processing input parameter(s)\n"); } ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (ShellCommandLineGetCount (Package) > 1) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_MANY), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview" ); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-?")) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GET_HELP_ACPIVIEW), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview" ); } else if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-s") && ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-s") == NULL) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_NO_VALUE), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview", L"-s" ); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if ((ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-s") && ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-l"))) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_TOO_MANY), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview" ); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-h") && ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-h") == NULL) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_NO_VALUE), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview", L"-h" ); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-d") && !ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-s")) { ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_MISSING_OPTION), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview", L"-s", L"-d" ); ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { // Check if the colour option is set Temp = ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-h"); if (Temp != NULL) { UnicodeStrToAsciiStrS (Temp, ColourOption, sizeof (ColourOption)); if ((AsciiStriCmp (ColourOption, "ON") == 0) || (AsciiStriCmp (ColourOption, "TRUE") == 0)) { SetColourHighlighting (TRUE); } else if ((AsciiStriCmp (ColourOption, "OFF") == 0) || (AsciiStriCmp (ColourOption, "FALSE") == 0)) { SetColourHighlighting (FALSE); } } if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-l")) { mReportType = ReportTableList; } else { mSelectedAcpiTableName = ShellCommandLineGetValue (Package, L"-s"); if (mSelectedAcpiTableName != NULL) { mSelectedAcpiTable = (UINT32)ConvertStrToAcpiSignature ( mSelectedAcpiTableName ); mReportType = ReportSelected; if (ShellCommandLineGetFlag (Package, L"-d")) { // Create a temporary file to check if the media is writable. CHAR16 FileNameBuffer[MAX_FILE_NAME_LEN]; mReportType = ReportDumpBinFile; UnicodeSPrint ( FileNameBuffer, sizeof (FileNameBuffer), L".\\%s%04d.tmp", mSelectedAcpiTableName, mBinTableCount ); Status = ShellOpenFileByName ( FileNameBuffer, &TmpDumpFileHandle, EFI_FILE_MODE_READ | EFI_FILE_MODE_WRITE | EFI_FILE_MODE_CREATE, 0 ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER; TmpDumpFileHandle = NULL; ShellPrintHiiEx ( -1, -1, NULL, STRING_TOKEN (STR_GEN_READONLY_MEDIA), gShellAcpiViewHiiHandle, L"acpiview" ); goto Done; } // Delete Temporary file. ShellDeleteFile (&TmpDumpFileHandle); } // -d } // -s } // Parse ACPI Table information Status = AcpiView (SystemTable); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { ShellStatus = SHELL_NOT_FOUND; } } } Done: if (Package != NULL) { ShellCommandLineFreeVarList (Package); } return ShellStatus; }