/** @file
  Header file for 'dp' command functions.

  Copyright (c) 2009 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#ifndef _DP_H_
#define _DP_H_

#include <Uefi.h>

#include <Guid/Performance.h>
#include <Guid/ExtendedFirmwarePerformance.h>
#include <Guid/FirmwarePerformance.h>

#include <Protocol/HiiPackageList.h>
#include <Protocol/DevicePath.h>
#include <Protocol/LoadedImage.h>
#include <Protocol/UnicodeCollation.h>

#include <Library/BaseLib.h>
#include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h>
#include <Library/DebugLib.h>
#include <Library/MemoryAllocationLib.h>
#include <Library/ShellLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiBootServicesTableLib.h>
#include <Library/PcdLib.h>
#include <Library/SortLib.h>
#include <Library/HiiLib.h>
#include <Library/FileHandleLib.h>
#include <Library/UefiHiiServicesLib.h>
#include <Library/PerformanceLib.h>

extern EFI_HII_HANDLE mDpHiiHandle;

#define DP_MAJOR_VERSION        2
#define DP_MINOR_VERSION        5

  * The value assigned to DP_DEBUG controls which debug output
  * is generated.  Set it to ZERO to disable.
#define DP_DEBUG                0

#define DEFAULT_THRESHOLD       1000    ///< One millisecond.
#define MAXIMUM_DISPLAYCOUNT    999999  ///< Arbitrary maximum reasonable number.


/// Determine whether  0 <= C < L.  If L == 0, return true regardless of C.
#define WITHIN_LIMIT( C, L)   ( ((L) == 0) || ((C) < (L)) )

/// Structure for storing Timer specific information.
typedef struct {
  UINT64    StartCount;   ///< Value timer is initialized with.
  UINT64    EndCount;     ///< Value timer has just before it wraps.
  UINT32    Frequency;    ///< Timer count frequency in KHz.
  BOOLEAN   CountUp;      ///< TRUE if the counter counts up.

/** Initialize one PERF_CUM_DATA structure instance for token t.
  * This parameterized macro takes a single argument, t, which is expected
  * to resolve to a pointer to an ASCII string literal.  This parameter may
  * take any one of the following forms:
  *   - PERF_INIT_CUM_DATA("Token")         A string literal
  *   - PERF_INIT_CUM_DATA(pointer)         A pointer -- CHAR8 *pointer;
  *   - PERF_INIT_CUM_DATA(array)           Address of an array -- CHAR8 array[N];
#define PERF_INIT_CUM_DATA(t)   { 0ULL, PERF_MAXDUR, 0ULL, (t), 0U }

typedef struct {
  UINT64  Duration;     ///< Cumulative duration for this item.
  UINT64  MinDur;       ///< Smallest duration encountered.
  UINT64  MaxDur;       ///< Largest duration encountered.
  CHAR8   *Name;        ///< ASCII name of this item.
  UINT32  Count;        ///< Total number of measurements accumulated.

typedef struct {
  UINT32                NumTrace;         ///< Number of recorded TRACE performance measurements.
  UINT32                NumIncomplete;    ///< Number of measurements with no END value.
  UINT32                NumSummary;       ///< Number of summary section measurements.
  UINT32                NumHandles;       ///< Number of measurements with handles.
  UINT32                NumPEIMs;         ///< Number of measurements of PEIMs.
  UINT32                NumGlobal;        ///< Number of measurements with END value and NULL handle.

typedef struct {
  CONST VOID            *Handle;
  CONST CHAR8           *Token;           ///< Measured token string name.
  CONST CHAR8           *Module;          ///< Module string name.
  UINT64                StartTimeStamp;   ///< Start time point.
  UINT64                EndTimeStamp;     ///< End time point.
  UINT32                Identifier;       ///< Identifier.

typedef struct {
  CHAR8                 *Name;            ///< Measured token string name.
  UINT64                CumulativeTime;   ///< Accumulated Elapsed Time.
  UINT64                MinTime;          ///< Minimum Elapsed Time.
  UINT64                MaxTime;          ///< Maximum Elapsed Time.
  UINT32                Count;            ///< Number of measurements accumulated.

  Dump performance data.

  @param[in]  ImageHandle     The image handle.
  @param[in]  SystemTable     The system table.

  @retval SHELL_SUCCESS            Command completed successfully.
  @retval SHELL_INVALID_PARAMETER  Command usage error.
  @retval SHELL_ABORTED            The user aborts the operation.
  @retval value                    Unknown error.
RunDp (
  IN EFI_HANDLE               ImageHandle,
  IN EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE         *SystemTable

  Retrieve HII package list from ImageHandle and publish to HII database.

  @param ImageHandle            The image handle of the process.

  @return HII handle.
InitializeHiiPackage (
  EFI_HANDLE                  ImageHandle
#endif  // _DP_H_