/** @file Internal type and macro definitions for the Virtio GPU hybrid driver. Copyright (C) 2016, Red Hat, Inc. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #ifndef _VIRTIO_GPU_DXE_H_ #define _VIRTIO_GPU_DXE_H_ #include <IndustryStandard/VirtioGpu.h> #include <Library/BaseMemoryLib.h> #include <Library/DebugLib.h> #include <Library/UefiLib.h> #include <Protocol/GraphicsOutput.h> #include <Protocol/VirtioDevice.h> // // Forward declaration of VGPU_GOP. // typedef struct VGPU_GOP_STRUCT VGPU_GOP; // // The abstraction that directly corresponds to a Virtio GPU device. // // This structure will be installed on the handle that has the VirtIo Device // Protocol interface, with GUID gEfiCallerIdGuid. A similar trick is employed // in TerminalDxe, and it is necessary so that we can look up VGPU_DEV just // from the VirtIo Device Protocol handle in the Component Name 2 Protocol // implementation. // typedef struct { // // VirtIo represents access to the Virtio GPU device. Never NULL. // VIRTIO_DEVICE_PROTOCOL *VirtIo; // // BusName carries a customized name for // EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL.GetControllerName(). It is expressed in table // form because it can theoretically support several languages. Never NULL. // EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE *BusName; // // VirtIo ring used for VirtIo communication. // VRING Ring; // // Token associated with Ring's mapping for bus master common buffer // operation, from VirtioRingMap(). // VOID *RingMap; // // Event to be signaled at ExitBootServices(). // EFI_EVENT ExitBoot; // // Common running counter for all VirtIo GPU requests that ask for fencing. // UINT64 FenceId; // // The Child field references the GOP wrapper structure. If this pointer is // NULL, then the hybrid driver has bound (i.e., started) the // VIRTIO_DEVICE_PROTOCOL controller without producing the child GOP // controller (that is, after Start() was called with RemainingDevicePath // pointing to and End of Device Path node). Child can be created and // destroyed, even repeatedly, independently of VGPU_DEV. // // In practice, this field represents the single head (scanout) that we // support. // VGPU_GOP *Child; } VGPU_DEV; // // The Graphics Output Protocol wrapper structure. // #define VGPU_GOP_SIG SIGNATURE_64 ('V', 'G', 'P', 'U', '_', 'G', 'O', 'P') struct VGPU_GOP_STRUCT { UINT64 Signature; // // ParentBus points to the parent VGPU_DEV object. Never NULL. // VGPU_DEV *ParentBus; // // GopName carries a customized name for // EFI_COMPONENT_NAME2_PROTOCOL.GetControllerName(). It is expressed in table // form because it can theoretically support several languages. Never NULL. // EFI_UNICODE_STRING_TABLE *GopName; // // GopHandle is the UEFI child handle that carries the device path ending // with the ACPI ADR node, and the Graphics Output Protocol. Never NULL. // EFI_HANDLE GopHandle; // // The GopDevicePath field is the device path installed on GopHandle, // ending with an ACPI ADR node. Never NULL. // EFI_DEVICE_PATH_PROTOCOL *GopDevicePath; // // The Gop field is installed on the child handle as Graphics Output Protocol // interface. // EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL Gop; // // Referenced by Gop.Mode, GopMode provides a summary about the supported // graphics modes, and the current mode. // EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL_MODE GopMode; // // Referenced by GopMode.Info, GopModeInfo provides detailed information // about the current mode. // EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_MODE_INFORMATION GopModeInfo; // // Identifier of the 2D host resource that is in use by this head (scanout) // of the VirtIo GPU device. Zero until the first successful -- internal -- // Gop.SetMode() call, never zero afterwards. // UINT32 ResourceId; // // A number of whole pages providing the backing store for the 2D host // resource identified by ResourceId above. NULL until the first successful // -- internal -- Gop.SetMode() call, never NULL afterwards. // UINT32 *BackingStore; UINTN NumberOfPages; // // Token associated with BackingStore's mapping for bus master common // buffer operation. BackingStoreMap is valid if, and only if, // BackingStore is non-NULL. // VOID *BackingStoreMap; }; // // VirtIo GPU initialization, and commands (primitives) for the GPU device. // /** Configure the VirtIo GPU device that underlies VgpuDev. @param[in,out] VgpuDev The VGPU_DEV object to set up VirtIo messaging for. On input, the caller is responsible for having initialized VgpuDev->VirtIo. On output, VgpuDev->Ring has been initialized, and synchronous VirtIo GPU commands (primitives) can be submitted to the device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS VirtIo GPU configuration successful. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The host-side configuration of the VirtIo GPU is not supported by this driver. @retval Error codes from underlying functions. **/ EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuInit ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev ); /** De-configure the VirtIo GPU device that underlies VgpuDev. @param[in,out] VgpuDev The VGPU_DEV object to tear down VirtIo messaging for. On input, the caller is responsible for having called VirtioGpuInit(). On output, VgpuDev->Ring has been uninitialized; VirtIo GPU commands (primitives) can no longer be submitted to the device. **/ VOID VirtioGpuUninit ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev ); /** Allocate, zero and map memory, for bus master common buffer operation, to be attached as backing store to a host-side VirtIo GPU resource. @param[in] VgpuDev The VGPU_DEV object that represents the VirtIo GPU device. @param[in] NumberOfPages The number of whole pages to allocate and map. @param[out] HostAddress The system memory address of the allocated area. @param[out] DeviceAddress The bus master device address of the allocated area. The VirtIo GPU device may be programmed to access the allocated area through DeviceAddress; DeviceAddress is to be passed to the VirtioGpuResourceAttachBacking() function, as the BackingStoreDeviceAddress parameter. @param[out] Mapping A resulting token to pass to VirtioGpuUnmapAndFreeBackingStore(). @retval EFI_SUCCESS The requested number of pages has been allocated, zeroed and mapped. @return Status codes propagated from VgpuDev->VirtIo->AllocateSharedPages() and VirtioMapAllBytesInSharedBuffer(). **/ EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuAllocateZeroAndMapBackingStore ( IN VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINTN NumberOfPages, OUT VOID **HostAddress, OUT EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS *DeviceAddress, OUT VOID **Mapping ); /** Unmap and free memory originally allocated and mapped with VirtioGpuAllocateZeroAndMapBackingStore(). If the memory allocated and mapped with VirtioGpuAllocateZeroAndMapBackingStore() was attached to a host-side VirtIo GPU resource with VirtioGpuResourceAttachBacking(), then the caller is responsible for detaching the backing store from the same resource, with VirtioGpuResourceDetachBacking(), before calling this function. @param[in] VgpuDev The VGPU_DEV object that represents the VirtIo GPU device. @param[in] NumberOfPages The NumberOfPages parameter originally passed to VirtioGpuAllocateZeroAndMapBackingStore(). @param[in] HostAddress The HostAddress value originally output by VirtioGpuAllocateZeroAndMapBackingStore(). @param[in] Mapping The token that was originally output by VirtioGpuAllocateZeroAndMapBackingStore(). **/ VOID VirtioGpuUnmapAndFreeBackingStore ( IN VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINTN NumberOfPages, IN VOID *HostAddress, IN VOID *Mapping ); /** EFI_EVENT_NOTIFY function for the VGPU_DEV.ExitBoot event. It resets the VirtIo device, causing it to release its resources and to forget its configuration. This function may only be called (that is, VGPU_DEV.ExitBoot may only be signaled) after VirtioGpuInit() returns and before VirtioGpuUninit() is called. @param[in] Event Event whose notification function is being invoked. @param[in] Context Pointer to the associated VGPU_DEV object. **/ VOID EFIAPI VirtioGpuExitBoot ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ); /** The following functions send requests to the VirtIo GPU device model, await the answer from the host, and return a status. They share the following interface details: @param[in,out] VgpuDev The VGPU_DEV object that represents the VirtIo GPU device. The caller is responsible to have successfully invoked VirtioGpuInit() on VgpuDev previously, while VirtioGpuUninit() must not have been called on VgpuDev. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Invalid command-specific parameters were detected by this driver. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Operation successful. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR The host rejected the request. The host error code has been logged on the EFI_D_ERROR level. @return Codes for unexpected errors in VirtIo messaging. For the command-specific parameters, please consult the GPU Device section of the VirtIo 1.0 specification (see references in "OvmfPkg/Include/IndustryStandard/VirtioGpu.h"). **/ EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuResourceCreate2d ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 ResourceId, IN VIRTIO_GPU_FORMATS Format, IN UINT32 Width, IN UINT32 Height ); EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuResourceUnref ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 ResourceId ); EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuResourceAttachBacking ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 ResourceId, IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS BackingStoreDeviceAddress, IN UINTN NumberOfPages ); EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuResourceDetachBacking ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 ResourceId ); EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuSetScanout ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 X, IN UINT32 Y, IN UINT32 Width, IN UINT32 Height, IN UINT32 ScanoutId, IN UINT32 ResourceId ); EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuTransferToHost2d ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 X, IN UINT32 Y, IN UINT32 Width, IN UINT32 Height, IN UINT64 Offset, IN UINT32 ResourceId ); EFI_STATUS VirtioGpuResourceFlush ( IN OUT VGPU_DEV *VgpuDev, IN UINT32 X, IN UINT32 Y, IN UINT32 Width, IN UINT32 Height, IN UINT32 ResourceId ); /** Release guest-side and host-side resources that are related to an initialized VGPU_GOP.Gop. param[in,out] VgpuGop The VGPU_GOP object to release resources for. On input, the caller is responsible for having called VgpuGop->Gop.SetMode() at least once successfully. (This is equivalent to the requirement that VgpuGop->BackingStore be non-NULL. It is also equivalent to the requirement that VgpuGop->ResourceId be nonzero.) On output, resources will be released, and VgpuGop->BackingStore and VgpuGop->ResourceId will be nulled. param[in] DisableHead Whether this head (scanout) currently references the resource identified by VgpuGop->ResourceId. Only pass FALSE when VgpuGop->Gop.SetMode() calls this function while switching between modes, and set it to TRUE every other time. **/ VOID ReleaseGopResources ( IN OUT VGPU_GOP *VgpuGop, IN BOOLEAN DisableHead ); // // Template for initializing VGPU_GOP.Gop. // extern CONST EFI_GRAPHICS_OUTPUT_PROTOCOL mGopTemplate; #endif // _VIRTIO_GPU_DXE_H_