/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: BdsPlatform.c Abstract: This file include all platform action which can be customized by IBV/OEM. --*/ #include "BdsPlatform.h" CHAR16 mFirmwareVendor[] = L"TianoCore.org"; // // BDS Platform Functions // VOID PlatformBdsInit ( IN EFI_BDS_ARCH_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE *PrivateData ) /*++ Routine Description: Platform Bds init. Incude the platform firmware vendor, revision and so crc check. Arguments: PrivateData - The EFI_BDS_ARCH_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE instance Returns: None. --*/ { // // set firmwarevendor, here can be IBV/OEM customize // gST->FirmwareVendor = AllocateRuntimeCopyPool ( sizeof (mFirmwareVendor), &mFirmwareVendor ); ASSERT (gST->FirmwareVendor != NULL); gST->FirmwareRevision = EFI_FIRMWARE_REVISION; // // Fixup Tasble CRC after we updated Firmware Vendor and Revision // gBS->CalculateCrc32 ((VOID *) gST, sizeof (EFI_SYSTEM_TABLE), &gST->Hdr.CRC32); } EFI_STATUS PlatformBdsConnectConsole ( IN BDS_CONSOLE_CONNECT_ENTRY *PlatformConsole ) /*++ Routine Description: Connect the predefined platform default console device. Always try to find and enable the vga device if have. Arguments: PlatformConsole - Predfined platform default console device array. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Success connect at least one ConIn and ConOut device, there must have one ConOut device is active vga device. EFI_STATUS - Return the status of BdsLibConnectAllDefaultConsoles () --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; Index = 0; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; // // Have chance to connect the platform default console, // the platform default console is the minimue device group // the platform should support // while (PlatformConsole[Index].DevicePath != NULL) { // // Update the console variable with the connect type // if ((PlatformConsole[Index].ConnectType & CONSOLE_IN) == CONSOLE_IN) { BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ConIn", PlatformConsole[Index].DevicePath, NULL); } if ((PlatformConsole[Index].ConnectType & CONSOLE_OUT) == CONSOLE_OUT) { BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ConOut", PlatformConsole[Index].DevicePath, NULL); } if ((PlatformConsole[Index].ConnectType & STD_ERROR) == STD_ERROR) { BdsLibUpdateConsoleVariable (L"ErrOut", PlatformConsole[Index].DevicePath, NULL); } Index++; } // // Connect the all the default console with current cosole variable // Status = BdsLibConnectAllDefaultConsoles (); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } VOID PlatformBdsConnectSequence ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Connect with predeined platform connect sequence, the OEM/IBV can customize with their own connect sequence. Arguments: None. Returns: None. --*/ { UINTN Index; Index = 0; // // Here we can get the customized platform connect sequence // Notes: we can connect with new variable which record the // last time boots connect device path sequence // while (gPlatformConnectSequence[Index] != NULL) { // // Build the platform boot option // BdsLibConnectDevicePath (gPlatformConnectSequence[Index]); Index++; } } VOID PlatformBdsGetDriverOption ( IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *BdsDriverLists ) /*++ Routine Description: Load the predefined driver option, OEM/IBV can customize this to load their own drivers Arguments: BdsDriverLists - The header of the driver option link list. Returns: None. --*/ { UINTN Index; Index = 0; // // Here we can get the customized platform driver option // while (gPlatformDriverOption[Index] != NULL) { // // Build the platform boot option // BdsLibRegisterNewOption (BdsDriverLists, gPlatformDriverOption[Index], NULL, L"DriverOrder"); Index++; } } VOID PlatformBdsDiagnostics ( IN EXTENDMEM_COVERAGE_LEVEL MemoryTestLevel, IN BOOLEAN QuietBoot ) /*++ Routine Description: Perform the platform diagnostic, such like test memory. OEM/IBV also can customize this fuction to support specific platform diagnostic. Arguments: MemoryTestLevel - The memory test intensive level QuietBoot - Indicate if need to enable the quiet boot Returns: None. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Here we can decide if we need to show // the diagnostics screen // Notes: this quiet boot code should be remove // from the graphic lib // if (QuietBoot) { EnableQuietBoot (&gEfiUgaSplashProtocolGuid); // // Perform system diagnostic // Status = BdsMemoryTest (MemoryTestLevel); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DisableQuietBoot (); } return ; } // // Perform system diagnostic // Status = BdsMemoryTest (MemoryTestLevel); } VOID PlatformBdsPolicyBehavior ( IN EFI_BDS_ARCH_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE *PrivateData, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *DriverOptionList, IN OUT LIST_ENTRY *BootOptionList ) /*++ Routine Description: The function will excute with as the platform policy, current policy is driven by boot mode. IBV/OEM can customize this code for their specific policy action. Arguments: PrivateData - The EFI_BDS_ARCH_PROTOCOL_INSTANCE instance DriverOptionList - The header of the driver option link list BootOptionList - The header of the boot option link list Returns: None. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 Timeout; // // Init the time out value // Timeout = BdsLibGetTimeout (); // // Load the driver option as the driver option list // PlatformBdsGetDriverOption (DriverOptionList); // // Get current Boot Mode // Status = BdsLibGetBootMode (&PrivateData->BootMode); // // Go the different platform policy with different boot mode // Notes: this part code can be change with the table policy // switch (PrivateData->BootMode) { case BOOT_ASSUMING_NO_CONFIGURATION_CHANGES: case BOOT_WITH_MINIMAL_CONFIGURATION: // // In no-configuration boot mode, we can connect the // console directly. // BdsLibConnectAllDefaultConsoles (); PlatformBdsDiagnostics (IGNORE, TRUE); // // Perform some platform specific connect sequence // PlatformBdsConnectSequence (); // // Notes: current time out = 0 can not enter the // front page // PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE); // // Check the boot option with the boot option list // BdsLibBuildOptionFromVar (BootOptionList, L"BootOrder"); break; case BOOT_ON_FLASH_UPDATE: // // Boot with the specific configuration // PlatformBdsConnectConsole (gPlatformConsole); PlatformBdsDiagnostics (EXTENSIVE, FALSE); BdsLibConnectAll (); ProcessCapsules (BOOT_ON_FLASH_UPDATE); break; case BOOT_IN_RECOVERY_MODE: // // In recovery mode, just connect platform console // and show up the front page // PlatformBdsConnectConsole (gPlatformConsole); PlatformBdsDiagnostics (EXTENSIVE, FALSE); // // In recovery boot mode, we still enter to the // frong page now // PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE); break; case BOOT_WITH_FULL_CONFIGURATION: case BOOT_WITH_FULL_CONFIGURATION_PLUS_DIAGNOSTICS: case BOOT_WITH_DEFAULT_SETTINGS: default: // // Connect platform console // Status = PlatformBdsConnectConsole (gPlatformConsole); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Here OEM/IBV can customize with defined action // PlatformBdsNoConsoleAction (); } PlatformBdsDiagnostics (IGNORE, TRUE); // // Perform some platform specific connect sequence // PlatformBdsConnectSequence (); // // Give one chance to enter the setup if we // have the time out // PlatformBdsEnterFrontPage (Timeout, FALSE); // // Here we have enough time to do the enumeration of boot device // BdsLibEnumerateAllBootOption (BootOptionList); break; } return ; } EFI_STATUS PlatformBdsNoConsoleAction ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: This function is remained for IBV/OEM to do some platform action, if there no console device can be connected. Arguments: None. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Direct return success now. --*/ { return EFI_SUCCESS; }