/** @file Internal library implementation for PCI Bus module. Copyright (c) 2006 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
(C) Copyright 2015 Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "PciBus.h" GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED CHAR16 *mBarTypeStr[] = { L"Unknow", L" Io16", L" Io32", L" Mem32", L"PMem32", L" Mem64", L"PMem64", L" OpRom", L" Io", L" Mem", L"Unknow" }; /** Retrieve the max bus number that is assigned to the Root Bridge hierarchy. It can support the case that there are multiple bus ranges. @param Bridge Bridge device instance. @retval The max bus number that is assigned to this Root Bridge hierarchy. **/ UINT16 PciGetMaxBusNumber ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Bridge ) { PCI_IO_DEVICE *RootBridge; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *BusNumberRanges; UINT64 MaxNumberInRange; // // Get PCI Root Bridge device // RootBridge = Bridge; while (RootBridge->Parent != NULL) { RootBridge = RootBridge->Parent; } MaxNumberInRange = 0; // // Iterate the bus number ranges to get max PCI bus number // BusNumberRanges = RootBridge->BusNumberRanges; while (BusNumberRanges->Desc != ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR) { MaxNumberInRange = BusNumberRanges->AddrRangeMin + BusNumberRanges->AddrLen - 1; BusNumberRanges++; } return (UINT16) MaxNumberInRange; } /** Retrieve the PCI Card device BAR information via PciIo interface. @param PciIoDevice PCI Card device instance. **/ VOID GetBackPcCardBar ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciIoDevice ) { UINT32 Address; if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { return; } // // Read PciBar information from the bar register // if (!gFullEnumeration) { Address = 0; PciIoDevice->PciIo.Pci.Read ( &(PciIoDevice->PciIo), EfiPciIoWidthUint32, PCI_CARD_MEMORY_BASE_0, 1, &Address ); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_MEM_1].BaseAddress = (UINT64) (Address); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_MEM_1].Length = 0x2000000; (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_MEM_1].BarType = PciBarTypeMem32; Address = 0; PciIoDevice->PciIo.Pci.Read ( &(PciIoDevice->PciIo), EfiPciIoWidthUint32, PCI_CARD_MEMORY_BASE_1, 1, &Address ); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_MEM_2].BaseAddress = (UINT64) (Address); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_MEM_2].Length = 0x2000000; (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_MEM_2].BarType = PciBarTypePMem32; Address = 0; PciIoDevice->PciIo.Pci.Read ( &(PciIoDevice->PciIo), EfiPciIoWidthUint32, PCI_CARD_IO_BASE_0_LOWER, 1, &Address ); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_IO_1].BaseAddress = (UINT64) (Address); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_IO_1].Length = 0x100; (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_IO_1].BarType = PciBarTypeIo16; Address = 0; PciIoDevice->PciIo.Pci.Read ( &(PciIoDevice->PciIo), EfiPciIoWidthUint32, PCI_CARD_IO_BASE_1_LOWER, 1, &Address ); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_IO_2].BaseAddress = (UINT64) (Address); (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_IO_2].Length = 0x100; (PciIoDevice->PciBar)[P2C_IO_2].BarType = PciBarTypeIo16; } if (gPciHotPlugInit != NULL && FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { GetResourcePaddingForHpb (PciIoDevice); } } /** Remove rejected pci device from specific root bridge handle. @param RootBridgeHandle Specific parent root bridge handle. @param Bridge Bridge device instance. **/ VOID RemoveRejectedPciDevices ( IN EFI_HANDLE RootBridgeHandle, IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Bridge ) { PCI_IO_DEVICE *Temp; LIST_ENTRY *CurrentLink; LIST_ENTRY *LastLink; if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { return; } CurrentLink = Bridge->ChildList.ForwardLink; while (CurrentLink != NULL && CurrentLink != &Bridge->ChildList) { Temp = PCI_IO_DEVICE_FROM_LINK (CurrentLink); if (IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Temp->Pci)) { // // Remove rejected devices recusively // RemoveRejectedPciDevices (RootBridgeHandle, Temp); } else { // // Skip rejection for all PPBs, while detect rejection for others // if (IsPciDeviceRejected (Temp)) { // // For P2C, remove all devices on it // if (!IsListEmpty (&Temp->ChildList)) { RemoveAllPciDeviceOnBridge (RootBridgeHandle, Temp); } // // Finally remove itself // LastLink = CurrentLink->BackLink; RemoveEntryList (CurrentLink); FreePciDevice (Temp); CurrentLink = LastLink; } } CurrentLink = CurrentLink->ForwardLink; } } /** Dump the resourc map of the bridge device. @param[in] BridgeResource Resource descriptor of the bridge device. **/ VOID DumpBridgeResource ( IN PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *BridgeResource ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *Resource; PCI_BAR *Bar; if ((BridgeResource != NULL) && (BridgeResource->Length != 0)) { DEBUG (( EFI_D_INFO, "Type = %s; Base = 0x%lx;\tLength = 0x%lx;\tAlignment = 0x%lx\n", mBarTypeStr[MIN (BridgeResource->ResType, PciBarTypeMaxType)], BridgeResource->PciDev->PciBar[BridgeResource->Bar].BaseAddress, BridgeResource->Length, BridgeResource->Alignment )); for ( Link = GetFirstNode (&BridgeResource->ChildList) ; !IsNull (&BridgeResource->ChildList, Link) ; Link = GetNextNode (&BridgeResource->ChildList, Link) ) { Resource = RESOURCE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); if (Resource->ResourceUsage == PciResUsageTypical) { Bar = Resource->Virtual ? Resource->PciDev->VfPciBar : Resource->PciDev->PciBar; DEBUG (( EFI_D_INFO, " Base = 0x%lx;\tLength = 0x%lx;\tAlignment = 0x%lx;\tOwner = %s [%02x|%02x|%02x:", Bar[Resource->Bar].BaseAddress, Resource->Length, Resource->Alignment, IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Resource->PciDev->Pci) ? L"PPB" : IS_CARDBUS_BRIDGE (&Resource->PciDev->Pci) ? L"P2C" : L"PCI", Resource->PciDev->BusNumber, Resource->PciDev->DeviceNumber, Resource->PciDev->FunctionNumber )); if ((!IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Resource->PciDev->Pci) && !IS_CARDBUS_BRIDGE (&Resource->PciDev->Pci)) || (IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Resource->PciDev->Pci) && (Resource->Bar < PPB_IO_RANGE)) || (IS_CARDBUS_BRIDGE (&Resource->PciDev->Pci) && (Resource->Bar < P2C_MEM_1)) ) { // // The resource requirement comes from the device itself. // DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "%02x]", Bar[Resource->Bar].Offset)); } else { // // The resource requirement comes from the subordinate devices. // DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "**]")); } } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, " Base = Padding;\tLength = 0x%lx;\tAlignment = 0x%lx", Resource->Length, Resource->Alignment)); } if (BridgeResource->ResType != Resource->ResType) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "; Type = %s", mBarTypeStr[MIN (Resource->ResType, PciBarTypeMaxType)])); } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "\n")); } } } /** Find the corresponding resource node for the Device in child list of BridgeResource. @param[in] Device Pointer to PCI_IO_DEVICE. @param[in] BridgeResource Pointer to PCI_RESOURCE_NODE. @param[out] DeviceResources Pointer to a buffer to receive resources for the Device. @return Count of the resource descriptors returned. **/ UINTN FindResourceNode ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Device, IN PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *BridgeResource, OUT PCI_RESOURCE_NODE **DeviceResources OPTIONAL ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *Resource; UINTN Count; Count = 0; for ( Link = BridgeResource->ChildList.ForwardLink ; Link != &BridgeResource->ChildList ; Link = Link->ForwardLink ) { Resource = RESOURCE_NODE_FROM_LINK (Link); if (Resource->PciDev == Device) { if (DeviceResources != NULL) { DeviceResources[Count] = Resource; } Count++; } } return Count; } /** Dump the resource map of all the devices under Bridge. @param[in] Bridge Bridge device instance. @param[in] Resources Resource descriptors for the bridge device. @param[in] ResourceCount Count of resource descriptors. **/ VOID DumpResourceMap ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Bridge, IN PCI_RESOURCE_NODE **Resources, IN UINTN ResourceCount ) { EFI_STATUS Status; LIST_ENTRY *Link; PCI_IO_DEVICE *Device; UINTN Index; CHAR16 *Str; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE **ChildResources; UINTN ChildResourceCount; DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PciBus: Resource Map for ")); Status = gBS->OpenProtocol ( Bridge->Handle, &gEfiPciRootBridgeIoProtocolGuid, NULL, NULL, NULL, EFI_OPEN_PROTOCOL_TEST_PROTOCOL ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG (( EFI_D_INFO, "Bridge [%02x|%02x|%02x]\n", Bridge->BusNumber, Bridge->DeviceNumber, Bridge->FunctionNumber )); } else { Str = ConvertDevicePathToText ( DevicePathFromHandle (Bridge->Handle), FALSE, FALSE ); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Root Bridge %s\n", Str != NULL ? Str : L"")); if (Str != NULL) { FreePool (Str); } } for (Index = 0; Index < ResourceCount; Index++) { DumpBridgeResource (Resources[Index]); } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "\n")); for ( Link = Bridge->ChildList.ForwardLink ; Link != &Bridge->ChildList ; Link = Link->ForwardLink ) { Device = PCI_IO_DEVICE_FROM_LINK (Link); if (IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Device->Pci)) { ChildResourceCount = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < ResourceCount; Index++) { ChildResourceCount += FindResourceNode (Device, Resources[Index], NULL); } ChildResources = AllocatePool (sizeof (PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *) * ChildResourceCount); ASSERT (ChildResources != NULL); ChildResourceCount = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < ResourceCount; Index++) { ChildResourceCount += FindResourceNode (Device, Resources[Index], &ChildResources[ChildResourceCount]); } DumpResourceMap (Device, ChildResources, ChildResourceCount); FreePool (ChildResources); } } } /** Submits the I/O and memory resource requirements for the specified PCI Host Bridge. @param PciResAlloc Point to protocol instance of EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PROTOCOL. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully finished resource allocation. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Cannot get root bridge instance. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Platform failed to program the resources if no hot plug supported. @retval other Some error occurred when allocating resources for the PCI Host Bridge. @note Feature flag PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport determine whether need support hotplug. **/ EFI_STATUS PciHostBridgeResourceAllocator ( IN EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PROTOCOL *PciResAlloc ) { PCI_IO_DEVICE *RootBridgeDev; EFI_HANDLE RootBridgeHandle; VOID *AcpiConfig; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 IoBase; UINT64 Mem32Base; UINT64 PMem32Base; UINT64 Mem64Base; UINT64 PMem64Base; UINT64 IoResStatus; UINT64 Mem32ResStatus; UINT64 PMem32ResStatus; UINT64 Mem64ResStatus; UINT64 PMem64ResStatus; UINT32 MaxOptionRomSize; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *IoBridge; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *Mem32Bridge; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *PMem32Bridge; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *Mem64Bridge; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *PMem64Bridge; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE IoPool; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE Mem32Pool; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE PMem32Pool; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE Mem64Pool; PCI_RESOURCE_NODE PMem64Pool; EFI_DEVICE_HANDLE_EXTENDED_DATA_PAYLOAD HandleExtendedData; EFI_RESOURCE_ALLOC_FAILURE_ERROR_DATA_PAYLOAD AllocFailExtendedData; // // It may try several times if the resource allocation fails // while (TRUE) { // // Initialize resource pool // InitializeResourcePool (&IoPool, PciBarTypeIo16); InitializeResourcePool (&Mem32Pool, PciBarTypeMem32); InitializeResourcePool (&PMem32Pool, PciBarTypePMem32); InitializeResourcePool (&Mem64Pool, PciBarTypeMem64); InitializeResourcePool (&PMem64Pool, PciBarTypePMem64); RootBridgeDev = NULL; RootBridgeHandle = 0; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // Get Root Bridge Device by handle // RootBridgeDev = GetRootBridgeByHandle (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Create the entire system resource map from the information collected by // enumerator. Several resource tree was created // // // If non-standard PCI Bridge I/O window alignment is supported, // set I/O aligment to minimum possible alignment for root bridge. // IoBridge = CreateResourceNode ( RootBridgeDev, 0, FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBridgeIoAlignmentProbe) ? 0x1FF: 0xFFF, RB_IO_RANGE, PciBarTypeIo16, PciResUsageTypical ); Mem32Bridge = CreateResourceNode ( RootBridgeDev, 0, 0xFFFFF, RB_MEM32_RANGE, PciBarTypeMem32, PciResUsageTypical ); PMem32Bridge = CreateResourceNode ( RootBridgeDev, 0, 0xFFFFF, RB_PMEM32_RANGE, PciBarTypePMem32, PciResUsageTypical ); Mem64Bridge = CreateResourceNode ( RootBridgeDev, 0, 0xFFFFF, RB_MEM64_RANGE, PciBarTypeMem64, PciResUsageTypical ); PMem64Bridge = CreateResourceNode ( RootBridgeDev, 0, 0xFFFFF, RB_PMEM64_RANGE, PciBarTypePMem64, PciResUsageTypical ); // // Get the max ROM size that the root bridge can process // Insert to resource map so that there will be dedicate MEM32 resource range for Option ROM. // All devices' Option ROM share the same MEM32 resource. // MaxOptionRomSize = GetMaxOptionRomSize (RootBridgeDev); if (MaxOptionRomSize != 0) { RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].BarType = PciBarTypeOpRom; RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].Length = MaxOptionRomSize; RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].Alignment = MaxOptionRomSize - 1; GetResourceFromDevice (RootBridgeDev, IoBridge, Mem32Bridge, PMem32Bridge, Mem64Bridge, PMem64Bridge); } // // Create resourcemap by going through all the devices subject to this root bridge // CreateResourceMap ( RootBridgeDev, IoBridge, Mem32Bridge, PMem32Bridge, Mem64Bridge, PMem64Bridge ); // // Based on the all the resource tree, construct ACPI resource node to // submit the resource aperture to pci host bridge protocol // Status = ConstructAcpiResourceRequestor ( RootBridgeDev, IoBridge, Mem32Bridge, PMem32Bridge, Mem64Bridge, PMem64Bridge, &AcpiConfig ); // // Insert these resource nodes into the database // InsertResourceNode (&IoPool, IoBridge); InsertResourceNode (&Mem32Pool, Mem32Bridge); InsertResourceNode (&PMem32Pool, PMem32Bridge); InsertResourceNode (&Mem64Pool, Mem64Bridge); InsertResourceNode (&PMem64Pool, PMem64Bridge); if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // Submit the resource requirement // Status = PciResAlloc->SubmitResources ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeDev->Handle, AcpiConfig ); // // If SubmitResources returns error, PciBus isn't able to start. // It's a fatal error so assertion is added. // DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PciBus: HostBridge->SubmitResources() - %r\n", Status)); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); } // // Free acpi resource node // if (AcpiConfig != NULL) { FreePool (AcpiConfig); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Destroy all the resource tree // DestroyResourceTree (&IoPool); DestroyResourceTree (&Mem32Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&PMem32Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&Mem64Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&PMem64Pool); return Status; } } // // End while, at least one Root Bridge should be found. // ASSERT (RootBridgeDev != NULL); // // Notify platform to start to program the resource // Status = NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeAllocateResources); DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PciBus: HostBridge->NotifyPhase(AllocateResources) - %r\n", Status)); if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { // // If Hot Plug is not supported // if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Allocation failed, then return // return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Allocation succeed. // Get host bridge handle for status report, and then skip the main while // HandleExtendedData.Handle = RootBridgeDev->PciRootBridgeIo->ParentHandle; break; } else { // // If Hot Plug is supported // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // Allocation succeed, then continue the following // break; } // // If the resource allocation is unsuccessful, free resources on bridge // RootBridgeDev = NULL; RootBridgeHandle = 0; IoResStatus = EFI_RESOURCE_SATISFIED; Mem32ResStatus = EFI_RESOURCE_SATISFIED; PMem32ResStatus = EFI_RESOURCE_SATISFIED; Mem64ResStatus = EFI_RESOURCE_SATISFIED; PMem64ResStatus = EFI_RESOURCE_SATISFIED; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // Get RootBridg Device by handle // RootBridgeDev = GetRootBridgeByHandle (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Get host bridge handle for status report // HandleExtendedData.Handle = RootBridgeDev->PciRootBridgeIo->ParentHandle; // // Get acpi resource node for all the resource types // AcpiConfig = NULL; Status = PciResAlloc->GetProposedResources ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeDev->Handle, &AcpiConfig ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (AcpiConfig != NULL) { // // Adjust resource allocation policy for each RB // GetResourceAllocationStatus ( AcpiConfig, &IoResStatus, &Mem32ResStatus, &PMem32ResStatus, &Mem64ResStatus, &PMem64ResStatus ); FreePool (AcpiConfig); } } // // End while // // // Raise the EFI_IOB_EC_RESOURCE_CONFLICT status code // // // It is very difficult to follow the spec here // Device path , Bar index can not be get here // ZeroMem (&AllocFailExtendedData, sizeof (AllocFailExtendedData)); REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_EXTENDED_DATA ( EFI_PROGRESS_CODE, EFI_IO_BUS_PCI | EFI_IOB_EC_RESOURCE_CONFLICT, (VOID *) &AllocFailExtendedData, sizeof (AllocFailExtendedData) ); Status = PciHostBridgeAdjustAllocation ( &IoPool, &Mem32Pool, &PMem32Pool, &Mem64Pool, &PMem64Pool, IoResStatus, Mem32ResStatus, PMem32ResStatus, Mem64ResStatus, PMem64ResStatus ); // // Destroy all the resource tree // DestroyResourceTree (&IoPool); DestroyResourceTree (&Mem32Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&PMem32Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&Mem64Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&PMem64Pool); NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeFreeResources); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } } // // End main while // // // Raise the EFI_IOB_PCI_RES_ALLOC status code // REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_EXTENDED_DATA ( EFI_PROGRESS_CODE, EFI_IO_BUS_PCI | EFI_IOB_PCI_RES_ALLOC, (VOID *) &HandleExtendedData, sizeof (HandleExtendedData) ); // // Notify pci bus driver starts to program the resource // Status = NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeSetResources); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } RootBridgeDev = NULL; RootBridgeHandle = 0; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // Get RootBridg Device by handle // RootBridgeDev = GetRootBridgeByHandle (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } // // Get acpi resource node for all the resource types // AcpiConfig = NULL; Status = PciResAlloc->GetProposedResources ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeDev->Handle, &AcpiConfig ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Get the resource base by interpreting acpi resource node // // GetResourceBase ( AcpiConfig, &IoBase, &Mem32Base, &PMem32Base, &Mem64Base, &PMem64Base ); // // Create the entire system resource map from the information collected by // enumerator. Several resource tree was created // FindResourceNode (RootBridgeDev, &IoPool, &IoBridge); FindResourceNode (RootBridgeDev, &Mem32Pool, &Mem32Bridge); FindResourceNode (RootBridgeDev, &PMem32Pool, &PMem32Bridge); FindResourceNode (RootBridgeDev, &Mem64Pool, &Mem64Bridge); FindResourceNode (RootBridgeDev, &PMem64Pool, &PMem64Bridge); ASSERT (IoBridge != NULL); ASSERT (Mem32Bridge != NULL); ASSERT (PMem32Bridge != NULL); ASSERT (Mem64Bridge != NULL); ASSERT (PMem64Bridge != NULL); // // Program IO resources // ProgramResource ( IoBase, IoBridge ); // // Program Mem32 resources // ProgramResource ( Mem32Base, Mem32Bridge ); // // Program PMem32 resources // ProgramResource ( PMem32Base, PMem32Bridge ); // // Program Mem64 resources // ProgramResource ( Mem64Base, Mem64Bridge ); // // Program PMem64 resources // ProgramResource ( PMem64Base, PMem64Bridge ); // // Process Option ROM for this root bridge after all BARs are programmed. // The PPB's MEM32 RANGE BAR is re-programmed to the Option ROM BAR Base in order to // shadow the Option ROM of the devices under the PPB. // After the shadow, Option ROM BAR decoding is turned off and the PPB's MEM32 RANGE // BAR is restored back to the original value. // The original value is programmed by ProgramResource() above. // DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "Process Option ROM: BAR Base/Length = %lx/%lx\n", RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].BaseAddress, RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].Length )); ProcessOptionRom (RootBridgeDev, RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].BaseAddress, RootBridgeDev->PciBar[0].Length); IoBridge ->PciDev->PciBar[IoBridge ->Bar].BaseAddress = IoBase; Mem32Bridge ->PciDev->PciBar[Mem32Bridge ->Bar].BaseAddress = Mem32Base; PMem32Bridge->PciDev->PciBar[PMem32Bridge->Bar].BaseAddress = PMem32Base; Mem64Bridge ->PciDev->PciBar[Mem64Bridge ->Bar].BaseAddress = Mem64Base; PMem64Bridge->PciDev->PciBar[PMem64Bridge->Bar].BaseAddress = PMem64Base; // // Dump the resource map for current root bridge // DEBUG_CODE ( PCI_RESOURCE_NODE *Resources[5]; Resources[0] = IoBridge; Resources[1] = Mem32Bridge; Resources[2] = PMem32Bridge; Resources[3] = Mem64Bridge; Resources[4] = PMem64Bridge; DumpResourceMap (RootBridgeDev, Resources, ARRAY_SIZE (Resources)); ); FreePool (AcpiConfig); } // // Destroy all the resource tree // DestroyResourceTree (&IoPool); DestroyResourceTree (&Mem32Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&PMem32Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&Mem64Pool); DestroyResourceTree (&PMem64Pool); // // Notify the resource allocation phase is to end // Status = NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeEndResourceAllocation); return Status; } /** Allocate NumberOfBuses buses and return the next available PCI bus number. @param Bridge Bridge device instance. @param StartBusNumber Current available PCI bus number. @param NumberOfBuses Number of buses enumerated below the StartBusNumber. @param NextBusNumber Next available PCI bus number. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Available bus number resource is enough. Next available PCI bus number is returned in NextBusNumber. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Available bus number resource is not enough for allocation. **/ EFI_STATUS PciAllocateBusNumber ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Bridge, IN UINT8 StartBusNumber, IN UINT8 NumberOfBuses, OUT UINT8 *NextBusNumber ) { PCI_IO_DEVICE *RootBridge; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *BusNumberRanges; UINT8 NextNumber; UINT64 MaxNumberInRange; // // Get PCI Root Bridge device // RootBridge = Bridge; while (RootBridge->Parent != NULL) { RootBridge = RootBridge->Parent; } // // Get next available PCI bus number // BusNumberRanges = RootBridge->BusNumberRanges; while (BusNumberRanges->Desc != ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR) { MaxNumberInRange = BusNumberRanges->AddrRangeMin + BusNumberRanges->AddrLen - 1; if (StartBusNumber >= BusNumberRanges->AddrRangeMin && StartBusNumber <= MaxNumberInRange) { NextNumber = (UINT8)(StartBusNumber + NumberOfBuses); while (NextNumber > MaxNumberInRange) { ++BusNumberRanges; if (BusNumberRanges->Desc == ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } NextNumber = (UINT8)(NextNumber + (BusNumberRanges->AddrRangeMin - (MaxNumberInRange + 1))); MaxNumberInRange = BusNumberRanges->AddrRangeMin + BusNumberRanges->AddrLen - 1; } *NextBusNumber = NextNumber; return EFI_SUCCESS; } BusNumberRanges++; } return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } /** Scan pci bus and assign bus number to the given PCI bus system. @param Bridge Bridge device instance. @param StartBusNumber start point. @param SubBusNumber Point to sub bus number. @param PaddedBusRange Customized bus number. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully scanned and assigned bus number. @retval other Some error occurred when scanning pci bus. @note Feature flag PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport determine whether need support hotplug. **/ EFI_STATUS PciScanBus ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Bridge, IN UINT8 StartBusNumber, OUT UINT8 *SubBusNumber, OUT UINT8 *PaddedBusRange ) { EFI_STATUS Status; PCI_TYPE00 Pci; UINT8 Device; UINT8 Func; UINT64 Address; UINT8 SecondBus; UINT8 PaddedSubBus; UINT16 Register; UINTN HpIndex; PCI_IO_DEVICE *PciDevice; EFI_EVENT Event; EFI_HPC_STATE State; UINT64 PciAddress; EFI_HPC_PADDING_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptors; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *NextDescriptors; UINT16 BusRange; EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL *PciRootBridgeIo; BOOLEAN BusPadding; UINT32 TempReservedBusNum; PciRootBridgeIo = Bridge->PciRootBridgeIo; SecondBus = 0; Register = 0; State = 0; Attributes = (EFI_HPC_PADDING_ATTRIBUTES) 0; BusRange = 0; BusPadding = FALSE; PciDevice = NULL; PciAddress = 0; for (Device = 0; Device <= PCI_MAX_DEVICE; Device++) { TempReservedBusNum = 0; for (Func = 0; Func <= PCI_MAX_FUNC; Func++) { // // Check to see whether a pci device is present // Status = PciDevicePresent ( PciRootBridgeIo, &Pci, StartBusNumber, Device, Func ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status) && Func == 0) { // // go to next device if there is no Function 0 // break; } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { continue; } // // Get the PCI device information // Status = PciSearchDevice ( Bridge, &Pci, StartBusNumber, Device, Func, &PciDevice ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { continue; } PciAddress = EFI_PCI_ADDRESS (StartBusNumber, Device, Func, 0); if (!IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Pci)) { // // PCI bridges will be called later // Here just need for PCI device or PCI to cardbus controller // EfiPciBeforeChildBusEnumeration for PCI Device Node // PreprocessController ( PciDevice, PciDevice->BusNumber, PciDevice->DeviceNumber, PciDevice->FunctionNumber, EfiPciBeforeChildBusEnumeration ); } if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { // // For Pci Hotplug controller devcie only // if (gPciHotPlugInit != NULL) { // // Check if it is a Hotplug PCI controller // if (IsRootPciHotPlugController (PciDevice->DevicePath, &HpIndex)) { gPciRootHpcData[HpIndex].Found = TRUE; if (!gPciRootHpcData[HpIndex].Initialized) { Status = CreateEventForHpc (HpIndex, &Event); ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status)); Status = gPciHotPlugInit->InitializeRootHpc ( gPciHotPlugInit, gPciRootHpcPool[HpIndex].HpcDevicePath, PciAddress, Event, &State ); PreprocessController ( PciDevice, PciDevice->BusNumber, PciDevice->DeviceNumber, PciDevice->FunctionNumber, EfiPciBeforeChildBusEnumeration ); } } } } if (IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Pci) || IS_CARDBUS_BRIDGE (&Pci)) { // // For PPB // if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { // // If Hot Plug is supported, // Get the bridge information // BusPadding = FALSE; if (gPciHotPlugInit != NULL) { if (IsPciHotPlugBus (PciDevice)) { // // If it is initialized, get the padded bus range // Status = gPciHotPlugInit->GetResourcePadding ( gPciHotPlugInit, PciDevice->DevicePath, PciAddress, &State, (VOID **) &Descriptors, &Attributes ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } BusRange = 0; NextDescriptors = Descriptors; Status = PciGetBusRange ( &NextDescriptors, NULL, NULL, &BusRange ); FreePool (Descriptors); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { BusPadding = TRUE; } else if (Status != EFI_NOT_FOUND) { // // EFI_NOT_FOUND is not a real error. It indicates no bus number padding requested. // return Status; } } } } Status = PciAllocateBusNumber (Bridge, *SubBusNumber, 1, SubBusNumber); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } SecondBus = *SubBusNumber; Register = (UINT16) ((SecondBus << 8) | (UINT16) StartBusNumber); Address = EFI_PCI_ADDRESS (StartBusNumber, Device, Func, PCI_BRIDGE_PRIMARY_BUS_REGISTER_OFFSET); Status = PciRootBridgeIo->Pci.Write ( PciRootBridgeIo, EfiPciWidthUint16, Address, 1, &Register ); // // If it is PPB, resursively search down this bridge // if (IS_PCI_BRIDGE (&Pci)) { // // Temporarily initialize SubBusNumber to maximum bus number to ensure the // PCI configuration transaction to go through any PPB // Register = PciGetMaxBusNumber (Bridge); Address = EFI_PCI_ADDRESS (StartBusNumber, Device, Func, PCI_BRIDGE_SUBORDINATE_BUS_REGISTER_OFFSET); Status = PciRootBridgeIo->Pci.Write ( PciRootBridgeIo, EfiPciWidthUint8, Address, 1, &Register ); // // Nofify EfiPciBeforeChildBusEnumeration for PCI Brige // PreprocessController ( PciDevice, PciDevice->BusNumber, PciDevice->DeviceNumber, PciDevice->FunctionNumber, EfiPciBeforeChildBusEnumeration ); Status = PciScanBus ( PciDevice, SecondBus, SubBusNumber, PaddedBusRange ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport) && BusPadding) { // // Ensure the device is enabled and initialized // if ((Attributes == EfiPaddingPciRootBridge) && (State & EFI_HPC_STATE_ENABLED) != 0 && (State & EFI_HPC_STATE_INITIALIZED) != 0) { *PaddedBusRange = (UINT8) ((UINT8) (BusRange) + *PaddedBusRange); } else { // // Reserve the larger one between the actual occupied bus number and padded bus number // Status = PciAllocateBusNumber (PciDevice, SecondBus, (UINT8) (BusRange), &PaddedSubBus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } *SubBusNumber = MAX (PaddedSubBus, *SubBusNumber); } } // // Set the current maximum bus number under the PPB // Address = EFI_PCI_ADDRESS (StartBusNumber, Device, Func, PCI_BRIDGE_SUBORDINATE_BUS_REGISTER_OFFSET); Status = PciRootBridgeIo->Pci.Write ( PciRootBridgeIo, EfiPciWidthUint8, Address, 1, SubBusNumber ); } else { // // It is device. Check PCI IOV for Bus reservation // Go through each function, just reserve the MAX ReservedBusNum for one device // if (PcdGetBool (PcdSrIovSupport) && PciDevice->SrIovCapabilityOffset != 0) { if (TempReservedBusNum < PciDevice->ReservedBusNum) { Status = PciAllocateBusNumber (PciDevice, *SubBusNumber, (UINT8) (PciDevice->ReservedBusNum - TempReservedBusNum), SubBusNumber); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } TempReservedBusNum = PciDevice->ReservedBusNum; if (Func == 0) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PCI-IOV ScanBus - SubBusNumber - 0x%x\n", *SubBusNumber)); } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "PCI-IOV ScanBus - SubBusNumber - 0x%x (Update)\n", *SubBusNumber)); } } } } if (Func == 0 && !IS_PCI_MULTI_FUNC (&Pci)) { // // Skip sub functions, this is not a multi function device // Func = PCI_MAX_FUNC; } } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Process Option Rom on the specified root bridge. @param Bridge Pci root bridge device instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Success process. @retval other Some error occurred when processing Option Rom on the root bridge. **/ EFI_STATUS PciRootBridgeP2CProcess ( IN PCI_IO_DEVICE *Bridge ) { LIST_ENTRY *CurrentLink; PCI_IO_DEVICE *Temp; EFI_HPC_STATE State; UINT64 PciAddress; EFI_STATUS Status; CurrentLink = Bridge->ChildList.ForwardLink; while (CurrentLink != NULL && CurrentLink != &Bridge->ChildList) { Temp = PCI_IO_DEVICE_FROM_LINK (CurrentLink); if (IS_CARDBUS_BRIDGE (&Temp->Pci)) { if (gPciHotPlugInit != NULL && Temp->Allocated && FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { // // Raise the EFI_IOB_PCI_HPC_INIT status code // REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_PROGRESS_CODE, EFI_IO_BUS_PCI | EFI_IOB_PCI_HPC_INIT, Temp->DevicePath ); PciAddress = EFI_PCI_ADDRESS (Temp->BusNumber, Temp->DeviceNumber, Temp->FunctionNumber, 0); Status = gPciHotPlugInit->InitializeRootHpc ( gPciHotPlugInit, Temp->DevicePath, PciAddress, NULL, &State ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = PciBridgeEnumerator (Temp); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } CurrentLink = CurrentLink->ForwardLink; continue; } } if (!IsListEmpty (&Temp->ChildList)) { Status = PciRootBridgeP2CProcess (Temp); } CurrentLink = CurrentLink->ForwardLink; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Process Option Rom on the specified host bridge. @param PciResAlloc Pointer to instance of EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PROTOCOL. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Success process. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND Can not find the root bridge instance. @retval other Some error occurred when processing Option Rom on the host bridge. **/ EFI_STATUS PciHostBridgeP2CProcess ( IN EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PROTOCOL *PciResAlloc ) { EFI_HANDLE RootBridgeHandle; PCI_IO_DEVICE *RootBridgeDev; EFI_STATUS Status; if (!FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } RootBridgeHandle = NULL; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // Get RootBridg Device by handle // RootBridgeDev = GetRootBridgeByHandle (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } Status = PciRootBridgeP2CProcess (RootBridgeDev); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** This function is used to enumerate the entire host bridge in a given platform. @param PciResAlloc A pointer to the PCI Host Resource Allocation protocol. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Successfully enumerated the host bridge. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES No enough memory available. @retval other Some error occurred when enumerating the host bridge. **/ EFI_STATUS PciHostBridgeEnumerator ( IN EFI_PCI_HOST_BRIDGE_RESOURCE_ALLOCATION_PROTOCOL *PciResAlloc ) { EFI_HANDLE RootBridgeHandle; PCI_IO_DEVICE *RootBridgeDev; EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL *PciRootBridgeIo; UINT16 MinBus; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *Descriptors; EFI_ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_DESCRIPTOR *Configuration; UINT8 StartBusNumber; LIST_ENTRY RootBridgeList; LIST_ENTRY *Link; if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { InitializeHotPlugSupport (); } InitializeListHead (&RootBridgeList); // // Notify the bus allocation phase is about to start // Status = NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeBeginBusAllocation); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "PCI Bus First Scanning\n")); RootBridgeHandle = NULL; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // if a root bridge instance is found, create root bridge device for it // RootBridgeDev = CreateRootBridge (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Enumerate all the buses under this root bridge // Status = PciRootBridgeEnumerator ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeDev ); if (gPciHotPlugInit != NULL && FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { InsertTailList (&RootBridgeList, &(RootBridgeDev->Link)); } else { DestroyRootBridge (RootBridgeDev); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Notify the bus allocation phase is finished for the first time // NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeEndBusAllocation); if (gPciHotPlugInit != NULL && FeaturePcdGet (PcdPciBusHotplugDeviceSupport)) { // // Reset all assigned PCI bus number in all PPB // RootBridgeHandle = NULL; Link = GetFirstNode (&RootBridgeList); while ((PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) && (!IsNull (&RootBridgeList, Link))) { RootBridgeDev = PCI_IO_DEVICE_FROM_LINK (Link); // // Get the Bus information // Status = PciResAlloc->StartBusEnumeration ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeHandle, (VOID **) &Configuration ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Get the bus number to start with // StartBusNumber = (UINT8) (Configuration->AddrRangeMin); ResetAllPpbBusNumber ( RootBridgeDev, StartBusNumber ); FreePool (Configuration); Link = RemoveEntryList (Link); DestroyRootBridge (RootBridgeDev); } // // Wait for all HPC initialized // Status = AllRootHPCInitialized (STALL_1_SECOND * 15); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Some root HPC failed to initialize\n")); return Status; } // // Notify the bus allocation phase is about to start for the 2nd time // Status = NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeBeginBusAllocation); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } DEBUG((EFI_D_INFO, "PCI Bus Second Scanning\n")); RootBridgeHandle = NULL; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // if a root bridge instance is found, create root bridge device for it // RootBridgeDev = CreateRootBridge (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Enumerate all the buses under this root bridge // Status = PciRootBridgeEnumerator ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeDev ); DestroyRootBridge (RootBridgeDev); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Notify the bus allocation phase is to end for the 2nd time // NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeEndBusAllocation); } // // Notify the resource allocation phase is to start // Status = NotifyPhase (PciResAlloc, EfiPciHostBridgeBeginResourceAllocation); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } RootBridgeHandle = NULL; while (PciResAlloc->GetNextRootBridge (PciResAlloc, &RootBridgeHandle) == EFI_SUCCESS) { // // if a root bridge instance is found, create root bridge device for it // RootBridgeDev = CreateRootBridge (RootBridgeHandle); if (RootBridgeDev == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = StartManagingRootBridge (RootBridgeDev); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } PciRootBridgeIo = RootBridgeDev->PciRootBridgeIo; Status = PciRootBridgeIo->Configuration (PciRootBridgeIo, (VOID **) &Descriptors); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = PciGetBusRange (&Descriptors, &MinBus, NULL, NULL); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Determine root bridge attribute by calling interface of Pcihostbridge // protocol // DetermineRootBridgeAttributes ( PciResAlloc, RootBridgeDev ); // // Collect all the resource information under this root bridge // A database that records all the information about pci device subject to this // root bridge will then be created // Status = PciPciDeviceInfoCollector ( RootBridgeDev, (UINT8) MinBus ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } InsertRootBridge (RootBridgeDev); // // Record the hostbridge handle // AddHostBridgeEnumerator (RootBridgeDev->PciRootBridgeIo->ParentHandle); } return EFI_SUCCESS; }