/** @file ParallelHash Implementation. Copyright (c) 2022, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "CryptParallelHash.h" #include #include #define PARALLELHASH_CUSTOMIZATION "ParallelHash" UINTN mBlockNum; UINTN mBlockSize; UINTN mLastBlockSize; UINT8 *mInput; UINTN mBlockResultSize; UINT8 *mBlockHashResult; BOOLEAN *mBlockIsCompleted; SPIN_LOCK *mSpinLockList; /** Complete computation of digest of each block. Each AP perform the function called by BSP. @param[in] ProcedureArgument Argument of the procedure. **/ VOID EFIAPI ParallelHashApExecute ( IN VOID *ProcedureArgument ) { UINTN Index; BOOLEAN Status; for (Index = 0; Index < mBlockNum; Index++) { if (AcquireSpinLockOrFail (&mSpinLockList[Index])) { // // Completed, try next one. // if (mBlockIsCompleted[Index]) { ReleaseSpinLock (&mSpinLockList[Index]); continue; } // // Calculate CShake256 for this block. // Status = CShake256HashAll ( mInput + Index * mBlockSize, (Index == (mBlockNum - 1)) ? mLastBlockSize : mBlockSize, mBlockResultSize, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, mBlockHashResult + Index * mBlockResultSize ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { mBlockIsCompleted[Index] = TRUE; } ReleaseSpinLock (&mSpinLockList[Index]); } } } /** Dispatch the block task to each AP in SMM mode. **/ VOID EFIAPI MmDispatchBlockToAP ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; for (Index = 0; Index < gMmst->NumberOfCpus; Index++) { if (Index != gMmst->CurrentlyExecutingCpu) { gMmst->MmStartupThisAp (ParallelHashApExecute, Index, NULL); } } return; } /** Parallel hash function ParallelHash256, as defined in NIST's Special Publication 800-185, published December 2016. @param[in] Input Pointer to the input message (X). @param[in] InputByteLen The number(>0) of input bytes provided for the input data. @param[in] BlockSize The size of each block (B). @param[out] Output Pointer to the output buffer. @param[in] OutputByteLen The desired number of output bytes (L). @param[in] Customization Pointer to the customization string (S). @param[in] CustomByteLen The length of the customization string in bytes. @retval TRUE ParallelHash256 digest computation succeeded. @retval FALSE ParallelHash256 digest computation failed. @retval FALSE This interface is not supported. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI ParallelHash256HashAll ( IN CONST VOID *Input, IN UINTN InputByteLen, IN UINTN BlockSize, OUT VOID *Output, IN UINTN OutputByteLen, IN CONST VOID *Customization, IN UINTN CustomByteLen ) { UINT8 EncBufB[sizeof (UINTN)+1]; UINTN EncSizeB; UINT8 EncBufN[sizeof (UINTN)+1]; UINTN EncSizeN; UINT8 EncBufL[sizeof (UINTN)+1]; UINTN EncSizeL; UINTN Index; UINT8 *CombinedInput; UINTN CombinedInputSize; BOOLEAN AllCompleted; UINTN Offset; BOOLEAN ReturnValue; if ((InputByteLen == 0) || (OutputByteLen == 0) || (BlockSize == 0)) { return FALSE; } if ((Input == NULL) || (Output == NULL)) { return FALSE; } if ((CustomByteLen != 0) && (Customization == NULL)) { return FALSE; } mBlockSize = BlockSize; // // Calculate block number n. // mBlockNum = InputByteLen % mBlockSize == 0 ? InputByteLen / mBlockSize : InputByteLen / mBlockSize + 1; // // Set hash result size of each block in bytes. // mBlockResultSize = OutputByteLen; // // Encode B, n, L to string and record size. // EncSizeB = LeftEncode (EncBufB, mBlockSize); EncSizeN = RightEncode (EncBufN, mBlockNum); EncSizeL = RightEncode (EncBufL, OutputByteLen * CHAR_BIT); // // Allocate buffer for combined input (newX), Block completed flag and SpinLock. // CombinedInputSize = EncSizeB + EncSizeN + EncSizeL + mBlockNum * mBlockResultSize; CombinedInput = AllocateZeroPool (CombinedInputSize); mBlockIsCompleted = AllocateZeroPool (mBlockNum * sizeof (BOOLEAN)); mSpinLockList = AllocatePool (mBlockNum * sizeof (SPIN_LOCK)); if ((CombinedInput == NULL) || (mBlockIsCompleted == NULL) || (mSpinLockList == NULL)) { ReturnValue = FALSE; goto Exit; } // // Fill LeftEncode(B). // CopyMem (CombinedInput, EncBufB, EncSizeB); // // Prepare for parallel hash. // mBlockHashResult = CombinedInput + EncSizeB; mInput = (UINT8 *)Input; mLastBlockSize = InputByteLen % mBlockSize == 0 ? mBlockSize : InputByteLen % mBlockSize; // // Initialize SpinLock for each result block. // for (Index = 0; Index < mBlockNum; Index++) { InitializeSpinLock (&mSpinLockList[Index]); } // // Dispatch blocklist to each AP. // if (gMmst != NULL) { MmDispatchBlockToAP (); } // // Wait until all block hash completed. // do { AllCompleted = TRUE; for (Index = 0; Index < mBlockNum; Index++) { if (AcquireSpinLockOrFail (&mSpinLockList[Index])) { if (!mBlockIsCompleted[Index]) { AllCompleted = FALSE; ReturnValue = CShake256HashAll ( mInput + Index * mBlockSize, (Index == (mBlockNum - 1)) ? mLastBlockSize : mBlockSize, mBlockResultSize, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, mBlockHashResult + Index * mBlockResultSize ); if (ReturnValue) { mBlockIsCompleted[Index] = TRUE; } ReleaseSpinLock (&mSpinLockList[Index]); break; } ReleaseSpinLock (&mSpinLockList[Index]); } else { AllCompleted = FALSE; break; } } } while (!AllCompleted); // // Fill LeftEncode(n). // Offset = EncSizeB + mBlockNum * mBlockResultSize; CopyMem (CombinedInput + Offset, EncBufN, EncSizeN); // // Fill LeftEncode(L). // Offset += EncSizeN; CopyMem (CombinedInput + Offset, EncBufL, EncSizeL); ReturnValue = CShake256HashAll ( CombinedInput, CombinedInputSize, OutputByteLen, PARALLELHASH_CUSTOMIZATION, AsciiStrLen (PARALLELHASH_CUSTOMIZATION), Customization, CustomByteLen, Output ); Exit: ZeroMem (CombinedInput, CombinedInputSize); if (CombinedInput != NULL) { FreePool (CombinedInput); } if (mSpinLockList != NULL) { FreePool ((VOID *)mSpinLockList); } if (mBlockIsCompleted != NULL) { FreePool (mBlockIsCompleted); } return ReturnValue; }