/*++ Copyright (c) 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: usbutil.c Abstract: Helper functions for USB Revision History --*/ #include "usbbus.h" // // Following APIs are used to query Port Status // BOOLEAN IsPortConnect ( IN UINT16 PortStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if there is a device connected to that port according to the Port Status. Parameters: PortStatus - The status value of that port. Return Value: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 0 value of PortStatus // if ((PortStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_CONNECTION) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortEnable ( IN UINT16 PortStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if Port is enabled. Arguments: PortStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE - Port is enable FALSE - Port is disable --*/ { // // return the bit 1 value of PortStatus // if ((PortStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_ENABLE) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortInReset ( IN UINT16 PortStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if the port is being reset. Arguments: PortStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 4 value of PortStatus // if ((PortStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_RESET) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortPowerApplied ( IN UINT16 PortStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if there is power applied to that port. Arguments: PortStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 8 value of PortStatus // if ((PortStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_POWER) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortLowSpeedDeviceAttached ( IN UINT16 PortStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if the connected device is a low device. Arguments: PortStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 9 value of PortStatus // if ((PortStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_LOW_SPEED) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortSuspend ( IN UINT16 PortStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if the port is suspend. Arguments: PortStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 2 value of PortStatus // if ((PortStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_SUSPEND) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } // // Following APIs are used to query Port Change Status // BOOLEAN IsPortConnectChange ( IN UINT16 PortChangeStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if there is a Connect Change status in that port. Arguments: PortChangeStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 0 value of PortChangeStatus // if ((PortChangeStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_C_CONNECTION) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortEnableDisableChange ( IN UINT16 PortChangeStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if there is a Enable/Disable change in that port. Arguments: PortChangeStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 1 value of PortChangeStatus // if ((PortChangeStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_C_ENABLE) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortResetChange ( IN UINT16 PortChangeStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if there is a Port Reset Change status in that port. Arguments: PortChangeStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 4 value of PortChangeStatus // if ((PortChangeStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_C_RESET) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } BOOLEAN IsPortSuspendChange ( IN UINT16 PortChangeStatus ) /*++ Routine Description: Tell if there is a Suspend Change Status in that port. Arguments: PortChangeStatus - The status value of that port. Returns: TRUE FALSE --*/ { // // return the bit 2 value of PortChangeStatus // if ((PortChangeStatus & USB_PORT_STAT_C_SUSPEND) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY* FindInterfaceListEntry ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *This ) /*++ Routine Description: Find Interface ListEntry. Arguments: This - EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL Returns: INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY pointer --*/ { USB_IO_CONTROLLER_DEVICE *UsbIoController; USB_IO_DEVICE *UsbIoDev; LIST_ENTRY *InterfaceListHead; INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *InterfaceListEntry; UsbIoController = USB_IO_CONTROLLER_DEVICE_FROM_USB_IO_THIS (This); UsbIoDev = UsbIoController->UsbDevice; if (!UsbIoDev->IsConfigured) { return NULL; } InterfaceListHead = &UsbIoDev->ActiveConfig->InterfaceDescListHead; InterfaceListEntry = (INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *) (InterfaceListHead->ForwardLink); // // Loop all interface descriptor to get match one. // while (InterfaceListEntry != (INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *) InterfaceListHead) { if (InterfaceListEntry->InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceNumber == UsbIoController->InterfaceNumber) { return InterfaceListEntry; } InterfaceListEntry = (INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *) InterfaceListEntry->Link.ForwardLink; } return NULL; } ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY* FindEndPointListEntry ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINT8 EndPointAddress ) /*++ Routine Description: Find EndPoint ListEntry. Arguments: This - EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL EndpointAddr - Endpoint address. Returns: ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY pointer --*/ { INTERFACE_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *InterfaceListEntry; LIST_ENTRY *EndpointDescListHead; ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *EndPointListEntry; InterfaceListEntry = FindInterfaceListEntry (This); if (InterfaceListEntry != NULL) { EndpointDescListHead = &InterfaceListEntry->EndpointDescListHead; EndPointListEntry = (ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *) (EndpointDescListHead->ForwardLink); // // Loop all interface descriptor to get match one. // while (EndPointListEntry != (ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *) EndpointDescListHead) { if (EndPointListEntry->EndpointDescriptor.EndpointAddress == EndPointAddress) { return EndPointListEntry; } EndPointListEntry = (ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *) EndPointListEntry->Link.ForwardLink; } } return NULL; } VOID GetDataToggleBit ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo, IN UINT8 EndpointAddr, OUT UINT8 *DataToggle ) /*++ Routine Description: Get the datatoggle of a specified endpoint. Arguments: UsbIo - Given Usb Controller device. EndpointAddr - Given Endpoint address. DataToggle - The current data toggle of that endpoint Returns: N/A --*/ { ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *EndpointListEntry; *DataToggle = 0; EndpointListEntry = FindEndPointListEntry (UsbIo, EndpointAddr); if (EndpointListEntry == NULL) { return ; } *DataToggle = (UINT8) (EndpointListEntry->Toggle); return ; } VOID SetDataToggleBit ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo, IN UINT8 EndpointAddr, IN UINT8 DataToggle ) /*++ Routine Description: Set the datatoggle of a specified endpoint Arguments: UsbIo - Given Usb Controller device. EndpointAddr - Given Endpoint address. DataToggle - The current data toggle of that endpoint to be set Returns: N/A --*/ { ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *EndpointListEntry; EndpointListEntry = FindEndPointListEntry (UsbIo, EndpointAddr); if (EndpointListEntry == NULL) { return ; } EndpointListEntry->Toggle = DataToggle; return ; } VOID GetDeviceEndPointMaxPacketLength ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo, IN UINT8 EndpointAddr, OUT UINT8 *MaxPacketLength ) /*++ Routine Description: Get the Max Packet Length of the speified Endpoint. Arguments: UsbIo - Given Usb Controller device. EndpointAddr - Given Endpoint address. MaxPacketLength - The max packet length of that endpoint Returns: N/A --*/ { ENDPOINT_DESC_LIST_ENTRY *EndpointListEntry; *MaxPacketLength = 0; EndpointListEntry = FindEndPointListEntry (UsbIo, EndpointAddr); if (EndpointListEntry == NULL) { return ; } *MaxPacketLength = (UINT8) (EndpointListEntry->EndpointDescriptor.MaxPacketSize); return ; } EFI_STATUS UsbSetDeviceAddress ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo, IN UINT16 AddressValue, OUT UINT32 *Status ) /*++ Routine Description: Usb Set Device Address Arguments: UsbIo - EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL AddressValue - Device address Status - Transfer status Returns: EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Parameter is error EFI_SUCCESS - Success EFI_TIMEOUT - Device has no response --*/ { EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST DevReq; if (UsbIo == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ZeroMem (&DevReq, sizeof (EFI_USB_DEVICE_REQUEST)); DevReq.RequestType = USB_DEV_SET_ADDRESS_REQ_TYPE; DevReq.Request = USB_DEV_SET_ADDRESS; DevReq.Value = AddressValue; return UsbIo->UsbControlTransfer ( UsbIo, &DevReq, EfiUsbNoData, TIMEOUT_VALUE, NULL, 0, Status ); }