#ifndef __FSPMUPD_H__
#define __FSPMUPD_H__

#include <FspUpd.h>

#pragma pack(1)

/** Fsp M Configuration
typedef struct {
  /** Offset 0x00C8 - Debug Serial Port Base address
    Debug serial port base address. This option will be used only when the 'Serial Port
    Debug Device' option is set to 'External Device'. 0x00000000(Default).
  UINT32    SerialDebugPortAddress;

  /** Offset 0x00CC - Debug Serial Port Type
    16550 compatible debug serial port resource type. NONE means no serial port support.
    0:NONE, 1:I/O, 2:MMIO
  UINT8     SerialDebugPortType;

  /** Offset 0x00CD - Serial Port Debug Device
    Select active serial port device for debug.For SOC UART devices,'Debug Serial Port
    Base' options will be ignored. 0x02:SOC UART2(Default).
    0:SOC UART0, 1:SOC UART1, 2:SOC UART2, 3:External Device
  UINT8     SerialDebugPortDevice;

  /** Offset 0x00CE - Debug Serial Port Stride Size
    Debug serial port register map stride size in bytes. 0x00:1, 0x02:4(Default).
    0:1, 2:4
  UINT8     SerialDebugPortStrideSize;

  /** Offset 0x00CF
  UINT8     UnusedUpdSpace2[1];

  /** Offset 0x00D0
  UINT8     ReservedFspmUpd[4];

/** Fsp M UPD Configuration
typedef struct {
  /** Offset 0x0000
  FSP_UPD_HEADER    FspUpdHeader;

  /** Offset 0x00A8
  FSPM_ARCH_UPD     FspmArchUpd;

  /** Offset 0x00C8
  FSP_M_CONFIG      FspmConfig;

  /** Offset 0x00D4
  UINT8             UnusedUpdSpace3[2];

  /** Offset 0x00D6
  UINT16            UpdTerminator;

#pragma pack()
