/** @file SMM profile internal header file. Copyright (c) 2012 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef _SMM_PROFILE_INTERNAL_H_ #define _SMM_PROFILE_INTERNAL_H_ #include <Guid/GlobalVariable.h> #include <Guid/Acpi.h> #include <Protocol/SmmReadyToLock.h> #include <Library/UefiRuntimeServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/DxeServicesTableLib.h> #include <Library/CpuLib.h> #include <IndustryStandard/Acpi.h> #include "SmmProfileArch.h" // // Configure the SMM_PROFILE DTS region size // #define SMM_PROFILE_DTS_SIZE (4 * 1024 * 1024) // 4M #define MAX_PF_PAGE_COUNT 0x2 #define PEBS_RECORD_NUMBER 0x2 #define MAX_PF_ENTRY_COUNT 10 // // This MACRO just enable unit test for the profile // Please disable it. // #define IA32_PF_EC_ID (1u << 4) #define SMM_PROFILE_NAME L"SmmProfileData" // // CPU generic definition // #define CPUID1_EDX_XD_SUPPORT 0x100000 #define MSR_EFER 0xc0000080 #define MSR_EFER_XD 0x800 #define CPUID1_EDX_BTS_AVAILABLE 0x200000 #define DR6_SINGLE_STEP 0x4000 #define RFLAG_TF 0x100 #define MSR_DEBUG_CTL 0x1D9 #define MSR_DEBUG_CTL_LBR 0x1 #define MSR_DEBUG_CTL_TR 0x40 #define MSR_DEBUG_CTL_BTS 0x80 #define MSR_DEBUG_CTL_BTINT 0x100 #define MSR_DS_AREA 0x600 typedef struct { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Base; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Top; } MEMORY_RANGE; typedef struct { MEMORY_RANGE Range; BOOLEAN Present; BOOLEAN Nx; } MEMORY_PROTECTION_RANGE; typedef struct { UINT64 HeaderSize; UINT64 MaxDataEntries; UINT64 MaxDataSize; UINT64 CurDataEntries; UINT64 CurDataSize; UINT64 TsegStart; UINT64 TsegSize; UINT64 NumSmis; UINT64 NumCpus; } SMM_PROFILE_HEADER; typedef struct { UINT64 SmiNum; UINT64 CpuNum; UINT64 ApicId; UINT64 ErrorCode; UINT64 Instruction; UINT64 Address; UINT64 SmiCmd; } SMM_PROFILE_ENTRY; extern SMM_S3_RESUME_STATE *mSmmS3ResumeState; extern UINTN gSmiExceptionHandlers[]; extern BOOLEAN mXdSupported; X86_ASSEMBLY_PATCH_LABEL gPatchXdSupported; extern UINTN *mPFEntryCount; extern UINT64 (*mLastPFEntryValue)[MAX_PF_ENTRY_COUNT]; extern UINT64 *(*mLastPFEntryPointer)[MAX_PF_ENTRY_COUNT]; // // Internal functions // /** Update IDT table to replace page fault handler and INT 1 handler. **/ VOID InitIdtr ( VOID ); /** Check if the memory address will be mapped by 4KB-page. @param Address The address of Memory. **/ BOOLEAN IsAddressSplit ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address ); /** Check if the memory address will be mapped by 4KB-page. @param Address The address of Memory. @param Nx The flag indicates if the memory is execute-disable. **/ BOOLEAN IsAddressValid ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Address, IN BOOLEAN *Nx ); /** Page Fault handler for SMM use. **/ VOID SmiDefaultPFHandler ( VOID ); /** Clear TF in FLAGS. @param SystemContext A pointer to the processor context when the interrupt occurred on the processor. **/ VOID ClearTrapFlag ( IN OUT EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ); #endif // _SMM_PROFILE_H_