## @file # process VTF generation # # Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation # # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # from GenFdsGlobalVariable import GenFdsGlobalVariable import os from CommonDataClass.FdfClass import VtfClassObject T_CHAR_LF = '\n' ## generate VTF # # class Vtf (VtfClassObject): ## The constructor # # @param self The object pointer # def __init__(self): VtfClassObject.__init__(self) ## GenVtf() method # # Generate VTF # # @param self The object pointer # @param FdAddressDict dictionary contains FV name and its base address # @retval Dict FV and corresponding VTF file name # def GenVtf(self, FdAddressDict) : self.GenBsfInf() OutputFile = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, self.UiName + '.Vtf') BaseAddArg = self.GetBaseAddressArg(FdAddressDict) OutputArg, VtfRawDict = self.GenOutputArg() Cmd = ( 'GenVtf', ) + OutputArg + ( '-f', self.BsfInfName, ) + BaseAddArg GenFdsGlobalVariable.CallExternalTool(Cmd, "GenFv -Vtf Failed!") GenFdsGlobalVariable.SharpCounter = 0 return VtfRawDict ## GenBsfInf() method # # Generate inf used to generate VTF # # @param self The object pointer # def GenBsfInf (self): FvList = self.GetFvList() self.BsfInfName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, self.UiName + '.inf') BsfInf = open (self.BsfInfName, 'w+') BsfInf.writelines ("[COMPONENTS]" + T_CHAR_LF) for ComponentObj in self.ComponentStatementList : BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_NAME" + \ " = " + \ ComponentObj.CompName + \ T_CHAR_LF ) if ComponentObj.CompLoc.upper() == 'NONE': BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_LOC" + \ " = " + \ 'N' + \ T_CHAR_LF ) elif ComponentObj.FilePos != None: BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_LOC" + \ " = " + \ ComponentObj.FilePos + \ T_CHAR_LF ) else: Index = FvList.index(ComponentObj.CompLoc.upper()) if Index == 0: BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_LOC" + \ " = " + \ 'F' + \ T_CHAR_LF ) elif Index == 1: BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_LOC" + \ " = " + \ 'S' + \ T_CHAR_LF ) BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_TYPE" + \ " = " + \ ComponentObj.CompType + \ T_CHAR_LF ) BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_VER" + \ " = " + \ ComponentObj.CompVer + \ T_CHAR_LF ) BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_CS" + \ " = " + \ ComponentObj.CompCs + \ T_CHAR_LF ) BinPath = ComponentObj.CompBin if BinPath != '-': BinPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(BinPath)) BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_BIN" + \ " = " + \ BinPath + \ T_CHAR_LF ) SymPath = ComponentObj.CompSym if SymPath != '-': SymPath = GenFdsGlobalVariable.MacroExtend(GenFdsGlobalVariable.ReplaceWorkspaceMacro(SymPath)) BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_SYM" + \ " = " + \ SymPath + \ T_CHAR_LF ) BsfInf.writelines ("COMP_SIZE" + \ " = " + \ ComponentObj.CompSize + \ T_CHAR_LF ) BsfInf.writelines (T_CHAR_LF ) BsfInf.close() ## GenFvList() method # # Get FV list referenced by VTF components # # @param self The object pointer # def GetFvList(self): FvList = [] for component in self.ComponentStatementList : if component.CompLoc.upper() != 'NONE' and not (component.CompLoc.upper() in FvList): FvList.append(component.CompLoc.upper()) return FvList ## GetBaseAddressArg() method # # Get base address arguments for GenVtf # # @param self The object pointer # def GetBaseAddressArg(self, FdAddressDict): FvList = self.GetFvList() CmdStr = tuple() for i in FvList: (BaseAddress, Size) = FdAddressDict.get(i) CmdStr += ( '-r', '0x%x' % BaseAddress, '-s', '0x%x' %Size, ) return CmdStr ## GenOutputArg() method # # Get output arguments for GenVtf # # @param self The object pointer # def GenOutputArg(self): FvVtfDict = {} OutputFileName = '' FvList = self.GetFvList() Index = 0 Arg = tuple() for FvObj in FvList: Index = Index + 1 OutputFileName = 'Vtf%d.raw' % Index OutputFileName = os.path.join(GenFdsGlobalVariable.FvDir, OutputFileName) Arg += ('-o', OutputFileName) FvVtfDict[FvObj.upper()] = OutputFileName return Arg, FvVtfDict