## @file # Trim files preprocessed by compiler # # Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import os import sys import re from optparse import OptionParser from optparse import make_option from Common.BuildToolError import * from Common.Misc import * import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger # Version and Copyright __version_number__ = "0.10" __version__ = "%prog Version " + __version_number__ __copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2007-2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved." ## Regular expression for matching Line Control directive like "#line xxx" gLineControlDirective = re.compile('^\s*#(?:line)?\s+([0-9]+)\s+"*([^"]*)"') ## Regular expression for matching "typedef struct" gTypedefPattern = re.compile("^\s*typedef\s+struct\s*[{]*$", re.MULTILINE) ## Regular expression for matching "#pragma pack" gPragmaPattern = re.compile("^\s*#pragma\s+pack", re.MULTILINE) ## Regular expression for matching HEX number gHexNumberPattern = re.compile("0[xX]([0-9a-fA-F]+)") ## Regular expression for matching "Include ()" in asl file gAslIncludePattern = re.compile("^(\s*)[iI]nclude\s*\(\"?([^\"\(\)]+)\"\)", re.MULTILINE) ## Patterns used to convert EDK conventions to EDK2 ECP conventions gImportCodePatterns = [ [ re.compile('^(\s*)\(\*\*PeiServices\)\.PciCfg\s*=\s*([^;\s]+);', re.MULTILINE), '''\\1{ \\1 STATIC EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList = { \\1 (EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_PPI | EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST), \\1 &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiGuid, \\1 \\2 \\1 }; \\1 (**PeiServices).InstallPpi (PeiServices, &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList); \\1}''' ], [ re.compile('^(\s*)\(\*PeiServices\)->PciCfg\s*=\s*([^;\s]+);', re.MULTILINE), '''\\1{ \\1 STATIC EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList = { \\1 (EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_PPI | EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST), \\1 &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiGuid, \\1 \\2 \\1 }; \\1 (**PeiServices).InstallPpi (PeiServices, &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList); \\1}''' ], [ re.compile("(\s*).+->Modify[\s\n]*\(", re.MULTILINE), '\\1PeiLibPciCfgModify (' ], [ re.compile("(\W*)gRT->ReportStatusCode[\s\n]*\(", re.MULTILINE), '\\1EfiLibReportStatusCode (' ], [ re.compile('#include\s+["<]LoadFile\.h[">]', re.MULTILINE), '#include ' ], [ re.compile('#include\s+EFI_GUID_DEFINITION\s*\(FirmwareFileSystem\)', re.MULTILINE), '#include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (FirmwareFileSystem)\n#include EFI_GUID_DEFINITION (FirmwareFileSystem2)' ], [ re.compile('gEfiFirmwareFileSystemGuid', re.MULTILINE), 'gEfiFirmwareFileSystem2Guid' ], [ re.compile('EFI_FVH_REVISION', re.MULTILINE), 'EFI_FVH_PI_REVISION' ], [ re.compile("(\s*)\S*CreateEvent\s*\([\s\n]*EFI_EVENT_SIGNAL_READY_TO_BOOT[^,]*,((?:[^;]+\n)+)(\s*\));", re.MULTILINE), '\\1EfiCreateEventReadyToBoot (\\2\\3;' ], [ re.compile("(\s*)\S*CreateEvent\s*\([\s\n]*EFI_EVENT_SIGNAL_LEGACY_BOOT[^,]*,((?:[^;]+\n)+)(\s*\));", re.MULTILINE), '\\1EfiCreateEventLegacyBoot (\\2\\3;' ], # [ # re.compile("(\W)(PEI_PCI_CFG_PPI)(\W)", re.MULTILINE), # '\\1ECP_\\2\\3' # ] ] ## file cache to avoid circular include in ASL file gIncludedAslFile = [] ## Trim preprocessed source code # # Remove extra content made by preprocessor. The preprocessor must enable the # line number generation option when preprocessing. # # @param Source File to be trimmed # @param Target File to store the trimmed content # @param Convert If True, convert standard HEX format to MASM format # def TrimPreprocessedFile(Source, Target, Convert): CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(Target)) try: f = open (Source, 'r') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Source) # read whole file Lines = f.readlines() f.close() PreprocessedFile = "" InjectedFile = "" LineIndexOfOriginalFile = None NewLines = [] LineControlDirectiveFound = False for Index in range(len(Lines)): Line = Lines[Index] # # Find out the name of files injected by preprocessor from the lines # with Line Control directive # MatchList = gLineControlDirective.findall(Line) if MatchList != []: MatchList = MatchList[0] if len(MatchList) == 2: LineNumber = int(MatchList[0], 0) InjectedFile = MatchList[1] # The first injetcted file must be the preprocessed file itself if PreprocessedFile == "": PreprocessedFile = InjectedFile LineControlDirectiveFound = True continue elif PreprocessedFile == "" or InjectedFile != PreprocessedFile: continue if LineIndexOfOriginalFile == None: # # Any non-empty lines must be from original preprocessed file. # And this must be the first one. # LineIndexOfOriginalFile = Index EdkLogger.verbose("Found original file content starting from line %d" % (LineIndexOfOriginalFile + 1)) # convert HEX number format if indicated if Convert: Line = gHexNumberPattern.sub(r"0\1h", Line) if LineNumber != None: EdkLogger.verbose("Got line directive: line=%d" % LineNumber) # in case preprocessor removed some lines, like blank or comment lines if LineNumber <= len(NewLines): # possible? NewLines[LineNumber - 1] = Line else: if LineNumber > (len(NewLines) + 1): for LineIndex in range(len(NewLines), LineNumber-1): NewLines.append(os.linesep) NewLines.append(Line) LineNumber = None EdkLogger.verbose("Now we have lines: %d" % len(NewLines)) else: NewLines.append(Line) # in case there's no line directive or linemarker found if (not LineControlDirectiveFound) and NewLines == []: NewLines = Lines # save to file try: f = open (Target, 'wb') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Target) f.writelines(NewLines) f.close() ## Trim preprocessed VFR file # # Remove extra content made by preprocessor. The preprocessor doesn't need to # enable line number generation option when preprocessing. # # @param Source File to be trimmed # @param Target File to store the trimmed content # def TrimPreprocessedVfr(Source, Target): CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(Target)) try: f = open (Source,'r') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Source) # read whole file Lines = f.readlines() f.close() FoundTypedef = False Brace = 0 TypedefStart = 0 TypedefEnd = 0 for Index in range(len(Lines)): Line = Lines[Index] # don't trim the lines from "formset" definition to the end of file if Line.strip() == 'formset': break if FoundTypedef == False and (Line.find('#line') == 0 or Line.find('# ') == 0): # empty the line number directive if it's not aomong "typedef struct" Lines[Index] = "\n" continue if FoundTypedef == False and gTypedefPattern.search(Line) == None: # keep "#pragram pack" directive if gPragmaPattern.search(Line) == None: Lines[Index] = "\n" continue elif FoundTypedef == False: # found "typedef struct", keept its position and set a flag FoundTypedef = True TypedefStart = Index # match { and } to find the end of typedef definition if Line.find("{") >= 0: Brace += 1 elif Line.find("}") >= 0: Brace -= 1 # "typedef struct" must end with a ";" if Brace == 0 and Line.find(";") >= 0: FoundTypedef = False TypedefEnd = Index # keep all "typedef struct" except to GUID, EFI_PLABEL and PAL_CALL_RETURN if Line.strip("} ;\r\n") in ["GUID", "EFI_PLABEL", "PAL_CALL_RETURN"]: for i in range(TypedefStart, TypedefEnd+1): Lines[i] = "\n" # save all lines trimmed try: f = open (Target,'w') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Target) f.writelines(Lines) f.close() ## Read the content ASL file, including ASL included, recursively # # @param Source File to be read # @param Indent Spaces before the Include() statement # def DoInclude(Source, Indent=''): NewFileContent = [] # avoid A "include" B and B "include" A if Source in gIncludedAslFile: EdkLogger.warn("Trim", "Circular include", ExtraData= "%s -> %s" % (" -> ".join(gIncludedAslFile), Source)) return [] gIncludedAslFile.append(Source) try: F = open(Source,'r') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Source) for Line in F: Result = gAslIncludePattern.findall(Line) if len(Result) == 0: NewFileContent.append("%s%s" % (Indent, Line)) continue CurrentIndent = Indent + Result[0][0] IncludedFile = Result[0][1] NewFileContent.extend(DoInclude(IncludedFile, CurrentIndent)) gIncludedAslFile.pop() F.close() return NewFileContent ## Trim ASL file # # Replace ASL include statement with the content the included file # # @param Source File to be trimmed # @param Target File to store the trimmed content # def TrimAslFile(Source, Target): CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(Target)) Cwd = os.getcwd() SourceDir = os.path.dirname(Source) if SourceDir == '': SourceDir = '.' os.chdir(SourceDir) Lines = DoInclude(Source) os.chdir(Cwd) # save all lines trimmed try: f = open (Target,'w') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Target) f.writelines(Lines) f.close() ## Trim EDK source code file(s) # # # @param Source File or directory to be trimmed # @param Target File or directory to store the trimmed content # def TrimR8Sources(Source, Target): if os.path.isdir(Source): for CurrentDir, Dirs, Files in os.walk(Source): if '.svn' in Dirs: Dirs.remove('.svn') elif "CVS" in Dirs: Dirs.remove("CVS") for FileName in Files: Dummy, Ext = os.path.splitext(FileName) if Ext.upper() not in ['.C', '.H']: continue if Target == None or Target == '': TrimR8SourceCode( os.path.join(CurrentDir, FileName), os.path.join(CurrentDir, FileName) ) else: TrimR8SourceCode( os.path.join(CurrentDir, FileName), os.path.join(Target, CurrentDir[len(Source)+1:], FileName) ) else: TrimR8SourceCode(Source, Target) ## Trim one EDK source code file # # Do following replacement: # # (**PeiServices\).PciCfg = <*>; # => { # STATIC EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList = { # (EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_PPI | EFI_PEI_PPI_DESCRIPTOR_TERMINATE_LIST), # &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiGuid, # <*> # }; # (**PeiServices).InstallPpi (PeiServices, &gEcpPeiPciCfgPpiList); # # <*>Modify(<*>) # => PeiLibPciCfgModify (<*>) # # gRT->ReportStatusCode (<*>) # => EfiLibReportStatusCode (<*>) # # #include # => #include # # CreateEvent (EFI_EVENT_SIGNAL_READY_TO_BOOT, <*>) # => EfiCreateEventReadyToBoot (<*>) # # CreateEvent (EFI_EVENT_SIGNAL_LEGACY_BOOT, <*>) # => EfiCreateEventLegacyBoot (<*>) # # @param Source File to be trimmed # @param Target File to store the trimmed content # def TrimR8SourceCode(Source, Target): EdkLogger.verbose("\t%s -> %s" % (Source, Target)) CreateDirectory(os.path.dirname(Target)) try: f = open (Source,'rb') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Source) # read whole file Lines = f.read() f.close() NewLines = None for Re,Repl in gImportCodePatterns: if NewLines == None: NewLines = Re.sub(Repl, Lines) else: NewLines = Re.sub(Repl, NewLines) # save all lines if trimmed if Source == Target and NewLines == Lines: return try: f = open (Target,'wb') except: EdkLogger.error("Trim", FILE_OPEN_FAILURE, ExtraData=Target) f.write(NewLines) f.close() ## Parse command line options # # Using standard Python module optparse to parse command line option of this tool. # # @retval Options A optparse.Values object containing the parsed options # @retval InputFile Path of file to be trimmed # def Options(): OptionList = [ make_option("-s", "--source-code", dest="FileType", const="SourceCode", action="store_const", help="The input file is preprocessed source code, including C or assembly code"), make_option("-r", "--vfr-file", dest="FileType", const="Vfr", action="store_const", help="The input file is preprocessed VFR file"), make_option("-a", "--asl-file", dest="FileType", const="Asl", action="store_const", help="The input file is ASL file"), make_option("-8", "--r8-source-code", dest="FileType", const="R8SourceCode", action="store_const", help="The input file is source code for R8 to be trimmed for ECP"), make_option("-c", "--convert-hex", dest="ConvertHex", action="store_true", help="Convert standard hex format (0xabcd) to MASM format (abcdh)"), make_option("-o", "--output", dest="OutputFile", help="File to store the trimmed content"), make_option("-v", "--verbose", dest="LogLevel", action="store_const", const=EdkLogger.VERBOSE, help="Run verbosely"), make_option("-d", "--debug", dest="LogLevel", type="int", help="Run with debug information"), make_option("-q", "--quiet", dest="LogLevel", action="store_const", const=EdkLogger.QUIET, help="Run quietly"), make_option("-?", action="help", help="show this help message and exit"), ] # use clearer usage to override default usage message UsageString = "%prog [-s|-r|-a] [-c] [-v|-d |-q] [-o ] " Parser = OptionParser(description=__copyright__, version=__version__, option_list=OptionList, usage=UsageString) Parser.set_defaults(FileType="Vfr") Parser.set_defaults(ConvertHex=False) Parser.set_defaults(LogLevel=EdkLogger.INFO) Options, Args = Parser.parse_args() # error check if len(Args) == 0: EdkLogger.error("Trim", OPTION_MISSING, ExtraData=Parser.get_usage()) if len(Args) > 1: EdkLogger.error("Trim", OPTION_NOT_SUPPORTED, ExtraData=Parser.get_usage()) InputFile = Args[0] return Options, InputFile ## Entrance method # # This method mainly dispatch specific methods per the command line options. # If no error found, return zero value so the caller of this tool can know # if it's executed successfully or not. # # @retval 0 Tool was successful # @retval 1 Tool failed # def Main(): try: EdkLogger.Initialize() CommandOptions, InputFile = Options() if CommandOptions.LogLevel < EdkLogger.DEBUG_9: EdkLogger.SetLevel(CommandOptions.LogLevel + 1) else: EdkLogger.SetLevel(CommandOptions.LogLevel) except FatalError, X: return 1 try: if CommandOptions.FileType == "Vfr": if CommandOptions.OutputFile == None: CommandOptions.OutputFile = os.path.splitext(InputFile)[0] + '.iii' TrimPreprocessedVfr(InputFile, CommandOptions.OutputFile) elif CommandOptions.FileType == "Asl": if CommandOptions.OutputFile == None: CommandOptions.OutputFile = os.path.splitext(InputFile)[0] + '.iii' TrimAslFile(InputFile, CommandOptions.OutputFile) elif CommandOptions.FileType == "R8SourceCode": TrimR8Sources(InputFile, CommandOptions.OutputFile) else : if CommandOptions.OutputFile == None: CommandOptions.OutputFile = os.path.splitext(InputFile)[0] + '.iii' TrimPreprocessedFile(InputFile, CommandOptions.OutputFile, CommandOptions.ConvertHex) except FatalError, X: import platform import traceback if CommandOptions != None and CommandOptions.LogLevel <= EdkLogger.DEBUG_9: EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc()) return 1 except: import traceback import platform EdkLogger.error( "\nTrim", CODE_ERROR, "Unknown fatal error when trimming [%s]" % InputFile, ExtraData="\n(Please send email to edk2-buildtools-devel@lists.sourceforge.net for help, attaching following call stack trace!)\n", RaiseError=False ) EdkLogger.quiet("(Python %s on %s) " % (platform.python_version(), sys.platform) + traceback.format_exc()) return 1 return 0 if __name__ == '__main__': r = Main() ## 0-127 is a safe return range, and 1 is a standard default error if r < 0 or r > 127: r = 1 sys.exit(r)