## @file  UefiCpuPkg.dec
# This Package provides UEFI compatible CPU modules and libraries.
# Copyright (c) 2007 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

  DEC_SPECIFICATION              = 0x00010005
  PACKAGE_NAME                   = UefiCpuPkg
  PACKAGE_UNI_FILE               = UefiCpuPkg.uni
  PACKAGE_GUID                   = 2171df9b-0d39-45aa-ac37-2de190010d23
  PACKAGE_VERSION                = 0.90


  ##  @libraryclass  Defines some routines that are generic for IA32 family CPU
  ##                 to be UEFI specification compliant.

  ##  @libraryclass  Defines some routines that are used to register/manage/program
  ##                 CPU features.

[LibraryClasses.IA32, LibraryClasses.X64]
  ##  @libraryclass  Provides functions to manage MTRR settings on IA32 and X64 CPUs.

  ##  @libraryclass  Provides functions to manage the Local APIC on IA32 and X64 CPUs.

  ##  @libraryclass  Provides platform specific initialization functions in the SEC phase.

  ##  @libraryclass  Public include file for the SMM CPU Platform Hook Library.

  ##  @libraryclass  Provides the CPU specific programming for PiSmmCpuDxeSmm module.

  ##  @libraryclass  Provides functions to support MP services on CpuMpPei and CpuDxe module.

  gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid      = { 0xac05bf33, 0x995a, 0x4ed4, { 0xaa, 0xb8, 0xef, 0x7a, 0xe8, 0xf, 0x5c, 0xb0 }}
  gMsegSmramGuid                 = { 0x5802bce4, 0xeeee, 0x4e33, { 0xa1, 0x30, 0xeb, 0xad, 0x27, 0xf0, 0xe4, 0x39 }}

  ## Include/Guid/CpuFeaturesSetDone.h
  gEdkiiCpuFeaturesSetDoneGuid   = { 0xa82485ce, 0xad6b, 0x4101, { 0x99, 0xd3, 0xe1, 0x35, 0x8c, 0x9e, 0x7e, 0x37 }}

  ## Include/Guid/CpuFeaturesInitDone.h
  gEdkiiCpuFeaturesInitDoneGuid  = { 0xc77c3a41, 0x61ab, 0x4143, { 0x98, 0x3e, 0x33, 0x39, 0x28, 0x6, 0x28, 0xe5 }}

  ## Include/Guid/MicrocodePatchHob.h
  gEdkiiMicrocodePatchHobGuid    = { 0xd178f11d, 0x8716, 0x418e, { 0xa1, 0x31, 0x96, 0x7d, 0x2a, 0xc4, 0x28, 0x43 }}

  ## Include/Protocol/SmmCpuService.h
  gEfiSmmCpuServiceProtocolGuid  = { 0x1d202cab, 0xc8ab, 0x4d5c, { 0x94, 0xf7, 0x3c, 0xfc, 0xc0, 0xd3, 0xd3, 0x35 }}

  ## Include/Protocol/SmMonitorInit.h
  gEfiSmMonitorInitProtocolGuid  = { 0x228f344d, 0xb3de, 0x43bb, { 0xa4, 0xd7, 0xea, 0x20, 0xb, 0x1b, 0x14, 0x82 }}

# [Error.gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid]
#   0x80000001 | Invalid value provided.

  gEdkiiPeiMpServices2PpiGuid =    { 0x5cb9cb3d, 0x31a4, 0x480c, { 0x94, 0x98, 0x29, 0xd2, 0x69, 0xba, 0xcf, 0xba}}

  ## Indicates if SMM Profile will be enabled.
  #  If enabled, instruction executions in and data accesses to memory outside of SMRAM will be logged.
  #  In X64 build, it could not be enabled when PcdCpuSmmRestrictedMemoryAccess is TRUE.
  #  In IA32 build, the page table memory is not marked as read-only when it is enabled.
  #  This PCD is only for validation purpose. It should be set to false in production.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - SMM Profile will be enabled.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM Profile will be disabled.<BR>
  # @Prompt Enable SMM Profile.

  ## Indicates if the SMM profile log buffer is a ring buffer.
  #  If disabled, no additional log can be done when the buffer is full.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - the SMM profile log buffer is a ring buffer.<BR>
  #   FALSE - the SMM profile log buffer is a normal buffer.<BR>
  # @Prompt The SMM profile log buffer is a ring buffer.

  ## Indicates if SMM Startup AP in a blocking fashion.
  #   TRUE  - SMM Startup AP in a blocking fashion.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM Startup AP in a non-blocking fashion.<BR>
  # @Prompt SMM Startup AP in a blocking fashion.

  ## Indicates if SMM Stack Guard will be enabled.
  #  If enabled, stack overflow in SMM can be caught, preventing chaotic consequences.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - SMM Stack Guard will be enabled.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM Stack Guard will be disabled.<BR>
  # @Prompt Enable SMM Stack Guard.

  ## Indicates if BSP election in SMM will be enabled.
  #  If enabled, a BSP will be dynamically elected among all processors in each SMI.
  #  Otherwise, processor 0 is always as BSP in each SMI.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - BSP election in SMM will be enabled.<BR>
  #   FALSE - BSP election in SMM will be disabled.<BR>
  # @Prompt Enable BSP election in SMM.

  ## Indicates if CPU SMM hot-plug will be enabled.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - SMM CPU hot-plug will be enabled.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM CPU hot-plug will be disabled.<BR>
  # @Prompt SMM CPU hot-plug.

  ## Indicates if SMM Debug will be enabled.
  #  If enabled, hardware breakpoints in SMRAM can be set outside of SMM mode and take effect in SMM.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - SMM Debug will be enabled.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM Debug will be disabled.<BR>
  # @Prompt Enable SMM Debug.

  ## Indicates if lock SMM Feature Control MSR.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - SMM Feature Control MSR will be locked.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM Feature Control MSR will not be locked.<BR>
  # @Prompt Lock SMM Feature Control MSR.

  ## List of exception vectors which need switching stack.
  #  This PCD will only take into effect if PcdCpuStackGuard is enabled.
  #  By default exception #DD(8), #PF(14) are supported.
  # @Prompt Specify exception vectors which need switching stack.
  gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuStackSwitchExceptionList|{0x08, 0x0E}|VOID*|0x30002000

  ## Size of good stack for an exception.
  #  This PCD will only take into effect if PcdCpuStackGuard is enabled.
  # @Prompt Specify size of good stack of exception which need switching stack.

  ## Count of pre allocated SMM MP tokens per chunk.
  # @Prompt Specify the count of pre allocated SMM MP tokens per chunk.

[PcdsFixedAtBuild, PcdsPatchableInModule]
  ## This value is the CPU Local APIC base address, which aligns the address on a 4-KByte boundary.
  # @Prompt Configure base address of CPU Local APIC
  # @Expression  0x80000001 | (gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuLocalApicBaseAddress & 0xfff) == 0

  ## Specifies delay value in microseconds after sending out an INIT IPI.
  # @Prompt Configure delay value after send an INIT IPI

  ## This value specifies the Application Processor (AP) stack size, used for Mp Service, which must
  ## aligns the address on a 4-KByte boundary.
  # @Prompt Configure stack size for Application Processor (AP)

  ## Specifies stack size in the temporary RAM. 0 means half of TemporaryRamSize.
  # @Prompt Stack size in the temporary RAM.

  ## Specifies buffer size in bytes to save SMM profile data. The value should be a multiple of 4KB.
  # @Prompt SMM profile data buffer size.

  ## Specifies stack size in bytes for each processor in SMM.
  # @Prompt Processor stack size in SMM.

  ## Specifies shadow stack size in bytes for each processor in SMM.
  # @Prompt Processor shadow stack size in SMM.

  ## Indicates if SMM Code Access Check is enabled.
  #  If enabled, the SMM handler cannot execute the code outside SMM regions.
  #  This PCD is suggested to TRUE in production image.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - SMM Code Access Check will be enabled.<BR>
  #   FALSE - SMM Code Access Check will be disabled.<BR>
  # @Prompt SMM Code Access Check.

  ## Specifies the number of variable MTRRs reserved for OS use. The default number of
  #  MTRRs reserved for OS use is 2.
  # @Prompt Number of reserved variable MTRRs.

  ## Specifies buffer size in bytes for STM exception stack. The value should be a multiple of 4KB.
  # @Prompt STM exception stack size.

  ## Specifies buffer size in bytes of MSEG. The value should be a multiple of 4KB.
  # @Prompt MSEG size.

  ## Specifies the supported CPU features bit in array.
  # @Prompt Supported CPU features.
  gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuFeaturesSupport|{0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF}|VOID*|0x00000016

  ## Specifies if CPU features will be initialized after SMM relocation.
  # @Prompt If CPU features will be initialized after SMM relocation.

  ## Specifies if CPU features will be initialized during S3 resume.
  # @Prompt If CPU features will be initialized during S3 resume.

  ## Specifies CPUID Leaf 0x15 Time Stamp Counter and Nominal Core Crystal Clock Frequency.
  # TSC Frequency = ECX (core crystal clock frequency) * EBX/EAX.
  #   Intel Xeon Processor Scalable Family with CPUID signature 06_55H = 25000000 (25MHz)
  #   6th and 7th generation Intel Core processors and Intel Xeon W Processor Family = 24000000 (24MHz)
  #   Intel Atom processors based on Goldmont Microarchitecture with CPUID signature 06_5CH = 19200000 (19.2MHz)
  # @Prompt This PCD is the nominal frequency of the core crystal clock in Hz as is CPUID Leaf 0x15:ECX

[PcdsFixedAtBuild, PcdsPatchableInModule, PcdsDynamic, PcdsDynamicEx]
  ## Specifies max supported number of Logical Processors.
  # @Prompt Configure max supported number of Logical Processors
  ## Specifies timeout value in microseconds for the BSP to detect all APs for the first time.
  # @Prompt Timeout for the BSP to detect all APs for the first time.
  ## Specifies the number of Logical Processors that are available in the
  #  preboot environment after platform reset, including BSP and APs. Possible
  #  values:<BR><BR>
  #  zero (default) - PcdCpuBootLogicalProcessorNumber is ignored, and
  #                   PcdCpuApInitTimeOutInMicroSeconds limits the initial AP
  #                   detection by the BSP.<BR>
  #  nonzero        - PcdCpuApInitTimeOutInMicroSeconds is ignored. The initial
  #                   AP detection finishes only when the detected CPU count
  #                   (BSP plus APs) reaches the value of
  #                   PcdCpuBootLogicalProcessorNumber, regardless of how long
  #                   that takes.<BR>
  # @Prompt Number of Logical Processors available after platform reset.
  ## Specifies the base address of the first microcode Patch in the microcode Region.
  # @Prompt Microcode Region base address.
  ## Specifies the size of the microcode Region.
  # @Prompt Microcode Region size.
  ## Specifies the AP wait loop state during POST phase.
  #  The value is defined as below.<BR><BR>
  #  1: Place AP in the Hlt-Loop state.<BR>
  #  2: Place AP in the Mwait-Loop state.<BR>
  #  3: Place AP in the Run-Loop state.<BR>
  # @Prompt The AP wait loop state.
  # @ValidRange  0x80000001 | 1 - 3
  ## Specifies the AP target C-state for Mwait during POST phase.
  #  The default value 0 means C1 state.
  #  The value is defined as below.<BR><BR>
  # @Prompt The specified AP target C-state for Mwait.

  ## Specifies timeout value in microseconds for the BSP in SMM to wait for all APs to come into SMM.
  # @Prompt AP synchronization timeout value in SMM.

  ## Indicates the CPU synchronization method used when processing an SMI.
  #   0x00  - Traditional CPU synchronization method.<BR>
  #   0x01  - Relaxed CPU synchronization method.<BR>
  # @Prompt SMM CPU Synchronization Method.

  ## Specifies the On-demand clock modulation duty cycle when ACPI feature is enabled.
  # @Prompt The encoded values for target duty cycle modulation.
  # @ValidRange  0x80000001 | 0 - 15

  ## Indicates if the current boot is a power-on reset.<BR><BR>
  #   TRUE  - Current boot is a power-on reset.<BR>
  #   FALSE - Current boot is not a power-on reset.<BR>
  # @Prompt Current boot is a power-on reset.

[PcdsFixedAtBuild.X64, PcdsPatchableInModule.X64, PcdsDynamic.X64, PcdsDynamicEx.X64]
  ## Indicate access to non-SMRAM memory is restricted to reserved, runtime and ACPI NVS type after SmmReadyToLock.
  #  MMIO access is always allowed regardless of the value of this PCD.
  #  Loose of such restriction is only required by RAS components in X64 platforms.
  #  The PCD value is considered as constantly TRUE in IA32 platforms.
  #  When the PCD value is TRUE, page table is initialized to cover all memory spaces
  #  and the memory occupied by page table is protected by page table itself as read-only.
  #  In X64 build, it cannot be enabled at the same time with SMM profile feature (PcdCpuSmmProfileEnable).
  #  In X64 build, it could not be enabled also at the same time with heap guard feature for SMM
  #  (PcdHeapGuardPropertyMask in MdeModulePkg).
  #  In IA32 build, page table memory is not marked as read-only when either SMM profile feature (PcdCpuSmmProfileEnable)
  #  or heap guard feature for SMM (PcdHeapGuardPropertyMask in MdeModulePkg) is enabled.
  #   TRUE  - Access to non-SMRAM memory is restricted to reserved, runtime and ACPI NVS type after SmmReadyToLock.<BR>
  #   FALSE - Access to any type of non-SMRAM memory after SmmReadyToLock is allowed.<BR>
  # @Prompt Access to non-SMRAM memory is restricted to reserved, runtime and ACPI NVS type after SmmReadyToLock.

[PcdsDynamic, PcdsDynamicEx]
  ## Contains the pointer to a CPU S3 data buffer of structure ACPI_CPU_DATA.
  # @Prompt The pointer to a CPU S3 data buffer.
  # @ValidList   0x80000001 | 0

  ## Contains the pointer to a CPU Hot Plug Data structure if CPU hot-plug is supported.
  # @Prompt The pointer to CPU Hot Plug Data.
  # @ValidList   0x80000001 | 0

  ## Indicates processor feature capabilities, each bit corresponding to a specific feature.
  # @Prompt Processor feature capabilities.
  # @ValidList   0x80000001 | 0
  gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuFeaturesCapability|{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}|VOID*|0x00000018

  ## As input, specifies user's desired settings for enabling/disabling processor features.
  ## As output, specifies actual settings for processor features, each bit corresponding to a specific feature.
  # @Prompt As input, specifies user's desired processor feature settings. As output, specifies actual processor feature settings.
  # @ValidList   0x80000001 | 0
  gUefiCpuPkgTokenSpaceGuid.PcdCpuFeaturesSetting|{0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00}|VOID*|0x00000019

  ## Contains the size of memory required when CPU processor trace is enabled.<BR><BR>
  #  Processor trace is enabled through set BIT44(CPU_FEATURE_PROC_TRACE) in PcdCpuFeaturesSetting.<BR><BR>
  #  This PCD is ignored if CPU processor trace is disabled.<BR><BR>
  #  Default value is 0x00 which means 4KB of memory is allocated if CPU processor trace is enabled.<BR>
  #  0x0  -  4K.<BR>
  #  0x1  -  8K.<BR>
  #  0x2  -  16K.<BR>
  #  0x3  -  32K.<BR>
  #  0x4  -  64K.<BR>
  #  0x5  -  128K.<BR>
  #  0x6  -  256K.<BR>
  #  0x7  -  512K.<BR>
  #  0x8  -  1M.<BR>
  #  0x9  -  2M.<BR>
  #  0xA  -  4M.<BR>
  #  0xB  -  8M.<BR>
  #  0xC  -  16M.<BR>
  #  0xD  -  32M.<BR>
  #  0xE  -  64M.<BR>
  #  0xF  -  128M.<BR>
  # @Prompt The memory size used for processor trace if processor trace is enabled.
  # @ValidRange  0x80000001 | 0 - 0xF

  ## Contains the processor trace output scheme when CPU processor trace is enabled.<BR><BR>
  #  Processor trace is enabled through set BIT44(CPU_FEATURE_PROC_TRACE) in PcdCpuFeaturesSetting.<BR><BR>
  #  This PCD is ignored if CPU processor trace is disabled.<BR><BR>
  #  Default value is 0 which means single range output scheme will be used if CPU processor trace is enabled.<BR>
  #  0 - Single Range output scheme.<BR>
  #  1 - ToPA(Table of physical address) scheme.<BR>
  # @Prompt The processor trace output scheme used when processor trace is enabled.
  # @ValidRange  0x80000001 | 0 - 1
