/*++ Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: UnixThunk.c Abstract: Since the SEC is the only program in our emulation we must use a Tiano mechanism to export APIs to other modules. This is the role of the EFI_UNIX_THUNK_PROTOCOL. The mUnixThunkTable exists so that a change to EFI_UNIX_THUNK_PROTOCOL will cause an error in initializing the array if all the member functions are not added. It looks like adding a element to end and not initializing it may cause the table to be initaliized with the members at the end being set to zero. This is bad as jumping to zero will crash. gUnix is a a public exported global that contains the initialized data. --*/ #include "SecMain.h" #include "Library/UnixLib.h" int settimer_initialized; struct timeval settimer_timeval; void (*settimer_callback)(UINT64 delta); void settimer_handler (int sig) { struct timeval timeval; UINT64 delta; gettimeofday (&timeval, NULL); delta = ((UINT64)timeval.tv_sec * 1000) + (timeval.tv_usec / 1000) - ((UINT64)settimer_timeval.tv_sec * 1000) - (settimer_timeval.tv_usec / 1000); settimer_timeval = timeval; if (settimer_callback) (*settimer_callback)(delta); } VOID SetTimer (UINT64 PeriodMs, VOID (*CallBack)(UINT64 DeltaMs)) { struct itimerval timerval; UINT32 remainder; if (!settimer_initialized) { struct sigaction act; settimer_initialized = 1; act.sa_handler = settimer_handler; act.sa_flags = 0; sigemptyset (&act.sa_mask); if (sigaction (SIGALRM, &act, NULL) != 0) { printf ("SetTimer: sigaction error %s\n", strerror (errno)); } if (gettimeofday (&settimer_timeval, NULL) != 0) { printf ("SetTimer: gettimeofday error %s\n", strerror (errno)); } } timerval.it_value.tv_sec = DivU64x32(PeriodMs, 1000); DivU64x32Remainder(PeriodMs, 1000, &remainder); timerval.it_value.tv_usec = remainder * 1000; timerval.it_value.tv_sec = DivU64x32(PeriodMs, 1000); timerval.it_interval = timerval.it_value; if (setitimer (ITIMER_REAL, &timerval, NULL) != 0) { printf ("SetTimer: setitimer error %s\n", strerror (errno)); } settimer_callback = CallBack; } void msSleep (unsigned long Milliseconds) { struct timespec ts; ts.tv_sec = Milliseconds / 1000; ts.tv_nsec = (Milliseconds % 1000) * 1000000; while (nanosleep (&ts, &ts) != 0 && errno == EINTR) ; } void GetLocalTime (EFI_TIME *Time) { struct tm *tm; time_t t; t = time (NULL); tm = localtime (&t); Time->Year = 1900 + tm->tm_year; Time->Month = tm->tm_mon + 1; Time->Day = tm->tm_mday; Time->Hour = tm->tm_hour; Time->Minute = tm->tm_min; Time->Second = tm->tm_sec; Time->Nanosecond = 0; Time->TimeZone = timezone; Time->Daylight = (daylight ? EFI_TIME_ADJUST_DAYLIGHT : 0) | (tm->tm_isdst > 0 ? EFI_TIME_IN_DAYLIGHT : 0); } void TzSet (void) { STATIC int done = 0; if (!done) { tzset (); done = 1; } } long GetTimeZone(void) { TzSet (); return timezone; } int GetDayLight(void) { TzSet (); return daylight; } int GetErrno(void) { return errno; } extern EFI_STATUS UgaCreate(struct _EFI_UNIX_UGA_IO_PROTOCOL **UgaIo, CONST CHAR16 *Title); EFI_UNIX_THUNK_PROTOCOL mUnixThunkTable = { EFI_UNIX_THUNK_PROTOCOL_SIGNATURE, msSleep, /* Sleep */ exit, /* Exit */ SetTimer, GetLocalTime, gmtime, GetTimeZone, GetDayLight, (UnixPoll)poll, (UnixRead)read, (UnixWrite)write, getenv, (UnixOpen)open, lseek, ftruncate, close, mkdir, rmdir, unlink, GetErrno, opendir, rewinddir, readdir, closedir, stat, statfs, rename, mktime, fsync, chmod, utime, tcflush, UgaCreate, perror, ioctl, fcntl, cfsetispeed, cfsetospeed, tcgetattr, tcsetattr, dlopen, dlerror, dlsym }; EFI_UNIX_THUNK_PROTOCOL *gUnix = &mUnixThunkTable;