/** @file
  The Miscellaneous Routines for WiFi Connection Manager.

  Copyright (c) 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#ifndef __EFI_WIFI_MGR_MISC_H__
#define __EFI_WIFI_MGR_MISC_H__

  Empty function for event process function.

  @param[in] Event    The Event needs to be processed
  @param[in] Context  The context of the event

WifiMgrInternalEmptyFunction (
  IN  EFI_EVENT  Event,
  IN  VOID       *Context

  Convert the mac address into a hexadecimal encoded ":" seperated string.

  @param[in]  Mac     The mac address
  @param[in]  StrSize The size, in bytes, of the output buffer specified by Str
  @param[out] Str     The storage to return the mac string

WifiMgrMacAddrToStr (
  IN  EFI_80211_MAC_ADDRESS  *Mac,
  IN  UINT32                 StrSize,
  OUT CHAR16                 *Str

  Read private key file to buffer.

  @param[in]   FileContext           The file context of private key file.
  @param[out]  PrivateKeyDataAddr    The buffer address to restore private key file, should be
                                     freed by caller.
  @param[out]  PrivateKeyDataSize    The size of read private key file.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                Successfully read the private key file.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER      One or more of the parameters is invalid.

WifiMgrReadFileToBuffer (
  OUT  VOID                   **PrivateKeyDataAddr,
  OUT  UINTN                  *PrivateKeyDataSize

  Get the Nic data by the NicIndex.

  @param[in]  Private        The pointer to the global private data structure.
  @param[in]  NicIndex       The index indicates the position of wireless NIC.

  @return     Pointer to the Nic data, or NULL if not found.

WifiMgrGetNicByIndex (
  IN UINT32                 NicIndex

  Find a network profile through its' SSId and securit type, and the SSId is an unicode string.

  @param[in]  SSId                   The target network's SSId.
  @param[in]  SecurityType           The target network's security type.
  @param[in]  ProfileList            The profile list on a Nic.

  @return Pointer to a network profile, or NULL if not found.

WifiMgrGetProfileByUnicodeSSId (
  IN  CHAR16      *SSId,
  IN  UINT8       SecurityType,
  IN  LIST_ENTRY  *ProfileList

  Find a network profile through its' SSId and securit type, and the SSId is an ascii string.

  @param[in]  SSId                   The target network's SSId.
  @param[in]  SecurityType           The target network's security type.
  @param[in]  ProfileList            The profile list on a Nic.

  @return Pointer to a network profile, or NULL if not found.

WifiMgrGetProfileByAsciiSSId (
  IN  CHAR8       *SSId,
  IN  UINT8       SecurityType,
  IN  LIST_ENTRY  *ProfileList

  Find a network profile through its' profile index.

  @param[in]  ProfileIndex           The target network's profile index.
  @param[in]  ProfileList            The profile list on a Nic.

  @return Pointer to a network profile, or NULL if not found.

WifiMgrGetProfileByProfileIndex (
  IN UINT32      ProfileIndex,
  IN LIST_ENTRY  *ProfileList

  To test if the AKMSuite is in supported AKMSuite list.

  @param[in]  SupportedAKMSuiteCount      The count of the supported AKMSuites.
  @param[in]  SupportedAKMSuiteList       The supported AKMSuite list.
  @param[in]  AKMSuite                    The AKMSuite to be tested.

  @return True if this AKMSuite is supported, or False if not.

WifiMgrSupportAKMSuite (
  IN  UINT16  SupportedAKMSuiteCount,
  IN  UINT32  *SupportedAKMSuiteList,
  IN  UINT32  *AKMSuite

  To check if the CipherSuite is in supported CipherSuite list.

  @param[in]  SupportedCipherSuiteCount   The count of the supported CipherSuites.
  @param[in]  SupportedCipherSuiteList    The supported CipherSuite list.
  @param[in]  CipherSuite                 The CipherSuite to be tested.

  @return True if this CipherSuite is supported, or False if not.

WifiMgrSupportCipherSuite (
  IN  UINT16  SupportedCipherSuiteCount,
  IN  UINT32  *SupportedCipherSuiteList,
  IN  UINT32  *CipherSuite

  Check an AKM suite list and a Cipher suite list to see if one or more AKM suites or Cipher suites
  are supported and find the matchable security type.

  @param[in]   AKMList                     The target AKM suite list to be checked.
  @param[in]   CipherList                  The target Cipher suite list to be checked
  @param[in]   Nic                         The Nic to operate, contains the supported AKMSuite list
                                           and supported CipherSuite list
  @param[out]  SecurityType                To identify a security type from the AKM suite list and
                                           Cipher suite list
  @param[out]  AKMSuiteSupported           To identify if this security type is supported. If it is
                                           NULL, overcome this field
  @param[out]  CipherSuiteSupported        To identify if this security type is supported. If it is
                                           NULL, overcome this field

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                      This operation has completed successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER            No Nic found or the suite list is null.

WifiMgrCheckRSN (
  IN    EFI_80211_AKM_SUITE_SELECTOR     *AKMList,
  IN    EFI_80211_CIPHER_SUITE_SELECTOR  *CipherList,
  IN    WIFI_MGR_DEVICE_DATA             *Nic,
  OUT   UINT8                            *SecurityType,
  OUT   BOOLEAN                          *AKMSuiteSupported,
  OUT   BOOLEAN                          *CipherSuiteSupported

  To get the security type for a certain AKMSuite and CipherSuite.

  @param[in]   AKMSuite             An certain AKMSuite.
  @param[in]   CipherSuite          An certain CipherSuite.

  @return a security type if found, or SECURITY_TYPE_UNKNOWN.

WifiMgrGetSecurityType (
  IN    UINT32  *AKMSuite,
  IN    UINT32  *CipherSuite

  Get supported AKMSuites and CipherSuites from supplicant.

  @param[in]   Nic                      The Nic to operate.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS                   Get the supported suite list successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER         No Nic found or supplicant is NULL.

WifiMgrGetSupportedSuites (

  Clean secrets from a network profile.

  @param[in]   Profile               The profile to be cleanned.

WifiMgrCleanProfileSecrets (

  Free all network profiles in a profile list.

  @param[in]   ProfileList           The profile list to be freed.

WifiMgrFreeProfileList (
  IN  LIST_ENTRY  *ProfileList

  Free user configured hidden network list.

  @param[in]   HiddenList           The hidden network list to be freed.

WifiMgrFreeHiddenList (
  IN  LIST_ENTRY  *HiddenList

  Free the resources of a config token.

  @param[in]   ConfigToken          The config token to be freed.

WifiMgrFreeToken (
