;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; Copyright (c) 2009 - 2019, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
; SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent ; ; Module Name: ; ; SmiException.nasm ; ; Abstract: ; ; Exception handlers used in SM mode ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern ASM_PFX(SmiPFHandler) extern ASM_PFX(mSetupDebugTrap) global ASM_PFX(gcSmiIdtr) global ASM_PFX(gcSmiGdtr) global ASM_PFX(gTaskGateDescriptor) global ASM_PFX(gcPsd) SECTION .data NullSeg: DQ 0 ; reserved by architecture CodeSeg32: DW -1 ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x9b DB 0xcf ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh ProtModeCodeSeg32: DW -1 ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x9b DB 0xcf ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh ProtModeSsSeg32: DW -1 ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x93 DB 0xcf ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh DataSeg32: DW -1 ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x93 DB 0xcf ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh CodeSeg16: DW -1 DW 0 DB 0 DB 0x9b DB 0x8f DB 0 DataSeg16: DW -1 DW 0 DB 0 DB 0x93 DB 0x8f DB 0 CodeSeg64: DW -1 ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x9b DB 0xaf ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh GDT_SIZE equ $ - NullSeg TssSeg: DW TSS_DESC_SIZE ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x89 DB 0x80 ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh ExceptionTssSeg: DW EXCEPTION_TSS_DESC_SIZE ; LimitLow DW 0 ; BaseLow DB 0 ; BaseMid DB 0x89 DB 0x80 ; LimitHigh DB 0 ; BaseHigh CODE_SEL equ CodeSeg32 - NullSeg DATA_SEL equ DataSeg32 - NullSeg TSS_SEL equ TssSeg - NullSeg EXCEPTION_TSS_SEL equ ExceptionTssSeg - NullSeg struc IA32_TSS resw 1 resw 1 .ESP0: resd 1 .SS0: resw 1 resw 1 .ESP1: resd 1 .SS1: resw 1 resw 1 .ESP2: resd 1 .SS2: resw 1 resw 1 ._CR3: resd 1 .EIP: resd 1 .EFLAGS: resd 1 ._EAX: resd 1 ._ECX: resd 1 ._EDX: resd 1 ._EBX: resd 1 ._ESP: resd 1 ._EBP: resd 1 ._ESI: resd 1 ._EDI: resd 1 ._ES: resw 1 resw 1 ._CS: resw 1 resw 1 ._SS: resw 1 resw 1 ._DS: resw 1 resw 1 ._FS: resw 1 resw 1 ._GS: resw 1 resw 1 .LDT: resw 1 resw 1 resw 1 resw 1 endstruc ; Create 2 TSS segments just after GDT TssDescriptor: DW 0 ; PreviousTaskLink DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; ESP0 DW 0 ; SS0 DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; ESP1 DW 0 ; SS1 DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; ESP2 DW 0 ; SS2 DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; CR3 DD 0 ; EIP DD 0 ; EFLAGS DD 0 ; EAX DD 0 ; ECX DD 0 ; EDX DD 0 ; EBX DD 0 ; ESP DD 0 ; EBP DD 0 ; ESI DD 0 ; EDI DW 0 ; ES DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; CS DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; SS DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; DS DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; FS DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; GS DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; LDT Selector DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; T DW 0 ; I/O Map Base TSS_DESC_SIZE equ $ - TssDescriptor ExceptionTssDescriptor: DW 0 ; PreviousTaskLink DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; ESP0 DW 0 ; SS0 DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; ESP1 DW 0 ; SS1 DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; ESP2 DW 0 ; SS2 DW 0 ; Reserved DD 0 ; CR3 DD PFHandlerEntry ; EIP DD 00000002 ; EFLAGS DD 0 ; EAX DD 0 ; ECX DD 0 ; EDX DD 0 ; EBX DD 0 ; ESP DD 0 ; EBP DD 0 ; ESI DD 0 ; EDI DW DATA_SEL ; ES DW 0 ; Reserved DW CODE_SEL ; CS DW 0 ; Reserved DW DATA_SEL ; SS DW 0 ; Reserved DW DATA_SEL ; DS DW 0 ; Reserved DW DATA_SEL ; FS DW 0 ; Reserved DW DATA_SEL ; GS DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; LDT Selector DW 0 ; Reserved DW 0 ; T DW 0 ; I/O Map Base DD 0 ; SSP EXCEPTION_TSS_DESC_SIZE equ $ - ExceptionTssDescriptor ASM_PFX(gcPsd): DB 'PSDSIG ' DW PSD_SIZE DW 2 DW 1 << 2 DW CODE_SEL DW DATA_SEL DW DATA_SEL DW DATA_SEL DW 0 DQ 0 DQ 0 DQ 0 DD 0 DD NullSeg DD GDT_SIZE DD 0 times 24 DB 0 DD 0 DD 0 PSD_SIZE equ $ - ASM_PFX(gcPsd) ASM_PFX(gcSmiGdtr): DW GDT_SIZE - 1 DD NullSeg ASM_PFX(gcSmiIdtr): DW 0 DD 0 ASM_PFX(gTaskGateDescriptor): DW 0 ; Reserved DW EXCEPTION_TSS_SEL ; TSS Segment selector DB 0 ; Reserved DB 0x85 ; Task Gate, present, DPL = 0 DW 0 ; Reserved SECTION .text ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; PageFaultIdtHandlerSmmProfile is the entry point page fault only ; ; ; Stack: ; +---------------------+ ; + EFlags + ; +---------------------+ ; + CS + ; +---------------------+ ; + EIP + ; +---------------------+ ; + Error Code + ; +---------------------+ ; + Vector Number + ; +---------------------+ ; + EBP + ; +---------------------+ <-- EBP ; ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ global ASM_PFX(PageFaultIdtHandlerSmmProfile) ASM_PFX(PageFaultIdtHandlerSmmProfile): push 0xe ; Page Fault push ebp mov ebp, esp ; ; Align stack to make sure that EFI_FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 of EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_IA32 ; is 16-byte aligned ; and esp, 0xfffffff0 sub esp, 12 ;; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax; push eax push ecx push edx push ebx lea ecx, [ebp + 6 * 4] push ecx ; ESP push dword [ebp] ; EBP push esi push edi ;; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; mov eax, ss push eax movzx eax, word [ebp + 4 * 4] push eax mov eax, ds push eax mov eax, es push eax mov eax, fs push eax mov eax, gs push eax ;; UINT32 Eip; mov eax, [ebp + 3 * 4] push eax ;; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; sub esp, 8 sidt [esp] mov eax, [esp + 2] xchg eax, [esp] and eax, 0xFFFF mov [esp+4], eax sub esp, 8 sgdt [esp] mov eax, [esp + 2] xchg eax, [esp] and eax, 0xFFFF mov [esp+4], eax ;; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr; xor eax, eax str ax push eax sldt ax push eax ;; UINT32 EFlags; mov eax, [ebp + 5 * 4] push eax ;; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4; mov eax, cr4 or eax, 0x208 mov cr4, eax push eax mov eax, cr3 push eax mov eax, cr2 push eax xor eax, eax push eax mov eax, cr0 push eax ;; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; mov eax, dr7 push eax mov eax, dr6 push eax mov eax, dr3 push eax mov eax, dr2 push eax mov eax, dr1 push eax mov eax, dr0 push eax ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState; sub esp, 512 mov edi, esp fxsave [edi] ; UEFI calling convention for IA32 requires that Direction flag in EFLAGs is clear cld ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; push dword [ebp + 2 * 4] ;; call into exception handler ;; Prepare parameter and call mov edx, esp push edx mov edx, dword [ebp + 1 * 4] push edx ; ; Call External Exception Handler ; mov eax, ASM_PFX(SmiPFHandler) call eax add esp, 8 ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; add esp, 4 ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState; mov esi, esp fxrstor [esi] add esp, 512 ;; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; ;; Skip restoration of DRx registers to support debuggers ;; that set breakpoint in interrupt/exception context add esp, 4 * 6 ;; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4; pop eax mov cr0, eax add esp, 4 ; not for Cr1 pop eax mov cr2, eax pop eax mov cr3, eax pop eax mov cr4, eax ;; UINT32 EFlags; pop dword [ebp + 5 * 4] ;; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr; ;; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; ;; Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers... add esp, 24 ;; UINT32 Eip; pop dword [ebp + 3 * 4] ;; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; ;; NOTE - modified segment registers could hang the debugger... We ;; could attempt to insulate ourselves against this possibility, ;; but that poses risks as well. ;; pop gs pop fs pop es pop ds pop dword [ebp + 4 * 4] pop ss ;; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax; pop edi pop esi add esp, 4 ; not for ebp add esp, 4 ; not for esp pop ebx pop edx pop ecx pop eax mov esp, ebp pop ebp ; Enable TF bit after page fault handler runs bts dword [esp + 16], 8 ; EFLAGS add esp, 8 ; skip INT# & ErrCode Return: iretd ; ; Page Fault Exception Handler entry when SMM Stack Guard is enabled ; Executiot starts here after a task switch ; PFHandlerEntry: ; ; Get this processor's TSS ; sub esp, 8 sgdt [esp + 2] mov eax, [esp + 4] ; GDT base add esp, 8 mov ecx, [eax + TSS_SEL + 2] shl ecx, 8 mov cl, [eax + TSS_SEL + 7] ror ecx, 8 ; ecx = TSS base mov ebp, esp ; ; Align stack to make sure that EFI_FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 of EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT_IA32 ; is 16-byte aligned ; and esp, 0xfffffff0 sub esp, 12 ;; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax; push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EAX] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ECX] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EDX] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EBX] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ESP] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EBP] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ESI] push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EDI] ;; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._SS] push eax movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._CS] push eax movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._DS] push eax movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._ES] push eax movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._FS] push eax movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._GS] push eax ;; UINT32 Eip; push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EIP] ;; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; sub esp, 8 sidt [esp] mov eax, [esp + 2] xchg eax, [esp] and eax, 0xFFFF mov [esp+4], eax sub esp, 8 sgdt [esp] mov eax, [esp + 2] xchg eax, [esp] and eax, 0xFFFF mov [esp+4], eax ;; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr; mov eax, TSS_SEL push eax movzx eax, word [ecx + IA32_TSS.LDT] push eax ;; UINT32 EFlags; push dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EFLAGS] ;; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4; mov eax, cr4 or eax, 0x208 mov cr4, eax push eax mov eax, cr3 push eax mov eax, cr2 push eax xor eax, eax push eax mov eax, cr0 push eax ;; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; mov eax, dr7 push eax mov eax, dr6 push eax mov eax, dr3 push eax mov eax, dr2 push eax mov eax, dr1 push eax mov eax, dr0 push eax ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState; ;; Clear TS bit in CR0 to avoid Device Not Available Exception (#NM) ;; when executing fxsave/fxrstor instruction clts sub esp, 512 mov edi, esp fxsave [edi] ; UEFI calling convention for IA32 requires that Direction flag in EFLAGs is clear cld ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; push dword [ebp] ;; call into exception handler mov ebx, ecx mov eax, ASM_PFX(SmiPFHandler) ;; Prepare parameter and call mov edx, esp push edx mov edx, 14 push edx ; ; Call External Exception Handler ; call eax add esp, 8 mov ecx, ebx ;; UINT32 ExceptionData; add esp, 4 ;; FX_SAVE_STATE_IA32 FxSaveState; mov esi, esp fxrstor [esi] add esp, 512 ;; UINT32 Dr0, Dr1, Dr2, Dr3, Dr6, Dr7; ;; Skip restoration of DRx registers to support debuggers ;; that set breakpoints in interrupt/exception context add esp, 4 * 6 ;; UINT32 Cr0, Cr1, Cr2, Cr3, Cr4; pop eax mov cr0, eax add esp, 4 ; not for Cr1 pop eax mov cr2, eax pop eax mov dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._CR3], eax pop eax mov cr4, eax ;; UINT32 EFlags; pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EFLAGS] ;; UINT32 Ldtr, Tr; ;; UINT32 Gdtr[2], Idtr[2]; ;; Best not let anyone mess with these particular registers... add esp, 24 ;; UINT32 Eip; pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EIP] ;; UINT32 Gs, Fs, Es, Ds, Cs, Ss; ;; NOTE - modified segment registers could hang the debugger... We ;; could attempt to insulate ourselves against this possibility, ;; but that poses risks as well. ;; pop eax o16 mov [ecx + IA32_TSS._GS], ax pop eax o16 mov [ecx + IA32_TSS._FS], ax pop eax o16 mov [ecx + IA32_TSS._ES], ax pop eax o16 mov [ecx + IA32_TSS._DS], ax pop eax o16 mov [ecx + IA32_TSS._CS], ax pop eax o16 mov [ecx + IA32_TSS._SS], ax ;; UINT32 Edi, Esi, Ebp, Esp, Ebx, Edx, Ecx, Eax; pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EDI] pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ESI] add esp, 4 ; not for ebp add esp, 4 ; not for esp pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EBX] pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EDX] pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ECX] pop dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._EAX] mov esp, ebp ; Set single step DB# if SMM profile is enabled and page fault exception happens cmp byte [dword ASM_PFX(mSetupDebugTrap)], 0 jz @Done2 ; Create return context for iretd in stub function mov eax, dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ESP] ; Get old stack pointer mov ebx, dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EIP] mov [eax - 0xc], ebx ; create EIP in old stack movzx ebx, word [ecx + IA32_TSS._CS] mov [eax - 0x8], ebx ; create CS in old stack mov ebx, dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EFLAGS] bts ebx, 8 mov [eax - 0x4], ebx ; create eflags in old stack mov eax, dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ESP] ; Get old stack pointer sub eax, 0xc ; minus 12 byte mov dword [ecx + IA32_TSS._ESP], eax ; Set new stack pointer ; Replace the EIP of interrupted task with stub function mov eax, ASM_PFX(PageFaultStubFunction) mov dword [ecx + IA32_TSS.EIP], eax ; Jump to the iretd so next page fault handler as a task will start again after iretd. @Done2: add esp, 4 ; skip ErrCode jmp Return global ASM_PFX(PageFaultStubFunction) ASM_PFX(PageFaultStubFunction): ; ; we need clean TS bit in CR0 to execute ; x87 FPU/MMX/SSE/SSE2/SSE3/SSSE3/SSE4 instructions. ; clts iretd