/** @file

  Copyright (c) 2017 - 2021, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.<BR>

  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

  @par Glossary:
    - Cm or CM   - Configuration Manager
    - Obj or OBJ - Object
    - Std or STD - Standard


#include <StandardNameSpaceObjects.h>

#pragma pack(1)

/** The EARM_OBJECT_ID enum describes the Object IDs
    in the ARM Namespace
typedef enum ArmObjectID {
  EArmObjReserved,                     ///<  0 - Reserved
  EArmObjBootArchInfo,                 ///<  1 - Boot Architecture Info
  EArmObjCpuInfo,                      ///<  2 - CPU Info
  EArmObjPowerManagementProfileInfo,   ///<  3 - Power Management Profile Info
  EArmObjGicCInfo,                     ///<  4 - GIC CPU Interface Info
  EArmObjGicDInfo,                     ///<  5 - GIC Distributor Info
  EArmObjGicMsiFrameInfo,              ///<  6 - GIC MSI Frame Info
  EArmObjGicRedistributorInfo,         ///<  7 - GIC Redistributor Info
  EArmObjGicItsInfo,                   ///<  8 - GIC ITS Info
  EArmObjSerialConsolePortInfo,        ///<  9 - Serial Console Port Info
  EArmObjSerialDebugPortInfo,          ///< 10 - Serial Debug Port Info
  EArmObjGenericTimerInfo,             ///< 11 - Generic Timer Info
  EArmObjPlatformGTBlockInfo,          ///< 12 - Platform GT Block Info
  EArmObjGTBlockTimerFrameInfo,        ///< 13 - Generic Timer Block Frame Info
  EArmObjPlatformGenericWatchdogInfo,  ///< 14 - Platform Generic Watchdog
  EArmObjPciConfigSpaceInfo,           ///< 15 - PCI Configuration Space Info
  EArmObjHypervisorVendorIdentity,     ///< 16 - Hypervisor Vendor Id
  EArmObjFixedFeatureFlags,            ///< 17 - Fixed feature flags for FADT
  EArmObjItsGroup,                     ///< 18 - ITS Group
  EArmObjNamedComponent,               ///< 19 - Named Component
  EArmObjRootComplex,                  ///< 20 - Root Complex
  EArmObjSmmuV1SmmuV2,                 ///< 21 - SMMUv1 or SMMUv2
  EArmObjSmmuV3,                       ///< 22 - SMMUv3
  EArmObjPmcg,                         ///< 23 - PMCG
  EArmObjGicItsIdentifierArray,        ///< 24 - GIC ITS Identifier Array
  EArmObjIdMappingArray,               ///< 25 - ID Mapping Array
  EArmObjSmmuInterruptArray,           ///< 26 - SMMU Interrupt Array
  EArmObjProcHierarchyInfo,            ///< 27 - Processor Hierarchy Info
  EArmObjCacheInfo,                    ///< 28 - Cache Info
  EArmObjProcNodeIdInfo,               ///< 29 - Processor Node ID Info
  EArmObjCmRef,                        ///< 30 - CM Object Reference
  EArmObjMemoryAffinityInfo,           ///< 31 - Memory Affinity Info
  EArmObjDeviceHandleAcpi,             ///< 32 - Device Handle Acpi
  EArmObjDeviceHandlePci,              ///< 33 - Device Handle Pci
  EArmObjGenericInitiatorAffinityInfo, ///< 34 - Generic Initiator Affinity
  EArmObjSerialPortInfo,               ///< 35 - Generic Serial Port Info
  EArmObjCmn600Info,                   ///< 36 - CMN-600 Info

/** A structure that describes the
    ARM Boot Architecture flags.

    ID: EArmObjBootArchInfo
typedef struct CmArmBootArchInfo {
  /** This is the ARM_BOOT_ARCH flags field of the FADT Table
      described in the ACPI Table Specification.
  UINT16  BootArchFlags;

/** A structure that describes the
    Power Management Profile Information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjPowerManagementProfileInfo
typedef struct CmArmPowerManagementProfileInfo {
  /** This is the Preferred_PM_Profile field of the FADT Table
      described in the ACPI Specification
  UINT8  PowerManagementProfile;

/** A structure that describes the
    GIC CPU Interface for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGicCInfo
typedef struct CmArmGicCInfo {
  /// The GIC CPU Interface number.
  UINT32  CPUInterfaceNumber;

  /** The ACPI Processor UID. This must match the
      _UID of the CPU Device object information described
      in the DSDT/SSDT for the CPU.
  UINT32  AcpiProcessorUid;

  /** The flags field as described by the GICC structure
      in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  Flags;

  /** The parking protocol version field as described by
    the GICC structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  ParkingProtocolVersion;

  /** The Performance Interrupt field as described by
      the GICC structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  PerformanceInterruptGsiv;

  /** The CPU Parked address field as described by
      the GICC structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT64  ParkedAddress;

  /** The base address for the GIC CPU Interface
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.
  UINT64  PhysicalBaseAddress;

  /** The base address for GICV interface
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.

  /** The base address for GICH interface
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.

  /** The GICV maintenance interrupt
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  VGICMaintenanceInterrupt;

  /** The base address for GICR interface
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.
  UINT64  GICRBaseAddress;

  /** The MPIDR for the CPU
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.

  /** The Processor Power Efficiency class
      as described by the GICC structure in the
      ACPI Specification.
  UINT8   ProcessorPowerEfficiencyClass;

  /** Statistical Profiling Extension buffer overflow GSIV. Zero if
      unsupported by this processor. This field was introduced in
      ACPI 6.3 (MADT revision 5) and is therefore ignored when
      generating MADT revision 4 or lower.
  UINT16  SpeOverflowInterrupt;

  /** The proximity domain to which the logical processor belongs.
      This field is used to populate the GICC affinity structure
      in the SRAT table.
  UINT32  ProximityDomain;

  /** The clock domain to which the logical processor belongs.
      This field is used to populate the GICC affinity structure
      in the SRAT table.
  UINT32  ClockDomain;

  /** The GICC Affinity flags field as described by the GICC Affinity structure
      in the SRAT table.
  UINT32  AffinityFlags;

/** A structure that describes the
    GIC Distributor information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGicDInfo
typedef struct CmArmGicDInfo {
  /// The Physical Base address for the GIC Distributor.
  UINT64  PhysicalBaseAddress;

  /** The global system interrupt
      number where this GIC Distributor's
      interrupt inputs start.
  UINT32  SystemVectorBase;

  /** The GIC version as described
      by the GICD structure in the
      ACPI Specification.
  UINT8   GicVersion;

/** A structure that describes the
    GIC MSI Frame information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGicMsiFrameInfo
typedef struct CmArmGicMsiFrameInfo {
  /// The GIC MSI Frame ID
  UINT32  GicMsiFrameId;

  /// The Physical base address for the MSI Frame
  UINT64  PhysicalBaseAddress;

  /** The GIC MSI Frame flags
      as described by the GIC MSI frame
      structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  Flags;

  /// SPI Count used by this frame
  UINT16  SPICount;

  /// SPI Base used by this frame
  UINT16  SPIBase;

/** A structure that describes the
    GIC Redistributor information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGicRedistributorInfo
typedef struct CmArmGicRedistInfo {
  /** The physical address of a page range
      containing all GIC Redistributors.
  UINT64  DiscoveryRangeBaseAddress;

  /// Length of the GIC Redistributor Discovery page range
  UINT32  DiscoveryRangeLength;

/** A structure that describes the
    GIC Interrupt Translation Service information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGicItsInfo
typedef struct CmArmGicItsInfo {
  /// The GIC ITS ID
  UINT32  GicItsId;

  /// The physical address for the Interrupt Translation Service
  UINT64  PhysicalBaseAddress;

  /** The proximity domain to which the logical processor belongs.
      This field is used to populate the GIC ITS affinity structure
      in the SRAT table.
  UINT32  ProximityDomain;

/** A structure that describes the
    Serial Port information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjSerialConsolePortInfo or
        EArmObjSerialDebugPortInfo or
typedef struct CmArmSerialPortInfo {
  /// The physical base address for the serial port
  UINT64  BaseAddress;

  /// The serial port interrupt
  UINT32  Interrupt;

  /// The serial port baud rate
  UINT64  BaudRate;

  /// The serial port clock
  UINT32  Clock;

  /// Serial Port subtype
  UINT16  PortSubtype;

  /// The Base address length
  UINT64  BaseAddressLength;

/** A structure that describes the
    Generic Timer information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGenericTimerInfo
typedef struct CmArmGenericTimerInfo {
  /// The physical base address for the counter control frame
  UINT64  CounterControlBaseAddress;

  /// The physical base address for the counter read frame
  UINT64  CounterReadBaseAddress;

  /// The secure PL1 timer interrupt
  UINT32  SecurePL1TimerGSIV;

  /// The secure PL1 timer flags
  UINT32  SecurePL1TimerFlags;

  /// The non-secure PL1 timer interrupt
  UINT32  NonSecurePL1TimerGSIV;

  /// The non-secure PL1 timer flags
  UINT32  NonSecurePL1TimerFlags;

  /// The virtual timer interrupt
  UINT32  VirtualTimerGSIV;

  /// The virtual timer flags
  UINT32  VirtualTimerFlags;

  /// The non-secure PL2 timer interrupt
  UINT32  NonSecurePL2TimerGSIV;

  /// The non-secure PL2 timer flags
  UINT32  NonSecurePL2TimerFlags;

  /// GSIV for the virtual EL2 timer
  UINT32  VirtualPL2TimerGSIV;

  /// Flags for the virtual EL2 timer
  UINT32  VirtualPL2TimerFlags;

/** A structure that describes the
    Platform Generic Block Timer Frame information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjGTBlockTimerFrameInfo
typedef struct CmArmGTBlockTimerFrameInfo {
  /// The Generic Timer frame number
  UINT8   FrameNumber;

  /// The physical base address for the CntBase block
  UINT64  PhysicalAddressCntBase;

  /// The physical base address for the CntEL0Base block
  UINT64  PhysicalAddressCntEL0Base;

  /// The physical timer interrupt
  UINT32  PhysicalTimerGSIV;

  /** The physical timer flags as described by the GT Block
      Timer frame Structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  PhysicalTimerFlags;

  /// The virtual timer interrupt
  UINT32  VirtualTimerGSIV;

  /** The virtual timer flags as described by the GT Block
      Timer frame Structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  VirtualTimerFlags;

  /** The common timer flags as described by the GT Block
      Timer frame Structure in the ACPI Specification.
  UINT32  CommonFlags;

/** A structure that describes the
    Platform Generic Block Timer information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjPlatformGTBlockInfo
typedef struct CmArmGTBlockInfo {
  /// The physical base address for the GT Block Timer structure
  UINT64            GTBlockPhysicalAddress;

  /// The number of timer frames implemented in the GT Block
  UINT32            GTBlockTimerFrameCount;

  /// Reference token for the GT Block timer frame list
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   GTBlockTimerFrameToken;

/** A structure that describes the
    SBSA Generic Watchdog information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjPlatformGenericWatchdogInfo
typedef struct CmArmGenericWatchdogInfo {
  /// The physical base address of the SBSA Watchdog control frame
  UINT64  ControlFrameAddress;

  /// The physical base address of the SBSA Watchdog refresh frame
  UINT64  RefreshFrameAddress;

  /// The watchdog interrupt
  UINT32  TimerGSIV;

  /** The flags for the watchdog as described by the SBSA watchdog
      structure in the ACPI specification.
  UINT32  Flags;

/** A structure that describes the
    PCI Configuration Space information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjPciConfigSpaceInfo
typedef struct CmArmPciConfigSpaceInfo {
  /// The physical base address for the PCI segment
  UINT64  BaseAddress;

  /// The PCI segment group number
  UINT16  PciSegmentGroupNumber;

  /// The start bus number
  UINT8   StartBusNumber;

  /// The end bus number
  UINT8   EndBusNumber;

/** A structure that describes the
    Hypervisor Vendor ID information for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjHypervisorVendorIdentity
typedef struct CmArmHypervisorVendorId {
  /// The hypervisor Vendor ID
  UINT64  HypervisorVendorId;

/** A structure that describes the
    Fixed feature flags for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjFixedFeatureFlags
typedef struct CmArmFixedFeatureFlags {
  /// The Fixed feature flags
  UINT32  Flags;

/** A structure that describes the
    ITS Group node for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjItsGroup
typedef struct CmArmItsGroupNode {
  /// An unique token used to identify this object
  /// The number of ITS identifiers in the ITS node
  UINT32            ItsIdCount;
  /// Reference token for the ITS identifier array

/** A structure that describes the
    Named component node for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjNamedComponent
typedef struct CmArmNamedComponentNode {
  /// An unique token used to identify this object
  /// Number of ID mappings
  UINT32            IdMappingCount;
  /// Reference token for the ID mapping array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   IdMappingToken;

  /// Flags for the named component
  UINT32            Flags;

  /// Memory access properties : Cache coherent attributes
  UINT32            CacheCoherent;
  /// Memory access properties : Allocation hints
  UINT8             AllocationHints;
  /// Memory access properties : Memory access flags
  UINT8             MemoryAccessFlags;

  /// Memory access properties : Address size limit
  UINT8             AddressSizeLimit;
  /** ASCII Null terminated string with the full path to
      the entry in the namespace for this object.
  CHAR8*            ObjectName;

/** A structure that describes the
    Root complex node for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjRootComplex
typedef struct CmArmRootComplexNode {
  /// An unique token used to identify this object
  /// Number of ID mappings
  UINT32            IdMappingCount;
  /// Reference token for the ID mapping array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   IdMappingToken;

  /// Memory access properties : Cache coherent attributes
  UINT32            CacheCoherent;
  /// Memory access properties : Allocation hints
  UINT8             AllocationHints;
  /// Memory access properties : Memory access flags
  UINT8             MemoryAccessFlags;

  /// ATS attributes
  UINT32            AtsAttribute;
  /// PCI segment number
  UINT32            PciSegmentNumber;
  /// Memory address size limit
  UINT8             MemoryAddressSize;

/** A structure that describes the
    SMMUv1 or SMMUv2 node for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjSmmuV1SmmuV2
typedef struct CmArmSmmuV1SmmuV2Node {
  /// An unique token used to identify this object
  /// Number of ID mappings
  UINT32            IdMappingCount;
  /// Reference token for the ID mapping array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   IdMappingToken;

  /// SMMU Base Address
  UINT64            BaseAddress;
  /// Length of the memory range covered by the SMMU
  UINT64            Span;
  /// SMMU Model
  UINT32            Model;
  /// SMMU flags
  UINT32            Flags;

  /// Number of context interrupts
  UINT32            ContextInterruptCount;
  /// Reference token for the context interrupt array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   ContextInterruptToken;

  /// Number of PMU interrupts
  UINT32            PmuInterruptCount;
  /// Reference token for the PMU interrupt array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   PmuInterruptToken;

  /// GSIV of the SMMU_NSgIrpt interrupt
  UINT32            SMMU_NSgIrpt;
  /// SMMU_NSgIrpt interrupt flags
  UINT32            SMMU_NSgIrptFlags;
  /// GSIV of the SMMU_NSgCfgIrpt interrupt
  UINT32            SMMU_NSgCfgIrpt;
  /// SMMU_NSgCfgIrpt interrupt flags
  UINT32            SMMU_NSgCfgIrptFlags;

/** A structure that describes the
    SMMUv3 node for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjSmmuV3
typedef struct CmArmSmmuV3Node {
  /// An unique token used to identify this object
  /// Number of ID mappings
  UINT32            IdMappingCount;
  /// Reference token for the ID mapping array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   IdMappingToken;

  /// SMMU Base Address
  UINT64    BaseAddress;
  /// SMMU flags
  UINT32            Flags;
  /// VATOS address
  UINT64            VatosAddress;
  /// Model
  UINT32            Model;
  /// GSIV of the Event interrupt if SPI based
  UINT32            EventInterrupt;
  /// PRI Interrupt if SPI based
  UINT32            PriInterrupt;
  /// GERR interrupt if GSIV based
  UINT32            GerrInterrupt;
  /// Sync interrupt if GSIV based
  UINT32            SyncInterrupt;

  /// Proximity domain flag
  UINT32            ProximityDomain;
  /// Index into the array of ID mapping
  UINT32            DeviceIdMappingIndex;

/** A structure that describes the
    PMCG node for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjPmcg
typedef struct CmArmPmcgNode {
  /// An unique token used to identify this object
  /// Number of ID mappings
  UINT32            IdMappingCount;
  /// Reference token for the ID mapping array
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   IdMappingToken;

  /// Base Address for performance monitor counter group
  UINT64            BaseAddress;
  /// GSIV for the Overflow interrupt
  UINT32            OverflowInterrupt;
  /// Page 1 Base address
  UINT64            Page1BaseAddress;

  /// Reference token for the IORT node associated with this node
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   ReferenceToken;

/** A structure that describes the
    GIC ITS Identifiers for an ITS Group node.

    ID: EArmObjGicItsIdentifierArray
typedef struct CmArmGicItsIdentifier {
  /// The ITS Identifier
  UINT32  ItsId;

/** A structure that describes the
    ID Mappings for the Platform.

    ID: EArmObjIdMappingArray
typedef struct CmArmIdMapping {
  /// Input base
  UINT32           InputBase;
  /// Number of input IDs
  UINT32           NumIds;
  /// Output Base
  UINT32           OutputBase;
  /// Reference token for the output node
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN  OutputReferenceToken;
  /// Flags
  UINT32    Flags;

/** A structure that describes the Arm
    Generic Interrupts.
typedef struct CmArmGenericInterrupt {
  /// Interrupt number
  UINT32    Interrupt;

  /// Flags
  UINT32    Flags;

/** A structure that describes the SMMU interrupts for the Platform.

    Interrupt   Interrupt number.
    Flags       Interrupt flags as defined for SMMU node.

    ID: EArmObjSmmuInterruptArray

/** A structure that describes the AML Extended Interrupts.

    Interrupt   Interrupt number.
    Flags       Interrupt flags as defined by the Interrupt
                Vector Flags (Byte 3) of the Extended Interrupt
                resource descriptor.
                See EFI_ACPI_EXTENDED_INTERRUPT_FLAG_xxx in Acpi10.h

/** A structure that describes the Processor Hierarchy Node (Type 0) in PPTT

    ID: EArmObjProcHierarchyInfo
typedef struct CmArmProcHierarchyInfo {
  /// A unique token used to identify this object
  /// Processor structure flags (ACPI 6.3 - January 2019, PPTT, Table 5-155)
  UINT32            Flags;
  /// Token for the parent CM_ARM_PROC_HIERARCHY_INFO object in the processor
  /// topology. A value of CM_NULL_TOKEN means this node has no parent.
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   ParentToken;
  /// Token of the associated CM_ARM_GICC_INFO object which has the
  /// corresponding ACPI Processor ID. A value of CM_NULL_TOKEN means this
  /// node represents a group of associated processors and it does not have an
  /// associated GIC CPU interface.
  /// Number of resources private to this Node
  UINT32            NoOfPrivateResources;
  /// Token of the array which contains references to the resources private to
  /// this CM_ARM_PROC_HIERARCHY_INFO instance. This field is ignored if
  /// the NoOfPrivateResources is 0, in which case it is recommended to set
  /// this field to CM_NULL_TOKEN.
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   PrivateResourcesArrayToken;

/** A structure that describes the Cache Type Structure (Type 1) in PPTT

    ID: EArmObjCacheInfo
typedef struct CmArmCacheInfo {
  /// A unique token used to identify this object
  /// Reference token for the next level of cache that is private to the same
  /// CM_ARM_PROC_HIERARCHY_INFO instance. A value of CM_NULL_TOKEN means this
  /// entry represents the last cache level appropriate to the processor
  /// hierarchy node structures using this entry.
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   NextLevelOfCacheToken;
  /// Size of the cache in bytes
  UINT32            Size;
  /// Number of sets in the cache
  UINT32            NumberOfSets;
  /// Integer number of ways. The maximum associativity supported by
  /// ACPI Cache type structure is limited to MAX_UINT8. However,
  /// the maximum number of ways supported by the architecture is
  /// is 32-bit wide.
  UINT32            Associativity;
  /// Cache attributes (ACPI 6.3 - January 2019, PPTT, Table 5-156)
  UINT8             Attributes;
  /// Line size in bytes
  UINT16            LineSize;

/** A structure that describes the ID Structure (Type 2) in PPTT

    ID: EArmObjProcNodeIdInfo
typedef struct CmArmProcNodeIdInfo {
  /// A unique token used to identify this object
  // Vendor ID (as described in ACPI ID registry)
  UINT32            VendorId;
  /// First level unique node ID
  UINT64            Level1Id;
  /// Second level unique node ID
  UINT64            Level2Id;
  /// Major revision of the node
  UINT16            MajorRev;
  /// Minor revision of the node
  UINT16            MinorRev;
  /// Spin revision of the node
  UINT16            SpinRev;

/** A structure that describes a reference to another Configuration Manager

    This is useful for creating an array of reference tokens. The framework
    can then query the configuration manager for these arrays using the
    object ID EArmObjCmRef.

    This can be used is to represent one-to-many relationships between objects.

    ID: EArmObjCmRef
typedef struct CmArmObjRef {
  /// Token of the CM object being referenced
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   ReferenceToken;

/** A structure that describes the Memory Affinity Structure (Type 1) in SRAT

    ID: EArmObjMemoryAffinityInfo
typedef struct CmArmMemoryAffinityInfo {
  /// The proximity domain to which the "range of memory" belongs.
  UINT32            ProximityDomain;

  /// Base Address
  UINT64            BaseAddress;

  /// Length
  UINT64            Length;

  /// Flags
  UINT32            Flags;

/** A structure that describes the ACPI Device Handle (Type 0) in the
    Generic Initiator Affinity structure in SRAT

    ID: EArmObjDeviceHandleAcpi
typedef struct CmArmDeviceHandleAcpi {
  /// Hardware ID
  UINT64  Hid;

  /// Unique Id
  UINT32  Uid;

/** A structure that describes the PCI Device Handle (Type 1) in the
    Generic Initiator Affinity structure in SRAT

    ID: EArmObjDeviceHandlePci
typedef struct CmArmDeviceHandlePci {
  /// PCI Segment Number
  UINT16  SegmentNumber;

  /// PCI Bus Number - Max 256 busses (Bits 15:8 of BDF)
  UINT8  BusNumber;

  /// PCI Device Number - Max 32 devices (Bits 7:3 of BDF)
  UINT8   DeviceNumber;

  /// PCI Function Number - Max 8 functions (Bits 2:0 of BDF)
  UINT8   FunctionNumber;

/** A structure that describes the Generic Initiator Affinity structure in SRAT

    ID: EArmObjGenericInitiatorAffinityInfo
typedef struct CmArmGenericInitiatorAffinityInfo {
  /// The proximity domain to which the generic initiator belongs.
  UINT32            ProximityDomain;

  /// Flags
  UINT32            Flags;

  /// Device Handle Type
  UINT8             DeviceHandleType;

  /// Reference Token for the Device Handle
  CM_OBJECT_TOKEN   DeviceHandleToken;

/** A structure that describes the CMN-600 hardware.

    ID: EArmObjCmn600Info
typedef struct CmArmCmn600Info {
  /// The PERIPHBASE address.
  /// Corresponds to the Configuration Node Region (CFGR) base address.
  UINT64                     PeriphBaseAddress;

  /// The PERIPHBASE address length.
  /// Corresponds to the CFGR base address length.
  UINT64                     PeriphBaseAddressLength;

  /// The ROOTNODEBASE address.
  /// Corresponds to the Root node (ROOT) base address.
  UINT64                     RootNodeBaseAddress;

  /// The Debug and Trace Logic Controller (DTC) count.
  /// CMN-600 can have maximum 4 DTCs.
  UINT8                      DtcCount;

  /// DTC Interrupt list.
  /// The first interrupt resource descriptor pertains to
  /// DTC[0], the second to DTC[1] and so on.
  /// DtcCount determines the number of DTC Interrupts that
  /// are populated. If DTC count is 2 then DtcInterrupt[2]
  /// and DtcInterrupt[3] are ignored.
  /// Note: The size of CM_ARM_CMN_600_INFO structure remains
  /// constant and does not vary with the DTC count.

#pragma pack()