/** @file Multi-Processor support functions implementation. Copyright (c) 2010 - 2016, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "DebugAgent.h" GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED DEBUG_MP_CONTEXT volatile mDebugMpContext = {0,0,0,{0},{0},0,0,0,0,FALSE,FALSE}; GLOBAL_REMOVE_IF_UNREFERENCED DEBUG_CPU_DATA volatile mDebugCpuData = {0}; /** Acquire a spin lock when Multi-processor supported. It will block in the function if cannot get the access control. If Multi-processor is not supported, return directly. @param[in, out] MpSpinLock A pointer to the spin lock. **/ VOID AcquireMpSpinLock ( IN OUT SPIN_LOCK *MpSpinLock ) { if (!MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { return; } while (TRUE) { if (AcquireSpinLockOrFail (MpSpinLock)) { break; } CpuPause (); continue; } } /** Release a spin lock when Multi-processor supported. @param[in, out] MpSpinLock A pointer to the spin lock. **/ VOID ReleaseMpSpinLock ( IN OUT SPIN_LOCK *MpSpinLock ) { if (!MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { return; } ReleaseSpinLock (MpSpinLock); } /** Break the other processor by send IPI. @param[in] CurrentProcessorIndex Current processor index value. **/ VOID HaltOtherProcessors ( IN UINT32 CurrentProcessorIndex ) { DebugAgentMsgPrint (DEBUG_AGENT_INFO, "processor[%x]:Try to halt other processors.\n", CurrentProcessorIndex); if (!IsBsp (CurrentProcessorIndex)) { SetIpiSentByApFlag (TRUE);; } mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex = CurrentProcessorIndex; // // Set the debug viewpoint to the current breaking CPU. // SetDebugViewPoint (CurrentProcessorIndex); // // Send fixed IPI to other processors. // SendFixedIpiAllExcludingSelf (DEBUG_TIMER_VECTOR); } /** Get the current processor's index. @return Processor index value. **/ UINT32 GetProcessorIndex ( VOID ) { UINT32 Index; UINT16 LocalApicID; LocalApicID = (UINT16) GetApicId (); AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); for (Index = 0; Index < mDebugCpuData.CpuCount; Index ++) { if (mDebugCpuData.ApicID[Index] == LocalApicID) { break; } } if (Index == mDebugCpuData.CpuCount) { mDebugCpuData.ApicID[Index] = LocalApicID; mDebugCpuData.CpuCount ++ ; } ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); return Index; } /** Check if the specified processor is BSP or not. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. @retval TRUE It is BSP. @retval FALSE It isn't BSP. **/ BOOLEAN IsBsp ( IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex ) { MSR_IA32_APIC_BASE_REGISTER MsrApicBase; // // If there are less than 2 CPUs detected, then the currently executing CPU // must be the BSP. This avoids an access to an MSR that may not be supported // on single core CPUs. // if (mDebugCpuData.CpuCount < 2) { return TRUE; } MsrApicBase.Uint64 = AsmReadMsr64 (MSR_IA32_APIC_BASE); if (MsrApicBase.Bits.BSP == 1) { if (mDebugMpContext.BspIndex != ProcessorIndex) { AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); mDebugMpContext.BspIndex = ProcessorIndex; ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** Set processor stop flag bitmask in MP context. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. @param[in] StopFlag TRUE means set stop flag. FALSE means clean break flag. **/ VOID SetCpuStopFlagByIndex ( IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex, IN BOOLEAN StopFlag ) { UINT8 Value; UINTN Index; AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); Value = mDebugMpContext.CpuStopStatusMask[ProcessorIndex / 8]; Index = ProcessorIndex % 8; if (StopFlag) { Value = BitFieldWrite8 (Value, Index, Index, 1); } else { Value = BitFieldWrite8 (Value, Index, Index, 0); } mDebugMpContext.CpuStopStatusMask[ProcessorIndex / 8] = Value; ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); } /** Set processor break flag bitmask in MP context. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. @param[in] BreakFlag TRUE means set break flag. FALSE means clean break flag. **/ VOID SetCpuBreakFlagByIndex ( IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex, IN BOOLEAN BreakFlag ) { UINT8 Value; UINTN Index; AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); Value = mDebugMpContext.CpuBreakMask[ProcessorIndex / 8]; Index = ProcessorIndex % 8; if (BreakFlag) { Value = BitFieldWrite8 (Value, Index, Index, 1); } else { Value = BitFieldWrite8 (Value, Index, Index, 0); } mDebugMpContext.CpuBreakMask[ProcessorIndex / 8] = Value; ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); } /** Check if processor is stopped already. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. @retval TRUE Processor is stopped already. @retval TRUE Processor isn't stopped. **/ BOOLEAN IsCpuStopped ( IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex ) { UINT8 CpuMask; CpuMask = (UINT8) (1 << (ProcessorIndex % 8)); if ((mDebugMpContext.CpuStopStatusMask[ProcessorIndex / 8] & CpuMask) != 0) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** Set the run command flag. @param[in] RunningFlag TRUE means run command flag is set. FALSE means run command flag is cleared. **/ VOID SetCpuRunningFlag ( IN BOOLEAN RunningFlag ) { AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); mDebugMpContext.RunCommandSet = RunningFlag; ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); } /** Set the current view point to be debugged. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. **/ VOID SetDebugViewPoint ( IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex ) { AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); mDebugMpContext.ViewPointIndex = ProcessorIndex; ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); } /** Set the IPI send by BPS/AP flag. @param[in] IpiSentByApFlag TRUE means this IPI is sent by AP. FALSE means this IPI is sent by BSP. **/ VOID SetIpiSentByApFlag ( IN BOOLEAN IpiSentByApFlag ) { AcquireMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); mDebugMpContext.IpiSentByAp = IpiSentByApFlag; ReleaseMpSpinLock (&mDebugMpContext.MpContextSpinLock); } /** Check the next pending breaking CPU. @retval others There is at least one processor broken, the minimum index number of Processor returned. @retval -1 No any processor broken. **/ UINT32 FindNextPendingBreakCpu ( VOID ) { UINT32 Index; for (Index = 0; Index < DEBUG_CPU_MAX_COUNT / 8; Index ++) { if (mDebugMpContext.CpuBreakMask[Index] != 0) { return (UINT32) LowBitSet32 (mDebugMpContext.CpuBreakMask[Index]) + Index * 8; } } return (UINT32)-1; } /** Check if all processors are in running status. @retval TRUE All processors run. @retval FALSE At least one processor does not run. **/ BOOLEAN IsAllCpuRunning ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; for (Index = 0; Index < DEBUG_CPU_MAX_COUNT / 8; Index ++) { if (mDebugMpContext.CpuStopStatusMask[Index] != 0) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } /** Check if the current processor is the first breaking processor. If yes, halt other processors. @param[in] ProcessorIndex Processor index value. @return TRUE This processor is the first breaking processor. @return FALSE This processor is not the first breaking processor. **/ BOOLEAN IsFirstBreakProcessor ( IN UINT32 ProcessorIndex ) { if (MultiProcessorDebugSupport()) { if (mDebugMpContext.BreakAtCpuIndex != (UINT32) -1) { // // The current processor is not the first breaking one. // SetCpuBreakFlagByIndex (ProcessorIndex, TRUE); return FALSE; } else { // // If no any processor breaks, try to halt other processors // HaltOtherProcessors (ProcessorIndex); return TRUE; } } return TRUE; }