/** @file
  Present the dependency expression values in PI.

  Copyright (c) 2006 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

  @par Revision Reference:
  PI Version 1.0

#ifndef __PI_DEPENDENCY_H__
#define __PI_DEPENDENCY_H__

/// If present, this must be the first and only opcode,
/// EFI_DEP_BEFORE may be used by DXE and SMM drivers.
#define EFI_DEP_BEFORE        0x00

/// If present, this must be the first and only opcode,
/// EFI_DEP_AFTER may be used by DXE and SMM drivers.
#define EFI_DEP_AFTER         0x01

#define EFI_DEP_PUSH          0x02
#define EFI_DEP_AND           0x03
#define EFI_DEP_OR            0x04
#define EFI_DEP_NOT           0x05
#define EFI_DEP_TRUE          0x06
#define EFI_DEP_FALSE         0x07
#define EFI_DEP_END           0x08

/// If present, this must be the first opcode,
/// EFI_DEP_SOR is only used by DXE driver.
#define EFI_DEP_SOR           0x09
