// *++ // // Copyright (c) 2004 - 2014, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR> // This program and the accompanying materials // are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License // which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at // http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php // // THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. // // Module Name: // // SetupBrowserStr.uni // // Abstract: // // String definitions for Browser. // // --*/ /=# #langdef en-US "English" #langdef fr-FR "Français" #string UNKNOWN_STRING #language en-US "!" #language fr-FR "!" #string STATUS_BROWSER_ERROR #language en-US "Browser met some error, return!" #language fr-FR "Browser met some error, return!" #string STATUS_BROWSER_FORM_NOT_FOUND #language en-US "Form not found, return!" #language fr-FR "Form not found, return!" #string STATUS_BROWSER_NO_SUBMIT_IF #language en-US "Not allowed to submit, return!" #language fr-FR "Not allowed to submit, return!" #string FUNCTION_NINE_STRING #language en-US "F9=Reset to Defaults" #language fr-FR "F9=Reset à Défauts" #string FUNCTION_TEN_STRING #language en-US "F10=Save" #language fr-FR "F10=Économiser" #string SAVE_FAILED #language en-US "Failed to Save" #language fr-FR "Échouer à économiser" #string NO_SUBMIT_IF_CHECK_FAILED #language en-US "NO_SUBMIT_IF check fail." #language fr-FR "NO_SUBMIT_IF check fail." #string ADJUST_HELP_PAGE_DOWN #language en-US "More (D/d)" #language fr-FR "More (D/d)" #string ADJUST_HELP_PAGE_UP #language en-US "More (U/u)" #language fr-FR "More (U/u)" #string PROMPT_FOR_PASSWORD #language en-US "Please type in your password" #language fr-FR "S'il vous plaît tape votre mot de passe" #string PROMPT_FOR_NEW_PASSWORD #language en-US "Please type in your new password" #language fr-FR "S'il vous plaît tape votre nouveau mot de passe" #string CONFIRM_PASSWORD #language en-US "Please confirm your new password" #language fr-FR "S'il vous plaît confirmer votre nouveau mot de passe" #string CONFIRM_ERROR #language en-US "Passwords are not the same" #language fr-FR "Les mots de passe ne sont pas pareils" #string PASSWORD_INVALID #language en-US "Incorrect password" #language fr-FR "Mauvais mot de passe" #string PRESS_ENTER #language en-US "Press ENTER to continue" #language fr-FR "La presse ENTRE continuer" #string PROMPT_FOR_DATA #language en-US "Please type in your data" #language fr-FR "S'il vous plaît tape vos données" #string EMPTY_STRING #language en-US "" #language fr-FR "" #string MINI_STRING #language en-US "Please enter enough characters" #language fr-FR "Veuillez écrire assez de caractères" #string OPTION_MISMATCH #language en-US "Question value mismatch with Option value!" #language fr-FR "Question valeur décalage avec l'option valeur!" #string FORM_SUPPRESSED #language en-US "Form is suppressed. Nothing is displayed." #language fr-FR "Form is suppressed. Nothing is displayed." #string PROTOCOL_NOT_FOUND #language en-US "Convert string to device path fail. Can't goto the destination." #language fr-FR "Convert string to device path fail. Can't goto the destination." #string DISCARD_OR_JUMP #language en-US "Press D(d) to discard changes for this form, Press G(g) to go to this form" #language fr-FR "Press D(d) to discard changes for this form, Press G(g) to go to this form" #string DISCARD_OR_JUMP_DISCARD #language en-US "D (d)" #language fr-FR "D (d)" #string DISCARD_OR_JUMP_JUMP #language en-US "G (g)" #language fr-FR "G (g)" #string DISCARD_OR_CHECK #language en-US "Press D(d) to discard changes for this form, Press C(c) to check the error" #language fr-FR "Press D(d) to discard changes for this form, Press C(c) to check the error" #string DISCARD_OR_CHECK_CHECK #language en-US "C (c)" #language fr-FR "C (c)"