## @file # This file is for installed package information database operations # # Copyright (c) 2007 ~ 2008, Intel Corporation # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License # which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ## # Import Modules # import sqlite3 import os import Common.EdkLogger as EdkLogger import IpiDb (DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS, DEPEX_CHECK_MODULE_NOT_FOUND, \ DEPEX_CHECK_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND, DEPEX_CHECK_DP_NOT_FOUND) = (0, 1, 2, 3) ## IpiDb # # This class represents the installed package information databse # Add/Remove/Get installed distribution package information here. # # # @param object: Inherited from object class # @param DbPath: A string for the path of the database # # @var Conn: Connection of the database # @var Cur: Cursor of the connection # class DependencyRules(object): def __init__(self, Db): self.IpiDb = Db ## Check whether a module exists in current workspace. # # @param Guid: # @param Version: # def CheckModuleExists(self, Guid, Version, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): EdkLogger.verbose("\nCheck module exists in workspace started ...") ModuleList = [] ModuleList = self.IpiDb.GetModInPackage(Guid, Version) ModuleList.extend(self.IpiDb.GetStandaloneModule(Guid, Version)) EdkLogger.verbose("Check module exists in workspace ... DONE!") if len(ModuleList) > 0: return True else: ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_MODULE_NOT_FOUND return False ## Check whether a module depex satified by current workspace. # # @param ModuleObj: # @param DpObj: # def CheckModuleDepexSatisfied(self, ModuleObj, DpObj = None, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): EdkLogger.verbose("\nCheck module depex met by workspace started ...") for Dep in ModuleObj.PackageDependencies: Exist = self.CheckPackageExists(Dep.PackageGuid, Dep.PackageVersion, ReturnCode) if not Exist: if DpObj == None: ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND return False for GuidVerPair in DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea.keys(): if Dep.PackageGuid == GuidVerPair[0]: if Dep.PackageVersion == None or len(Dep.PackageVersion) == 0: break if Dep.PackageVersion == GuidVerPair[1]: break else: ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND return False else: ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND return False return True EdkLogger.verbose("Check module depex met by workspace ... DONE!") ## Check whether a package exists in current workspace. # # @param Guid: # @param Version: # def CheckPackageExists(self, Guid, Version, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): EdkLogger.verbose("\nCheck package exists in workspace started ...") PkgList = [] PkgList = self.IpiDb.GetPackage(Guid, Version) if len(PkgList) > 0: return True else: ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND return False EdkLogger.verbose("Check package exists in workspace ... DONE!") ## Check whether a package depex satified by current workspace. # # @param ModuleObj: # @param DpObj: # def CheckPackageDepexSatisfied(self, PkgObj, DpObj = None, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): for ModKey in PkgObj.Modules.keys(): ModObj = PkgObj.Modules[ModKey] if self.CheckModuleDepexSatisfied(ModObj, DpObj, ReturnCode): continue else: return False return True ## Check whether a DP exists in current workspace. # # @param Guid: # @param Version: # def CheckDpExists(self, Guid, Version, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): EdkLogger.verbose("\nCheck DP exists in workspace started ...") DpList = [] DpList = self.IpiDb.GetDp(Guid, Version) if len(DpList) > 0: return True else: ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_DP_NOT_FOUND return False EdkLogger.verbose("Check DP exists in workspace ... DONE!") ## Check whether a DP depex satified by current workspace. # # @param ModuleObj: # @param DpObj: # def CheckDpDepexSatisfied(self, DpObj, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): for PkgKey in DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea.keys(): PkgObj = DpObj.PackageSurfaceArea[PkgKey] if self.CheckPackageDepexSatisfied(PkgObj, DpObj, ReturnCode): continue else: return False for ModKey in DpObj.ModuleSurfaceArea.keys(): ModObj = PkgObj.ModuleSurfaceArea[ModKey] if self.CheckModuleDepexSatisfied(ModObj, DpObj, ReturnCode): continue else: return False return True ## Check whether a DP depex satified by current workspace. # # @param ModuleObj: # @param DpObj: # def CheckDpDepexForRemove(self, DpGuid, DpVersion, ReturnCode = DEPEX_CHECK_SUCCESS): # Get mod list that is dependent on pkg installed from this DP. ModList = self.IpiDb.GetDpDependentModuleList(DpGuid, DpVersion) if len(ModList) > 0: return False return True ## # # This acts like the main() function for the script, unless it is 'import'ed into another # script. # if __name__ == '__main__': EdkLogger.Initialize() EdkLogger.SetLevel(EdkLogger.DEBUG_0)