/** @file PAL Call Services Copyright (c) 2006 -2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __PAL_CALL_LIB_H__ #define __PAL_CALL_LIB_H__ #define PAL_SUCCESS 0x0 // // CacheType of PAL_CACHE_FLUSH. // #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_INSTRUCTION_ALL 1 #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_DATA_ALL 2 #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_ALL 3 #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_SYNC_TO_DATA 4 // // Bitmask of Opearation of PAL_CACHE_FLUSH. // #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_INVALIDATE_LINES BIT0 #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_NO_INVALIDATE_LINES 0 #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_POLL_INTERRUPT BIT1 #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH_NO_INTERRUPT 0 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_FLUSH. Flush the instruction or data caches. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at virtual mode and physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_FLUSH within the list of PAL procedures. @param CacheType Unsigned 64-bit integer indicating which cache to flush. @param Operation Formatted bit vector indicating the operation of this call. @param ProgressIndicator Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the starting position of the flush operation. @return R9 Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the vector number of the pending interrupt. @return R10 Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the starting position of the flush operation. @return R11 Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the vector number of the pending interrupt. @return Status 2 - Call completed without error, but a PMI was taken during the execution of this procedure. @return Status 1 - Call has not completed flushing due to a pending interrupt. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error **/ #define PAL_CACHE_FLUSH 1 // // Attributes of PAL_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO1 // #define PAL_CACHE_ATTR_WT 0 #define PAL_CACHE_ATTR_WB 1 // // PAL_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO1.StoreHint // #define PAL_CACHE_STORE_TEMPORAL 0 #define PAL_CACHE_STORE_NONE_TEMPORAL 3 // // PAL_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO1.StoreHint // #define PAL_CACHE_STORE_TEMPORAL_LVL_1 0 #define PAL_CACHE_STORE_NONE_TEMPORAL_LVL_ALL 3 // // PAL_CACHE_CONFIG_INFO1.StoreHint // #define PAL_CACHE_LOAD_TEMPORAL_LVL_1 0 #define PAL_CACHE_LOAD_NONE_TEMPORAL_LVL_1 1 #define PAL_CACHE_LOAD_NONE_TEMPORAL_LVL_ALL 3 // // Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled // cache in the cache hierarchy. // typedef struct { UINT64 IsUnified : 1; UINT64 Attributes : 2; UINT64 Associativity:8; UINT64 LineSize:8; UINT64 Stride:8; UINT64 StoreLatency:8; UINT64 StoreHint:8; UINT64 LoadHint:8; } PAL_CACHE_INFO_RETURN1; // // Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled // cache in the cache hierarchy. // typedef struct { UINT64 CacheSize:32; UINT64 AliasBoundary:8; UINT64 TagLsBits:8; UINT64 TagMsBits:8; } PAL_CACHE_INFO_RETURN2; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_INFO. Return detailed instruction or data cache information. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at virtual mode and physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param CacheLevel Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the level in the cache hierarchy for which information is requested. This value must be between 0 and one less than the value returned in the cache_levels return value from PAL_CACHE_SUMMARY. @param CacheType Unsigned 64-bit integer with a value of 1 for instruction cache and 2 for data or unified cache. All other values are reserved. @param Reserved Should be 0. @return R9 Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled cache in the cache hierarchy. See PAL_CACHE_INFO_RETURN1. @return R10 Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled cache in the cache hierarchy. See PAL_CACHE_INFO_RETURN2. @return R11 Reserved with 0. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error **/ #define PAL_CACHE_INFO 2 // // Level of PAL_CACHE_INIT. // #define PAL_CACHE_INIT_ALL 0xffffffffffffffffULL // // CacheType // #define PAL_CACHE_INIT_TYPE_INSTRUCTION 0x1 #define PAL_CACHE_INIT_TYPE_DATA 0x2 #define PAL_CACHE_INIT_TYPE_INSTRUCTION_AND_DATA 0x3 // // Restrict of PAL_CACHE_INIT. // #define PAL_CACHE_INIT_NO_RESTRICT 0 #define PAL_CACHE_INIT_RESTRICTED 1 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_INIT. Initialize the instruction or data caches. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_INIT within the list of PAL procedures. @param Level Unsigned 64-bit integer containing the level of cache to initialize. If the cache level can be initialized independently, only that level will be initialized. Otherwise implementation-dependent side-effects will occur. @param CacheType Unsigned 64-bit integer with a value of 1 to initialize the instruction cache, 2 to initialize the data cache, or 3 to initialize both. All other values are reserved. @param Restrict Unsigned 64-bit integer with a value of 0 or 1. All other values are reserved. If restrict is 1 and initializing the specified level and cache_type of the cache would cause side-effects, PAL_CACHE_INIT will return -4 instead of initializing the cache. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -4 - Call could not initialize the specified level and cache_type of the cache without side-effects and restrict was 1. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_INIT 3 // // PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION.Method. // #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_NONE_PROTECT 0 #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_ODD_PROTECT 1 #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_EVEN_PROTECT 2 #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_ECC_PROTECT 3 // // PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION.TagOrData. // #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_PROTECT_DATA 0 #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_PROTECT_TAG 1 #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_PROTECT_TAG_ANDTHEN_DATA 2 #define PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION_PROTECT_DATA_ANDTHEN_TAG 3 // // 32-bit protection information structures. // typedef struct { UINT32 DataBits:8; UINT32 TagProtLsb:6; UINT32 TagProtMsb:6; UINT32 ProtBits:6; UINT32 Method:4; UINT32 TagOrData:2; } PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_PROT_INFO. Return instruction or data cache protection information. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_PROT_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param CacheLevel Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the level in the cache hierarchy for which information is requested. This value must be between 0 and one less than the value returned in the cache_levels return value from PAL_CACHE_SUMMARY. @param CacheType Unsigned 64-bit integer with a value of 1 for instruction cache and 2 for data or unified cache. All other values are reserved. @return R9 Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled cache in the cache hierarchy. See PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION[0..1]. @return R10 Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled cache in the cache hierarchy. See PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION[2..3]. @return R11 Detail the characteristics of a given processor controlled cache in the cache hierarchy. See PAL_CACHE_PROTECTION[4..5]. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_PROT_INFO 38 /** @param ThreadId The thread identifier of the logical processor for which information is being returned. This value will be unique on a per core basis. @param CoreId The core identifier of the logical processor for which information is being returned. This value will be unique on a per physical processor package basis. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 ThreadId : 16; UINT64 Reserved1: 16; UINT64 CoreId: 16; UINT64 Reserved2: 16; } PAL_PCOC_N_CACHE_INFO1; /** @param LogicalAddress Logical address: geographical address of the logical processor for which information is being returned. This is the same value that is returned by the PAL_FIXED_ADDR procedure when it is called on the logical processor. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 LogicalAddress : 16; UINT64 Reserved1: 16; UINT64 Reserved2: 32; } PAL_PCOC_N_CACHE_INFO2; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_SHARED_INFO. Returns information on which logical processors share caches. It is optional. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_SHARED_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param CacheLevel Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the level in the cache hierarchy for which information is requested. This value must be between 0 and one less than the value returned in the cache_levels return value from PAL_CACHE_SUMMARY. @param CacheType Unsigned 64-bit integer with a value of 1 for instruction cache and 2 for data or unified cache. All other values are reserved. @param ProcNumber Unsigned 64-bit integer that specifies for which logical processor information is being requested. This input argument must be zero for the first call to this procedure and can be a maximum value of one less than the number of logical processors sharing this cache, which is returned by the num_shared return value. @return R9 Unsigned integer that returns the number of logical processors that share the processor cache level and type, for which information was requested. @return R10 The format of PAL_PCOC_N_CACHE_INFO1. @return R11 The format of PAL_PCOC_N_CACHE_INFO2. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_SHARED_INFO 43 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_SUMMARY. Return a summary of the cache hierarchy. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_SUMMARY within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 CacheLevels Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the number of levels of cache implemented by the processor. Strictly, this is the number of levels for which the cache controller is integrated into the processor (the cache SRAMs may be external to the processor). @return R10 UniqueCaches Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the number of unique caches implemented by the processor. This has a maximum of 2*cache_levels, but may be less if any of the levels in the cache hierarchy are unified caches or do not have both instruction and data caches. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_SUMMARY 4 // // Virtual Memory Attributes implemented by processor. // #define PAL_MEMORY_ATTR_WB 0 #define PAL_MEMORY_ATTR_WC 6 #define PAL_MEMORY_ATTR_UC 4 #define PAL_MEMORY_ATTR_UCE 5 #define PAL_MEMORY_ATTR_NATPAGE 7 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MEM_ATTRIB. Return a list of supported memory attributes.. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MEM_ATTRIB within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 Attributes 8-bit vector of memory attributes implemented by processor. See Virtual Memory Attributes above. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MEM_ATTRIB 5 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PREFETCH_VISIBILITY. Used in architected sequence to transition pages from a cacheable, speculative attribute to an uncacheable attribute. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PREFETCH_VISIBILITY within the list of PAL procedures. @param TransitionType Unsigned integer specifying the type of memory attribute transition that is being performed. @return Status 1 Call completed without error; this call is not necessary on remote processors. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_PREFETCH_VISIBILITY 41 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PTCE_INFO. Return information needed for ptc.e instruction to purge entire TC. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PTCE_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the beginning address to be used by the first PTCE instruction in the purge loop. @return R10 Two unsigned 32-bit integers denoting the loop counts of the outer (loop 1) and inner (loop 2) purge loops. count1 (loop 1) is contained in bits 63:32 of the parameter, and count2 (loop 2) is contained in bits 31:0 of the parameter. @return R11 Two unsigned 32-bit integers denoting the loop strides of the outer (loop 1) and inner (loop 2) purge loops. stride1 (loop 1) is contained in bits 63:32 of the parameter, and stride2 (loop 2) is contained in bits 31:0 of the parameter. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_PTCE_INFO 6 /** @param NumberSets Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the number of hash sets for the specified level (1=fully associative) @param NumberWays Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the associativity of the specified level (1=direct). @param NumberEntries Unsigned 16-bit integer denoting the number of entries in the specified TC. @param PageSizeIsOptimized Flag denoting whether the specified level is optimized for the region's preferred page size (1=optimized) tc_pages indicates which page sizes are usable by this translation cache. @param TcIsUnified Flag denoting whether the specified TC is unified (1=unified). @param EntriesReduction Flag denoting whether installed translation registers will reduce the number of entries within the specified TC. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 NumberSets:8; UINT64 NumberWays:8; UINT64 NumberEntries:16; UINT64 PageSizeIsOptimized:1; UINT64 TcIsUnified:1; UINT64 EntriesReduction:1; } PAL_TC_INFO; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VM_INFO. Return detailed information about virtual memory features supported in the processor. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VM_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param TcLevel Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the level in the TLB hierarchy for which information is required. This value must be between 0 and one less than the value returned in the vm_info_1.num_tc_levels return value from PAL_VM_SUMMARY. @param TcType Unsigned 64-bit integer with a value of 1 for instruction translation cache and 2 for data or unified translation cache. All other values are reserved. @return R9 8-byte formatted value returning information about the specified TC. See PAL_TC_INFO above. @return R10 64-bit vector containing a bit for each page size supported in the specified TC, where bit position n indicates a page size of 2**n. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_VM_INFO 7 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VM_PAGE_SIZE. Return virtual memory TC and hardware walker page sizes supported in the processor. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VM_PAGE_SIZE within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 64-bit vector containing a bit for each architected page size that is supported for TLB insertions and region registers. @return R10 64-bit vector containing a bit for each architected page size supported for TLB purge operations. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_VM_PAGE_SIZE 34 /** @param WalkerPresent 1-bit flag indicating whether a hardware TLB walker is implemented (1 = walker present). @param WidthOfPhysicalAddress Unsigned 7-bit integer denoting the number of bits of physical address implemented. @param WidthOfKey Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the number of bits mplemented in the PKR.key field. @param MaxPkrIndex Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the maximum PKR index (number of PKRs-1). @param HashTagId Unsigned 8-bit integer which uniquely identifies the processor hash and tag algorithm. @param MaxDtrIndex Unsigned 8 bit integer denoting the maximum data translation register index (number of dtr entries - 1). @param MaxItrIndex Unsigned 8 bit integer denoting the maximum instruction translation register index (number of itr entries - 1). @param NumberOfUniqueTc Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the number of unique TCs implemented. This is a maximum of 2*num_tc_levels. @param NumberOfTcLevels Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the number of TC levels. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 WalkerPresent:1; UINT64 WidthOfPhysicalAddress: 7; UINT64 WidthOfKey:8; UINT64 MaxPkrIndex:8; UINT64 HashTagId:8; UINT64 MaxDtrIndex:8; UINT64 MaxItrIndex:8; UINT64 NumberOfUniqueTc:8; UINT64 NumberOfTcLevels:8; } PAL_VM_INFO1; /** @param WidthOfVirtualAddress Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting is the total number of virtual address bits - 1. @param WidthOfRid Unsigned 8-bit integer denoting the number of bits implemented in the RR.rid field. @param MaxPurgedTlbs Unsigned 16 bit integer denoting the maximum number of concurrent outstanding TLB purges allowed by the processor. A value of 0 indicates one outstanding purge allowed. A value of 216-1 indicates no limit on outstanding purges. All other values indicate the actual number of concurrent outstanding purges allowed. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 WidthOfVirtualAddress:8; UINT64 WidthOfRid:8; UINT64 MaxPurgedTlbs:16; UINT64 Reserved:32; } PAL_VM_INFO2; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VM_SUMMARY. Return summary information about virtual memory features supported in the processor. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VM_SUMMARY within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 8-byte formatted value returning global virtual memory information. See PAL_VM_INFO1 above. @return R10 8-byte formatted value returning global virtual memory information. See PAL_VM_INFO2 above. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_VM_SUMMARY 8 // // Bit mask of TR_valid flag. // #define PAL_TR_ACCESS_RIGHT_IS_VALID BIT0 #define PAL_TR_PRIVILEGE_LEVEL_IS_VALID BIT1 #define PAL_TR_DIRTY_IS_VALID BIT2 #define PAL_TR_MEMORY_ATTR_IS_VALID BIT3 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VM_TR_READ. Read contents of a translation register. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Register calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VM_TR_READ within the list of PAL procedures. @param RegNumber Unsigned 64-bit number denoting which TR to read. @param TrType Unsigned 64-bit number denoting whether to read an ITR (0) or DTR (1). All other values are reserved. @param TrBuffer 64-bit pointer to the 32-byte memory buffer in which translation data is returned. @return R9 Formatted bit vector denoting which fields are valid. See TR_valid above. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_VM_TR_READ 261 // // Bit Mask of Processor Bus Fesatures . // /** When 0, bus data errors are detected and single bit errors are corrected. When 1, no error detection or correction is done. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_DATA_ERROR_SIGNALLING BIT63 /** When 0, bus address errors are signalled on the bus. When 1, no bus errors are signalled on the bus. If Disable Bus Address Error Checking is 1, this bit is ignored. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_ADDRESS_ERROR_SIGNALLING BIT62 /** When 0, bus errors are detected, single bit errors are corrected., and a CMCI or MCA is generated internally to the processor. When 1, no bus address errors are detected or corrected. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_ADDRESS_ERROR_CHECK BIT61 /** When 0, bus protocol errors (BINIT#) are signaled by the processor on the bus. When 1, bus protocol errors (BINIT#) are not signaled on the bus. If Disable Bus Initialization Event Checking is 1, this bit is ignored. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_INITIALIZATION_EVENT_SIGNALLING BIT60 /** When 0, bus protocol errors (BINIT#) are detected and sampled and an MCA is generated internally to the processor. When 1, the processor will ignore bus protocol error conditions (BINIT#). **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_INITIALIZATION_EVENT_CHECK BIT59 /** When 0, BERR# is signalled if a bus error is detected. When 1, bus errors are not signalled on the bus. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_ERROR_SIGNALLING BIT58 /** When 0, BERR# is signalled when internal processor requestor initiated bus errors are detected. When 1, internal requester bus errors are not signalled on the bus. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE__INTERNAL_ERROR_SIGNALLING BIT57 /** When 0, the processor takes an MCA if BERR# is asserted. When 1, the processor ignores the BERR# signal. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_ERROR_CHECK BIT56 /** When 0, the processor asserts BINIT# if it detects a parity error on the signals which identify the transactions to which this is a response. When 1, the processor ignores parity on these signals. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_RSP_ERROR_CHECK BIT55 /** When 0, the in-order transaction queue is limited only by the number of hardware entries. When 1, the processor's in-order transactions queue is limited to one entry. **/ #define PAL_BUS_DISABLE_TRANSACTION_QUEUE BIT54 /** Enable a bus cache line replacement transaction when a cache line in the exclusive state is replaced from the highest level processor cache and is not present in the lower level processor caches. When 0, no bus cache line replacement transaction will be seen on the bus. When 1, bus cache line replacement transactions will be seen on the bus when the above condition is detected. **/ #define PAL_BUS_ENABLE_EXCLUSIVE_CACHE_LINE_REPLACEMENT BIT53 /** Enable a bus cache line replacement transaction when a cache line in the shared or exclusive state is replaced from the highest level processor cache and is not present in the lower level processor caches. When 0, no bus cache line replacement transaction will be seen on the bus. When 1, bus cache line replacement transactions will be seen on the bus when the above condition is detected. **/ #define PAL_BUS_ENABLE_SHARED_CACHE_LINE_REPLACEMENT BIT52 /** When 0, the data bus is configured at the 2x data transfer rate.When 1, the data bus is configured at the 1x data transfer rate, 30 Opt. Req. Disable Bus Lock Mask. When 0, the processor executes locked transactions atomically. When 1, the processor masks the bus lock signal and executes locked transactions as a non-atomic series of transactions. **/ #define PAL_BUS_ENABLE_HALF_TRANSFER BIT30 /** When 0, the processor will deassert bus request when finished with each transaction. When 1, the processor will continue to assert bus request after it has finished, if it was the last agent to own the bus and if there are no other pending requests. **/ #define PAL_BUS_REQUEST_BUS_PARKING BIT29 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_BUS_GET_FEATURES. Return configurable processor bus interface features and their current settings. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Register calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_BUS_GET_FEATURES within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 64-bit vector of features implemented. (1=implemented, 0=not implemented) @return R10 64-bit vector of current feature settings. @return R11 64-bit vector of features controllable by software. (1=controllable, 0= not controllable) @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_BUS_GET_FEATURES 9 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES. Enable or disable configurable features in processor bus interface. It is required by IPF. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES within the list of PAL procedures. @param FeatureSelect 64-bit vector denoting desired state of each feature (1=select, 0=non-select). @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_BUS_SET_FEATURES 10 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_DEBUG_INFO. Return the number of instruction and data breakpoint registers. It is required by IPF. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_DEBUG_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the number of pairs of instruction debug registers implemented by the processor. @return R10 Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the number of pairs of data debug registers implemented by the processor. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_DEBUG_INFO 11 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_FIXED_ADDR. Return the fixed component of a processor's directed address. It is required by IPF. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_FIXED_ADDR within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 Fixed geographical address of this processor. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_FIXED_ADDR 12 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_FREQ_BASE. Return the frequency of the output clock for use by the platform, if generated by the processor. It is optinal. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_FREQ_BASE within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 Base frequency of the platform if generated by the processor chip. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_FREQ_BASE 13 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_FREQ_RATIOS. Return ratio of processor, bus, and interval time counter to processor input clock or output clock for platform use, if generated by the processor. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_FREQ_RATIOS within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 Ratio of the processor frequency to the input clock of the processor, if the platform clock is generated externally or to the output clock to the platform, if the platform clock is generated by the processor. @return R10 Ratio of the bus frequency to the input clock of the processor, if the platform clock is generated externally or to the output clock to the platform, if the platform clock is generated by the processor. @return R11 Ratio of the interval timer counter rate to input clock of the processor, if the platform clock is generated externally or to the output clock to the platform, if the platform clock is generated by the processor. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_FREQ_RATIOS 14 /** @param NumberOfLogicalProcessors Total number of logical processors on this physical processor package that are enabled. @param ThreadsPerCore Number of threads per core. @param CoresPerProcessor Total number of cores on this physical processor package. @param PhysicalProcessorPackageId Physical processor package identifier which was assigned at reset by the platform or bus controller. This value may or may not be unique across the entire platform since it depends on the platform vendor's policy. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 NumberOfLogicalProcessors:16; UINT64 ThreadsPerCore:8; UINT64 Reserved1:8; UINT64 CoresPerProcessor; UINT64 Reserved2:8; UINT64 PhysicalProcessorPackageId:8; UINT64 Reserved3:8; } PAL_LOGICAL_PROCESSPR_OVERVIEW; /** @param ThreadId The thread identifier of the logical processor for which information is being returned. This value will be unique on a per core basis. @param CoreId The core identifier of the logical processor for which information is being returned. This value will be unique on a per physical processor package basis. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 ThreadId:16; UINT64 Reserved1:16; UINT64 CoreId:16; UINT64 Reserved2:16; } PAL_LOGICAL_PROCESSORN_INFO1; /** @param LogicalAddress Geographical address of the logical processor for which information is being returned. This is the same value that is returned by the PAL_FIXED_ADDR procedure when it is called on the logical processor. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 LogicalAddress:16; UINT64 Reserved:48; } PAL_LOGICAL_PROCESSORN_INFO2; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_LOGICAL_TO_PHYSICAL. Return information on which logical processors map to a physical processor die. It is optinal. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_LOGICAL_TO_PHYSICAL within the list of PAL procedures. @param ProcessorNumber Signed 64-bit integer that specifies for which logical processor information is being requested. When this input argument is -1, information is returned about the logical processor on which the procedure call is made. This input argument must be in the range of 1 up to one less than the number of logical processors returned by num_log in the log_overview return value. @return R9 The format of PAL_LOGICAL_PROCESSPR_OVERVIEW. @return R10 The format of PAL_LOGICAL_PROCESSORN_INFO1. @return R11 The format of PAL_LOGICAL_PROCESSORN_INFO2. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_LOGICAL_TO_PHYSICAL 42 /** @param NumberOfPmcPairs Unsigned 8-bit number defining the number of generic PMC/PMD pairs. @param WidthOfCounter Unsigned 8-bit number in the range 0:60 defining the number of implemented counter bits. @param TypeOfCycleCounting Unsigned 8-bit number defining the event type for counting processor cycles. @param TypeOfRetiredInstructionBundle Retired Unsigned 8-bit number defining the event type for retired instruction bundles. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 NumberOfPmcPairs:8; UINT64 WidthOfCounter:8; UINT64 TypeOfCycleCounting:8; UINT64 TypeOfRetiredInstructionBundle:8; UINT64 Reserved:32; } PAL_PERFORMANCE_INFO; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PERF_MON_INFO. Return the number and type of performance monitors. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PERF_MON_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param PerformanceBuffer An address to an 8-byte aligned 128-byte memory buffer. @return R9 Information about the performance monitors implemented. See PAL_PERFORMANCE_INFO; @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_PERF_MON_INFO 15 #define PAL_PLATFORM_ADDR_INTERRUPT_BLOCK_TOKEN 0x0 #define PAL_PLATFORM_ADDR_IO_BLOCK_TOKEN 0x1 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PLATFORM_ADDR. Specify processor interrupt block address and I/O port space address. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PLATFORM_ADDR within the list of PAL procedures. @param Type Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the type of block. 0 indicates that the processor interrupt block pointer should be initialized. 1 indicates that the processor I/O block pointer should be initialized. @param Address Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the address to which the processor I/O block or interrupt block shall be set. The address must specify an implemented physical address on the processor model, bit 63 is ignored. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure. @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_PLATFORM_ADDR 16 /** @param EnableBerrPromotion Bit63. Enable BERR promotion. When 1, the Bus Error (BERR) signal is promoted to the Bus Initialization (BINIT) signal, and the BINIT pin is asserted on the occurrence of each Bus Error. Setting this bit has no effect if BINIT signalling is disabled. (See PAL_BUS_GET/SET_FEATURES) @param EnableMcaPromotion Bit62, Enable MCA promotion. When 1, machine check aborts (MCAs) are promoted to the Bus Error signal, and the BERR pin is assert on each occurrence of an MCA. Setting this bit has no effect if BERR signalling is disabled. (See PAL_BUS_GET/SET_FEATURES) @param EnableMcaToBinitPromotion Bit61, Enable MCA to BINIT promotion. When 1, machine check aborts (MCAs) are promoted to the Bus Initialization signal, and the BINIT pin is assert on each occurrence of an MCA. Setting this bit has no effect if BINIT signalling is disabled. (See PAL_BUS_GET/SET_FEATURES) @param EnableCmciPromotion Bit60, Enable CMCI promotion When 1, Corrected Machine Check Interrupts (CMCI) are promoted to MCAs. They are also further promoted to BERR if bit 39, Enable MCA promotion, is also set and they are promoted to BINIT if bit 38, Enable MCA to BINIT promotion, is also set. This bit has no effect if MCA signalling is disabled (see PAL_BUS_GET/SET_FEATURES) @param DisableCache Bit59, Disable Cache. When 0, the processor performs cast outs on cacheable pages and issues and responds to coherency requests normally. When 1, the processor performs a memory access for each reference regardless of cache contents and issues no coherence requests and responds as if the line were not present. Cache contents cannot be relied upon when the cache is disabled. WARNING: Semaphore instructions may not be atomic or may cause Unsupported Data Reference faults if caches are disabled. @param DisableCoherency Bit58, Disable Coherency. When 0, the processor uses normal coherency requests and responses. When 1, the processor answers all requests as if the line were not present. @param DisableDPM Bit57, Disable Dynamic Power Management (DPM). When 0, the hardware may reduce power consumption by removing the clock input from idle functional units. When 1, all functional units will receive clock input, even when idle. @param DisableBinitWithTimeout Bit56, Disable a BINIT on internal processor time-out. When 0, the processor may generate a BINIT on an internal processor time-out. When 1, the processor will not generate a BINIT on an internal processor time-out. The event is silently ignored. @param EnableEnvNotification Bit55, Enable external notification when the processor detects hardware errors caused by environmental factors that could cause loss of deterministic behavior of the processor. When 1, this bit will enable external notification, when 0 external notification is not provided. The type of external notification of these errors is processor-dependent. A loss of processor deterministic behavior is considered to have occurred if these environmentally induced errors cause the processor to deviate from its normal execution and eventually causes different behavior which can be observed at the processor bus pins. Processor errors that do not have this effects (i.e., software induced machine checks) may or may not be promoted depending on the processor implementation. @param EnableVmsw Bit54, Enable the use of the vmsw instruction. When 0, the vmsw instruction causes a Virtualization fault when executed at the most privileged level. When 1, this bit will enable normal operation of the vmsw instruction. @param EnableMcaOnDataPoisoning Bit53, Enable MCA signaling on data-poisoning event detection. When 0, a CMCI will be signaled on error detection. When 1, an MCA will be signaled on error detection. If this feature is not supported, then the corresponding argument is ignored when calling PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. Note that the functionality of this bit is independent of the setting in bit 60 (Enable CMCI promotion), and that the bit 60 setting does not affect CMCI signaling for data-poisoning related events. Volume 2: Processor Abstraction Layer 2:431 PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES @param DisablePState Bit52, Disable P-states. When 1, the PAL P-state procedures (PAL_PSTATE_INFO, PAL_SET_PSTATE, PAL_GET_PSTATE) will return with a status of -1 (Unimplemented procedure). @param DisableBranchPrediction Bit47, Disable Dynamic branch prediction. When 0, the processor may predict branch targets and speculatively execute, but may not commit results. When 1, the processor must wait until branch targets are known to execute. @param DisableDynamicInsCachePrefetch Bit46, Disable DynamicInstruction Cache Prefetch. When 0, the processor may prefetch into the caches any instruction which has not been executed, but whose execution is likely. When 1, instructions may not be fetched until needed or hinted for execution. (Prefetch for a hinted branch is allowed even when dynamic instruction cache prefetch is disabled.) @param DisableDynamicDataCachePrefetch Bit45, Disable Dynamic Data Cache Prefetch. When 0, the processor may prefetch into the caches any data which has not been accessed by instruction execution, but which is likely to be accessed. When 1, no data may be fetched until it is needed for instruction execution or is fetched by an lfetch instruction. @param DisableSpontaneousDeferral Bit44, Disable Spontaneous Deferral. When 1, the processor may optionally defer speculative loads that do not encounter any exception conditions, but that trigger other implementation-dependent conditions (e.g., cache miss). When 0, spontaneous deferral is disabled. @param DisableDynamicPrediction Bit43, Disable Dynamic Predicate Prediction. When 0, the processor may predict predicate results and execute speculatively, but may not commit results until the actual predicates are known. When 1, the processor shall not execute predicated instructions until the actual predicates are known. @param NoXr1ThroughXr3 Bit42, No XR1 through XR3 implemented. Denotes whether XR1 XR3 are implemented for machine check recovery. This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. It may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. @param NoXipXpsrXfs Bit41, No XIP, XPSR, and XFS implemented. Denotes whether XIP, XPSR, and XFS are implemented for machine check recovery. This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. It may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. @param NoVM Bit40, No Virtual Machine features implemented. Denotes whether PSR.vm is implemented. This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. It may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. @param NoVariablePState Bit39, No Variable P-state performance: A value of 1, indicates that a processor implements techniques to optimize performance for the given P-state power budget by dynamically varying the frequency, such that maximum performance is achieved for the power budget. A value of 0, indicates that P-states have no frequency variation or very small frequency variations for their given power budget. This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. it may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. @param NoSimpleImpInUndefinedIns Bit38, No Simple implementation of unimplemented instruction addresses. Denotes how an unimplemented instruction address is recorded in IIP on an Unimplemented Instruction Address trap or fault. When 1, the full unimplemented address is recorded in IIP; when 0, the address is sign extended (virtual addresses) or zero extended (physical addresses). This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. It may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. @param NoPresentPmi Bit37, No INIT, PMI, and LINT pins present. Denotes the absence of INIT, PMI, LINT0 and LINT1 pins on the processor. When 1, the pins are absent. When 0, the pins are present. This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. It may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. @param FaultInUndefinedIns Bit36, No Unimplemented instruction address reported as fault. Denotes how the processor reports the detection of unimplemented instruction addresses. When 1, the processor reports an Unimplemented Instruction Address fault on the unimplemented address; when 0, it reports an Unimplemented Instruction Address trap on the previous instruction in program order. This feature may only be interrogated by PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. It may not be enabled or disabled by PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. The corresponding argument is ignored. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 Reserved1:36; UINT64 FaultInUndefinedIns:1; UINT64 NoPresentPmi:1; UINT64 NoSimpleImpInUndefinedIns:1; UINT64 NoVariablePState:1; UINT64 NoVM:1; UINT64 NoXipXpsrXfs:1; UINT64 NoXr1ThroughXr3:1; UINT64 DisableDynamicPrediction:1; UINT64 DisableSpontaneousDeferral:1; UINT64 DisableDynamicDataCachePrefetch:1; UINT64 DisableDynamicInsCachePrefetch:1; UINT64 DisableBranchPrediction:1; UINT64 Reserved2:4; UINT64 DisablePState:1; UINT64 EnableMcaOnDataPoisoning:1; UINT64 EnableVmsw:1; UINT64 EnableEnvNotification:1; UINT64 DisableBinitWithTimeout:1; UINT64 DisableDPM:1; UINT64 DisableCoherency:1; UINT64 DisableCache:1; UINT64 EnableCmciPromotion:1; UINT64 EnableMcaToBinitPromotion:1; UINT64 EnableMcaPromotion:1; UINT64 EnableBerrPromotion:1; } PAL_PROCESSOR_FEATURES; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES. Return configurable processor features and their current setting. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES within the list of PAL procedures. @param Reserved Reserved parameter. @param FeatureSet Feature set information is being requested for. @return R9 64-bit vector of features implemented. See PAL_PROCESSOR_FEATURES. @return R10 64-bit vector of current feature settings. See PAL_PROCESSOR_FEATURES. @return R11 64-bit vector of features controllable by software. @return Status 1 - Call completed without error; The feature_set passed is not supported but a feature_set of a larger value is supported. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -8 - feature_set passed is beyond the maximum feature_set supported **/ #define PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES 17 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES. Enable or disable configurable processor features. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES within the list of PAL procedures. @param FeatureSelect 64-bit vector denoting desired state of each feature (1=select, 0=non-select). @param FeatureSet Feature set to apply changes to. See PAL_PROC_GET_FEATURES for more information on feature sets. @return Status 1 - Call completed without error; The feature_set passed is not supported but a feature_set of a larger value is supported @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -8 - feature_set passed is beyond the maximum feature_set supported **/ #define PAL_PROC_SET_FEATURES 18 // // Value of PAL_REGISTER_INFO.InfoRequest. // #define PAL_APPLICATION_REGISTER_IMPLEMENTED 0 #define PAL_APPLICATION_REGISTER_READABLE 1 #define PAL_CONTROL_REGISTER_IMPLEMENTED 2 #define PAL_CONTROL_REGISTER_READABLE 3 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_REGISTER_INFO. Return AR and CR register information. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_REGISTER_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param InfoRequest Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting what register information is requested. See PAL_REGISTER_INFO.InfoRequest above. @return R9 64-bit vector denoting information for registers 0-63. Bit 0 is register 0, bit 63 is register 63. @return R10 64-bit vector denoting information for registers 64-127. Bit 0 is register 64, bit 63 is register 127. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_REGISTER_INFO 39 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_RSE_INFO. Return RSE information. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_RSE_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param InfoRequest Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting what register information is requested. See PAL_REGISTER_INFO.InfoRequest above. @return R9 Number of physical stacked general registers. @return R10 RSE hints supported by processor. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_RSE_INFO 19 /** @param VersionOfPalB Is a 16-bit binary coded decimal (BCD) number that provides identification information about the PAL_B firmware. @param PalVendor Is an unsigned 8-bit integer indicating the vendor of the PAL code. @param VersionOfPalB Is a 16-bit binary coded decimal (BCD) number that provides identification information about the PAL_A firmware. In the split PAL_A model, this return value is the version number of the processor-specific PAL_A. The generic PAL_A version is not returned by this procedure in the split PAL_A model. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 VersionOfPalB:16; UINT64 Reserved1:8; UINT64 PalVendor:8; UINT64 VersionOfPalA:16; UINT64 Reserved2:16; } PAL_VERSION_INFO; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VERSION. Return version of PAL code. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VERSION within the list of PAL procedures. @param InfoRequest Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting what register information is requested. See PAL_REGISTER_INFO.InfoRequest above. @return R9 8-byte formatted value returning the minimum PAL version needed for proper operation of the processor. See PAL_VERSION_INFO above. @return R10 8-byte formatted value returning the current PAL version running on the processor. See PAL_VERSION_INFO above. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_VERSION 20 // // Vectors of PAL_MC_CLEAR_LOG.pending // #define PAL_MC_PENDING BIT0 #define PAL_INIT_PENDING BIT1 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_CLEAR_LOG. Clear all error information from processor error logging registers. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_CLEAR_LOG within the list of PAL procedures. @return R9 64-bit vector denoting whether an event is pending. See PAL_MC_CLEAR_LOG.pending above. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MC_CLEAR_LOG 21 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_DRAIN. Ensure that all operations that could cause an MCA have completed. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_DRAIN within the list of PAL procedures. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MC_DRAIN 22 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_DYNAMIC_STATE. Return Processor Dynamic State for logging by SAL. It is optional. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_DYNAMIC_STATE within the list of PAL procedures. @param Offset Offset of the next 8 bytes of Dynamic Processor State to return. (multiple of 8). @return R9 Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting bytes of Dynamic Processor State returned. @return R10 Next 8 bytes of Dynamic Processor State. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure. @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MC_DYNAMIC_STATE 24 // // Values of PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO.InfoIndex. // #define PAL_PROCESSOR_ERROR_MAP 0 #define PAL_PROCESSOR_STATE_PARAM 1 #define PAL_STRUCTURE_SPECIFIC_ERROR 2 /** @param CoreId Bit3:0, Processor core ID (default is 0 for processors with a single core) @param ThreadId Bit7:4, Logical thread ID (default is 0 for processors that execute a single thread) @param InfoOfInsCache Bit11:8, Error information is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level instruction caches. @param InfoOfDataCache Bit15:12, Error information is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level data/unified caches. @param InfoOfInsTlb Bit19:16 Error information is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level instruction TLB. @param InfoOfDataTlb Bit23:20, Error information is available for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level data/unified TLB @param InfoOfProcessorBus Bit27:24 Error information is available for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th level processor bus hierarchy. @param InfoOfRegisterFile Bit31:28 Error information is available on register file structures. @param InfoOfMicroArch Bit47:32, Error information is available on micro-architectural structures. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 CoreId:4; UINT64 ThreadId:4; UINT64 InfoOfInsCache:4; UINT64 InfoOfDataCache:4; UINT64 InfoOfInsTlb:4; UINT64 InfoOfDataTlb:4; UINT64 InfoOfProcessorBus:4; UINT64 InfoOfRegisterFile:4; UINT64 InfoOfMicroArch:4; UINT64 Reserved:16; } PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO_LEVEL_INDEX; // // Value of PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO.ErrorTypeIndex // #define PAL_ERR_INFO_BY_LEVEL_INDEX 0 #define PAL_ERR_INFO_TARGET_ADDRESS 1 #define PAL_ERR_INFO_REQUESTER_IDENTIFIER 2 #define PAL_ERR_INFO_REPONSER_INDENTIFIER 3 #define PAL_ERR_INFO_PRECISE_INSTRUCTION_POINTER 4 /** @param Operation Bit3:0, Type of cache operation that caused the machine check: 0 - unknown or internal error 1 - load 2 - store 3 - instruction fetch or instruction prefetch 4 - data prefetch (both hardware and software) 5 - snoop (coherency check) 6 - cast out (explicit or implicit write-back of a cache line) 7 - move in (cache line fill) @param FailedCacheLevel Bit5:4 Level of cache where the error occurred. A value of 0 indicates the first level of cache. @param FailedInDataPart Bit8, Failure located in the data part of the cache line. @param FailedInTagPart Bit9, Failure located in the tag part of the cache line. @param FailedInDataCache Bit10, Failure located in the data cache @param FailedInInsCache Bit11, Failure located in the instruction cache. @param Mesi Bit14:12, 0 - cache line is invalid. 1 - cache line is held shared. 2 - cache line is held exclusive. 3 - cache line is modified. All other values are reserved. @param MesiIsValid Bit15, The mesi field in the cache_check parameter is valid. @param FailedWay Bit20:16, Failure located in the way of the cache indicated by this value. @param WayIndexIsValid Bit21, The way and index field in the cache_check parameter is valid. @param MultipleBitsError Bit23, A multiple-bit error was detected, and data was poisoned for the corresponding cache line during castout. @param IndexOfCacheLineError Bit51:32, Index of the cache line where the error occurred. @param InstructionSet Bit54, Instruction set. If this value is set to zero, the instruction that generated the machine check was an Intel Itanium instruction. If this bit is set to one, the instruction that generated the machine check was IA-32 instruction. @param InstructionSetIsValid Bit55, The is field in the cache_check parameter is valid. @param PrivilegeLevel Bit57:56, Privilege level. The privilege level of the instruction bundle responsible for generating the machine check. @param PrivilegeLevelIsValide Bit58, The pl field of the cache_check parameter is valid. @param McCorrected Bit59, Machine check corrected: This bit is set to one to indicate that the machine check has been corrected. @param TargetAddressIsValid Bit60, Target address is valid: This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid target address has been logged. @param RequesterIdentifier Bit61, Requester identifier: This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid requester identifier has been logged. @param ResponserIdentifier Bit62, Responder identifier: This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid responder identifier has been logged. @param PreciseInsPointer Bit63, Precise instruction pointer. This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid precise instruction pointer has been logged. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 Operation:4; UINT64 FailedCacheLevel:2; UINT64 Reserved1:2; UINT64 FailedInDataPart:1; UINT64 FailedInTagPart:1; UINT64 FailedInDataCache:1; UINT64 FailedInInsCache:1; UINT64 Mesi:3; UINT64 MesiIsValid:1; UINT64 FailedWay:5; UINT64 WayIndexIsValid:1; UINT64 Reserved2:1; UINT64 MultipleBitsError:1; UINT64 Reserved3:8; UINT64 IndexOfCacheLineError:20; UINT64 Reserved4:2; UINT64 InstructionSet:1; UINT64 InstructionSetIsValid:1; UINT64 PrivilegeLevel:2; UINT64 PrivilegeLevelIsValide:1; UINT64 McCorrected:1; UINT64 TargetAddressIsValid:1; UINT64 RequesterIdentifier:1; UINT64 ResponserIdentifier:1; UINT64 PreciseInsPointer:1; } PAL_CACHE_CHECK_INFO; /** @param FailedSlot Bit7:0, Slot number of the translation register where the failure occurred. @param FailedSlotIsValid Bit8, The tr_slot field in the TLB_check parameter is valid. @param TlbLevel Bit11:10, The level of the TLB where the error occurred. A value of 0 indicates the first level of TLB @param FailedInDataTr Bit16, Error occurred in the data translation registers. @param FailedInInsTr Bit17, Error occurred in the instruction translation registers @param FailedInDataTc Bit18, Error occurred in data translation cache. @param FailedInInsTc Bit19, Error occurred in the instruction translation cache. @param FailedOperation Bit23:20, Type of cache operation that caused the machine check: 0 - unknown 1 - TLB access due to load instruction 2 - TLB access due to store instruction 3 - TLB access due to instruction fetch or instruction prefetch 4 - TLB access due to data prefetch (both hardware and software) 5 - TLB shoot down access 6 - TLB probe instruction (probe, tpa) 7 - move in (VHPT fill) 8 - purge (insert operation that purges entries or a TLB purge instruction) All other values are reserved. @param InstructionSet Bit54, Instruction set. If this value is set to zero, the instruction that generated the machine check was an Intel Itanium instruction. If this bit is set to one, the instruction that generated the machine check was IA-32 instruction. @param InstructionSetIsValid Bit55, The is field in the TLB_check parameter is valid. @param PrivelegeLevel Bit57:56, Privilege level. The privilege level of the instruction bundle responsible for generating the machine check. @param PrivelegeLevelIsValid Bit58, The pl field of the TLB_check parameter is valid. @param McCorrected Bit59, Machine check corrected: This bit is set to one to indicate that the machine check has been corrected. @param TargetAddressIsValid Bit60, Target address is valid: This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid target address has been logged. @param RequesterIdentifier Bit61 Requester identifier: This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid requester identifier has been logged. @param ResponserIdentifier Bit62, Responder identifier: This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid responder identifier has been logged. @param PreciseInsPointer Bit63 Precise instruction pointer. This bit is set to one to indicate that a valid precise instruction pointer has been logged. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 FailedSlot:8; UINT64 FailedSlotIsValid:1; UINT64 Reserved1 :1; UINT64 TlbLevel:2; UINT64 Reserved2 :4; UINT64 FailedInDataTr:1; UINT64 FailedInInsTr:1; UINT64 FailedInDataTc:1; UINT64 FailedInInsTc:1; UINT64 FailedOperation:4; UINT64 Reserved3:30; UINT64 InstructionSet:1; UINT64 InstructionSetIsValid:1; UINT64 PrivelegeLevel:2; UINT64 PrivelegeLevelIsValid:1; UINT64 McCorrected:1; UINT64 TargetAddressIsValid:1; UINT64 RequesterIdentifier:1; UINT64 ResponserIdentifier:1; UINT64 PreciseInsPointer:1; } PAL_TLB_CHECK_INFO; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO. Return Processor Machine Check Information and Processor Static State for logging by SAL. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param InfoIndex Unsigned 64-bit integer identifying the error information that is being requested. See PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO.InfoIndex. @param LevelIndex 8-byte formatted value identifying the structure to return error information on. See PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO_LEVEL_INDEX. @param ErrorTypeIndex Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the type of error information that is being requested for the structure identified in LevelIndex. @return R9 Error information returned. The format of this value is dependant on the input values passed. @return R10 If this value is zero, all the error information specified by err_type_index has been returned. If this value is one, more structure-specific error information is available and the caller needs to make this procedure call again with level_index unchanged and err_type_index, incremented. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -6 - Argument was valid, but no error information was available **/ #define PAL_MC_ERROR_INFO 25 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_EXPECTED. Set/Reset Expected Machine Check Indicator. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_EXPECTED within the list of PAL procedures. @param Expected Unsigned integer with a value of 0 or 1 to set or reset the hardware resource PALE_CHECK examines for expected machine checks. @return R9 Unsigned integer denoting whether a machine check was previously expected. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MC_EXPECTED 23 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_REGISTER_MEM. Register min-state save area with PAL for machine checks and inits. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_REGISTER_MEM within the list of PAL procedures. @param Address Physical address of the buffer to be registered with PAL. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MC_REGISTER_MEM 27 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_RESUME. Restore minimal architected state and return to interrupted process. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_RESUME within the list of PAL procedures. @param SetCmci Unsigned 64 bit integer denoting whether to set the CMC interrupt. A value of 0 indicates not to set the interrupt, a value of 1 indicated to set the interrupt, and all other values are reserved. @param SavePtr Physical address of min-state save area used to used to restore processor state. @param NewContext Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting whether the caller is returning to a new context. A value of 0 indicates the caller is returning to the interrupted context, a value of 1 indicates that the caller is returning to a new context. @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_MC_RESUME 26 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_HALT. Enter the low-power HALT state or an implementation-dependent low-power state. It is optinal. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_HALT within the list of PAL procedures. @param HaltState Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting low power state requested. @param IoDetailPtr 8-byte aligned physical address pointer to information on the type of I/O (load/store) requested. @return R9 Value returned if a load instruction is requested in the io_detail_ptr @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_HALT 28 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_HALT_INFO. Return the low power capabilities of the processor. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_HALT_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param PowerBuffer 64-bit pointer to a 64-byte buffer aligned on an 8-byte boundary. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_HALT_INFO 257 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_HALT_LIGHT. Enter the low power LIGHT HALT state. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_HALT_LIGHT within the list of PAL procedures. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_HALT_LIGHT 29 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_LINE_INIT. Initialize tags and data of a cache line for processor testing. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_LINE_INIT within the list of PAL procedures. @param Address Unsigned 64-bit integer value denoting the physical address from which the physical page number is to be generated. The address must be an implemented physical address, bit 63 must be zero. @param DataValue 64-bit data value which is used to initialize the cache line. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_LINE_INIT 31 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_CACHE_READ. Read tag and data of a cache line for diagnostic testing. It is optional. The PAL procedure supports the Satcked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_READ within the list of PAL procedures. @param LineId 8-byte formatted value describing where in the cache to read the data. @param Address 64-bit 8-byte aligned physical address from which to read the data. The address must be an implemented physical address on the processor model with bit 63 set to zero. @return R9 Right-justified value returned from the cache line. @return R10 The number of bits returned in data. @return R11 The status of the cache line. @return Status 1 - The word at address was found in the cache, but the line was invalid. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -5 - The word at address was not found in the cache. @return Status -7 - The operation requested is not supported for this cache_type and level. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_READ 259 /** Write tag and data of a cache for diagnostic testing. It is optional. The PAL procedure supports the Satcked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_CACHE_WRITE within the list of PAL procedures. @param LineId 8-byte formatted value describing where in the cache to write the data. @param Address 64-bit 8-byte aligned physical address at which the data should be written. The address must be an implemented physical address on the processor model with bit 63 set to 0. @param Data Unsigned 64-bit integer value to write into the specified part of the cache. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -7 - The operation requested is not supported for this cache_type and level. **/ #define PAL_CACHE_WRITE 260 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_TEST_INFO. Returns alignment and size requirements needed for the memory buffer passed to the PAL_TEST_PROC procedure as well as information on self-test control words for the processor self tests. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_TEST_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param TestPhase Unsigned integer that specifies which phase of the processor self-test information is being requested on. A value of 0 indicates the phase two of the processor self-test and a value of 1 indicates phase one of the processor self-test. All other values are reserved. @return R9 Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the number of bytes of main memory needed to perform the second phase of processor self-test. @return R10 Unsigned 64-bit integer denoting the alignment required for the memory buffer. @return R11 48-bit wide bit-field indicating if control of the processor self-tests is supported and which bits of the test_control field are defined for use. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_TEST_INFO 37 /** @param BufferSize Indicates the size in bytes of the memory buffer that is passed to this procedure. BufferSize must be greater than or equal in size to the bytes_needed return value from PAL_TEST_INFO, otherwise this procedure will return with an invalid argument return value. @param TestPhase Defines which phase of the processor self-tests are requested to be run. A value of zero indicates to run phase two of the processor self-tests. Phase two of the processor self-tests are ones that require external memory to execute correctly. A value of one indicates to run phase one of the processor self-tests. Phase one of the processor self-tests are tests run during PALE_RESET and do not depend on external memory to run correctly. When the caller requests to have phase one of the processor self-test run via this procedure call, a memory buffer may be needed to save and restore state as required by the PAL calling conventions. The procedure PAL_TEST_INFO informs the caller about the requirements of the memory buffer. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 BufferSize:56; UINT64 TestPhase:8; } PAL_TEST_INFO_INFO; /** @param TestControl This is an ordered implementation-specific control word that allows the user control over the length and runtime of the processor self-tests. This control word is ordered from the longest running tests up to the shortest running tests with bit 0 controlling the longest running test. PAL may not implement all 47-bits of the test_control word. PAL communicates if a bit provides control by placing a zero in that bit. If a bit provides no control, PAL will place a one in it. PAL will have two sets of test_control bits for the two phases of the processor self-test. PAL provides information about implemented test_control bits at the hand-off from PAL to SAL for the firmware recovery check. These test_control bits provide control for phase one of processor self-test. It also provides this information via the PAL procedure call PAL_TEST_INFO for both the phase one and phase two processor tests depending on which information the caller is requesting. PAL interprets these bits as input parameters on two occasions. The first time is when SAL passes control back to PAL after the firmware recovery check. The second time is when a call to PAL_TEST_PROC is made. When PAL interprets these bits it will only interpret implemented test_control bits and will ignore the values located in the unimplemented test_control bits. PAL interprets the implemented bits such that if a bit contains a zero, this indicates to run the test. If a bit contains a one, this indicates to PAL to skip the test. If the cs bit indicates that control is not available, the test_control bits will be ignored or generate an illegal argument in procedure calls if the caller sets these bits. @param ControlSupport This bit defines if an implementation supports control of the PAL self-tests via the self-test control word. If this bit is 0, the implementation does not support control of the processor self-tests via the self-test control word. If this bit is 1, the implementation does support control of the processor self-tests via the self-test control word. If control is not supported, GR37 will be ignored at the hand-off between SAL and PAL after the firmware recovery check and the PAL procedures related to the processor self-tests may return illegal arguments if a user tries to use the self-test control features. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 TestControl:47; UINT64 ControlSupport:1; UINT64 Reserved:16; } PAL_SELF_TEST_CONTROL; /** @param Attributes Specifies the memory attributes that are allowed to be used with the memory buffer passed to this procedure. The attributes parameter is a vector where each bit represents one of the virtual memory attributes defined by the architecture.See MEMORY_AATRIBUTES. The caller is required to support the cacheable attribute for the memory buffer, otherwise an invalid argument will be returned. @param TestControl Is the self-test control word corresponding to the test_phase passed. This test_control directs the coverage and runtime of the processor self-tests specified by the test_phase input argument. Information on if this feature is implemented and the number of bits supported can be obtained by the PAL_TEST_INFO procedure call. If this feature is implemented by the processor, the caller can selectively skip parts of the processor self-test by setting test_control bits to a one. If a bit has a zero, this test will be run. The values in the unimplemented bits are ignored. If PAL_TEST_INFO indicated that the self-test control word is not implemented, this procedure will return with an invalid argument status if the caller sets any of the test_control bits. See PAL_SELF_TEST_CONTROL. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 Attributes:8; UINT64 Reserved:8; UINT64 TestControl:48; } PAL_TEST_CONTROL; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_TEST_PROC. Perform late processor self test. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_TEST_PROC within the list of PAL procedures. @param TestAddress 64-bit physical address of main memory area to be used by processor self-test. The memory region passed must be cacheable, bit 63 must be zero. @param TestInfo Input argument specifying the size of the memory buffer passed and the phase of the processor self-test that should be run. See PAL_TEST_INFO. @param TestParam Input argument specifying the self-test control word and the allowable memory attributes that can be used with the memory buffer. See PAL_TEST_CONTROL. @return R9 Formatted 8-byte value denoting the state of the processor after self-test @return Status 1 - Call completed without error, but hardware failures occurred during self-test. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_TEST_PROC 258 /** @param NumberOfInterruptControllers Number of interrupt controllers currently enabled on the system. @param NumberOfProcessors Number of processors currently enabled on the system. **/ typedef struct { UINT32 NumberOfInterruptControllers; UINT32 NumberOfProcessors; } PAL_PLATFORM_INFO; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_COPY_INFO. Return information needed to relocate PAL procedures and PAL PMI code to memory. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_COPY_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param CopyType Unsigned integer denoting type of procedures for which copy information is requested. @param PlatformInfo 8-byte formatted value describing the number of processors and the number of interrupt controllers currently enabled on the system. See PAL_PLATFORM_INFO. @param McaProcStateInfo Unsigned integer denoting the number of bytes that SAL needs for the min-state save area for each processor. @return R9 Unsigned integer denoting the number of bytes of PAL information that must be copied to main memory. @return R10 Unsigned integer denoting the starting alignment of the data to be copied. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_COPY_INFO 30 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_COPY_PAL. Relocate PAL procedures and PAL PMI code to memory. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_COPY_PAL within the list of PAL procedures. @param TargetAddress Physical address of a memory buffer to copy relocatable PAL procedures and PAL PMI code. @param AllocSize Unsigned integer denoting the size of the buffer passed by SAL for the copy operation. @param CopyOption Unsigned integer indicating whether relocatable PAL code and PAL PMI code should be copied from firmware address space to main memory. @return R9 Unsigned integer denoting the offset of PAL_PROC in the relocatable segment copied. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_COPY_PAL 256 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_ENTER_IA_32_ENV. Enter IA-32 System environment. It is optional. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. Note: Since this is a special call, it does not follow the PAL static register calling convention. GR28 contains the index of PAL_ENTER_IA_32_ENV within the list of PAL procedures. All other input arguments including GR29-GR31 are setup by SAL to values as required by the IA-32 operating system defined in Table 11-67. The registers that are designated as preserved, scratch, input arguments and procedure return values by the static procedure calling convention are not followed by this call. For instance, GR5 and GR6 need not be preserved since these are regarded as scratch by the IA-32 operating system. Note: In an MP system, this call must be COMPLETED on the first CPU to enter the IA-32 System Environment (may or may not be the BSP) prior to being called on the remaining processors in the MP system. @param Index GR28 contains the index of the PAL_ENTER_IA_32_ENV call within the list of PAL procedures. @return Status The status is returned in GR4. -1 - Un-implemented procedure 0 JMPE detected at privilege level 0 - 1 SAL allocated buffer for IA-32 System Environment operation is too small 2 - IA-32 Firmware Checksum Error 3 - SAL allocated buffer for IA-32 System Environment operation is not properly aligned 4 - Error in SAL MP Info Table 5 - Error in SAL Memory Descriptor Table 6 - Error in SAL System Table 7 - Inconsistent IA-32 state 8 - IA-32 Firmware Internal Error 9 - IA-32 Soft Reset (Note: remaining register state is undefined for this termination reason) 10 - Machine Check Error 11 - Error in SAL I/O Intercept Table 12 - Processor exit due to other processor in MP system terminating the IA32 system environment. (Note: remaining register state is undefined for this termination reason.) 13 - Itanium architecture-based state corruption by either SAL PMI handler or I/O Intercept callback function. **/ #define PAL_ENTER_IA_32_ENV 33 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PMI_ENTRYPOINT. Register PMI memory entrypoints with processor. It is required by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PMI_ENTRYPOINT within the list of PAL procedures. @param SalPmiEntry 256-byte aligned physical address of SAL PMI entrypoint in memory. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_PMI_ENTRYPOINT 32 /** The ASCII brand identification string will be copied to the address specified in the address input argument. The processor brand identification string is defined to be a maximum of 128 characters long; 127 bytes will contain characters and the 128th byte is defined to be NULL (0). A processor may return less than the 127 ASCII characters as long as the string is null terminated. The string length will be placed in the brand_info return argument. **/ #define PAL_BRAND_INFO_ID_REQUEST 0 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_BRAND_INFO. Provides processor branding information. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_BRAND_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param InfoRequest Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the information that is being requested. (See PAL_BRAND_INFO_ID_REQUEST) @param Address Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the address of the 128-byte block to which the processor brand string shall be written. @reture R9 Brand information returned. The format of this value is dependent on the input values passed. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -6 - Input argument is not implemented. **/ #define PAL_BRAND_INFO 274 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_GET_HW_POLICY. Returns the current hardware resource sharing policy of the processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_GET_HW_POLICY within the list of PAL procedures. @param ProcessorNumber Unsigned 64-bit integer that specifies for which logical processor information is being requested. This input argument must be zero for the first call to this procedure and can be a maximum value of one less than the number of logical processors impacted by the hardware resource sharing policy, which is returned by the R10 return value. @reture R9 Unsigned 64-bit integer representing the current hardware resource sharing policy. @return R10 Unsigned 64-bit integer that returns the number of logical processors impacted by the policy input argument. @return R11 Unsigned 64-bit integer containing the logical address of one of the logical processors impacted by policy modification. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_GET_HW_POLICY 48 // // Value of PAL_SET_HW_POLICY.Policy // #define PAL_SET_HW_POLICY_PERFORMANCE 0 #define PAL_SET_HW_POLICY_FAIRNESS 1 #define PAL_SET_HW_POLICY_HIGH_PRIORITY 2 #define PAL_SET_HW_POLICY_EXCLUSIVE_HIGH_PRIORITY 3 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_SET_HW_POLICY. Sets the current hardware resource sharing policy of the processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_SET_HW_POLICY within the list of PAL procedures. @param Policy Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the hardware resource sharing policy the caller is setting. See Value of PAL_SET_HW_POLICY.Policy above. @return Status 1 - Call completed successfully but could not change the hardware policy since a competing logical processor is set in exclusive high priority. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_SET_HW_POLICY 49 /** @param Mode Bit2:0, Indicates the mode of operation for this procedure: 0 - Query mode 1 - Error inject mode (err_inj should also be specified) 2 - Cancel outstanding trigger. All other fields in PAL_MC_ERROR_TYPE_INFO, PAL_MC_ERROR_STRUCTURE_INFO and PAL_MC_ERROR_DATA_BUFFER are ignored. All other values are reserved. @param ErrorInjection Bit5:3, indicates the mode of error injection: 0 - Error inject only (no error consumption) 1 - Error inject and consume All other values are reserved. @param ErrorSeverity Bit7:6, indicates the severity desired for error injection/query. Definitions of the different error severity types 0 - Corrected error 1 - Recoverable error 2 - Fatal error 3 - Reserved @param ErrorStructure Bit12:8, Indicates the structure identification for error injection/query: 0 - Any structure (cannot be used during query mode). When selected, the structure type used for error injection is determined by PAL. 1 - Cache 2 - TLB 3 - Register file 4 - Bus/System interconnect 5-15 - Reserved 16-31 - Processor specific error injection capabilities.ErrorDataBuffer is used to specify error types. Please refer to the processor specific documentation for additional details. @param StructureHierarchy Bit15:13, Indicates the structure hierarchy for error injection/query: 0 - Any level of hierarchy (cannot be used during query mode). When selected, the structure hierarchy used for error injection is determined by PAL. 1 - Error structure hierarchy level-1 2 - Error structure hierarchy level-2 3 - Error structure hierarchy level-3 4 - Error structure hierarchy level-4 All other values are reserved. Reserved 63:16 Reserved **/ typedef struct { UINT64 Mode:3; UINT64 ErrorInjection:3; UINT64 ErrorSeverity:2; UINT64 ErrorStructure:5; UINT64 StructureHierarchy:3; UINT64 Reserved:48; } PAL_MC_ERROR_TYPE_INFO; /** @param StructInfoIsValid Bit0 When 1, indicates that the structure information fields (c_t,cl_p,cl_id) are valid and should be used for error injection. When 0, the structure information fields are ignored, and the values of these fields used for error injection are implementation-specific. @param CacheType Bit2:1 Indicates which cache should be used for error injection: 0 - Reserved 1 - Instruction cache 2 - Data or unified cache 3 - Reserved @param PortionOfCacheLine Bit5:3 Indicates the portion of the cache line where the error should be injected: 0 - Reserved 1 - Tag 2 - Data 3 - mesi All other values are reserved. @param Mechanism Bit8:6 Indicates which mechanism is used to identify the cache line to be used for error injection: 0 - Reserved 1 - Virtual address provided in the inj_addr field of the buffer pointed to by err_data_buffer should be used to identify the cache line for error injection. 2 - Physical address provided in the inj_addr field of the buffer pointed to by err_data_buffershould be used to identify the cache line for error injection. 3 - way and index fields provided in err_data_buffer should be used to identify the cache line for error injection. All other values are reserved. @param DataPoisonOfCacheLine Bit9 When 1, indicates that a multiple bit, non-correctable error should be injected in the cache line specified by cl_id. If this injected error is not consumed, it may eventually cause a data-poisoning event resulting in a corrected error signal, when the associated cache line is cast out (implicit or explicit write-back of the cache line). The error severity specified by err_sev in err_type_info must be set to 0 (corrected error) when this bit is set. @param TrigerInfoIsValid Bit32 When 1, indicates that the trigger information fields (trigger, trigger_pl) are valid and should be used for error injection. When 0, the trigger information fields are ignored and error injection is performed immediately. @param Triger Bit36:33 Indicates the operation type to be used as the error trigger condition. The address corresponding to the trigger is specified in the trigger_addr field of the buffer pointed to by err_data_buffer: 0 - Instruction memory access. The trigger match conditions for this operation type are similar to the IBR address breakpoint match conditions 1 - Data memory access. The trigger match conditions for this operation type are similar to the DBR address breakpoint match conditions All other values are reserved. @param PrivilegeOfTriger Bit39:37 Indicates the privilege level of the context during which the error should be injected: 0 - privilege level 0 1 - privilege level 1 2 - privilege level 2 3 - privilege level 3 All other values are reserved. If the implementation does not support privilege level qualifier for triggers (i.e. if trigger_pl is 0 in the capabilities vector), this field is ignored and triggers can be taken at any privilege level. **/ typedef struct { UINT64 StructInfoIsValid:1; UINT64 CacheType:2; UINT64 PortionOfCacheLine:3; UINT64 Mechanism:3; UINT64 DataPoisonOfCacheLine:1; UINT64 Reserved1:22; UINT64 TrigerInfoIsValid:1; UINT64 Triger:4; UINT64 PrivilegeOfTriger:3; UINT64 Reserved2:24; } PAL_MC_ERROR_STRUCT_INFO; /** Buffer Pointed to by err_data_buffer - TLB **/ typedef struct { UINT64 TrigerAddress; UINT64 VirtualPageNumber:52; UINT64 Reserved1:8; UINT64 RegionId:24; UINT64 Reserved2:40; } PAL_MC_ERROR_DATA_BUFFER_TLB; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MC_ERROR_INJECT. Injects the requested processor error or returns information on the supported injection capabilities for this particular processor implementation. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MC_ERROR_INJECT within the list of PAL procedures. @param ErrorTypeInfo Unsigned 64-bit integer specifying the first level error information which identifies the error structure and corresponding structure hierarchy, and the error severity. @param ErrorStructInfo Unsigned 64-bit integer identifying the optional structure specific information that provides the second level details for the requested error. @param ErrorDataBuffer 64-bit physical address of a buffer providing additional parameters for the requested error. The address of this buffer must be 8-byte aligned. @return R9 64-bit vector specifying the supported error injection capabilities for the input argument combination of struct_hier, err_struct and err_sev fields in ErrorTypeInfo. @return R10 64-bit vector specifying the architectural resources that are used by the procedure. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -4 - Call completed with error; the requested error could not be injected due to failure in locating the target location in the specified structure. @return Status -5 - Argument was valid, but requested error injection capability is not supported. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_MC_ERROR_INJECT 276 // // Types of PAL_GET_PSTATE.Type // #define PAL_GET_PSTATE_RECENT 0 #define PAL_GET_PSTATE_AVERAGE_NEW_START 1 #define PAL_GET_PSTATE_AVERAGE 2 #define PAL_GET_PSTATE_NOW 3 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_GET_PSTATE. Returns the performance index of the processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_GET_PSTATE within the list of PAL procedures. @param Type Type of performance_index value to be returned by this procedure.See PAL_GET_PSTATE.Type above. @return R9 Unsigned integer denoting the processor performance for the time duration since the last PAL_GET_PSTATE procedure call was made. The value returned is between 0 and 100, and is relative to the performance index of the highest available P-state. @return Status 1 - Call completed without error, but accuracy of performance index has been impacted by a thermal throttling event, or a hardware-initiated event. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_GET_PSTATE 262 /** Layout of PAL_PSTATE_INFO.PStateBuffer **/ typedef struct { UINT32 PerformanceIndex:7; UINT32 Reserved1:5; UINT32 TypicalPowerDissipation:20; UINT32 TransitionLatency1; UINT32 TransitionLatency2; UINT32 Reserved2; } PAL_PSTATE_INFO_BUFFER; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_PSTATE_INFO. Returns information about the P-states supported by the processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_PSTATE_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param PStateBuffer 64-bit pointer to a 256-byte buffer aligned on an 8-byte boundary. See PAL_PSTATE_INFO_BUFFER above. @return R9 Unsigned integer denoting the number of P-states supported. The maximum value of this field is 16. @return R10 Dependency domain information @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. **/ #define PAL_PSTATE_INFO 44 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_SET_PSTATE. To request a processor transition to a given P-state. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical and Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_SET_PSTATE within the list of PAL procedures. @param PState Unsigned integer denoting the processor P-state being requested. @param ForcePState Unsigned integer denoting whether the P-state change should be forced for the logical processor. @return Status 1 - Call completed without error, but transition request was not accepted @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_SET_PSTATE 263 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_SHUTDOWN. Put the logical processor into a low power state which can be exited only by a reset event. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_SHUTDOWN within the list of PAL procedures. @param NotifyPlatform 8-byte aligned physical address pointer providing details on how to optionally notify the platform that the processor is entering a shutdown state. @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_SHUTDOWN 45 /** Layout of PAL_MEMORY_BUFFER.ControlWord **/ typedef struct { UINT64 Registration:1; UINT64 ProbeInterrupt:1; UINT64 Reserved:62; } PAL_MEMORY_CONTROL_WORD; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_MEMORY_BUFFER. Provides cacheable memory to PAL for exclusive use during runtime. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Static Registers calling convention. It could be called at physical mode. @param Index Index of PAL_MEMORY_BUFFER within the list of PAL procedures. @param BaseAddress Physical address of the memory buffer allocated for PAL use. @param AllocSize Unsigned integer denoting the size of the memory buffer. @param ControlWord Formatted bit vector that provides control options for this procedure. See PAL_MEMORY_CONTROL_WORD above. @return R9 Returns the minimum size of the memory buffer required if the alloc_size input argument was not large enough. @return Status 1 - Call has not completed a buffer relocation due to a pending interrupt @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_MEMORY_BUFFER 277 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_CREATE. Initializes a new vpd for the operation of a new virtual processor in the virtual environment. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_CREATE within the list of PAL procedures. @param Vpd 64-bit host virtual pointer to the Virtual Processor Descriptor (VPD). @param HostIva 64-bit host virtual pointer to the host IVT for the virtual processor @param OptionalHandler 64-bit non-zero host-virtual pointer to an optional handler for virtualization intercepts. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_CREATE 265 /** Virtual Environment Information Parameter **/ typedef struct { UINT64 Reserved1:8; UINT64 Opcode:1; UINT64 Reserved:53; } PAL_VP_ENV_INFO_RETURN; /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_ENV_INFO. Returns the parameters needed to enter a virtual environment. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_ENV_INFO within the list of PAL procedures. @param Vpd 64-bit host virtual pointer to the Virtual Processor Descriptor (VPD). @param HostIva 64-bit host virtual pointer to the host IVT for the virtual processor @param OptionalHandler 64-bit non-zero host-virtual pointer to an optional handler for virtualization intercepts. @return R9 Unsigned integer denoting the number of bytes required by the PAL virtual environment buffer during PAL_VP_INIT_ENV @return R10 64-bit vector of virtual environment information. See PAL_VP_ENV_INFO_RETURN. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_ENV_INFO 266 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_EXIT_ENV. Allows a logical processor to exit a virtual environment. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_EXIT_ENV within the list of PAL procedures. @param Iva Optional 64-bit host virtual pointer to the IVT when this procedure is done @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_EXIT_ENV 267 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_INIT_ENV. Allows a logical processor to enter a virtual environment. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_INIT_ENV within the list of PAL procedures. @param ConfigOptions 64-bit vector of global configuration settings. @param PhysicalBase Host physical base address of a block of contiguous physical memory for the PAL virtual environment buffer 1) This memory area must be allocated by the VMM and be 4K aligned. The first logical processor to enter the environment will initialize the physical block for virtualization operations. @param VirtualBase Host virtual base address of the corresponding physical memory block for the PAL virtual environment buffer : The VMM must maintain the host virtual to host physical data and instruction translations in TRs for addresses within the allocated address space. Logical processors in this virtual environment will use this address when transitioning to virtual mode operations. @return R9 Virtualization Service Address - VSA specifies the virtual base address of the PAL virtualization services in this virtual environment. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_INIT_ENV 268 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_REGISTER. Register a different host IVT and/or a different optional virtualization intercept handler for the virtual processor specified by vpd. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_REGISTER within the list of PAL procedures. @param Vpd 64-bit host virtual pointer to the Virtual Processor Descriptor (VPD) host_iva 64-bit host virtual pointer to the host IVT for the virtual processor @param OptionalHandler 64-bit non-zero host-virtual pointer to an optional handler for virtualization intercepts. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_REGISTER 269 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_RESTORE. Restores virtual processor state for the specified vpd on the logical processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_RESTORE within the list of PAL procedures. @param Vpd 64-bit host virtual pointer to the Virtual Processor Descriptor (VPD) host_iva 64-bit host virtual pointer to the host IVT for the virtual processor @param PalVector Vector specifies PAL procedure implementation-specific state to be restored. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_RESTORE 270 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_SAVE. Saves virtual processor state for the specified vpd on the logical processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_SAVE within the list of PAL procedures. @param Vpd 64-bit host virtual pointer to the Virtual Processor Descriptor (VPD) host_iva 64-bit host virtual pointer to the host IVT for the virtual processor @param PalVector Vector specifies PAL procedure implementation-specific state to be restored. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_SAVE 271 /** PAL Procedure - PAL_VP_TERMINATE. Terminates operation for the specified virtual processor. It is optional by IPF. The PAL procedure supports the Stacked Registers calling convention. It could be called at Virtual mode. @param Index Index of PAL_VP_TERMINATE within the list of PAL procedures. @param Vpd 64-bit host virtual pointer to the Virtual Processor Descriptor (VPD) @param Iva Optional 64-bit host virtual pointer to the IVT when this procedure is done. @return Status 0 - Call completed without error @return Status -1 - Unimplemented procedure @return Status -2 - Invalid argument @return Status -3 - Call completed with error. @return Status -9 - Call requires PAL memory buffer. **/ #define PAL_VP_TERMINATE 272 /** Makes a PAL procedure call. This is a wrapper function to make a PAL procedure call. Based on the Index value, this API will make static or stacked PAL call. Architected procedures may be designated as required or optional. If a PAL procedure is specified as optional, a unique return code of 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF is returned in the Status field of the PAL_CALL_RETURN structure. This indicates that the procedure is not present in this PAL implementation. It is the caller's responsibility to check for this return code after calling any optional PAL procedure. No parameter checking is performed on the 4 input parameters, but there are some common rules that the caller should follow when making a PAL call. Any address passed to PAL as buffers for return parameters must be 8-byte aligned. Unaligned addresses may cause undefined results. For those parameters defined as reserved or some fields defined as reserved must be zero filled or the invalid argument return value may be returned or undefined result may occur during the execution of the procedure. This function is only available on IPF. @param Index - The PAL procedure Index number. @param Arg2 - The 2nd parameter for PAL procedure calls. @param Arg3 - The 3rd parameter for PAL procedure calls. @param Arg4 - The 4th parameter for PAL procedure calls. @return structure returned from the PAL Call procedure, including the status and return value. **/ PAL_CALL_RETURN EFIAPI PalCall ( IN UINT64 Index, IN UINT64 Arg2, IN UINT64 Arg3, IN UINT64 Arg4 ); #endif