/*++ Copyright (c) 2007, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: EdbDisasmSupport.c Abstract: --*/ #include "Edb.h" extern EDB_DISASM_INSTRUCTION mEdbDisasmInstructionTable[]; typedef struct { CHAR16 Name[EDB_INSTRUCTION_NAME_MAX_LENGTH]; CHAR16 Content[EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_LENGTH]; CHAR16 Tail; } EDB_INSTRUCTION_STRING; EDB_INSTRUCTION_STRING mInstructionString; UINTN mInstructionNameOffset; UINTN mInstructionContentOffset; VOID EdbSetOffset ( IN UINTN InstructionNameOffset, IN UINTN InstructionContentOffset ) /*++ Routine Description: Set offset for Instruction name and content Arguments: InstructionNameOffset - Instruction name offset InstructionContentOffset - Instruction content offset Returns: None --*/ { mInstructionNameOffset = InstructionNameOffset; mInstructionContentOffset = InstructionContentOffset; return ; } CHAR16 * EdbPreInstructionString ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Pre instruction string construction Arguments: None Returns: Instruction string --*/ { ZeroMem (&mInstructionString, sizeof(mInstructionString)); mInstructionNameOffset = 0; mInstructionContentOffset = 0; return (CHAR16 *)&mInstructionString; } CHAR16 * EdbPostInstructionString ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Post instruction string construction Arguments: None Returns: Instruction string --*/ { CHAR16 *Char; for (Char = (CHAR16 *)&mInstructionString; Char < &mInstructionString.Tail; Char++) { if (*Char == 0) { *Char = L' '; } } mInstructionString.Tail = 0; mInstructionNameOffset = 0; mInstructionContentOffset = 0; return (CHAR16 *)&mInstructionString; } BOOLEAN EdbGetNaturalIndex16 ( IN UINT16 Data16, OUT UINTN *NaturalUnits, OUT UINTN *ConstantUnits ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Sign, NaturalUnits, and ConstantUnits of the WORD data Arguments: Data16 - WORD data NaturalUnits - Natural Units of the WORD ConstantUnits - Constant Units of the WORD Returns: Sign value of WORD --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; UINTN NaturalUnitBit; Sign = (BOOLEAN)(Data16 >> 15); NaturalUnitBit = (UINTN)((Data16 >> 12) & 0x7); NaturalUnitBit *= 2; Data16 = Data16 & 0xFFF; *NaturalUnits = (UINTN)(Data16 & ((1 << NaturalUnitBit) - 1)); *ConstantUnits = (UINTN)((Data16 >> NaturalUnitBit) & ((1 << (12 - NaturalUnitBit)) - 1)); return Sign; } BOOLEAN EdbGetNaturalIndex32 ( IN UINT32 Data32, OUT UINTN *NaturalUnits, OUT UINTN *ConstantUnits ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Sign, NaturalUnits, and ConstantUnits of the DWORD data Arguments: Data32 - DWORD data NaturalUnits - Natural Units of the DWORD ConstantUnits - Constant Units of the DWORD Returns: Sign value of DWORD --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; UINTN NaturalUnitBit; Sign = (BOOLEAN)(Data32 >> 31); NaturalUnitBit = (UINTN)((Data32 >> 28) & 0x7); NaturalUnitBit *= 4; Data32 = Data32 & 0xFFFFFFF; *NaturalUnits = (UINTN)(Data32 & ((1 << NaturalUnitBit) - 1)); *ConstantUnits = (UINTN)((Data32 >> NaturalUnitBit) & ((1 << (28 - NaturalUnitBit)) - 1)); return Sign; } BOOLEAN EdbGetNaturalIndex64 ( IN UINT64 Data64, OUT UINT64 *NaturalUnits, OUT UINT64 *ConstantUnits ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Sign, NaturalUnits, and ConstantUnits of the QWORD data Arguments: Data64 - QWORD data NaturalUnits - Natural Units of the QWORD ConstantUnits - Constant Units of the QWORD Returns: Sign value of QWORD --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; UINTN NaturalUnitBit; Sign = (BOOLEAN)RShiftU64 (Data64, 63); NaturalUnitBit = (UINTN)(RShiftU64 (Data64, 60) & 0x7); NaturalUnitBit *= 8; Data64 = RShiftU64 (LShiftU64 (Data64, 4), 4); *NaturalUnits = (UINT64)(Data64 & (LShiftU64 (1, NaturalUnitBit) - 1)); *ConstantUnits = (UINT64)(RShiftU64 (Data64, NaturalUnitBit) & (LShiftU64 (1, (60 - NaturalUnitBit)) - 1)); return Sign; } UINT8 EdbGetBitWidth ( IN UINT64 Value ) /*++ Routine Description: Get Bit Width of the value Arguments: Value - data Returns: Bit width --*/ { if (Value >= 10000000000000) { return 14; } else if (Value >= 1000000000000) { return 13; } else if (Value >= 100000000000) { return 12; } else if (Value >= 10000000000) { return 11; } else if (Value >= 1000000000) { return 10; } else if (Value >= 100000000) { return 9; } else if (Value >= 10000000) { return 8; } else if (Value >= 1000000) { return 7; } else if (Value >= 100000) { return 6; } else if (Value >= 10000) { return 5; } else if (Value >= 1000) { return 4; } else if (Value >= 100) { return 3; } else if (Value >= 10) { return 2; } else { return 1; } } UINTN EdbPrintInstructionName ( IN CHAR16 *Name ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the instruction name Arguments: Name - instruction name Returns: Instruction name offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Name, EDB_INSTRUCTION_NAME_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionNameOffset, L"%s", Name ); mInstructionNameOffset += StrLen (Name); return mInstructionNameOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintRegister1 ( IN UINT8 Operands ) /*++ Routine Description: Print register 1 in operands Arguments: Operands - instruction operands Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { if (Operands & OPERAND_M_INDIRECT1) { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"@" ); mInstructionContentOffset += 1; } EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"R%d", (UINTN)(Operands & OPERAND_M_OP1) ); mInstructionContentOffset += 2; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintRegister2 ( IN UINT8 Operands ) /*++ Routine Description: Print register 2 in operands Arguments: Operands - instruction operands Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { if (Operands & OPERAND_M_INDIRECT2) { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"@" ); mInstructionContentOffset += 1; } EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"R%d", (UINTN)((Operands & OPERAND_M_OP2) >> 4) ); mInstructionContentOffset += 2; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintDedicatedRegister1 ( IN UINT8 Operands ) /*++ Routine Description: Print dedicated register 1 in operands Arguments: Operands - instruction operands Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { switch (Operands & OPERAND_M_OP1) { case 0: EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"[FLAGS]" ); mInstructionContentOffset += 7; break; case 1: EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"[IP]" ); mInstructionContentOffset += 4; break; } return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintDedicatedRegister2 ( IN UINT8 Operands ) /*++ Routine Description: Print dedicated register 2 in operands Arguments: Operands - instruction operands Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { switch ((Operands & OPERAND_M_OP2) >> 4) { case 0: EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"[FLAGS]" ); mInstructionContentOffset += 7; break; case 1: EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"[IP]" ); mInstructionContentOffset += 4; break; } return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintIndexData ( IN BOOLEAN Sign, IN UINTN NaturalUnits, IN UINTN ConstantUnits ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical UINTN index data to instruction content Arguments: Sign - Signed bit of UINTN data NaturalUnits - natural units of UINTN data ConstantUnits - natural units of UINTN data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(%s%d,%s%d)", Sign ? L"-" : L"+", NaturalUnits, Sign ? L"-" : L"+", ConstantUnits ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 5 + EdbGetBitWidth (NaturalUnits) + EdbGetBitWidth (ConstantUnits); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintIndexData64 ( IN BOOLEAN Sign, IN UINT64 NaturalUnits, IN UINT64 ConstantUnits ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical QWORD index data to instruction content Arguments: Sign - Signed bit of QWORD data NaturalUnits - natural units of QWORD data ConstantUnits - natural units of QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(%s%ld,%s%ld)", Sign ? L"-" : L"+", NaturalUnits, Sign ? L"-" : L"+", ConstantUnits ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 5 + EdbGetBitWidth (NaturalUnits) + EdbGetBitWidth (ConstantUnits); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintRawIndexData16 ( IN UINT16 Data16 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical WORD raw index data to instruction content Arguments: Data16 - WORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; UINTN NaturalUnits; UINTN ConstantUnits; UINTN Offset; Sign = EdbGetNaturalIndex16 (Data16, &NaturalUnits, &ConstantUnits); Offset = EdbPrintIndexData (Sign, NaturalUnits, ConstantUnits); return Offset; } UINTN EdbPrintRawIndexData32 ( IN UINT32 Data32 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical DWORD raw index data to instruction content Arguments: Data32 - DWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; UINTN NaturalUnits; UINTN ConstantUnits; UINTN Offset; Sign = EdbGetNaturalIndex32 (Data32, &NaturalUnits, &ConstantUnits); Offset = EdbPrintIndexData (Sign, NaturalUnits, ConstantUnits); return Offset; } UINTN EdbPrintRawIndexData64 ( IN UINT64 Data64 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical QWORD raw index data to instruction content Arguments: Data64 - QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; UINT64 NaturalUnits; UINT64 ConstantUnits; UINTN Offset; Sign = EdbGetNaturalIndex64 (Data64, &NaturalUnits, &ConstantUnits); Offset = EdbPrintIndexData64 (Sign, NaturalUnits, ConstantUnits); return Offset; } UINTN EdbPrintImmData8 ( IN UINT8 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical BYTE immediate data to instruction content Arguments: Data - BYTE data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(0x%02x)", (UINTN)Data ); mInstructionContentOffset += 6; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintImmData16 ( IN UINT16 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical WORD immediate data to instruction content Arguments: Data - WORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(0x%04x)", (UINTN)Data ); mInstructionContentOffset += 8; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintImmData32 ( IN UINT32 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical DWORD immediate data to instruction content Arguments: Data - DWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(0x%08x)", (UINTN)Data ); mInstructionContentOffset += 12; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintImmData64 ( IN UINT64 Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical QWORD immediate data to instruction content Arguments: Data - QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(0x%016lx)", Data ); mInstructionContentOffset += 20; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintImmDatan ( IN UINTN Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal UINTN immediate data to instruction content Arguments: Data - UINTN data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(%d)", (UINTN)Data ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 2 + EdbGetBitWidth (Data); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintImmData64n ( IN UINT64 Data64 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal QWORD immediate data to instruction content Arguments: Data64 - QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"(%ld)", Data64 ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 2 + EdbGetBitWidth (Data64); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData8 ( IN UINT8 Data8 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical BYTE to instruction content Arguments: Data8 - BYTE data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"0x%02x", (UINTN)Data8 ); mInstructionContentOffset += 4; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData16 ( IN UINT16 Data16 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical WORD to instruction content Arguments: Data16 - WORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"0x%04x", (UINTN)Data16 ); mInstructionContentOffset += 6; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData32 ( IN UINT32 Data32 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical DWORD to instruction content Arguments: Data32 - DWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"0x%08x", (UINTN)Data32 ); mInstructionContentOffset += 10; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData64 ( IN UINT64 Data64 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the hexical QWORD to instruction content Arguments: Data64 - QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"0x%016lx", (UINT64)Data64 ); mInstructionContentOffset += 18; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintDatan ( IN UINTN Data ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal unsigned UINTN to instruction content Arguments: Data - unsigned UINTN data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"%d", (UINTN)Data ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + EdbGetBitWidth (Data); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData64n ( IN UINT64 Data64 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal unsigned QWORD to instruction content Arguments: Data64 - unsigned QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"%ld", Data64 ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + EdbGetBitWidth (Data64); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData8s ( IN UINT8 Data8 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal signed BYTE to instruction content Arguments: Data8 - signed BYTE data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; Sign = (BOOLEAN)(Data8 >> 7); EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"%s%d", Sign ? L"-" : L"+", (UINTN)(Data8 & 0x7F) ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 1 + EdbGetBitWidth (Data8 & 0x7F); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData16s ( IN UINT16 Data16 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal signed WORD to instruction content Arguments: Data16 - signed WORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; Sign = (BOOLEAN)(Data16 >> 15); EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"%s%d", Sign ? L"-" : L"+", (UINTN)(Data16 & 0x7FFF) ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 1 + EdbGetBitWidth (Data16 & 0x7FFF); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData32s ( IN UINT32 Data32 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal signed DWORD to instruction content Arguments: Data32 - signed DWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; Sign = (BOOLEAN)(Data32 >> 31); EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"%s%d", Sign ? L"-" : L"+", (UINTN)(Data32 & 0x7FFFFFFF) ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 1 + EdbGetBitWidth (Data32 & 0x7FFFFFFF); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintData64s ( IN UINT64 Data64 ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the decimal signed QWORD to instruction content Arguments: Data64 - signed QWORD data Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { BOOLEAN Sign; INT64 Data64s; Sign = (BOOLEAN)RShiftU64 (Data64, 63); Data64s = (INT64)RShiftU64 (LShiftU64 (Data64, 1), 1); EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"%s%ld", Sign ? L"-" : L"+", (UINT64)Data64s ); mInstructionContentOffset = mInstructionContentOffset + 1 + EdbGetBitWidth (Data64s); return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbPrintComma ( VOID ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the comma to instruction content Arguments: None Returns: Instruction content offset --*/ { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L", " ); mInstructionContentOffset += 2; return mInstructionContentOffset; } UINTN EdbFindAndPrintSymbol ( IN UINTN Address ) /*++ Routine Description: Find the symbol string according to address, then print it Arguments: Address - instruction address Returns: 1 - symbol string is found and printed 0 - symbol string not found --*/ { CHAR8 *SymbolStr; SymbolStr = FindSymbolStr (Address); if (SymbolStr != NULL) { EDBSPrintWithOffset ( mInstructionString.Content, EDB_INSTRUCTION_CONTENT_MAX_SIZE, mInstructionContentOffset, L"[%a]", SymbolStr ); return 1; } return 0; } VOID EdbPrintRaw ( IN EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS InstructionAddress, IN UINTN InstructionNumber ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the EBC byte code Arguments: InstructionAddress - instruction address InstructionNumber - instruction number Returns: None --*/ { UINTN LineNumber; UINTN ByteNumber; UINTN LineIndex; UINTN ByteIndex; CHAR8 *SymbolStr; if (InstructionNumber == 0) { return ; } LineNumber = InstructionNumber / EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE; ByteNumber = InstructionNumber % EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE; if (ByteNumber == 0) { LineNumber -= 1; ByteNumber = EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE; } // // Print Symbol // SymbolStr = FindSymbolStr ((UINTN)InstructionAddress); if (SymbolStr != NULL) { EDBPrint (L"[%a]:\n", SymbolStr); } for (LineIndex = 0; LineIndex < LineNumber; LineIndex++) { EDBPrint (EDB_PRINT_ADDRESS_FORMAT, (UINTN)InstructionAddress); for (ByteIndex = 0; ByteIndex < EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE; ByteIndex++) { EDBPrint (L"%02x ", *(UINT8 *)(UINTN)InstructionAddress); InstructionAddress += 1; } EDBPrint (L"\n"); } EDBPrint (EDB_PRINT_ADDRESS_FORMAT, (UINTN)InstructionAddress); for (ByteIndex = 0; ByteIndex < ByteNumber; ByteIndex++) { EDBPrint (L"%02x ", *(UINT8 *)(UINTN)InstructionAddress); InstructionAddress += 1; } for (ByteIndex = 0; ByteIndex < EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE - ByteNumber; ByteIndex++) { EDBPrint (L" "); } return ; } EFI_STATUS EdbShowDisasm ( IN EFI_DEBUGGER_PRIVATE_DATA *DebuggerPrivate, IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext ) /*++ Routine Description: Print the EBC asm code Arguments: DebuggerPrivate - EBC Debugger private data structure SystemContext - EBC system context. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - show disasm successfully --*/ { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS InstructionAddress; UINTN InstructionNumber; UINTN InstructionLength; UINT8 Opcode; CHAR16 *InstructionString; // UINTN Result; InstructionAddress = DebuggerPrivate->InstructionScope; for (InstructionNumber = 0; InstructionNumber < DebuggerPrivate->InstructionNumber; InstructionNumber++) { // // Break each 0x10 instruction // if (((InstructionNumber % EFI_DEBUGGER_LINE_NUMBER_IN_PAGE) == 0) && (InstructionNumber != 0)) { if (SetPageBreak ()) { break; } } Opcode = GET_OPCODE(InstructionAddress); if ((Opcode < OPCODE_MAX) && (mEdbDisasmInstructionTable[Opcode] != NULL)) { InstructionLength = mEdbDisasmInstructionTable [Opcode] (InstructionAddress, SystemContext, &InstructionString); if (InstructionLength != 0) { // // Print Source // // Result = EdbPrintSource ((UINTN)InstructionAddress, FALSE); if (!DebuggerPrivate->DebuggerSymbolContext.DisplayCodeOnly) { EdbPrintRaw (InstructionAddress, InstructionLength); if (InstructionString != NULL) { EDBPrint (L"%s\n", InstructionString); } else { EDBPrint (L"%s\n", L""); } } EdbPrintSource ((UINTN)InstructionAddress, TRUE); InstructionAddress += InstructionLength; } else { // // Something wrong with OPCODE // EdbPrintRaw (InstructionAddress, EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE); EDBPrint (L"%s\n", L""); break; } } else { // // Something wrong with OPCODE // EdbPrintRaw (InstructionAddress, EDB_BYTECODE_NUMBER_IN_LINE); EDBPrint (L"%s\n", L""); break; } } return EFI_SUCCESS; } UINT64 GetRegisterValue ( IN EFI_SYSTEM_CONTEXT SystemContext, IN UINT8 Index ) /*++ Routine Description: Get register value accroding to the system context, and register index Arguments: SystemContext - EBC system context. Index - EBC register index Returns: register value --*/ { switch (Index) { case 0: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R0; case 1: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R1; case 2: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R2; case 3: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R3; case 4: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R4; case 5: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R5; case 6: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R6; case 7: return SystemContext.SystemContextEbc->R7; default: ASSERT (FALSE); break; } return 0; }