/** @file Helper functions for USB Keyboard Driver. Copyright (c) 2004 - 2008, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "KeyBoard.h" // // Default English keyboard layout // Format:, , , , // // According to Universal Serial Bus HID Usage Tables document ver 1.12, // a Boot Keyboard should support the keycode range from 0x0 to 0x65 and 0xE0 to 0xE7. // 0x0 to 0x3 are reserved for typical keyboard status or keyboard errors, so they are excluded. // UINT8 KeyboardLayoutTable[NUMBER_OF_VALID_USB_KEYCODE][5] = { {EfiKeyC1, 'a', 'A', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x04 {EfiKeyB5, 'b', 'B', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x05 {EfiKeyB3, 'c', 'C', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x06 {EfiKeyC3, 'd', 'D', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x07 {EfiKeyD3, 'e', 'E', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x08 {EfiKeyC4, 'f', 'F', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x09 {EfiKeyC5, 'g', 'G', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x0A {EfiKeyC6, 'h', 'H', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x0B {EfiKeyD8, 'i', 'I', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x0C {EfiKeyC7, 'j', 'J', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x0D {EfiKeyC8, 'k', 'K', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x0E {EfiKeyC9, 'l', 'L', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x0F {EfiKeyB7, 'm', 'M', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x10 {EfiKeyB6, 'n', 'N', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x11 {EfiKeyD9, 'o', 'O', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x12 {EfiKeyD10, 'p', 'P', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x13 {EfiKeyD1, 'q', 'Q', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x14 {EfiKeyD4, 'r', 'R', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x15 {EfiKeyC2, 's', 'S', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x16 {EfiKeyD5, 't', 'T', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x17 {EfiKeyD7, 'u', 'U', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x18 {EfiKeyB4, 'v', 'V', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x19 {EfiKeyD2, 'w', 'W', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x1A {EfiKeyB2, 'x', 'X', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x1B {EfiKeyD6, 'y', 'Y', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x1C {EfiKeyB1, 'z', 'Z', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK}, // 0x1D {EfiKeyE1, '1', '!', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x1E {EfiKeyE2, '2', '@', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x1F {EfiKeyE3, '3', '#', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x20 {EfiKeyE4, '4', '$', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x21 {EfiKeyE5, '5', '%', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x22 {EfiKeyE6, '6', '^', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x23 {EfiKeyE7, '7', '&', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x24 {EfiKeyE8, '8', '*', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x25 {EfiKeyE9, '9', '(', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x26 {EfiKeyE10, '0', ')', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x27 {EfiKeyEnter, 0x0d, 0x0d, EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x28 Enter {EfiKeyEsc, 0x1b, 0x1b, EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x29 Esc {EfiKeyBackSpace, 0x08, 0x08, EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x2A Backspace {EfiKeyTab, 0x09, 0x09, EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x2B Tab {EfiKeySpaceBar, ' ', ' ', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x2C Spacebar {EfiKeyE11, '-', '_', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x2D {EfiKeyE12, '=', '+', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x2E {EfiKeyD11, '[', '{', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x2F {EfiKeyD12, ']', '}', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x30 {EfiKeyD13, '\\', '|', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x31 {EfiKeyC12, '\\', '|', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x32 Keyboard Non-US # and ~ {EfiKeyC10, ';', ':', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x33 {EfiKeyC11, '\'', '"', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x34 {EfiKeyE0, '`', '~', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x35 Keyboard Grave Accent and Tlide {EfiKeyB8, ',', '<', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x36 {EfiKeyB9, '.', '>', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x37 {EfiKeyB10, '/', '?', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x38 {EfiKeyCapsLock, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_CAPS_LOCK_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x39 CapsLock {EfiKeyF1, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_ONE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x3A {EfiKeyF2, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TWO_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x3B {EfiKeyF3, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_THREE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x3C {EfiKeyF4, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_FOUR_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x3D {EfiKeyF5, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_FIVE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x3E {EfiKeyF6, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_SIX_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x3F {EfiKeyF7, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_SEVEN_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x40 {EfiKeyF8, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_EIGHT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x41 {EfiKeyF9, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_NINE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x42 {EfiKeyF10, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TEN_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x43 {EfiKeyF11, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_ELEVEN_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x44 F11 {EfiKeyF12, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TWELVE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x45 F12 {EfiKeyPrint, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_PRINT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x46 PrintScreen {EfiKeySLck, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_SCROLL_LOCK_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x47 Scroll Lock {EfiKeyPause, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_PAUSE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x48 Pause {EfiKeyIns, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_INSERT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x49 {EfiKeyHome, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_HOME_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x4A {EfiKeyPgUp, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_PAGE_UP_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x4B {EfiKeyDel, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_DELETE_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x4C {EfiKeyEnd, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_END_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x4D {EfiKeyPgDn, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_PAGE_DOWN_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x4E {EfiKeyRightArrow, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_RIGHT_ARROW_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x4F {EfiKeyLeftArrow, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_LEFT_ARROW_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x50 {EfiKeyDownArrow, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_DOWN_ARROW_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x51 {EfiKeyUpArrow, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_UP_ARROW_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x52 {EfiKeyNLck, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_NUM_LOCK_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x53 NumLock {EfiKeySlash, '/', '/', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x54 {EfiKeyAsterisk, '*', '*', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x55 {EfiKeyMinus, '-', '-', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x56 {EfiKeyPlus, '+', '+', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x57 {EfiKeyEnter, 0x0d, 0x0d, EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x58 {EfiKeyOne, '1', '1', EFI_END_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x59 {EfiKeyTwo, '2', '2', EFI_DOWN_ARROW_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x5A {EfiKeyThree, '3', '3', EFI_PAGE_DOWN_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x5B {EfiKeyFour, '4', '4', EFI_LEFT_ARROW_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x5C {EfiKeyFive, '5', '5', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x5D {EfiKeySix, '6', '6', EFI_RIGHT_ARROW_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x5E {EfiKeySeven, '7', '7', EFI_HOME_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x5F {EfiKeyEight, '8', '8', EFI_UP_ARROW_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x60 {EfiKeyNine, '9', '9', EFI_PAGE_UP_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x61 {EfiKeyZero, '0', '0', EFI_INSERT_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x62 {EfiKeyPeriod, '.', '.', EFI_DELETE_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT | EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK}, // 0x63 {EfiKeyB0, '\\', '|', EFI_NULL_MODIFIER, EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT}, // 0x64 Keyboard Non-US \ and | {EfiKeyA4, 0x00, 0x00, EFI_MENU_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0x65 Keyboard Application {EfiKeyLCtrl, 0, 0, EFI_LEFT_CONTROL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe0 {EfiKeyLShift, 0, 0, EFI_LEFT_SHIFT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe1 {EfiKeyLAlt, 0, 0, EFI_LEFT_ALT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe2 {EfiKeyA0, 0, 0, EFI_LEFT_LOGO_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe3 {EfiKeyRCtrl, 0, 0, EFI_RIGHT_CONTROL_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe4 {EfiKeyRShift, 0, 0, EFI_RIGHT_SHIFT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe5 {EfiKeyA2, 0, 0, EFI_RIGHT_ALT_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe6 {EfiKeyA3, 0, 0, EFI_RIGHT_LOGO_MODIFIER, 0}, // 0xe7 }; // // EFI_KEY to USB Keycode convertion table // EFI_KEY is defined in UEFI spec. // USB Keycode is defined in USB HID Firmware spec. // UINT8 EfiKeyToUsbKeyCodeConvertionTable[] = { 0xe0, // EfiKeyLCtrl 0xe3, // EfiKeyA0 0xe2, // EfiKeyLAlt 0x2c, // EfiKeySpaceBar 0xe6, // EfiKeyA2 0xe7, // EfiKeyA3 0x65, // EfiKeyA4 0xe4, // EfiKeyRCtrl 0x50, // EfiKeyLeftArrow 0x51, // EfiKeyDownArrow 0x4F, // EfiKeyRightArrow 0x62, // EfiKeyZero 0x63, // EfiKeyPeriod 0x28, // EfiKeyEnter 0xe1, // EfiKeyLShift 0x64, // EfiKeyB0 0x1D, // EfiKeyB1 0x1B, // EfiKeyB2 0x06, // EfiKeyB3 0x19, // EfiKeyB4 0x05, // EfiKeyB5 0x11, // EfiKeyB6 0x10, // EfiKeyB7 0x36, // EfiKeyB8 0x37, // EfiKeyB9 0x38, // EfiKeyB10 0xe5, // EfiKeyRShift 0x52, // EfiKeyUpArrow 0x59, // EfiKeyOne 0x5A, // EfiKeyTwo 0x5B, // EfiKeyThree 0x39, // EfiKeyCapsLock 0x04, // EfiKeyC1 0x16, // EfiKeyC2 0x07, // EfiKeyC3 0x09, // EfiKeyC4 0x0A, // EfiKeyC5 0x0B, // EfiKeyC6 0x0D, // EfiKeyC7 0x0E, // EfiKeyC8 0x0F, // EfiKeyC9 0x33, // EfiKeyC10 0x34, // EfiKeyC11 0x32, // EfiKeyC12 0x5C, // EfiKeyFour 0x5D, // EfiKeyFive 0x5E, // EfiKeySix 0x57, // EfiKeyPlus 0x2B, // EfiKeyTab 0x14, // EfiKeyD1 0x1A, // EfiKeyD2 0x08, // EfiKeyD3 0x15, // EfiKeyD4 0x17, // EfiKeyD5 0x1C, // EfiKeyD6 0x18, // EfiKeyD7 0x0C, // EfiKeyD8 0x12, // EfiKeyD9 0x13, // EfiKeyD10 0x2F, // EfiKeyD11 0x30, // EfiKeyD12 0x31, // EfiKeyD13 0x4C, // EfiKeyDel 0x4D, // EfiKeyEnd 0x4E, // EfiKeyPgDn 0x5F, // EfiKeySeven 0x60, // EfiKeyEight 0x61, // EfiKeyNine 0x35, // EfiKeyE0 0x1E, // EfiKeyE1 0x1F, // EfiKeyE2 0x20, // EfiKeyE3 0x21, // EfiKeyE4 0x22, // EfiKeyE5 0x23, // EfiKeyE6 0x24, // EfiKeyE7 0x25, // EfiKeyE8 0x26, // EfiKeyE9 0x27, // EfiKeyE10 0x2D, // EfiKeyE11 0x2E, // EfiKeyE12 0x2A, // EfiKeyBackSpace 0x49, // EfiKeyIns 0x4A, // EfiKeyHome 0x4B, // EfiKeyPgUp 0x53, // EfiKeyNLck 0x54, // EfiKeySlash 0x55, // EfiKeyAsterisk 0x56, // EfiKeyMinus 0x29, // EfiKeyEsc 0x3A, // EfiKeyF1 0x3B, // EfiKeyF2 0x3C, // EfiKeyF3 0x3D, // EfiKeyF4 0x3E, // EfiKeyF5 0x3F, // EfiKeyF6 0x40, // EfiKeyF7 0x41, // EfiKeyF8 0x42, // EfiKeyF9 0x43, // EfiKeyF10 0x44, // EfiKeyF11 0x45, // EfiKeyF12 0x46, // EfiKeyPrint 0x47, // EfiKeySLck 0x48 // EfiKeyPause }; // // Keyboard modifier value to EFI Scan Code convertion table // EFI Scan Code and the modifier values are defined in UEFI spec. // UINT8 ModifierValueToEfiScanCodeConvertionTable[] = { SCAN_NULL, // EFI_NULL_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_LEFT_CONTROL_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_RIGHT_CONTROL_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_LEFT_ALT_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_RIGHT_ALT_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_ALT_GR_MODIFIER SCAN_INSERT, // EFI_INSERT_MODIFIER SCAN_DELETE, // EFI_DELETE_MODIFIER SCAN_PAGE_DOWN, // EFI_PAGE_DOWN_MODIFIER SCAN_PAGE_UP, // EFI_PAGE_UP_MODIFIER SCAN_HOME, // EFI_HOME_MODIFIER SCAN_END, // EFI_END_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_LEFT_SHIFT_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_RIGHT_SHIFT_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_CAPS_LOCK_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_NUM_LOCK_MODIFIER SCAN_LEFT, // EFI_LEFT_ARROW_MODIFIER SCAN_RIGHT, // EFI_RIGHT_ARROW_MODIFIER SCAN_DOWN, // EFI_DOWN_ARROW_MODIFIER SCAN_UP, // EFI_UP_ARROW_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_NS_KEY_MODIFIER SCAN_NULL, // EFI_NS_KEY_DEPENDENCY_MODIFIER SCAN_F1, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_ONE_MODIFIER SCAN_F2, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TWO_MODIFIER SCAN_F3, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_THREE_MODIFIER SCAN_F4, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_FOUR_MODIFIER SCAN_F5, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_FIVE_MODIFIER SCAN_F6, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_SIX_MODIFIER SCAN_F7, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_SEVEN_MODIFIER SCAN_F8, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_EIGHT_MODIFIER SCAN_F9, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_NINE_MODIFIER SCAN_F10, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TEN_MODIFIER SCAN_F11, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_ELEVEN_MODIFIER SCAN_F12, // EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TWELVE_MODIFIER }; EFI_GUID mKeyboardLayoutEventGuid = EFI_HII_SET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EVENT_GUID; /** Initialize Key Convertion Table by using default keyboard layout. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI LoadDefaultKeyboardLayout ( IN OUT USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice ) { UINTN Index; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor; // // Construct KeyConvertionTable by default keyboard layout // KeyDescriptor = &UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable[0]; for (Index = 0; Index < (NUMBER_OF_VALID_USB_KEYCODE); Index++) { KeyDescriptor->Key = (EFI_KEY) KeyboardLayoutTable[Index][0]; KeyDescriptor->Unicode = KeyboardLayoutTable[Index][1]; KeyDescriptor->ShiftedUnicode = KeyboardLayoutTable[Index][2]; KeyDescriptor->AltGrUnicode = 0; KeyDescriptor->ShiftedAltGrUnicode = 0; KeyDescriptor->Modifier = KeyboardLayoutTable[Index][3]; KeyDescriptor->AffectedAttribute = KeyboardLayoutTable[Index][4]; KeyDescriptor++; } } /** Uses USB I/O to check whether the device is a USB keyboard device. @param UsbIo Pointer to a USB I/O protocol instance. @retval TRUE Device is a USB keyboard device. @retval FALSE Device is a not USB keyboard device. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsUSBKeyboard ( IN EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_USB_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR InterfaceDescriptor; // // Get the default interface descriptor // Status = UsbIo->UsbGetInterfaceDescriptor ( UsbIo, &InterfaceDescriptor ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return FALSE; } if (InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceClass == CLASS_HID && InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceSubClass == SUBCLASS_BOOT && InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceProtocol == PROTOCOL_KEYBOARD ) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; } /** Get current keyboard layout from HII database. @return Pointer to HII Keyboard Layout. NULL means failure occurred while trying to get keyboard layout. **/ EFI_HII_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT * EFIAPI GetCurrentKeyboardLayout ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL *HiiDatabase; EFI_HII_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT *KeyboardLayout; UINT16 Length; // // Locate HII Database Protocol // Status = gBS->LocateProtocol ( &gEfiHiiDatabaseProtocolGuid, NULL, (VOID **) &HiiDatabase ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return NULL; } // // Get current keyboard layout from HII database // Length = 0; KeyboardLayout = NULL; Status = HiiDatabase->GetKeyboardLayout ( HiiDatabase, NULL, &Length, KeyboardLayout ); if (Status == EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { KeyboardLayout = AllocatePool (Length); ASSERT (KeyboardLayout != NULL); Status = HiiDatabase->GetKeyboardLayout ( HiiDatabase, NULL, &Length, KeyboardLayout ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { FreePool (KeyboardLayout); KeyboardLayout = NULL; } } return KeyboardLayout; } /** Find Key Descriptor in Key Convertion Table given its USB keycode. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. @param KeyCode USB Keycode. @return The Key Descriptor in Key Convertion Table. NULL means not found. **/ EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR * EFIAPI GetKeyDescriptor ( IN USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice, IN UINT8 KeyCode ) { UINT8 Index; // // Make sure KeyCode is in the range of [0x4, 0x65] or [0xe0, 0xe7] // if ((!USBKBD_VALID_KEYCODE (KeyCode)) || ((KeyCode > 0x65) && (KeyCode < 0xe0)) || (KeyCode > 0xe7)) { return NULL; } // // Calculate the index of Key Descriptor in Key Convertion Table // if (KeyCode <= 0x65) { Index = (UINT8) (KeyCode - 4); } else { Index = (UINT8) (KeyCode - 0xe0 + NUMBER_OF_VALID_NON_MODIFIER_USB_KEYCODE); } return &UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable[Index]; } /** Find Non-Spacing key for given Key descriptor. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. @param KeyDescriptor Key descriptor. @return The Non-Spacing key corresponding to KeyDescriptor NULL means not found. **/ USB_NS_KEY * EFIAPI FindUsbNsKey ( IN USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice, IN EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor ) { LIST_ENTRY *Link; LIST_ENTRY *NsKeyList; USB_NS_KEY *UsbNsKey; NsKeyList = &UsbKeyboardDevice->NsKeyList; Link = GetFirstNode (NsKeyList); while (!IsNull (NsKeyList, Link)) { UsbNsKey = USB_NS_KEY_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); if (UsbNsKey->NsKey[0].Key == KeyDescriptor->Key) { return UsbNsKey; } Link = GetNextNode (NsKeyList, Link); } return NULL; } /** Find physical key definition for a given key descriptor. For a specified non-spacing key, there are a list of physical keys following it. This function traverses the list of physical keys and tries to find the physical key matching the KeyDescriptor. @param UsbNsKey The non-spacing key information. @param KeyDescriptor The key descriptor. @return The physical key definition. If no physical key is found, parameter KeyDescriptor is returned. **/ EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR * EFIAPI FindPhysicalKey ( IN USB_NS_KEY *UsbNsKey, IN EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor ) { UINTN Index; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *PhysicalKey; PhysicalKey = &UsbNsKey->NsKey[1]; for (Index = 0; Index < UsbNsKey->KeyCount; Index++) { if (KeyDescriptor->Key == PhysicalKey->Key) { return PhysicalKey; } PhysicalKey++; } // // No children definition matched, return original key // return KeyDescriptor; } /** The notification function for EFI_HII_SET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EVENT_GUID. This function is registered to event of EFI_HII_SET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EVENT_GUID group type, which will be triggered by EFI_HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL.SetKeyboardLayout(). It tries to get curent keyboard layout from HII database. @param Event Event being signaled. @param Context Points to USB_KB_DEV instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetKeyboardLayoutEvent ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice; EFI_HII_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT *KeyboardLayout; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR TempKey; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *TableEntry; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *NsKey; USB_NS_KEY *UsbNsKey; UINTN Index; UINTN Index2; UINTN KeyCount; UINT8 KeyCode; UsbKeyboardDevice = (USB_KB_DEV *) Context; // // Try to get current keyboard layout from HII database // KeyboardLayout = GetCurrentKeyboardLayout (); if (KeyboardLayout == NULL) { return; } // // Re-allocate resource for KeyConvertionTable // ReleaseKeyboardLayoutResources (UsbKeyboardDevice); UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable = AllocateZeroPool ((NUMBER_OF_VALID_USB_KEYCODE) * sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR)); ASSERT (UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable != NULL); // // Traverse the list of key descriptors following the header of EFI_HII_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT // KeyDescriptor = (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *) (((UINT8 *) KeyboardLayout) + sizeof (EFI_HII_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT)); for (Index = 0; Index < KeyboardLayout->DescriptorCount; Index++) { // // Copy from HII keyboard layout package binary for alignment // CopyMem (&TempKey, KeyDescriptor, sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR)); // // Fill the key into KeyConvertionTable, whose index is calculated from USB keycode. // KeyCode = EfiKeyToUsbKeyCodeConvertionTable [(UINT8) (TempKey.Key)]; TableEntry = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, KeyCode); CopyMem (TableEntry, KeyDescriptor, sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR)); // // For non-spacing key, create the list with a non-spacing key followed by physical keys. // if (TempKey.Modifier == EFI_NS_KEY_MODIFIER) { UsbNsKey = AllocatePool (sizeof (USB_NS_KEY)); ASSERT (UsbNsKey != NULL); // // Search for sequential children physical key definitions // KeyCount = 0; NsKey = KeyDescriptor + 1; for (Index2 = Index + 1; Index2 < KeyboardLayout->DescriptorCount; Index2++) { CopyMem (&TempKey, NsKey, sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR)); if (TempKey.Modifier & EFI_NS_KEY_DEPENDENCY_MODIFIER) { KeyCount++; } else { break; } NsKey++; } UsbNsKey->Signature = USB_NS_KEY_SIGNATURE; UsbNsKey->KeyCount = KeyCount; UsbNsKey->NsKey = AllocateCopyPool ( (KeyCount + 1) * sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR), KeyDescriptor ); InsertTailList (&UsbKeyboardDevice->NsKeyList, &UsbNsKey->Link); // // Skip over the child physical keys // Index += KeyCount; KeyDescriptor += KeyCount; } KeyDescriptor++; } // // There are two EfiKeyEnter, duplicate its key descriptor // TableEntry = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, 0x58); KeyDescriptor = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, 0x28); CopyMem (TableEntry, KeyDescriptor, sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR)); FreePool (KeyboardLayout); } /** Destroy resources for keyboard layout. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI ReleaseKeyboardLayoutResources ( IN OUT USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice ) { USB_NS_KEY *UsbNsKey; LIST_ENTRY *Link; if (UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable != NULL) { FreePool (UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable); } UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable = NULL; while (!IsListEmpty (&UsbKeyboardDevice->NsKeyList)) { Link = GetFirstNode (&UsbKeyboardDevice->NsKeyList); UsbNsKey = USB_NS_KEY_FORM_FROM_LINK (Link); RemoveEntryList (&UsbNsKey->Link); FreePool (UsbNsKey->NsKey); FreePool (UsbNsKey); } } /** Initialize USB keyboard layout. This function initializes Key Convertion Table for the USB keyboard device. It first tries to retrieve layout from HII database. If failed and default layout is enabled, then it just uses the default layout. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Initialization succeeded. @retval EFI_NOT_READY Keyboard layout cannot be retrieve from HII database, and default layout is disabled. @retval Other Fail to register event to EFI_HII_SET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EVENT_GUID group. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InitKeyboardLayout ( OUT USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice ) { EFI_HII_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT *KeyboardLayout; EFI_STATUS Status; UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable = AllocateZeroPool ((NUMBER_OF_VALID_USB_KEYCODE) * sizeof (EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR)); ASSERT (UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyConvertionTable != NULL); InitializeListHead (&UsbKeyboardDevice->NsKeyList); UsbKeyboardDevice->CurrentNsKey = NULL; UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardLayoutEvent = NULL; // // Register event to EFI_HII_SET_KEYBOARD_LAYOUT_EVENT_GUID group, // which will be triggered by EFI_HII_DATABASE_PROTOCOL.SetKeyboardLayout(). // Status = gBS->CreateEventEx ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, SetKeyboardLayoutEvent, UsbKeyboardDevice, &mKeyboardLayoutEventGuid, &UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardLayoutEvent ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } KeyboardLayout = GetCurrentKeyboardLayout (); if (KeyboardLayout != NULL) { // // If current keyboard layout is successfully retrieved from HII database, // force to initialize the keyboard layout. // gBS->SignalEvent (UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardLayoutEvent); } else { if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdDisableDefaultKeyboardLayoutInUsbKbDriver)) { // // If no keyboard layout can be retrieved from HII database, and default layout // is disabled, then return EFI_NOT_READY. // return EFI_NOT_READY; } // // If no keyboard layout can be retrieved from HII database, and default layout // is enabled, then load the default keyboard layout. // LoadDefaultKeyboardLayout (UsbKeyboardDevice); } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Initialize USB keyboard device and all private data structures. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Initialization is successful. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Keyboard initialization failed. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI InitUSBKeyboard ( IN OUT USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice ) { UINT8 ConfigValue; UINT8 Protocol; UINT8 ReportId; UINT8 Duration; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 TransferResult; REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_PROGRESS_CODE, PcdGet32 (PcdStatusCodeValueKeyboardSelfTest), UsbKeyboardDevice->DevicePath ); InitUSBKeyBuffer (&(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer)); // // Uses default configuration to configure the USB keyboard device. // ConfigValue = 0x01; Status = UsbSetConfiguration ( UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo, (UINT16) ConfigValue, &TransferResult ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // If configuration could not be set here, it means // the keyboard interface has some errors and could // not be initialized // REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_ERROR_CODE | EFI_ERROR_MINOR, PcdGet32 (PcdStatusCodeValueKeyboardInterfaceError), UsbKeyboardDevice->DevicePath ); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } UsbGetProtocolRequest ( UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceNumber, &Protocol ); // // Set boot protocol for the USB Keyboard. // This driver only supports boot protocol. // if (Protocol != BOOT_PROTOCOL) { UsbSetProtocolRequest ( UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceNumber, BOOT_PROTOCOL ); } // // ReportId is zero, which means the idle rate applies to all input reports. // ReportId = 0; // // Duration is zero, which means the duration is infinite. // so the endpoint will inhibit reporting forever, // and only reporting when a change is detected in the report data. // Duration = 0; UsbSetIdleRequest ( UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceNumber, ReportId, Duration ); UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->NumLockOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->CapsOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->ScrollOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftCtrlOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftAltOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftShiftOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftLogoOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->RightCtrlOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->RightAltOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->RightShiftOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->RightLogoOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->MenuKeyOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->SysReqOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->CurrentNsKey = NULL; // // Sync the initial state of lights on keyboard. // SetKeyLED (UsbKeyboardDevice); ZeroMem (UsbKeyboardDevice->LastKeyCodeArray, sizeof (UINT8) * 8); // // Create event for repeat keys' generation. // if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer); UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer = NULL; } gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, USBKeyboardRepeatHandler, UsbKeyboardDevice, &UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer ); // // Create event for delayed recovery, which deals with device error. // if (UsbKeyboardDevice->DelayedRecoveryEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (UsbKeyboardDevice->DelayedRecoveryEvent); UsbKeyboardDevice->DelayedRecoveryEvent = NULL; } gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_TIMER | EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, USBKeyboardRecoveryHandler, UsbKeyboardDevice, &UsbKeyboardDevice->DelayedRecoveryEvent ); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Handler function for USB keyboard's asynchronous interrupt transfer. This function is the handler function for USB keyboard's asynchronous interrupt transfer to manage the keyboard. It parses the USB keyboard input report, and inserts data to keyboard buffer according to state of modifer keys and normal keys. Timer for repeat key is also set accordingly. @param Data A pointer to a buffer that is filled with key data which is retrieved via asynchronous interrupt transfer. @param DataLength Indicates the size of the data buffer. @param Context Pointing to USB_KB_DEV instance. @param Result Indicates the result of the asynchronous interrupt transfer. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Asynchronous interrupt transfer is handled successfully. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Hardware error occurs. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI KeyboardHandler ( IN VOID *Data, IN UINTN DataLength, IN VOID *Context, IN UINT32 Result ) { USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice; EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo; UINT8 *CurKeyCodeBuffer; UINT8 *OldKeyCodeBuffer; UINT8 CurModifierMap; UINT8 OldModifierMap; UINT8 Mask; UINT8 Index; UINT8 Index2; BOOLEAN Down; BOOLEAN KeyRelease; BOOLEAN KeyPress; UINT8 SavedTail; USB_KEY UsbKey; UINT8 NewRepeatKey; UINT32 UsbStatus; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor; ASSERT (Context != NULL); NewRepeatKey = 0; UsbKeyboardDevice = (USB_KB_DEV *) Context; UsbIo = UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo; // // Analyzes Result and performs corresponding action. // if (Result != EFI_USB_NOERROR) { // // Some errors happen during the process // REPORT_STATUS_CODE_WITH_DEVICE_PATH ( EFI_ERROR_CODE | EFI_ERROR_MINOR, PcdGet32 (PcdStatusCodeValueKeyboardInputError), UsbKeyboardDevice->DevicePath ); // // Stop the repeat key generation if any // UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey = 0; gBS->SetTimer ( UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer, TimerCancel, USBKBD_REPEAT_RATE ); if ((Result & EFI_USB_ERR_STALL) == EFI_USB_ERR_STALL) { UsbClearEndpointHalt ( UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->IntEndpointDescriptor.EndpointAddress, &UsbStatus ); } // // Delete & Submit this interrupt again // Handler of DelayedRecoveryEvent triggered by timer will re-submit the interrupt. // UsbIo->UsbAsyncInterruptTransfer ( UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->IntEndpointDescriptor.EndpointAddress, FALSE, 0, 0, NULL, NULL ); // // EFI_USB_INTERRUPT_DELAY is defined in USB standard for error handling. // gBS->SetTimer ( UsbKeyboardDevice->DelayedRecoveryEvent, TimerRelative, EFI_USB_INTERRUPT_DELAY ); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // If no error and no data, just return EFI_SUCCESS. // if (DataLength == 0 || Data == NULL) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Following code checks current keyboard input report against old key code buffer. // According to USB HID Firmware Specification, the report consists of 8 bytes. // Byte 0 is map of Modifier keys. // Byte 1 is reserved. // Bytes 2 to 7 are keycodes. // CurKeyCodeBuffer = (UINT8 *) Data; OldKeyCodeBuffer = UsbKeyboardDevice->LastKeyCodeArray; // // Checks for new key stroke. // for (Index = 0; Index < 8; Index++) { if (OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index] != CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index]) { break; } } // // If no new key, return EFI_SUCCESS immediately. // if (Index == 8) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } // // Parse the modifier key, which is the first byte of keyboard input report. // CurModifierMap = CurKeyCodeBuffer[0]; OldModifierMap = OldKeyCodeBuffer[0]; // // Handle modifier key's pressing or releasing situation. // According to USB HID Firmware spec, Byte 0 uses folloing map of Modifier keys: // Bit0: Left Control, Keycode: 0xe0 // Bit1: Left Shift, Keycode: 0xe1 // Bit2: Left Alt, Keycode: 0xe2 // Bit3: Left GUI, Keycode: 0xe3 // Bit4: Right Control, Keycode: 0xe4 // Bit5: Right Shift, Keycode: 0xe5 // Bit6: Right Alt, Keycode: 0xe6 // Bit7: Right GUI, Keycode: 0xe7 // for (Index = 0; Index < 8; Index++) { Mask = (UINT8) (1 << Index); if ((CurModifierMap & Mask) != (OldModifierMap & Mask)) { // // If current modifier key is up, then CurModifierMap & Mask = 0; // otherwise it is a non-zero value. // Insert the changed modifier key into key buffer. // Down = (BOOLEAN) ((CurModifierMap & Mask) != 0); InsertKeyCode (&(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), (UINT8) (0xe0 + Index), Down); } } // // Handle normal key's releasing situation // Bytes 2 to 7 are for normal keycodes // KeyRelease = FALSE; for (Index = 2; Index < 8; Index++) { if (!USBKBD_VALID_KEYCODE (OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index])) { continue; } // // For any key in old keycode buffer, if it is not in current keycode buffer, // then it is released. Otherwise, it is not released. // KeyRelease = TRUE; for (Index2 = 2; Index2 < 8; Index2++) { if (!USBKBD_VALID_KEYCODE (CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index2])) { continue; } if (OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index] == CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index2]) { KeyRelease = FALSE; break; } } if (KeyRelease) { InsertKeyCode ( &(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index], FALSE ); // // The original repeat key is released. // if (OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index] == UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey) { UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey = 0; } } } // // If original repeat key is released, cancel the repeat timer // if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey == 0) { gBS->SetTimer ( UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer, TimerCancel, USBKBD_REPEAT_RATE ); } // // Handle normal key's pressing situation // KeyPress = FALSE; for (Index = 2; Index < 8; Index++) { if (!USBKBD_VALID_KEYCODE (CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index])) { continue; } // // For any key in current keycode buffer, if it is not in old keycode buffer, // then it is pressed. Otherwise, it is not pressed. // KeyPress = TRUE; for (Index2 = 2; Index2 < 8; Index2++) { if (!USBKBD_VALID_KEYCODE (OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index2])) { continue; } if (CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index] == OldKeyCodeBuffer[Index2]) { KeyPress = FALSE; break; } } if (KeyPress) { InsertKeyCode (&(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index], TRUE); // // Handle repeat key // KeyDescriptor = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index]); ASSERT (KeyDescriptor != NULL); if (KeyDescriptor->Modifier == EFI_NUM_LOCK_MODIFIER || KeyDescriptor->Modifier == EFI_CAPS_LOCK_MODIFIER) { // // For NumLock or CapsLock pressed, there is no need to handle repeat key for them. // UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey = 0; } else { // // Prepare new repeat key, and clear the original one. // NewRepeatKey = CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index]; UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey = 0; } } } // // Update LastKeycodeArray buffer in the UsbKeyboardDevice data structure. // for (Index = 0; Index < 8; Index++) { UsbKeyboardDevice->LastKeyCodeArray[Index] = CurKeyCodeBuffer[Index]; } // // Pre-process KeyboardBuffer to check if Ctrl + Alt + Del is pressed. // SavedTail = UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer.BufferTail; Index = UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer.BufferHead; while (Index != SavedTail) { RemoveKeyCode (&(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), &UsbKey); KeyDescriptor = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, UsbKey.KeyCode); ASSERT (KeyDescriptor != NULL); switch (KeyDescriptor->Modifier) { case EFI_LEFT_CONTROL_MODIFIER: case EFI_RIGHT_CONTROL_MODIFIER: if (UsbKey.Down) { UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = TRUE; } else { UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = FALSE; } break; case EFI_LEFT_ALT_MODIFIER: case EFI_RIGHT_ALT_MODIFIER: if (UsbKey.Down) { UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = TRUE; } else { UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = FALSE; } break; case EFI_ALT_GR_MODIFIER: if (UsbKey.Down) { UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn = TRUE; } else { UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn = FALSE; } break; // // For Del Key, check if Ctrl + Alt + Del occurs for reset. // case EFI_DELETE_MODIFIER: if (UsbKey.Down) { if ((UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn) && (UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn)) { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } break; default: break; } // // Insert the key back to the buffer, // so the key sequence will not be destroyed. // InsertKeyCode ( &(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), UsbKey.KeyCode, UsbKey.Down ); Index = UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer.BufferHead; } // // If there is new key pressed, update the RepeatKey value, and set the // timer to repeate delay timer // if (NewRepeatKey != 0) { // // Sets trigger time to "Repeat Delay Time", // to trigger the repeat timer when the key is hold long // enough time. // gBS->SetTimer ( UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer, TimerRelative, USBKBD_REPEAT_DELAY ); UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey = NewRepeatKey; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Retrieves a USB keycode after parsing the raw data in keyboard buffer. This function parses keyboard buffer. It updates state of modifier key for USB_KB_DEV instancem, and returns keycode for output. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. @param KeyCode Pointer to the USB keycode for output. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Keycode successfully parsed. @retval EFI_NOT_READY Keyboard buffer is not ready for a valid keycode **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI USBParseKey ( IN OUT USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice, OUT UINT8 *KeyCode ) { USB_KEY UsbKey; EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor; *KeyCode = 0; while (!IsUSBKeyboardBufferEmpty (&UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer)) { // // Pops one raw data off. // RemoveKeyCode (&(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), &UsbKey); KeyDescriptor = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, UsbKey.KeyCode); ASSERT (KeyDescriptor != NULL); if (!UsbKey.Down) { // // Key is released. // switch (KeyDescriptor->Modifier) { // // Ctrl release // case EFI_LEFT_CONTROL_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftCtrlOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = FALSE; break; case EFI_RIGHT_CONTROL_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightCtrlOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = FALSE; break; // // Shift release // case EFI_LEFT_SHIFT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftShiftOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn = FALSE; break; case EFI_RIGHT_SHIFT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightShiftOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn = FALSE; break; // // Alt release // case EFI_LEFT_ALT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftAltOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = FALSE; break; case EFI_RIGHT_ALT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightAltOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = FALSE; break; // // Left Logo release // case EFI_LEFT_LOGO_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftLogoOn = FALSE; break; // // Right Logo release // case EFI_RIGHT_LOGO_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightLogoOn = FALSE; break; // // Menu key release // case EFI_MENU_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->MenuKeyOn = FALSE; break; // // SysReq release // case EFI_PRINT_MODIFIER: case EFI_SYS_REQUEST_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->SysReqOn = FALSE; break; // // AltGr release // case EFI_ALT_GR_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn = FALSE; break; default: break; } continue; } // // Analyzes key pressing situation // switch (KeyDescriptor->Modifier) { // // Ctrl press // case EFI_LEFT_CONTROL_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftCtrlOn = TRUE; UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = TRUE; continue; break; case EFI_RIGHT_CONTROL_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightCtrlOn = TRUE; UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn = TRUE; continue; break; // // Shift press // case EFI_LEFT_SHIFT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftShiftOn = TRUE; UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn = TRUE; continue; break; case EFI_RIGHT_SHIFT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightShiftOn = TRUE; UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn = TRUE; continue; break; // // Alt press // case EFI_LEFT_ALT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftAltOn = TRUE; UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = TRUE; continue; break; case EFI_RIGHT_ALT_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightAltOn = TRUE; UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn = TRUE; continue; break; // // Left Logo press // case EFI_LEFT_LOGO_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftLogoOn = TRUE; break; // // Right Logo press // case EFI_RIGHT_LOGO_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->RightLogoOn = TRUE; break; // // Menu key press // case EFI_MENU_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->MenuKeyOn = TRUE; break; // // SysReq press // case EFI_PRINT_MODIFIER: case EFI_SYS_REQUEST_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->SysReqOn = TRUE; continue; break; // // AltGr press // case EFI_ALT_GR_MODIFIER: UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn = TRUE; break; case EFI_NUM_LOCK_MODIFIER: // // Toggle NumLock // UsbKeyboardDevice->NumLockOn = (BOOLEAN) (!(UsbKeyboardDevice->NumLockOn)); SetKeyLED (UsbKeyboardDevice); continue; break; case EFI_CAPS_LOCK_MODIFIER: // // Toggle CapsLock // UsbKeyboardDevice->CapsOn = (BOOLEAN) (!(UsbKeyboardDevice->CapsOn)); SetKeyLED (UsbKeyboardDevice); continue; break; case EFI_SCROLL_LOCK_MODIFIER: // // Toggle ScrollLock // UsbKeyboardDevice->ScrollOn = (BOOLEAN) (!(UsbKeyboardDevice->ScrollOn)); SetKeyLED (UsbKeyboardDevice); continue; break; // // F11, F12, PrintScreen, Pause/Break // could not be retrieved via SimpleTextInEx protocol // case EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_ELEVEN_MODIFIER: case EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TWELVE_MODIFIER: case EFI_PAUSE_MODIFIER: case EFI_BREAK_MODIFIER: // // Fall through // continue; break; default: break; } // // When encountering Ctrl + Alt + Del, then warm reset. // if (KeyDescriptor->Modifier == EFI_DELETE_MODIFIER) { if ((UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn) && (UsbKeyboardDevice->AltOn)) { gRT->ResetSystem (EfiResetWarm, EFI_SUCCESS, 0, NULL); } } *KeyCode = UsbKey.KeyCode; return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_NOT_READY; } /** Converts USB Keycode ranging from 0x4 to 0x65 to EFI_INPUT_KEY. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. @param KeyCode Indicates the key code that will be interpreted. @param Key A pointer to a buffer that is filled in with the keystroke information for the key that was pressed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Success. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER KeyCode is not in the range of 0x4 to 0x65. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Translated EFI_INPUT_KEY has zero for both ScanCode and UnicodeChar. @retval EFI_NOT_READY KeyCode represents a dead key with EFI_NS_KEY_MODIFIER @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Keyboard layout is invalid. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI UsbKeyCodeToEfiInputKey ( IN USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice, IN UINT8 KeyCode, OUT EFI_INPUT_KEY *Key ) { EFI_KEY_DESCRIPTOR *KeyDescriptor; // // KeyCode must in the range of 0x4 to 0x65 // if (!USBKBD_VALID_KEYCODE (KeyCode)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((KeyCode - 4) >= NUMBER_OF_VALID_NON_MODIFIER_USB_KEYCODE) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } KeyDescriptor = GetKeyDescriptor (UsbKeyboardDevice, KeyCode); ASSERT (KeyDescriptor != NULL); if (KeyDescriptor->Modifier == EFI_NS_KEY_MODIFIER) { // // If this is a dead key with EFI_NS_KEY_MODIFIER, then record it and return. // UsbKeyboardDevice->CurrentNsKey = FindUsbNsKey (UsbKeyboardDevice, KeyDescriptor); return EFI_NOT_READY; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->CurrentNsKey != NULL) { // // If this keystroke follows a non-spacing key, then find the descriptor for corresponding // physical key. // KeyDescriptor = FindPhysicalKey (UsbKeyboardDevice->CurrentNsKey, KeyDescriptor); UsbKeyboardDevice->CurrentNsKey = NULL; } // // Make sure modifier of Key Descriptor is in the valid range according to UEFI spec. // if (KeyDescriptor->Modifier > EFI_FUNCTION_KEY_TWELVE_MODIFIER) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Key->ScanCode = ModifierValueToEfiScanCodeConvertionTable[KeyDescriptor->Modifier]; Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->Unicode; if ((KeyDescriptor->AffectedAttribute & EFI_AFFECTED_BY_STANDARD_SHIFT)!= 0) { if (UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn) { Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->ShiftedUnicode; // // Need not return associated shift state if a class of printable characters that // are normally adjusted by shift modifiers. e.g. Shift Key + 'f' key = 'F' // if ((KeyDescriptor->AffectedAttribute & EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK) != 0) { UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftShiftOn = FALSE; UsbKeyboardDevice->RightShiftOn = FALSE; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn) { Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->ShiftedAltGrUnicode; } } else { // // Shift off // Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->Unicode; if (UsbKeyboardDevice->AltGrOn) { Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->AltGrUnicode; } } } if ((KeyDescriptor->AffectedAttribute & EFI_AFFECTED_BY_CAPS_LOCK) != 0) { if (UsbKeyboardDevice->CapsOn) { if (Key->UnicodeChar == KeyDescriptor->Unicode) { Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->ShiftedUnicode; } else if (Key->UnicodeChar == KeyDescriptor->ShiftedUnicode) { Key->UnicodeChar = KeyDescriptor->Unicode; } } } // // Translate the CTRL-Alpha characters to their corresponding control value // (ctrl-a = 0x0001 through ctrl-Z = 0x001A) // if (UsbKeyboardDevice->CtrlOn) { if (Key->UnicodeChar >= 'a' && Key->UnicodeChar <= 'z') { Key->UnicodeChar = (UINT8) (Key->UnicodeChar - 'a' + 1); } else if (Key->UnicodeChar >= 'A' && Key->UnicodeChar <= 'Z') { Key->UnicodeChar = (UINT8) (Key->UnicodeChar - 'A' + 1); } } if (KeyDescriptor->AffectedAttribute & EFI_AFFECTED_BY_NUM_LOCK) { // // For key affected by NumLock, if NumLock is on and Shift is not pressed, then it means // normal key, instead of original control key. So the ScanCode should be cleaned. // Otherwise, it means control key, so preserve the EFI Scan Code and clear the unicode keycode. // if ((UsbKeyboardDevice->NumLockOn) && (!(UsbKeyboardDevice->ShiftOn))) { Key->ScanCode = SCAN_NULL; } else { Key->UnicodeChar = 0x00; } } // // Translate Unicode 0x1B (ESC) to EFI Scan Code // if (Key->UnicodeChar == 0x1B && Key->ScanCode == SCAN_NULL) { Key->ScanCode = SCAN_ESC; Key->UnicodeChar = 0x00; } // // Not valid for key without both unicode key code and EFI Scan Code. // if (Key->UnicodeChar == 0 && Key->ScanCode == SCAN_NULL) { return EFI_NOT_READY; } // // Save Shift/Toggle state // if (UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftCtrlOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_LEFT_CONTROL_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RightCtrlOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_RIGHT_CONTROL_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftAltOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_LEFT_ALT_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RightAltOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_RIGHT_ALT_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftShiftOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_LEFT_SHIFT_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RightShiftOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_RIGHT_SHIFT_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->LeftLogoOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_LEFT_LOGO_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RightLogoOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_RIGHT_LOGO_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->MenuKeyOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_MENU_KEY_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->SysReqOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyShiftState |= EFI_SYS_REQ_PRESSED; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->ScrollOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyToggleState |= EFI_SCROLL_LOCK_ACTIVE; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->NumLockOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyToggleState |= EFI_NUM_LOCK_ACTIVE; } if (UsbKeyboardDevice->CapsOn) { UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyState.KeyToggleState |= EFI_CAPS_LOCK_ACTIVE; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Resets USB keyboard buffer. @param KeyboardBuffer Points to the USB keyboard buffer. **/ VOID EFIAPI InitUSBKeyBuffer ( OUT USB_KB_BUFFER *KeyboardBuffer ) { ZeroMem (KeyboardBuffer, sizeof (USB_KB_BUFFER)); KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead = KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail; } /** Check whether USB keyboard buffer is empty. @param KeyboardBuffer USB keyboard buffer @retval TRUE Keyboard buffer is empty. @retval FALSE Keyboard buffer is not empty. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsUSBKeyboardBufferEmpty ( IN USB_KB_BUFFER *KeyboardBuffer ) { // // Meet FIFO empty condition // return (BOOLEAN) (KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead == KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail); } /** Check whether USB keyboard buffer is full. @param KeyboardBuffer USB keyboard buffer @retval TRUE Keyboard buffer is full. @retval FALSE Keyboard buffer is not full. **/ BOOLEAN EFIAPI IsUSBKeyboardBufferFull ( IN USB_KB_BUFFER *KeyboardBuffer ) { return (BOOLEAN)(((KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail + 1) % (MAX_KEY_ALLOWED + 1)) == KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead); } /** Inserts a keycode into keyboard buffer. @param KeyboardBuffer Points to the USB keyboard buffer. @param Key Keycode to insert. @param Down TRUE means key is pressed. FALSE means key is released. **/ VOID EFIAPI InsertKeyCode ( IN OUT USB_KB_BUFFER *KeyboardBuffer, IN UINT8 Key, IN BOOLEAN Down ) { USB_KEY UsbKey; // // If keyboard buffer is full, throw the // first key out of the keyboard buffer. // if (IsUSBKeyboardBufferFull (KeyboardBuffer)) { RemoveKeyCode (KeyboardBuffer, &UsbKey); } ASSERT (KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail <= MAX_KEY_ALLOWED); KeyboardBuffer->Buffer[KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail].KeyCode = Key; KeyboardBuffer->Buffer[KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail].Down = Down; // // Adjust the tail pointer of the FIFO keyboard buffer. // KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail = (UINT8) ((KeyboardBuffer->BufferTail + 1) % (MAX_KEY_ALLOWED + 1)); } /** Remove a keycode from keyboard buffer and return it. @param KeyboardBuffer Points to the USB keyboard buffer. @param UsbKey Points to the buffer that contains keycode for output. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Keycode successfully removed from keyboard buffer. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR Keyboard buffer is empty. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI RemoveKeyCode ( IN OUT USB_KB_BUFFER *KeyboardBuffer, OUT USB_KEY *UsbKey ) { if (IsUSBKeyboardBufferEmpty (KeyboardBuffer)) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } ASSERT (KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead <= MAX_KEY_ALLOWED); UsbKey->KeyCode = KeyboardBuffer->Buffer[KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead].KeyCode; UsbKey->Down = KeyboardBuffer->Buffer[KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead].Down; // // Adjust the head pointer of the FIFO keyboard buffer. // KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead = (UINT8) ((KeyboardBuffer->BufferHead + 1) % (MAX_KEY_ALLOWED + 1)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Sets USB keyboard LED state. @param UsbKeyboardDevice The USB_KB_DEV instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI SetKeyLED ( IN USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice ) { LED_MAP Led; UINT8 ReportId; // // Set each field in Led map. // Led.NumLock = (UINT8) ((UsbKeyboardDevice->NumLockOn) ? 1 : 0); Led.CapsLock = (UINT8) ((UsbKeyboardDevice->CapsOn) ? 1 : 0); Led.ScrollLock = (UINT8) ((UsbKeyboardDevice->ScrollOn) ? 1 : 0); Led.Resrvd = 0; ReportId = 0; // // Call Set_Report Request to lighten the LED. // UsbSetReportRequest ( UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->InterfaceDescriptor.InterfaceNumber, ReportId, HID_OUTPUT_REPORT, 1, (UINT8 *) &Led ); } /** Handler for Repeat Key event. This function is the handler for Repeat Key event triggered by timer. After a repeatable key is pressed, the event would be triggered with interval of USBKBD_REPEAT_DELAY. Once the event is triggered, following trigger will come with interval of USBKBD_REPEAT_RATE. @param Event The Repeat Key event. @param Context Points to the USB_KB_DEV instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI USBKeyboardRepeatHandler ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice; UsbKeyboardDevice = (USB_KB_DEV *) Context; // // Do nothing when there is no repeat key. // if (UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey != 0) { // // Inserts the repeat key into keyboard buffer, // InsertKeyCode ( &(UsbKeyboardDevice->KeyboardBuffer), UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatKey, TRUE ); // // Set repeat rate for next repeat key generation. // gBS->SetTimer ( UsbKeyboardDevice->RepeatTimer, TimerRelative, USBKBD_REPEAT_RATE ); } } /** Handler for Delayed Recovery event. This function is the handler for Delayed Recovery event triggered by timer. After a device error occurs, the event would be triggered with interval of EFI_USB_INTERRUPT_DELAY. EFI_USB_INTERRUPT_DELAY is defined in USB standard for error handling. @param Event The Delayed Recovery event. @param Context Points to the USB_KB_DEV instance. **/ VOID EFIAPI USBKeyboardRecoveryHandler ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { USB_KB_DEV *UsbKeyboardDevice; EFI_USB_IO_PROTOCOL *UsbIo; UINT8 PacketSize; UsbKeyboardDevice = (USB_KB_DEV *) Context; UsbIo = UsbKeyboardDevice->UsbIo; PacketSize = (UINT8) (UsbKeyboardDevice->IntEndpointDescriptor.MaxPacketSize); // // Re-submit Asynchronous Interrupt Transfer for recovery. // UsbIo->UsbAsyncInterruptTransfer ( UsbIo, UsbKeyboardDevice->IntEndpointDescriptor.EndpointAddress, TRUE, UsbKeyboardDevice->IntEndpointDescriptor.Interval, PacketSize, KeyboardHandler, UsbKeyboardDevice ); }