/** @file Superblock managing routines Copyright (c) 2021 - 2022 Pedro Falcato All rights reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "Ext4Dxe.h" STATIC CONST UINT32 gSupportedCompatFeat = EXT4_FEATURE_COMPAT_EXT_ATTR; STATIC CONST UINT32 gSupportedRoCompatFeat = EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_DIR_NLINK | EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_EXTRA_ISIZE | EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_HUGE_FILE | EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_LARGE_FILE | EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_GDT_CSUM | EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_METADATA_CSUM | EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_SPARSE_SUPER; STATIC CONST UINT32 gSupportedIncompatFeat = EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_64BIT | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_DIRDATA | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FLEX_BG | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_FILETYPE | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_EXTENTS | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_LARGEDIR | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_MMP | EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_RECOVER; // Future features that may be nice additions in the future: // 1) Btree support: Required for write support and would speed up lookups in large directories. // 2) meta_bg: Required to mount meta_bg-enabled partitions. // Note: We ignore MMP because it's impossible that it's mapped elsewhere, // I think (unless there's some sort of network setup where we're accessing a remote partition). // Note on corruption signaling: // We (Ext4Dxe) could signal corruption by setting s_state to |= EXT4_FS_STATE_ERRORS_DETECTED. // I've decided against that, because right now the driver is read-only, and // that would mean we would need to writeback the superblock. If something like // this is desired, it's fairly trivial to look for EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED // references and add some Ext4SignalCorruption function + function call. /** Checks the superblock's magic value. @param[in] DiskIo Pointer to the DiskIo. @param[in] BlockIo Pointer to the BlockIo. @returns Whether the partition has a valid EXT4 superblock magic value. **/ BOOLEAN Ext4SuperblockCheckMagic ( IN EFI_DISK_IO_PROTOCOL *DiskIo, IN EFI_BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL *BlockIo ) { UINT16 Magic; EFI_STATUS Status; Status = DiskIo->ReadDisk ( DiskIo, BlockIo->Media->MediaId, EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET + OFFSET_OF (EXT4_SUPERBLOCK, s_magic), sizeof (Magic), &Magic ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return FALSE; } if (Magic != EXT4_SIGNATURE) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; } /** Does brief validation of the ext4 superblock. @param[in] Sb Pointer to the read superblock. @return TRUE if a valid ext4 superblock, else FALSE. **/ BOOLEAN Ext4SuperblockValidate ( CONST EXT4_SUPERBLOCK *Sb ) { if (Sb->s_magic != EXT4_SIGNATURE) { return FALSE; } if ((Sb->s_rev_level != EXT4_DYNAMIC_REV) && (Sb->s_rev_level != EXT4_GOOD_OLD_REV)) { return FALSE; } if ((Sb->s_state & EXT4_FS_STATE_UNMOUNTED) == 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "[ext4] Filesystem was not unmounted cleanly\n")); } return TRUE; } /** Calculates the superblock's checksum. @param[in] Partition Pointer to the opened partition. @param[in] Sb Pointer to the superblock. @return The superblock's checksum. **/ STATIC UINT32 Ext4CalculateSuperblockChecksum ( EXT4_PARTITION *Partition, CONST EXT4_SUPERBLOCK *Sb ) { // Most checksums require us to go through a dummy 0 as part of the requirement // that the checksum is done over a structure with its checksum field = 0. UINT32 Checksum; Checksum = Ext4CalculateChecksum ( Partition, Sb, OFFSET_OF (EXT4_SUPERBLOCK, s_checksum), ~0U ); return Checksum; } /** Verifies that the superblock's checksum is valid. @param[in] Partition Pointer to the opened partition. @param[in] Sb Pointer to the superblock. @return The superblock's checksum. **/ STATIC BOOLEAN Ext4VerifySuperblockChecksum ( EXT4_PARTITION *Partition, CONST EXT4_SUPERBLOCK *Sb ) { if (!EXT4_HAS_METADATA_CSUM (Partition)) { return TRUE; } return Sb->s_checksum == Ext4CalculateSuperblockChecksum (Partition, Sb); } /** Opens and parses the superblock. @param[out] Partition Partition structure to fill with filesystem details. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Parsing was succesful and the partition is a valid ext4 partition. **/ EFI_STATUS Ext4OpenSuperblock ( OUT EXT4_PARTITION *Partition ) { UINT32 Index; EFI_STATUS Status; EXT4_SUPERBLOCK *Sb; UINT32 NrBlocksRem; UINTN NrBlocks; UINT32 UnsupportedRoCompat; EXT4_BLOCK_GROUP_DESC *Desc; Status = Ext4ReadDiskIo ( Partition, &Partition->SuperBlock, sizeof (EXT4_SUPERBLOCK), EXT4_SUPERBLOCK_OFFSET ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Sb = &Partition->SuperBlock; if (!Ext4SuperblockValidate (Sb)) { return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } if (Sb->s_rev_level == EXT4_DYNAMIC_REV) { Partition->FeaturesCompat = Sb->s_feature_compat; Partition->FeaturesIncompat = Sb->s_feature_incompat; Partition->FeaturesRoCompat = Sb->s_feature_ro_compat; Partition->InodeSize = Sb->s_inode_size; // Check for proper alignment of InodeSize and that InodeSize is indeed larger than // the minimum size, 128 bytes. if (((Partition->InodeSize % 4) != 0) || (Partition->InodeSize < EXT4_GOOD_OLD_INODE_SIZE)) { return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } } else { // GOOD_OLD_REV Partition->FeaturesCompat = Partition->FeaturesIncompat = Partition->FeaturesRoCompat = 0; Partition->InodeSize = EXT4_GOOD_OLD_INODE_SIZE; } // Now, check for the feature set of the filesystem // It's essential to check for this to avoid filesystem corruption and to avoid // accidentally opening an ext2/3/4 filesystem we don't understand, which would be disasterous. if (Partition->FeaturesIncompat & ~gSupportedIncompatFeat) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "[ext4] Unsupported features %lx\n", Partition->FeaturesIncompat & ~gSupportedIncompatFeat )); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if (EXT4_HAS_INCOMPAT (Partition, EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_RECOVER)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "[ext4] Needs journal recovery, mounting read-only\n")); Partition->ReadOnly = TRUE; } // At the time of writing, it's the only supported checksum. if (Partition->FeaturesCompat & EXT4_FEATURE_RO_COMPAT_METADATA_CSUM && (Sb->s_checksum_type != EXT4_CHECKSUM_CRC32C)) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } if ((Partition->FeaturesIncompat & EXT4_FEATURE_INCOMPAT_CSUM_SEED) != 0) { Partition->InitialSeed = Sb->s_checksum_seed; } else { Partition->InitialSeed = Ext4CalculateChecksum (Partition, Sb->s_uuid, 16, ~0U); } UnsupportedRoCompat = Partition->FeaturesRoCompat & ~gSupportedRoCompatFeat; if (UnsupportedRoCompat != 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_WARN, "[ext4] Unsupported ro compat %x\n", UnsupportedRoCompat)); Partition->ReadOnly = TRUE; } // gSupportedCompatFeat is documentation-only since we never need to access it. // The line below avoids unused variable warnings. (VOID)gSupportedCompatFeat; DEBUG ((DEBUG_FS, "Read only = %u\n", Partition->ReadOnly)); Partition->BlockSize = (UINT32)LShiftU64 (1024, Sb->s_log_block_size); // The size of a block group can also be calculated as 8 * Partition->BlockSize if (Sb->s_blocks_per_group != 8 * Partition->BlockSize) { return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } Partition->NumberBlocks = EXT4_BLOCK_NR_FROM_HALFS (Partition, Sb->s_blocks_count, Sb->s_blocks_count_hi); Partition->NumberBlockGroups = DivU64x32 (Partition->NumberBlocks, Sb->s_blocks_per_group); DEBUG (( DEBUG_FS, "[ext4] Number of blocks = %lu\n[ext4] Number of block groups: %lu\n", Partition->NumberBlocks, Partition->NumberBlockGroups )); if (EXT4_IS_64_BIT (Partition)) { // s_desc_size should be 4 byte aligned and // 64 bit filesystems need DescSize to be 64 bytes if (((Sb->s_desc_size % 4) != 0) || (Sb->s_desc_size < EXT4_64BIT_BLOCK_DESC_SIZE)) { return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } Partition->DescSize = Sb->s_desc_size; } else { Partition->DescSize = EXT4_OLD_BLOCK_DESC_SIZE; } if (!Ext4VerifySuperblockChecksum (Partition, Sb)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "[ext4] Bad superblock checksum %lx\n", Ext4CalculateSuperblockChecksum (Partition, Sb))); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } NrBlocks = (UINTN)DivU64x32Remainder ( MultU64x32 (Partition->NumberBlockGroups, Partition->DescSize), Partition->BlockSize, &NrBlocksRem ); if (NrBlocksRem != 0) { NrBlocks++; } Partition->BlockGroups = Ext4AllocAndReadBlocks (Partition, NrBlocks, Partition->BlockSize == 1024 ? 2 : 1); if (Partition->BlockGroups == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } for (Index = 0; Index < Partition->NumberBlockGroups; Index++) { Desc = Ext4GetBlockGroupDesc (Partition, Index); if (!Ext4VerifyBlockGroupDescChecksum (Partition, Desc, Index)) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "[ext4] Block group descriptor %u has an invalid checksum\n", Index)); FreePool (Partition->BlockGroups); return EFI_VOLUME_CORRUPTED; } } // RootDentry will serve as the basis of our directory entry tree. Partition->RootDentry = Ext4CreateDentry (L"\\", NULL); if (Partition->RootDentry == NULL) { FreePool (Partition->BlockGroups); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // Note that the cast below is completely safe, because EXT4_FILE is a specialisation of EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL Status = Ext4OpenVolume (&Partition->Interface, (EFI_FILE_PROTOCOL **)&Partition->Root); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Ext4UnrefDentry (Partition->RootDentry); FreePool (Partition->BlockGroups); } return Status; } /** Calculates the checksum of the given buffer. @param[in] Partition Pointer to the opened EXT4 partition. @param[in] Buffer Pointer to the buffer. @param[in] Length Length of the buffer, in bytes. @param[in] InitialValue Initial value of the CRC. @return The checksum. **/ UINT32 Ext4CalculateChecksum ( IN CONST EXT4_PARTITION *Partition, IN CONST VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN Length, IN UINT32 InitialValue ) { if (!EXT4_HAS_METADATA_CSUM (Partition)) { return 0; } switch (Partition->SuperBlock.s_checksum_type) { case EXT4_CHECKSUM_CRC32C: // For some reason, EXT4 really likes non-inverted CRC32C checksums, so we stick to that here. return ~CalculateCrc32c(Buffer, Length, ~InitialValue); default: ASSERT (FALSE); return 0; } }