## @file # This file contained the miscellaneous functions for INF parser # # Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
# # This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available # under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this # distribution. The full text of the license may be found at # http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php # # THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. # ''' InfParserMisc ''' ## # Import Modules # import re from Library import DataType as DT from Library.StringUtils import gMACRO_PATTERN from Library.StringUtils import ReplaceMacro from Object.Parser.InfMisc import ErrorInInf from Logger.StringTable import ERR_MARCO_DEFINITION_MISS_ERROR # # Global variable # # # Sections can exist in INF file # gINF_SECTION_DEF = { DT.TAB_UNKNOWN.upper() : DT.MODEL_UNKNOWN, DT.TAB_HEADER.upper() : DT.MODEL_META_DATA_FILE_HEADER, DT.TAB_INF_DEFINES.upper() : DT.MODEL_META_DATA_DEFINE, DT.TAB_BUILD_OPTIONS.upper() : DT.MODEL_META_DATA_BUILD_OPTION, DT.TAB_LIBRARY_CLASSES.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_LIBRARY_CLASS, DT.TAB_PACKAGES.upper() : DT.MODEL_META_DATA_PACKAGE, DT.TAB_INF_FIXED_PCD.upper() : DT.MODEL_PCD_FIXED_AT_BUILD, DT.TAB_INF_PATCH_PCD.upper() : DT.MODEL_PCD_PATCHABLE_IN_MODULE, DT.TAB_INF_FEATURE_PCD.upper() : DT.MODEL_PCD_FEATURE_FLAG, DT.TAB_INF_PCD_EX.upper() : DT.MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC_EX, DT.TAB_INF_PCD.upper() : DT.MODEL_PCD_DYNAMIC, DT.TAB_SOURCES.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_SOURCE_FILE, DT.TAB_GUIDS.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_GUID, DT.TAB_PROTOCOLS.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_PROTOCOL, DT.TAB_PPIS.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_PPI, DT.TAB_DEPEX.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_DEPEX, DT.TAB_BINARIES.upper() : DT.MODEL_EFI_BINARY_FILE, DT.TAB_USER_EXTENSIONS.upper() : DT.MODEL_META_DATA_USER_EXTENSION # # EDK1 section # TAB_NMAKE.upper() : MODEL_META_DATA_NMAKE # } ## InfExpandMacro # # Expand MACRO definition with MACROs defined in [Defines] section and specific section. # The MACROs defined in specific section has high priority and will be expanded firstly. # # @param LineInfo Contain information of FileName, LineContent, LineNo # @param GlobalMacros MACROs defined in INF [Defines] section # @param SectionMacros MACROs defined in INF specific section # @param Flag If the flag set to True, need to skip macros in a quoted string # def InfExpandMacro(Content, LineInfo, GlobalMacros=None, SectionMacros=None, Flag=False): if GlobalMacros is None: GlobalMacros = {} if SectionMacros is None: SectionMacros = {} FileName = LineInfo[0] LineContent = LineInfo[1] LineNo = LineInfo[2] # Don't expand macros in comments if LineContent.strip().startswith("#"): return Content NewLineInfo = (FileName, LineNo, LineContent) # # First, replace MARCOs with value defined in specific section # Content = ReplaceMacro (Content, SectionMacros, False, (LineContent, LineNo), FileName, Flag) # # Then replace MARCOs with value defined in [Defines] section # Content = ReplaceMacro (Content, GlobalMacros, False, (LineContent, LineNo), FileName, Flag) MacroUsed = gMACRO_PATTERN.findall(Content) # # no macro found in String, stop replacing # if len(MacroUsed) == 0: return Content else: for Macro in MacroUsed: gQuotedMacro = re.compile(".*\".*\$\(%s\).*\".*"%(Macro)) if not gQuotedMacro.match(Content): # # Still have MACROs can't be expanded. # ErrorInInf (ERR_MARCO_DEFINITION_MISS_ERROR, LineInfo=NewLineInfo) return Content ## IsBinaryInf # # Judge whether the INF file is Binary INF or Common INF # # @param FileLineList A list contain all INF file content. # def IsBinaryInf(FileLineList): if not FileLineList: return False ReIsSourcesSection = re.compile("^\s*\[Sources.*\]\s.*$", re.IGNORECASE) ReIsBinarySection = re.compile("^\s*\[Binaries.*\]\s.*$", re.IGNORECASE) BinarySectionFoundFlag = False for Line in FileLineList: if ReIsSourcesSection.match(Line): return False if ReIsBinarySection.match(Line): BinarySectionFoundFlag = True if BinarySectionFoundFlag: return True return False ## IsLibInstanceInfo # # Judge whether the string contain the information of ## @LIB_INSTANCES. # # @param String # # @return Flag # def IsLibInstanceInfo(String): ReIsLibInstance = re.compile("^\s*##\s*@LIB_INSTANCES\s*$") if ReIsLibInstance.match(String): return True else: return False ## IsAsBuildOptionInfo # # Judge whether the string contain the information of ## @ASBUILD. # # @param String # # @return Flag # def IsAsBuildOptionInfo(String): ReIsAsBuildInstance = re.compile("^\s*##\s*@AsBuilt\s*$") if ReIsAsBuildInstance.match(String): return True else: return False class InfParserSectionRoot(object): def __init__(self): # # Macros defined in [Define] section are file scope global # self.FileLocalMacros = {} # # Current Section Header content. # self.SectionHeaderContent = [] # # Last time Section Header content. # self.LastSectionHeaderContent = [] self.FullPath = '' self.InfDefSection = None self.InfBuildOptionSection = None self.InfLibraryClassSection = None self.InfPackageSection = None self.InfPcdSection = None self.InfSourcesSection = None self.InfUserExtensionSection = None self.InfProtocolSection = None self.InfPpiSection = None self.InfGuidSection = None self.InfDepexSection = None self.InfPeiDepexSection = None self.InfDxeDepexSection = None self.InfSmmDepexSection = None self.InfBinariesSection = None self.InfHeader = None self.InfSpecialCommentSection = None