#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This script runs the OpenSSL Configure script, then processes the
# resulting file list into our local OpensslLib[Crypto].inf and also
# takes a copy of opensslconf.h.
# This only needs to be done once by a developer when updating to a
# new version of OpenSSL (or changing options, etc.). Normal users
# do not need to do this, since the results are stored in the EDK2
# git repository for them.
use strict;
use Cwd;
use File::Copy;

# Find the openssl directory name for use lib. We have to do this
# inside of BEGIN. The variables we create here, however, don't seem
# to be available to the main script, so we have to repeat the
# exercise.
my $inf_file;
my @inf;

    $inf_file = "OpensslLib.inf";

    # Read the contents of the inf file
    open( FD, "<" . $inf_file ) ||
        die "Cannot open \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
    @inf = (<FD>);
    close(FD) ||
        die "Cannot close \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";

    foreach (@inf) {
        if (/DEFINE\s+OPENSSL_PATH\s*=\s*([a-z]+)/) {

            # We need to run Configure before we can include its result...
            $OPENSSL_PATH = $1;

            my $basedir = getcwd();

            chdir($OPENSSL_PATH) ||
                die "Cannot change to OpenSSL directory \"" . $OPENSSL_PATH . "\"";

            # Configure UEFI
                ) == 0 ||
                    die "OpenSSL Configure failed!\n";

            # Generate opensslconf.h per config data
                "perl -I. -Mconfigdata util/dofile.pl " .
                "include/openssl/opensslconf.h.in " .
                "> include/openssl/opensslconf.h"
                ) == 0 ||
                    die "Failed to generate opensslconf.h!\n";

            chdir($basedir) ||
                die "Cannot change to base directory \"" . $basedir . "\"";

            push @INC, $1;

# Retrieve file lists from OpenSSL configdata
use configdata qw/%unified_info/;

my @cryptofilelist = ();
my @sslfilelist = ();
foreach my $product ((@{$unified_info{libraries}},
                      @{$unified_info{engines}})) {
    foreach my $o (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$product}}) {
        foreach my $s (@{$unified_info{sources}->{$o}}) {
            next if ($unified_info{generate}->{$s});
            next if $s =~ "crypto/bio/b_print.c";
            if ($product =~ "libssl") {
                push @sslfilelist, '  $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $s . "\r\n";
            push @cryptofilelist, '  $(OPENSSL_PATH)/' . $s . "\r\n";

# Update OpensslLib.inf with autogenerated file list
my @new_inf = ();
my $subbing = 0;
print "\n--> Updating OpensslLib.inf ... ";
foreach (@inf) {
    if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list starts here" ) {
        push @new_inf, $_, @cryptofilelist, @sslfilelist;
        $subbing = 1;
    if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list ends here" ) {
        push @new_inf, $_;
        $subbing = 0;

    push @new_inf, $_
        unless ($subbing);

my $new_inf_file = $inf_file . ".new";
open( FD, ">" . $new_inf_file ) ||
    die $new_inf_file;
print( FD @new_inf ) ||
    die $new_inf_file;
close(FD) ||
    die $new_inf_file;
rename( $new_inf_file, $inf_file ) ||
    die "rename $inf_file";
print "Done!";

# Update OpensslLibCrypto.inf with auto-generated file list (no libssl)
$inf_file = "OpensslLibCrypto.inf";

# Read the contents of the inf file
@inf = ();
@new_inf = ();
open( FD, "<" . $inf_file ) ||
    die "Cannot open \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";
@inf = (<FD>);
close(FD) ||
    die "Cannot close \"" . $inf_file . "\"!";

$subbing = 0;
print "\n--> Updating OpensslLibCrypto.inf ... ";
foreach (@inf) {
    if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list starts here" ) {
        push @new_inf, $_, @cryptofilelist;
        $subbing = 1;
    if ( $_ =~ "# Autogenerated files list ends here" ) {
        push @new_inf, $_;
        $subbing = 0;

    push @new_inf, $_
        unless ($subbing);

$new_inf_file = $inf_file . ".new";
open( FD, ">" . $new_inf_file ) ||
    die $new_inf_file;
print( FD @new_inf ) ||
    die $new_inf_file;
close(FD) ||
    die $new_inf_file;
rename( $new_inf_file, $inf_file ) ||
    die "rename $inf_file";
print "Done!";

# Copy opensslconf.h generated from OpenSSL Configuration
print "\n--> Duplicating opensslconf.h into Include/openssl ... ";
copy($OPENSSL_PATH . "/include/openssl/opensslconf.h",
     $OPENSSL_PATH . "/../../Include/openssl/") ||
   die "Cannot copy opensslconf.h!";
print "Done!\n";

print "\nProcessing Files Done!\n";
