/*++ Copyright (c) 2005, Intel Corporation All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. Module Name: IfrVariable.c Abstract: Variable/Map manipulations routines --*/ #include "IfrLibrary.h" VOID EfiLibHiiVariablePackGetMap ( IN EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK *Pack, OUT CHAR16 **Name, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_GUID **Guid, OPTIONAL OUT UINT16 *Id, OPTIONAL OUT VOID **Var, OPTIONAL OUT UINTN *Size OPTIONAL ) /*++ Routine Description: Extracts a variable form a Pack. Arguments: Pack - List of variables Name - Name of the variable/map Guid - GUID of the variable/map Var - Pointer to the variable/map Size - Size of the variable/map in bytes Returns: VOID --*/ { if (NULL != Name) { *Name = (VOID *) (Pack + 1); } if (NULL != Guid) { *Guid = &Pack->VariableGuid; } if (NULL != Id) { *Id = Pack->VariableId; } if (NULL != Var) { *Var = (VOID *) ((CHAR8 *) (Pack + 1) + Pack->VariableNameLength); } if (NULL != Size) { *Size = Pack->Header.Length - sizeof (*Pack) - Pack->VariableNameLength; } } UINTN EfiLibHiiVariablePackListGetMapCnt ( IN EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST *List ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds a count of the variables/maps in the List. Arguments: List - List of variables Returns: UINTN - The number of map count. --*/ { UINTN Cnt = 0; while (NULL != List) { Cnt++; List = List->NextVariablePack; } return Cnt; } VOID EfiLibHiiVariablePackListForEachVar ( IN EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST *List, IN EFI_LIB_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST_CALLBACK *Callback ) /*++ Routine Description: Will iterate all variable/maps as appearing in List and for each, it will call the Callback. Arguments: List - List of variables Callback - Routine to be called for each iterated variable. Returns: VOID --*/ { CHAR16 *MapName; EFI_GUID *MapGuid; UINT16 MapId; VOID *Map; UINTN MapSize; while (NULL != List) { EfiLibHiiVariablePackGetMap (List->VariablePack, &MapName, &MapGuid, &MapId, &Map, &MapSize); // // call the callback // Callback (MapName, MapGuid, MapId, Map, MapSize); List = List->NextVariablePack; } } EFI_STATUS EfiLibHiiVariablePackListGetMapByIdx ( IN UINTN Idx, IN EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST *List, OUT CHAR16 **Name, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_GUID **Guid, OPTIONAL OUT UINT16 *Id, OPTIONAL OUT VOID **Var, OUT UINTN *Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds a variable form List given the order number as appears in the List. Arguments: Idx - The index of the variable/map to retrieve List - List of variables Name - Name of the variable/map Guid - GUID of the variable/map Var - Pointer to the variable/map Size - Size of the variable/map in bytes Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Variable is found, OUT parameters are valid EFI_NOT_FOUND - Variable is not found, OUT parameters are not valid --*/ { CHAR16 *MapName; EFI_GUID *MapGuid; UINT16 MapId; VOID *Map; UINTN MapSize; while (NULL != List) { EfiLibHiiVariablePackGetMap (List->VariablePack, &MapName, &MapGuid, &MapId, &Map, &MapSize); if (0 == Idx--) { *Var = Map; *Size = MapSize; if (NULL != Name) { *Name = MapName; } if (NULL != Guid) { *Guid = MapGuid; } if (NULL != Id) { *Id = MapId; } return EFI_SUCCESS; // Map found } List = List->NextVariablePack; } // // If here, the map is not found // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } EFI_STATUS EfiLibHiiVariablePackListGetMapById ( IN UINT16 Id, IN EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST *List, OUT CHAR16 **Name, OPTIONAL OUT EFI_GUID **Guid, OPTIONAL OUT VOID **Var, OUT UINTN *Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds a variable form List given the order number as appears in the List. Arguments: Id - The ID of the variable/map to retrieve List - List of variables Name - Name of the variable/map Guid - GUID of the variable/map Var - Pointer to the variable/map Size - Size of the variable/map in bytes Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - Variable is found, OUT parameters are valid EFI_NOT_FOUND - Variable is not found, OUT parameters are not valid --*/ { CHAR16 *MapName; EFI_GUID *MapGuid; UINT16 MapId; VOID *Map; UINTN MapSize; while (NULL != List) { EfiLibHiiVariablePackGetMap (List->VariablePack, &MapName, &MapGuid, &MapId, &Map, &MapSize); if (MapId == Id) { *Var = Map; *Size = MapSize; if (NULL != Name) { *Name = MapName; } if (NULL != Guid) { *Guid = MapGuid; } // // Map found // return EFI_SUCCESS; } List = List->NextVariablePack; } // // If here, the map is not found // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } EFI_STATUS EfiLibHiiVariablePackListGetMap ( IN EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST *List, IN CHAR16 *Name, IN EFI_GUID *Guid, OUT UINT16 *Id, OUT VOID **Var, OUT UINTN *Size ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds a variable form EFI_HII_VARIABLE_PACK_LIST given name and GUID. Arguments: List - List of variables Name - Name of the variable/map to be found Guid - GUID of the variable/map to be found Var - Pointer to the variable/map found Size - Size of the variable/map in bytes found Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - variable is found, OUT parameters are valid EFI_NOT_FOUND - variable is not found, OUT parameters are not valid --*/ { VOID *Map; UINTN MapSize; UINT16 MapId; CHAR16 *MapName; EFI_GUID *MapGuid; while (NULL != List) { EfiLibHiiVariablePackGetMap (List->VariablePack, &MapName, &MapGuid, &MapId, &Map, &MapSize); if ((0 == EfiStrCmp (Name, MapName)) && EfiCompareGuid (Guid, MapGuid)) { *Id = MapId; *Var = Map; *Size = MapSize; return EFI_SUCCESS; } List = List->NextVariablePack; } // // If here, the map is not found // return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } EFI_STATUS EfiLibHiiVariableRetrieveFromNv ( IN CHAR16 *Name, IN EFI_GUID *Guid, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID **Var ) /*++ Routine Description: Finds out if a variable of specific Name/Guid/Size exists in NV. If it does, it will retrieve it into the Var. Arguments: Name, Guid, Size - Parameters of the variable to retrieve. Must match exactly. Var - Variable will be retrieved into buffer pointed by this pointer. If pointing to NULL, the buffer will be allocated. Caller is responsible for releasing the buffer. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The variable of exact Name/Guid/Size parameters was retrieved and written to Var. EFI_NOT_FOUND - The variable of this Name/Guid was not found in the NV. EFI_LOAD_ERROR - The variable in the NV was of different size, or NV API returned error. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN SizeNv; // // Test for existence of the variable. // SizeNv = 0; Status = gRT->GetVariable (Name, Guid, NULL, &SizeNv, NULL); if (EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != Status) { ASSERT (EFI_SUCCESS != Status); return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } if (SizeNv != Size) { // // The variable is considered corrupt, as it has different size from expected. // return EFI_LOAD_ERROR; } if (NULL == *Var) { *Var = EfiLibAllocatePool (Size); ASSERT (NULL != *Var); } SizeNv = Size; // // Final read into the Var // Status = gRT->GetVariable (Name, Guid, NULL, &SizeNv, *Var); // // No tolerance for random failures. Such behavior is undetermined and not validated. // ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); ASSERT (SizeNv == Size); return EFI_SUCCESS; } EFI_STATUS EfiLibHiiVariableOverrideIfSuffix ( IN CHAR16 *Suffix, IN CHAR16 *Name, IN EFI_GUID *Guid, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID *Var ) /*++ Routine Description: Overrrides the variable with NV data if found. But it only does it if the Name ends with specified Suffix. For example, if Suffix="MyOverride" and the Name="XyzSetupMyOverride", the Suffix matches the end of Name, so the variable will be loaded from NV provided the variable exists and the GUID and Size matches. Arguments: Suffix - Suffix the Name should end with. Name, Guid, Size - Parameters of the variable to retrieve. Must match exactly. Var - Variable will be retrieved into this buffer. Caller is responsible for providing storage of exactly Size size in bytes. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The variable was overriden with NV variable of same Name/Guid/Size. EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - The name of the variable does not end with . EFI_NOT_FOUND - The variable of this Name/Guid was not found in the NV. EFI_LOAD_ERROR - The variable in the NV was of different size, or NV API returned error. --*/ { UINTN StrLen; UINTN StrLenSuffix; StrLen = EfiStrLen (Name); StrLenSuffix = EfiStrLen (Suffix); if ((StrLen <= StrLenSuffix) || (0 != EfiStrCmp (Suffix, &Name[StrLen - StrLenSuffix]))) { // // Not ending with . // return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return EfiLibHiiVariableRetrieveFromNv (Name, Guid, Size, &Var); } EFI_STATUS EfiLibHiiVariableOverrideBySuffix ( IN CHAR16 *Suffix, IN CHAR16 *Name, IN EFI_GUID *Guid, IN UINTN Size, OUT VOID *Var ) /*++ Routine Description: Overrrides the variable with NV data if found. But it only does it if the NV contains the same variable with Name is appended with Suffix. For example, if Suffix="MyOverride" and the Name="XyzSetup", the Suffix will be appended to the end of Name, and the variable with Name="XyzSetupMyOverride" will be loaded from NV provided the variable exists and the GUID and Size matches. Arguments: Suffix - Suffix the variable will be appended with. Name, Guid, Size - Parameters of the variable to retrieve. Must match exactly. Var - Variable will be retrieved into this buffer. Caller is responsible for providing storage of exactly Size size in bytes. Returns: EFI_SUCCESS - The variable was overriden with NV variable of same Name/Guid/Size. EFI_NOT_FOUND - The variable of this Name/Guid was not found in the NV. EFI_LOAD_ERROR - The variable in the NV was of different size, or NV API returned error. --*/ { EFI_STATUS Status; CHAR16 *NameSuffixed; // // enough to concatenate both strings. // NameSuffixed = EfiLibAllocateZeroPool ((EfiStrLen (Name) + EfiStrLen (Suffix) + 1) * sizeof (CHAR16)); EfiStrCpy (NameSuffixed, Name); EfiStrCat (NameSuffixed, Suffix); Status = EfiLibHiiVariableRetrieveFromNv (NameSuffixed, Guid, Size, &Var); gBS->FreePool (NameSuffixed); return Status; }