/** @file Arm Monitor Library that chooses the conduit based on the PSCI node in the device tree provided by QEMU. Copyright (c) 2022, Arm Limited. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2024, Google LLC. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include typedef enum { SmcccConduitUnknown, SmcccConduitSmc, SmcccConduitHvc, } SMCCC_CONDUIT; /** Discover the SMCCC conduit by parsing the PSCI device tree node. @return the discovered SMCCC conduit **/ STATIC SMCCC_CONDUIT DiscoverSmcccConduit ( VOID ) { VOID *DeviceTreeBase; INT32 Node, Prev; INT32 Len; CONST FDT_PROPERTY *Compatible; CONST CHAR8 *CompatibleItem; CONST FDT_PROPERTY *Prop; DeviceTreeBase = (VOID *)(UINTN)PcdGet64 (PcdDeviceTreeInitialBaseAddress); ASSERT (FdtCheckHeader (DeviceTreeBase) == 0); // // Enumerate all FDT nodes looking for the PSCI node and capture the conduit // for (Prev = 0; ; Prev = Node) { Node = FdtNextNode (DeviceTreeBase, Prev, NULL); if (Node < 0) { break; } Compatible = FdtGetProperty (DeviceTreeBase, Node, "compatible", &Len); if (Compatible == NULL) { continue; } // // Iterate over the NULL-separated items in the compatible string // for (CompatibleItem = Compatible->Data; CompatibleItem < Compatible->Data + Len; CompatibleItem += 1 + AsciiStrLen (CompatibleItem)) { if (AsciiStrCmp (CompatibleItem, "arm,psci-0.2") != 0) { continue; } Prop = FdtGetProperty (DeviceTreeBase, Node, "method", NULL); if (Prop == NULL) { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Missing PSCI method property\n", __func__ )); return SmcccConduitUnknown; } if (AsciiStrnCmp (Prop->Data, "hvc", 3) == 0) { return SmcccConduitHvc; } else if (AsciiStrnCmp (Prop->Data, "smc", 3) == 0) { return SmcccConduitSmc; } else { DEBUG (( DEBUG_ERROR, "%a: Unknown PSCI method \"%a\"\n", __func__, Prop )); return SmcccConduitUnknown; } } } return SmcccConduitUnknown; } /** Monitor call. An HyperVisor Call (HVC) or System Monitor Call (SMC) will be issued depending on the default conduit. @param [in,out] Args Arguments for the HVC/SMC. **/ VOID EFIAPI ArmMonitorCall ( IN OUT ARM_MONITOR_ARGS *Args ) { switch (DiscoverSmcccConduit ()) { case SmcccConduitHvc: ArmCallHvc ((ARM_HVC_ARGS *)Args); break; case SmcccConduitSmc: ArmCallSmc ((ARM_SMC_ARGS *)Args); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); } }