/** @file Agent Module to load other modules to deploy SMM Entry Vector for X86 CPU. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2024, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 2017, AMD Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Copyright (C) 2023 - 2024 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. All rights reserved.
SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent **/ #include "PiSmmCpuCommon.h" // // SMM CPU Private Data structure that contains SMM Configuration Protocol // along its supporting fields. // SMM_CPU_PRIVATE_DATA mSmmCpuPrivateData = { SMM_CPU_PRIVATE_DATA_SIGNATURE, // Signature NULL, // SmmCpuHandle NULL, // Pointer to ProcessorInfo array NULL, // Pointer to Operation array NULL, // Pointer to CpuSaveStateSize array NULL, // Pointer to CpuSaveState array { { 0 } }, // SmmReservedSmramRegion { SmmStartupThisAp, // SmmCoreEntryContext.SmmStartupThisAp 0, // SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu 0, // SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus NULL, // SmmCoreEntryContext.CpuSaveStateSize NULL // SmmCoreEntryContext.CpuSaveState }, NULL, // SmmCoreEntry { mSmmCpuPrivateData.SmmReservedSmramRegion, // SmmConfiguration.SmramReservedRegions RegisterSmmEntry // SmmConfiguration.RegisterSmmEntry }, NULL, // pointer to Ap Wrapper Func array { NULL, NULL }, // List_Entry for Tokens. }; CPU_HOT_PLUG_DATA mCpuHotPlugData = { CPU_HOT_PLUG_DATA_REVISION_1, // Revision 0, // Array Length of SmBase and APIC ID NULL, // Pointer to APIC ID array NULL, // Pointer to SMBASE array 0, // Reserved 0, // SmrrBase 0 // SmrrSize }; // // Global pointer used to access mSmmCpuPrivateData from outside and inside SMM // SMM_CPU_PRIVATE_DATA *gSmmCpuPrivate = &mSmmCpuPrivateData; /// /// Handle for the SMM CPU Protocol /// EFI_HANDLE mSmmCpuHandle = NULL; /// /// SMM CPU Protocol instance /// EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL mSmmCpu = { SmmReadSaveState, SmmWriteSaveState }; /// /// SMM Memory Attribute Protocol instance /// EDKII_SMM_MEMORY_ATTRIBUTE_PROTOCOL mSmmMemoryAttribute = { EdkiiSmmGetMemoryAttributes, EdkiiSmmSetMemoryAttributes, EdkiiSmmClearMemoryAttributes }; EFI_CPU_INTERRUPT_HANDLER mExternalVectorTable[EXCEPTION_VECTOR_NUMBER]; volatile BOOLEAN *mSmmInitialized = NULL; UINT32 mBspApicId = 0; // // SMM stack information // UINTN mSmmStackArrayBase; UINTN mSmmStackArrayEnd; UINTN mSmmStackSize; UINTN mSmmShadowStackSize; BOOLEAN mCetSupported = TRUE; UINTN mMaxNumberOfCpus = 0; UINTN mNumberOfCpus = 0; // // Global used to cache PCD for SMM Code Access Check enable // BOOLEAN mSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable = FALSE; // // Global used to cache SMM Debug Agent Supported ot not // BOOLEAN mSmmDebugAgentSupport = FALSE; // // Global copy of the PcdPteMemoryEncryptionAddressOrMask // UINT64 mAddressEncMask = 0; // // Spin lock used to serialize setting of SMM Code Access Check feature // SPIN_LOCK *mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock = NULL; // // Saved SMM ranges information // EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *mSmmCpuSmramRanges; UINTN mSmmCpuSmramRangeCount; UINT8 mPhysicalAddressBits; /** Initialize IDT to setup exception handlers for SMM. **/ VOID InitializeSmmIdt ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN InterruptState; IA32_DESCRIPTOR DxeIdtr; // // There are 32 (not 255) entries in it since only processor // generated exceptions will be handled. // gcSmiIdtr.Limit = (sizeof (IA32_IDT_GATE_DESCRIPTOR) * 32) - 1; // // Allocate page aligned IDT, because it might be set as read only. // gcSmiIdtr.Base = (UINTN)AllocateCodePages (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (gcSmiIdtr.Limit + 1)); ASSERT (gcSmiIdtr.Base != 0); ZeroMem ((VOID *)gcSmiIdtr.Base, gcSmiIdtr.Limit + 1); // // Disable Interrupt and save DXE IDT table // InterruptState = SaveAndDisableInterrupts (); AsmReadIdtr (&DxeIdtr); // // Load SMM temporary IDT table // AsmWriteIdtr (&gcSmiIdtr); // // Setup SMM default exception handlers, SMM IDT table // will be updated and saved in gcSmiIdtr // Status = InitializeCpuExceptionHandlers (NULL); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Restore DXE IDT table and CPU interrupt // AsmWriteIdtr ((IA32_DESCRIPTOR *)&DxeIdtr); SetInterruptState (InterruptState); } /** Search module name by input IP address and output it. @param CallerIpAddress Caller instruction pointer. **/ VOID DumpModuleInfoByIp ( IN UINTN CallerIpAddress ) { UINTN Pe32Data; VOID *PdbPointer; // // Find Image Base // Pe32Data = PeCoffSearchImageBase (CallerIpAddress); if (Pe32Data != 0) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "It is invoked from the instruction before IP(0x%p)", (VOID *)CallerIpAddress)); PdbPointer = PeCoffLoaderGetPdbPointer ((VOID *)Pe32Data); if (PdbPointer != NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, " in module (%a)\n", PdbPointer)); } } } /** Read information from the CPU save state. @param This EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL instance @param Width The number of bytes to read from the CPU save state. @param Register Specifies the CPU register to read form the save state. @param CpuIndex Specifies the zero-based index of the CPU save state. @param Buffer Upon return, this holds the CPU register value read from the save state. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The register was read from Save State @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The register is not defined for the Save State of Processor @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER This or Buffer is NULL. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SmmReadSaveState ( IN CONST EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN Width, IN EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER Register, IN UINTN CpuIndex, OUT VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Retrieve pointer to the specified CPU's SMM Save State buffer // if ((CpuIndex >= gMmst->NumberOfCpus) || (Buffer == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // The SpeculationBarrier() call here is to ensure the above check for the // CpuIndex has been completed before the execution of subsequent codes. // SpeculationBarrier (); // // Check for special EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_PROCESSOR_ID // if (Register == EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_PROCESSOR_ID) { // // The pseudo-register only supports the 64-bit size specified by Width. // if (Width != sizeof (UINT64)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // If the processor is in SMM at the time the SMI occurred, // the pseudo register value for EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_PROCESSOR_ID is returned in Buffer. // Otherwise, EFI_NOT_FOUND is returned. // if (*(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Present)) { *(UINT64 *)Buffer = gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[CpuIndex].ProcessorId; return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } } if (!(*(mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Present))) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = MmSaveStateReadRegister (CpuIndex, Register, Width, Buffer); return Status; } /** Write data to the CPU save state. @param This EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL instance @param Width The number of bytes to read from the CPU save state. @param Register Specifies the CPU register to write to the save state. @param CpuIndex Specifies the zero-based index of the CPU save state @param Buffer Upon entry, this holds the new CPU register value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The register was written from Save State @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND The register is not defined for the Save State of Processor @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER ProcessorIndex or Width is not correct **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SmmWriteSaveState ( IN CONST EFI_SMM_CPU_PROTOCOL *This, IN UINTN Width, IN EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER Register, IN UINTN CpuIndex, IN CONST VOID *Buffer ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Retrieve pointer to the specified CPU's SMM Save State buffer // if ((CpuIndex >= gMmst->NumberOfCpus) || (Buffer == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Writes to EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_PROCESSOR_ID are ignored // if (Register == EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_PROCESSOR_ID) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } if (!mSmmMpSyncData->CpuData[CpuIndex].Present) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Status = MmSaveStateWriteRegister (CpuIndex, Register, Width, Buffer); return Status; } /** Initialize SMM environment. **/ VOID InitializeSmm ( VOID ) { UINT32 ApicId; UINTN Index; BOOLEAN IsBsp; ApicId = GetApicId (); IsBsp = (BOOLEAN)(mBspApicId == ApicId); ASSERT (mNumberOfCpus <= mMaxNumberOfCpus); for (Index = 0; Index < mNumberOfCpus; Index++) { if (ApicId == (UINT32)gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId) { PERF_CODE ( MpPerfBegin (Index, SMM_MP_PERF_PROCEDURE_ID (InitializeSmm)); ); // // Initialize SMM specific features on the currently executing CPU // SmmCpuFeaturesInitializeProcessor ( Index, IsBsp, gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo, &mCpuHotPlugData ); if (!mSmmS3Flag) { // // Check XD and BTS features on each processor on normal boot // CheckFeatureSupported (Index); if (mIsStandaloneMm) { AcquireSpinLock (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock); // // Standalone MM does not allow call out to DXE at anytime. // Code Access check can be enabled in the first SMI. // While SMM needs to defer the enabling to EndOfDxe. // // Enable SMM Code Access Check feature. // ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckOnCurrentProcessor (&Index); } } else if (IsBsp) { // // BSP rebase is already done above. // Initialize private data during S3 resume // InitializeMpSyncData (); } PERF_CODE ( MpPerfEnd (Index, SMM_MP_PERF_PROCEDURE_ID (InitializeSmm)); ); return; } } ASSERT (FALSE); } /** Issue SMI IPI (All Excluding Self SMM IPI + BSP SMM IPI) to execute first SMI init. **/ VOID ExecuteFirstSmiInit ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; PERF_FUNCTION_BEGIN (); if (mSmmInitialized == NULL) { mSmmInitialized = (BOOLEAN *)AllocatePool (sizeof (BOOLEAN) * mMaxNumberOfCpus); } ASSERT (mSmmInitialized != NULL); if (mSmmInitialized == NULL) { PERF_FUNCTION_END (); return; } // // Reset the mSmmInitialized to false. // ZeroMem ((VOID *)mSmmInitialized, sizeof (BOOLEAN) * mMaxNumberOfCpus); // // Initialize the lock used to serialize the MSR programming in BSP and all APs // InitializeSpinLock (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock); // // Get the BSP ApicId. // mBspApicId = GetApicId (); // // Issue SMI IPI (All Excluding Self SMM IPI + BSP SMM IPI) for SMM init // SendSmiIpi (mBspApicId); SendSmiIpiAllExcludingSelf (); // // Wait for all processors to finish its 1st SMI // for (Index = 0; Index < mNumberOfCpus; Index++) { while (!(BOOLEAN)mSmmInitialized[Index]) { } } PERF_FUNCTION_END (); } /** Function to compare 2 SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA pointer based on ProcessorIndex. @param[in] Buffer1 pointer to SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA poiner to compare @param[in] Buffer2 pointer to second SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA pointer to compare @retval 0 Buffer1 equal to Buffer2 @retval <0 Buffer1 is less than Buffer2 @retval >0 Buffer1 is greater than Buffer2 **/ INTN EFIAPI SmBaseHobCompare ( IN CONST VOID *Buffer1, IN CONST VOID *Buffer2 ) { if ((*(SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA **)Buffer1)->ProcessorIndex > (*(SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA **)Buffer2)->ProcessorIndex) { return 1; } else if ((*(SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA **)Buffer1)->ProcessorIndex < (*(SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA **)Buffer2)->ProcessorIndex) { return -1; } return 0; } /** Extract SmBase for all CPU from SmmBase HOB. @param[in] MaxNumberOfCpus Max NumberOfCpus. @param[out] AllocatedSmBaseBuffer Pointer to SmBase Buffer allocated by this function. Only set if the function returns EFI_SUCCESS. @retval EFI_SUCCESS SmBase Buffer output successfully. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES Memory allocation failed. @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND gSmmBaseHobGuid was never created. **/ STATIC EFI_STATUS GetSmBase ( IN UINTN MaxNumberOfCpus, OUT UINTN **AllocatedSmBaseBuffer ) { UINTN HobCount; EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA *SmmBaseHobData; UINTN NumberOfProcessors; SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA **SmBaseHobs; UINTN *SmBaseBuffer; UINTN HobIndex; UINTN SortBuffer; UINTN ProcessorIndex; UINT64 PrevProcessorIndex; EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *FirstSmmBaseGuidHob; SmmBaseHobData = NULL; HobIndex = 0; ProcessorIndex = 0; HobCount = 0; NumberOfProcessors = 0; FirstSmmBaseGuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gSmmBaseHobGuid); if (FirstSmmBaseGuidHob == NULL) { return EFI_NOT_FOUND; } GuidHob = FirstSmmBaseGuidHob; while (GuidHob != NULL) { HobCount++; SmmBaseHobData = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); NumberOfProcessors += SmmBaseHobData->NumberOfProcessors; if (NumberOfProcessors >= MaxNumberOfCpus) { break; } GuidHob = GetNextGuidHob (&gSmmBaseHobGuid, GET_NEXT_HOB (GuidHob)); } ASSERT (NumberOfProcessors == MaxNumberOfCpus); if (NumberOfProcessors != MaxNumberOfCpus) { CpuDeadLoop (); } SmBaseHobs = AllocatePool (sizeof (SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA *) * HobCount); if (SmBaseHobs == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } // // Record each SmmBaseHob pointer in the SmBaseHobs. // The FirstSmmBaseGuidHob is to speed up this while-loop // without needing to look for SmBaseHob from beginning. // GuidHob = FirstSmmBaseGuidHob; while (HobIndex < HobCount) { SmBaseHobs[HobIndex++] = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); GuidHob = GetNextGuidHob (&gSmmBaseHobGuid, GET_NEXT_HOB (GuidHob)); } SmBaseBuffer = (UINTN *)AllocatePool (sizeof (UINTN) * (MaxNumberOfCpus)); ASSERT (SmBaseBuffer != NULL); if (SmBaseBuffer == NULL) { FreePool (SmBaseHobs); return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } QuickSort (SmBaseHobs, HobCount, sizeof (SMM_BASE_HOB_DATA *), (BASE_SORT_COMPARE)SmBaseHobCompare, &SortBuffer); PrevProcessorIndex = 0; for (HobIndex = 0; HobIndex < HobCount; HobIndex++) { // // Make sure no overlap and no gap in the CPU range covered by each HOB // ASSERT (SmBaseHobs[HobIndex]->ProcessorIndex == PrevProcessorIndex); // // Cache each SmBase in order. // for (ProcessorIndex = 0; ProcessorIndex < SmBaseHobs[HobIndex]->NumberOfProcessors; ProcessorIndex++) { SmBaseBuffer[PrevProcessorIndex + ProcessorIndex] = (UINTN)SmBaseHobs[HobIndex]->SmBase[ProcessorIndex]; } PrevProcessorIndex += SmBaseHobs[HobIndex]->NumberOfProcessors; } FreePool (SmBaseHobs); *AllocatedSmBaseBuffer = SmBaseBuffer; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Function to compare 2 MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA pointer based on ProcessorIndex. @param[in] Buffer1 pointer to MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA poiner to compare @param[in] Buffer2 pointer to second MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA pointer to compare @retval 0 Buffer1 equal to Buffer2 @retval <0 Buffer1 is less than Buffer2 @retval >0 Buffer1 is greater than Buffer2 **/ INTN EFIAPI MpInformation2HobCompare ( IN CONST VOID *Buffer1, IN CONST VOID *Buffer2 ) { if ((*(MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA **)Buffer1)->ProcessorIndex > (*(MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA **)Buffer2)->ProcessorIndex) { return 1; } else if ((*(MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA **)Buffer1)->ProcessorIndex < (*(MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA **)Buffer2)->ProcessorIndex) { return -1; } return 0; } /** Extract NumberOfCpus, MaxNumberOfCpus and EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION for all CPU from MpInformation2 HOB. @param[out] NumberOfCpus Pointer to NumberOfCpus. @param[out] MaxNumberOfCpus Pointer to MaxNumberOfCpus. @retval ProcessorInfo Pointer to EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION buffer. **/ EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION * GetMpInformation ( OUT UINTN *NumberOfCpus, OUT UINTN *MaxNumberOfCpus ) { EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *GuidHob; EFI_HOB_GUID_TYPE *FirstMpInfo2Hob; MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA *MpInformation2HobData; UINTN HobCount; UINTN HobIndex; MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA **MpInfo2Hobs; UINTN SortBuffer; UINTN ProcessorIndex; UINT64 PrevProcessorIndex; MP_INFORMATION2_ENTRY *MpInformation2Entry; EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION *ProcessorInfo; GuidHob = NULL; MpInformation2HobData = NULL; FirstMpInfo2Hob = NULL; MpInfo2Hobs = NULL; HobIndex = 0; HobCount = 0; FirstMpInfo2Hob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gMpInformation2HobGuid); if (mIsStandaloneMm) { ASSERT (FirstMpInfo2Hob != NULL); } else { if (FirstMpInfo2Hob == NULL) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: [INFO] gMpInformation2HobGuid HOB not found.\n", __func__)); return GetMpInformationFromMpServices (NumberOfCpus, MaxNumberOfCpus); } } GuidHob = FirstMpInfo2Hob; while (GuidHob != NULL) { MpInformation2HobData = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); // // This is the last MpInformationHob in the HOB list. // if (MpInformation2HobData->NumberOfProcessors == 0) { ASSERT (HobCount != 0); break; } HobCount++; *NumberOfCpus += MpInformation2HobData->NumberOfProcessors; GuidHob = GetNextGuidHob (&gMpInformation2HobGuid, GET_NEXT_HOB (GuidHob)); } *MaxNumberOfCpus = *NumberOfCpus; if (!mIsStandaloneMm) { ASSERT (*NumberOfCpus <= GetSupportedMaxLogicalProcessorNumber ()); // // If support CPU hot plug, we need to allocate resources for possibly hot-added processors // if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuHotPlugSupport)) { *MaxNumberOfCpus = GetSupportedMaxLogicalProcessorNumber (); } } MpInfo2Hobs = AllocatePool (sizeof (MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA *) * HobCount); ASSERT (MpInfo2Hobs != NULL); if (MpInfo2Hobs == NULL) { return NULL; } // // Record each MpInformation2Hob pointer in the MpInfo2Hobs. // The FirstMpInfo2Hob is to speed up this while-loop without // needing to look for MpInfo2Hob from beginning. // GuidHob = FirstMpInfo2Hob; while (HobIndex < HobCount) { MpInfo2Hobs[HobIndex++] = GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); GuidHob = GetNextGuidHob (&gMpInformation2HobGuid, GET_NEXT_HOB (GuidHob)); } ProcessorInfo = (EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION *)AllocatePool (sizeof (EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION) * (*MaxNumberOfCpus)); ASSERT (ProcessorInfo != NULL); if (ProcessorInfo == NULL) { FreePool (MpInfo2Hobs); return NULL; } QuickSort (MpInfo2Hobs, HobCount, sizeof (MP_INFORMATION2_HOB_DATA *), (BASE_SORT_COMPARE)MpInformation2HobCompare, &SortBuffer); PrevProcessorIndex = 0; for (HobIndex = 0; HobIndex < HobCount; HobIndex++) { // // Make sure no overlap and no gap in the CPU range covered by each HOB // ASSERT (MpInfo2Hobs[HobIndex]->ProcessorIndex == PrevProcessorIndex); // // Cache each EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION in order. // for (ProcessorIndex = 0; ProcessorIndex < MpInfo2Hobs[HobIndex]->NumberOfProcessors; ProcessorIndex++) { MpInformation2Entry = GET_MP_INFORMATION_ENTRY (MpInfo2Hobs[HobIndex], ProcessorIndex); CopyMem ( &ProcessorInfo[PrevProcessorIndex + ProcessorIndex], &MpInformation2Entry->ProcessorInfo, sizeof (EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION) ); } PrevProcessorIndex += MpInfo2Hobs[HobIndex]->NumberOfProcessors; } FreePool (MpInfo2Hobs); return ProcessorInfo; } /** The module Entry Point of the CPU SMM driver. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The common entry point is executed successfully. @retval Other Some error occurs when executing this entry point. **/ EFI_STATUS PiSmmCpuEntryCommon ( VOID ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; UINTN TileCodeSize; UINTN TileDataSize; UINTN TileSize; UINT8 *Stacks; UINT32 RegEax; UINT32 RegEbx; UINT32 RegEcx; UINT32 RegEdx; CPUID_EXTENDED_CPU_SIG_EDX ExtendedRegEdx; UINTN FamilyId; UINTN ModelId; UINT32 Cr3; PERF_FUNCTION_BEGIN (); // // Initialize address fixup // PiSmmCpuSmiEntryFixupAddress (); // // Initialize Debug Agent to support source level debug in SMM code // InitializeDebugAgent (DEBUG_AGENT_INIT_SMM, &mSmmDebugAgentSupport, NULL); // // Report the start of CPU SMM initialization. // REPORT_STATUS_CODE ( EFI_PROGRESS_CODE, EFI_COMPUTING_UNIT_HOST_PROCESSOR | EFI_CU_HP_PC_SMM_INIT ); // // Find out SMRR Base and SMRR Size // FindSmramInfo (&mCpuHotPlugData.SmrrBase, &mCpuHotPlugData.SmrrSize); // // Retrieve NumberOfProcessors, MaxNumberOfCpus and EFI_PROCESSOR_INFORMATION for all CPU from MpInformation2 HOB. // gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo = GetMpInformation (&mNumberOfCpus, &mMaxNumberOfCpus); ASSERT (gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo != NULL); // // If support CPU hot plug, PcdCpuSmmEnableBspElection should be set to TRUE. // A constant BSP index makes no sense because it may be hot removed. // DEBUG_CODE_BEGIN (); if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuHotPlugSupport)) { ASSERT (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmEnableBspElection)); } DEBUG_CODE_END (); // // Save the PcdCpuSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable value into a global variable. // mSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable = PcdGetBool (PcdCpuSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "PcdCpuSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable = %d\n", mSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable)); gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus = mMaxNumberOfCpus; PERF_CODE ( InitializeMpPerf (gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus); ); // // The CPU save state and code for the SMI entry point are tiled within an SMRAM // allocated buffer. The minimum size of this buffer for a uniprocessor system // is 32 KB, because the entry point is SMBASE + 32KB, and CPU save state area // just below SMBASE + 64KB. If more than one CPU is present in the platform, // then the SMI entry point and the CPU save state areas can be tiles to minimize // the total amount SMRAM required for all the CPUs. The tile size can be computed // by adding the // CPU save state size, any extra CPU specific context, and // the size of code that must be placed at the SMI entry point to transfer // control to a C function in the native SMM execution mode. This size is // rounded up to the nearest power of 2 to give the tile size for a each CPU. // The total amount of memory required is the maximum number of CPUs that // platform supports times the tile size. The picture below shows the tiling, // where m is the number of tiles that fit in 32KB. // // +-----------------------------+ <-- 2^n offset from Base of allocated buffer // | CPU m+1 Save State | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU m+1 Extra Data | // +-----------------------------+ // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 2m SMI Entry | // +#############################+ <-- Base of allocated buffer + 64 KB // | CPU m-1 Save State | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU m-1 Extra Data | // +-----------------------------+ // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 2m-1 SMI Entry | // +=============================+ <-- 2^n offset from Base of allocated buffer // | . . . . . . . . . . . . | // +=============================+ <-- 2^n offset from Base of allocated buffer // | CPU 2 Save State | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 2 Extra Data | // +-----------------------------+ // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU m+1 SMI Entry | // +=============================+ <-- Base of allocated buffer + 32 KB // | CPU 1 Save State | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 1 Extra Data | // +-----------------------------+ // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU m SMI Entry | // +#############################+ <-- Base of allocated buffer + 32 KB == CPU 0 SMBASE + 64 KB // | CPU 0 Save State | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 0 Extra Data | // +-----------------------------+ // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU m-1 SMI Entry | // +=============================+ <-- 2^n offset from Base of allocated buffer // | . . . . . . . . . . . . | // +=============================+ <-- 2^n offset from Base of allocated buffer // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 1 SMI Entry | // +=============================+ <-- 2^n offset from Base of allocated buffer // | Padding | // +-----------------------------+ // | CPU 0 SMI Entry | // +#############################+ <-- Base of allocated buffer == CPU 0 SMBASE + 32 KB // // // Retrieve CPU Family // AsmCpuid (CPUID_VERSION_INFO, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); FamilyId = (RegEax >> 8) & 0xf; ModelId = (RegEax >> 4) & 0xf; if ((FamilyId == 0x06) || (FamilyId == 0x0f)) { ModelId = ModelId | ((RegEax >> 12) & 0xf0); } RegEdx = 0; AsmCpuid (CPUID_EXTENDED_FUNCTION, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (RegEax >= CPUID_EXTENDED_CPU_SIG) { AsmCpuid (CPUID_EXTENDED_CPU_SIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, &RegEdx); } // // Determine the mode of the CPU at the time an SMI occurs // Intel(R) 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer's Manual // Volume 3C, Section // mSmmSaveStateRegisterLma = EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_LMA_32BIT; if ((RegEdx & BIT29) != 0) { mSmmSaveStateRegisterLma = EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_LMA_64BIT; } if (FamilyId == 0x06) { if ((ModelId == 0x17) || (ModelId == 0x0f) || (ModelId == 0x1c)) { mSmmSaveStateRegisterLma = EFI_SMM_SAVE_STATE_REGISTER_LMA_64BIT; } } DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "PcdControlFlowEnforcementPropertyMask = %d\n", PcdGet32 (PcdControlFlowEnforcementPropertyMask))); if (PcdGet32 (PcdControlFlowEnforcementPropertyMask) != 0) { AsmCpuid (CPUID_SIGNATURE, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (RegEax >= CPUID_STRUCTURED_EXTENDED_FEATURE_FLAGS) { AsmCpuidEx (CPUID_STRUCTURED_EXTENDED_FEATURE_FLAGS, CPUID_STRUCTURED_EXTENDED_FEATURE_FLAGS_SUB_LEAF_INFO, NULL, NULL, &RegEcx, &RegEdx); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "CPUID[7/0] ECX - 0x%08x\n", RegEcx)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " CET_SS - 0x%08x\n", RegEcx & CPUID_CET_SS)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, " CET_IBT - 0x%08x\n", RegEdx & CPUID_CET_IBT)); if ((RegEcx & CPUID_CET_SS) == 0) { mCetSupported = FALSE; PatchInstructionX86 (mPatchCetSupported, mCetSupported, 1); } if (mCetSupported) { AsmCpuidEx (CPUID_EXTENDED_STATE, CPUID_EXTENDED_STATE_SUB_LEAF, NULL, &RegEbx, &RegEcx, NULL); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "CPUID[D/1] EBX - 0x%08x, ECX - 0x%08x\n", RegEbx, RegEcx)); AsmCpuidEx (CPUID_EXTENDED_STATE, 11, &RegEax, NULL, &RegEcx, NULL); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "CPUID[D/11] EAX - 0x%08x, ECX - 0x%08x\n", RegEax, RegEcx)); AsmCpuidEx (CPUID_EXTENDED_STATE, 12, &RegEax, NULL, &RegEcx, NULL); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "CPUID[D/12] EAX - 0x%08x, ECX - 0x%08x\n", RegEax, RegEcx)); } } else { mCetSupported = FALSE; PatchInstructionX86 (mPatchCetSupported, mCetSupported, 1); } } else { mCetSupported = FALSE; PatchInstructionX86 (mPatchCetSupported, mCetSupported, 1); } // // Check XD supported or not. // RegEax = 0; ExtendedRegEdx.Uint32 = 0; AsmCpuid (CPUID_EXTENDED_FUNCTION, &RegEax, NULL, NULL, NULL); if (RegEax <= CPUID_EXTENDED_FUNCTION) { // // Extended CPUID functions are not supported on this processor. // mXdSupported = FALSE; PatchInstructionX86 (gPatchXdSupported, mXdSupported, 1); } AsmCpuid (CPUID_EXTENDED_CPU_SIG, NULL, NULL, NULL, &ExtendedRegEdx.Uint32); if (ExtendedRegEdx.Bits.NX == 0) { // // Execute Disable Bit feature is not supported on this processor. // mXdSupported = FALSE; PatchInstructionX86 (gPatchXdSupported, mXdSupported, 1); } if (StandardSignatureIsAuthenticAMD ()) { // // AMD processors do not support MSR_IA32_MISC_ENABLE // PatchInstructionX86 (gPatchMsrIa32MiscEnableSupported, FALSE, 1); } // // Compute tile size of buffer required to hold the CPU SMRAM Save State Map, extra CPU // specific context start starts at SMBASE + SMM_PSD_OFFSET, and the SMI entry point. // This size is rounded up to nearest power of 2. // TileCodeSize = GetSmiHandlerSize (); TileCodeSize = ALIGN_VALUE (TileCodeSize, SIZE_4KB); TileDataSize = (SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP_OFFSET - SMM_PSD_OFFSET) + sizeof (SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP); TileDataSize = ALIGN_VALUE (TileDataSize, SIZE_4KB); TileSize = TileDataSize + TileCodeSize - 1; TileSize = 2 * GetPowerOfTwo32 ((UINT32)TileSize); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SMRAM TileSize = 0x%08x (0x%08x, 0x%08x)\n", TileSize, TileCodeSize, TileDataSize)); // // If the TileSize is larger than space available for the SMI Handler of // CPU[i], the extra CPU specific context of CPU[i+1], and the SMRAM Save // State Map of CPU[i+1], then ASSERT(). If this ASSERT() is triggered, then // the SMI Handler size must be reduced or the size of the extra CPU specific // context must be reduced. // ASSERT (TileSize <= (SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP_OFFSET + sizeof (SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP) - SMM_HANDLER_OFFSET)); // // Check whether the Required TileSize is enough. // if (TileSize > SIZE_8KB) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "The Range of Smbase in SMRAM is not enough -- Required TileSize = 0x%08x, Actual TileSize = 0x%08x\n", TileSize, SIZE_8KB)); FreePool (gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo); CpuDeadLoop (); return RETURN_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; } // // Retrieve the allocated SmmBase from gSmmBaseHobGuid. If found, // means the SmBase relocation has been done. // mCpuHotPlugData.SmBase = NULL; Status = GetSmBase (mMaxNumberOfCpus, &mCpuHotPlugData.SmBase); ASSERT (!EFI_ERROR (Status)); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { CpuDeadLoop (); } // // ASSERT SmBase has been relocated. // ASSERT (mCpuHotPlugData.SmBase != NULL); // // Allocate buffer for pointers to array in SMM_CPU_PRIVATE_DATA. // gSmmCpuPrivate->Operation = (SMM_CPU_OPERATION *)AllocatePool (sizeof (SMM_CPU_OPERATION) * mMaxNumberOfCpus); ASSERT (gSmmCpuPrivate->Operation != NULL); gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveStateSize = (UINTN *)AllocatePool (sizeof (UINTN) * mMaxNumberOfCpus); ASSERT (gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveStateSize != NULL); gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveState = (VOID **)AllocatePool (sizeof (VOID *) * mMaxNumberOfCpus); ASSERT (gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveState != NULL); mSmmCpuPrivateData.SmmCoreEntryContext.CpuSaveStateSize = gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveStateSize; mSmmCpuPrivateData.SmmCoreEntryContext.CpuSaveState = gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveState; // // Allocate buffer for pointers to array in CPU_HOT_PLUG_DATA. // mCpuHotPlugData.ApicId = (UINT64 *)AllocatePool (sizeof (UINT64) * mMaxNumberOfCpus); ASSERT (mCpuHotPlugData.ApicId != NULL); mCpuHotPlugData.ArrayLength = (UINT32)mMaxNumberOfCpus; // // Retrieve APIC ID of each enabled processor from the MP Services protocol. // Also compute the SMBASE address, CPU Save State address, and CPU Save state // size for each CPU in the platform // for (Index = 0; Index < mMaxNumberOfCpus; Index++) { gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveStateSize[Index] = sizeof (SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP); gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveState[Index] = (VOID *)(mCpuHotPlugData.SmBase[Index] + SMRAM_SAVE_STATE_MAP_OFFSET); gSmmCpuPrivate->Operation[Index] = SmmCpuNone; if (Index < mNumberOfCpus) { mCpuHotPlugData.ApicId[Index] = gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId; DEBUG (( DEBUG_INFO, "CPU[%03x] APIC ID=%04x SMBASE=%08x SaveState=%08x Size=%08x\n", Index, (UINT32)gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId, mCpuHotPlugData.SmBase[Index], gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveState[Index], gSmmCpuPrivate->CpuSaveStateSize[Index] )); } else { gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId = INVALID_APIC_ID; mCpuHotPlugData.ApicId[Index] = INVALID_APIC_ID; } } // // Allocate SMI stacks for all processors. // mSmmStackSize = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (PcdGet32 (PcdCpuSmmStackSize))); if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard)) { // // SMM Stack Guard Enabled // 2 more pages is allocated for each processor, one is guard page and the other is known good stack. // // +--------------------------------------------------+-----+--------------------------------------------------+ // | Known Good Stack | Guard Page | SMM Stack | ... | Known Good Stack | Guard Page | SMM Stack | // +--------------------------------------------------+-----+--------------------------------------------------+ // | 4K | 4K PcdCpuSmmStackSize| | 4K | 4K PcdCpuSmmStackSize| // |<---------------- mSmmStackSize ----------------->| |<---------------- mSmmStackSize ----------------->| // | | | | // |<------------------ Processor 0 ----------------->| |<------------------ Processor n ----------------->| // mSmmStackSize += EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (2); } mSmmShadowStackSize = 0; if ((PcdGet32 (PcdControlFlowEnforcementPropertyMask) != 0) && mCetSupported) { mSmmShadowStackSize = EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (PcdGet32 (PcdCpuSmmShadowStackSize))); if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard)) { // // SMM Stack Guard Enabled // Append Shadow Stack after normal stack // 2 more pages is allocated for each processor, one is guard page and the other is known good shadow stack. // // |= Stacks // +--------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ // | Known Good Stack | Guard Page | SMM Stack | Known Good Shadow Stack | Guard Page | SMM Shadow Stack | // +--------------------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------+ // | 4K | 4K |PcdCpuSmmStackSize| 4K | 4K |PcdCpuSmmShadowStackSize| // |<---------------- mSmmStackSize ----------------->|<--------------------- mSmmShadowStackSize ------------------->| // | | // |<-------------------------------------------- Processor N ------------------------------------------------------->| // mSmmShadowStackSize += EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (2); } else { // // SMM Stack Guard Disabled (Known Good Stack is still required for potential stack switch.) // Append Shadow Stack after normal stack with 1 more page as known good shadow stack. // 1 more pages is allocated for each processor, it is known good stack. // // // |= Stacks // +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ // | Known Good Stack | SMM Stack | Known Good Shadow Stack | SMM Shadow Stack | // +-------------------------------------+--------------------------------------------------+ // | 4K |PcdCpuSmmStackSize| 4K |PcdCpuSmmShadowStackSize| // |<---------- mSmmStackSize ---------->|<--------------- mSmmShadowStackSize ------------>| // | | // |<-------------------------------- Processor N ----------------------------------------->| // mSmmShadowStackSize += EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (1); mSmmStackSize += EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (1); } } Stacks = (UINT8 *)AllocatePages (gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus * (EFI_SIZE_TO_PAGES (mSmmStackSize + mSmmShadowStackSize))); ASSERT (Stacks != NULL); mSmmStackArrayBase = (UINTN)Stacks; mSmmStackArrayEnd = mSmmStackArrayBase + gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus * (mSmmStackSize + mSmmShadowStackSize) - 1; DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "Stacks - 0x%x\n", Stacks)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "mSmmStackSize - 0x%x\n", mSmmStackSize)); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "PcdCpuSmmStackGuard - 0x%x\n", FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard))); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdControlFlowEnforcementPropertyMask) != 0) && mCetSupported) { DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "mSmmShadowStackSize - 0x%x\n", mSmmShadowStackSize)); } // // Initialize IDT // InitializeSmmIdt (); // // SMM Time initialization // InitializeSmmTimer (); // // Initialize mSmmProfileEnabled // mSmmProfileEnabled = IsSmmProfileEnabled (); // // Initialize MP globals // Cr3 = InitializeMpServiceData (Stacks, mSmmStackSize, mSmmShadowStackSize); if ((PcdGet32 (PcdControlFlowEnforcementPropertyMask) != 0) && mCetSupported) { for (Index = 0; Index < gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.NumberOfCpus; Index++) { SetShadowStack ( Cr3, (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Stacks + mSmmStackSize + (mSmmStackSize + mSmmShadowStackSize) * Index, mSmmShadowStackSize ); if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmStackGuard)) { ConvertMemoryPageAttributes ( Cr3, mPagingMode, (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Stacks + mSmmStackSize + EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (1) + (mSmmStackSize + mSmmShadowStackSize) * Index, EFI_PAGES_TO_SIZE (1), EFI_MEMORY_RP, TRUE, NULL ); } } } // // For relocated SMBASE, some MSRs & CSRs are still required to be configured in SMM Mode for SMM Initialization. // Those MSRs & CSRs must be configured before normal SMI sources happen. // So, here is to issue SMI IPI (All Excluding Self SMM IPI + BSP SMM IPI) to execute first SMI init. // ExecuteFirstSmiInit (); // // Call hook for BSP to perform extra actions in normal mode after all // SMM base addresses have been relocated on all CPUs // SmmCpuFeaturesSmmRelocationComplete (); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "mXdSupported - 0x%x\n", mXdSupported)); // // Fill in SMM Reserved Regions // gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmReservedSmramRegion[0].SmramReservedStart = 0; gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmReservedSmramRegion[0].SmramReservedSize = 0; // // Install the SMM CPU Protocol into SMM protocol database // Status = gMmst->MmInstallProtocolInterface ( &mSmmCpuHandle, &gEfiSmmCpuProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mSmmCpu ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Install the SMM Memory Attribute Protocol into SMM protocol database // Status = gMmst->MmInstallProtocolInterface ( &mSmmCpuHandle, &gEdkiiSmmMemoryAttributeProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mSmmMemoryAttribute ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Initialize global buffer for MM MP. // InitializeDataForMmMp (); // // Initialize Package First Thread Index Info. // InitPackageFirstThreadIndexInfo (); // // Install the SMM Mp Protocol into SMM protocol database // Status = gMmst->MmInstallProtocolInterface ( &mSmmCpuHandle, &gEfiMmMpProtocolGuid, EFI_NATIVE_INTERFACE, &mSmmMp ); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Initialize SMM CPU Services Support // Status = InitializeSmmCpuServices (mSmmCpuHandle); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Initialize SMM Profile feature // InitSmmProfile (Cr3); GetAcpiS3EnableFlag (); InitSmmS3ResumeState (); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "SMM CPU Module exit from SMRAM with EFI_SUCCESS\n")); PERF_FUNCTION_END (); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Function to compare 2 EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR based on CpuStart. @param[in] Buffer1 pointer to Device Path poiner to compare @param[in] Buffer2 pointer to second DevicePath pointer to compare @retval 0 Buffer1 equal to Buffer2 @retval <0 Buffer1 is less than Buffer2 @retval >0 Buffer1 is greater than Buffer2 **/ INTN EFIAPI CpuSmramRangeCompare ( IN CONST VOID *Buffer1, IN CONST VOID *Buffer2 ) { if (((EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *)Buffer1)->CpuStart > ((EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *)Buffer2)->CpuStart) { return 1; } else if (((EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *)Buffer1)->CpuStart < ((EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *)Buffer2)->CpuStart) { return -1; } return 0; } /** Find out SMRAM information including SMRR base and SMRR size. @param SmrrBase SMRR base @param SmrrSize SMRR size **/ VOID FindSmramInfo ( OUT UINT32 *SmrrBase, OUT UINT32 *SmrrSize ) { VOID *GuidHob; EFI_SMRAM_HOB_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK *DescriptorBlock; EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR *CurrentSmramRange; UINTN Index; UINT64 MaxSize; BOOLEAN Found; EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR SmramDescriptor; ASSERT (SmrrBase != NULL && SmrrSize != NULL); // // Get SMRAM information // GuidHob = GetFirstGuidHob (&gEfiSmmSmramMemoryGuid); ASSERT (GuidHob != NULL); DescriptorBlock = (EFI_SMRAM_HOB_DESCRIPTOR_BLOCK *)GET_GUID_HOB_DATA (GuidHob); mSmmCpuSmramRangeCount = DescriptorBlock->NumberOfSmmReservedRegions; mSmmCpuSmramRanges = DescriptorBlock->Descriptor; // // Sort the mSmmCpuSmramRanges // QuickSort (mSmmCpuSmramRanges, mSmmCpuSmramRangeCount, sizeof (EFI_SMRAM_DESCRIPTOR), (BASE_SORT_COMPARE)CpuSmramRangeCompare, &SmramDescriptor); // // Find the largest SMRAM range between 1MB and 4GB that is at least 256K - 4K in size // CurrentSmramRange = NULL; for (Index = 0, MaxSize = SIZE_256KB - EFI_PAGE_SIZE; Index < mSmmCpuSmramRangeCount; Index++) { // // Skip any SMRAM region that is already allocated, needs testing, or needs ECC initialization // if ((mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].RegionState & (EFI_ALLOCATED | EFI_NEEDS_TESTING | EFI_NEEDS_ECC_INITIALIZATION)) != 0) { continue; } if (mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart >= BASE_1MB) { if ((mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart + mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize) <= SMRR_MAX_ADDRESS) { if (mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize >= MaxSize) { MaxSize = mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize; CurrentSmramRange = &mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index]; } } } } ASSERT (CurrentSmramRange != NULL); *SmrrBase = (UINT32)CurrentSmramRange->CpuStart; *SmrrSize = (UINT32)CurrentSmramRange->PhysicalSize; do { Found = FALSE; for (Index = 0; Index < mSmmCpuSmramRangeCount; Index++) { if ((mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart < *SmrrBase) && (*SmrrBase == (mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart + mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize))) { *SmrrBase = (UINT32)mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart; *SmrrSize = (UINT32)(*SmrrSize + mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize); Found = TRUE; } else if (((*SmrrBase + *SmrrSize) == mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].CpuStart) && (mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize > 0)) { *SmrrSize = (UINT32)(*SmrrSize + mSmmCpuSmramRanges[Index].PhysicalSize); Found = TRUE; } } } while (Found); DEBUG ((DEBUG_INFO, "%a: SMRR Base = 0x%x, SMRR Size = 0x%x\n", __func__, *SmrrBase, *SmrrSize)); } /** Configure SMM Code Access Check feature on an AP. SMM Feature Control MSR will be locked after configuration. @param[in,out] Buffer Pointer to private data buffer. **/ VOID EFIAPI ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckOnCurrentProcessor ( IN OUT VOID *Buffer ) { UINTN CpuIndex; UINT64 SmmFeatureControlMsr; UINT64 NewSmmFeatureControlMsr; // // Retrieve the CPU Index from the context passed in // CpuIndex = *(UINTN *)Buffer; // // Get the current SMM Feature Control MSR value // SmmFeatureControlMsr = SmmCpuFeaturesGetSmmRegister (CpuIndex, SmmRegFeatureControl); // // Compute the new SMM Feature Control MSR value // NewSmmFeatureControlMsr = SmmFeatureControlMsr; if (mSmmCodeAccessCheckEnable) { NewSmmFeatureControlMsr |= SMM_CODE_CHK_EN_BIT; if (FeaturePcdGet (PcdCpuSmmFeatureControlMsrLock)) { NewSmmFeatureControlMsr |= SMM_FEATURE_CONTROL_LOCK_BIT; } } // // Only set the SMM Feature Control MSR value if the new value is different than the current value // if (NewSmmFeatureControlMsr != SmmFeatureControlMsr) { SmmCpuFeaturesSetSmmRegister (CpuIndex, SmmRegFeatureControl, NewSmmFeatureControlMsr); } // // Release the spin lock user to serialize the updates to the SMM Feature Control MSR // ReleaseSpinLock (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock); } /** Configure SMM Code Access Check feature for all processors. SMM Feature Control MSR will be locked after configuration. **/ VOID ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheck ( VOID ) { UINTN Index; EFI_STATUS Status; PERF_FUNCTION_BEGIN (); // // Check to see if the Feature Control MSR is supported on this CPU // Index = gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu; // // Acquire Config SMM Code Access Check spin lock. The BSP will release the // spin lock when it is done executing ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckOnCurrentProcessor(). // AcquireSpinLock (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock); // // Enable SMM Code Access Check feature on the BSP. // ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckOnCurrentProcessor (&Index); // // Enable SMM Code Access Check feature for the APs. // for (Index = 0; Index < gMmst->NumberOfCpus; Index++) { if (Index != gSmmCpuPrivate->SmmCoreEntryContext.CurrentlyExecutingCpu) { if (gSmmCpuPrivate->ProcessorInfo[Index].ProcessorId == INVALID_APIC_ID) { // // If this processor does not exist // continue; } // // Acquire Config SMM Code Access Check spin lock. The AP will release the // spin lock when it is done executing ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckOnCurrentProcessor(). // AcquireSpinLock (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock); // // Call SmmStartupThisAp() to enable SMM Code Access Check on an AP. // Status = gMmst->MmStartupThisAp (ConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckOnCurrentProcessor, Index, &Index); ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status); // // Wait for the AP to release the Config SMM Code Access Check spin lock. // while (!AcquireSpinLockOrFail (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock)) { CpuPause (); } // // Release the Config SMM Code Access Check spin lock. // ReleaseSpinLock (mConfigSmmCodeAccessCheckLock); } } PERF_FUNCTION_END (); } /** Allocate pages for code. @param[in] Pages Number of pages to be allocated. @return Allocated memory. **/ VOID * AllocateCodePages ( IN UINTN Pages ) { EFI_STATUS Status; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Memory; if (Pages == 0) { return NULL; } Status = gMmst->MmAllocatePages (AllocateAnyPages, EfiRuntimeServicesCode, Pages, &Memory); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return NULL; } return (VOID *)(UINTN)Memory; } /** Perform the pre tasks. **/ VOID PerformPreTasks ( VOID ) { RestoreSmmConfigurationInS3 (); }