/** @file The common header file for SMM FTW module and SMM FTW DXE Module. Copyright (c) 2011, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. <BR> This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #ifndef __SMM_FTW_COMMON_H__ #define __SMM_FTW_COMMON_H__ #include <Protocol/SmmFirmwareVolumeBlock.h> #include <Protocol/SmmFaultTolerantWrite.h> #define FTW_FUNCTION_GET_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 1 #define FTW_FUNCTION_ALLOCATE 2 #define FTW_FUNCTION_WRITE 3 #define FTW_FUNCTION_RESTART 4 #define FTW_FUNCTION_ABORT 5 #define FTW_FUNCTION_GET_LAST_WRITE 6 typedef struct { UINTN Function; EFI_STATUS ReturnStatus; UINT8 Data[1]; } SMM_FTW_COMMUNICATE_FUNCTION_HEADER; /// /// Size of SMM communicate header, without including the payload. /// #define SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER_SIZE (OFFSET_OF (EFI_SMM_COMMUNICATE_HEADER, Data)) /// /// Size of SMM FTW communicate function header, without including the payload. /// #define SMM_FTW_COMMUNICATE_HEADER_SIZE (OFFSET_OF (SMM_FTW_COMMUNICATE_FUNCTION_HEADER, Data)) typedef struct { UINTN BlockSize; } SMM_FTW_GET_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE_HEADER; typedef struct { EFI_GUID CallerId; UINTN PrivateDataSize; UINTN NumberOfWrites; } SMM_FTW_ALLOCATE_HEADER; typedef struct { EFI_LBA Lba; UINTN Offset; UINTN PrivateDataSize; EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS FvbBaseAddress; EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 FvbAttributes; UINTN Length; UINT8 Data[1]; } SMM_FTW_WRITE_HEADER; typedef struct { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS FvbBaseAddress; EFI_FVB_ATTRIBUTES_2 FvbAttributes; } SMM_FTW_RESTART_HEADER; typedef struct { EFI_GUID CallerId; EFI_LBA Lba; UINTN Offset; UINTN Length; UINTN PrivateDataSize; BOOLEAN Complete; UINT8 Data[1]; } SMM_FTW_GET_LAST_WRITE_HEADER; #endif