//  Copyright (c) 2012-2013, ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
//  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent

#include <AsmMacroIoLib.h>

//ArmPlatformStackSet (
//  IN UINTN StackBase,
//  IN UINTN MpId,
//  IN UINTN PrimaryStackSize,
//  IN UINTN SecondaryStackSize
//  );
  // Save parameters
  mov   r6, r3
  mov   r5, r2
  mov   r4, r1
  mov   r3, r0

  // Save the Link register
  mov   r7, lr

  // Identify Stack
  mov   r0, r1
  bl    ASM_PFX(ArmPlatformIsPrimaryCore)
  cmp   r0, #1

  // Restore parameters
  mov   r0, r3
  mov   r1, r4
  mov   r2, r5
  mov   r3, r6

  // Restore the Link register
  mov   lr, r7

  beq   ASM_PFX(ArmPlatformStackSetPrimary)
  bne   ASM_PFX(ArmPlatformStackSetSecondary)

//ArmPlatformStackSetPrimary (
//  IN UINTN StackBase,
//  IN UINTN MpId,
//  IN UINTN PrimaryStackSize,
//  IN UINTN SecondaryStackSize
//  );
  mov   r4, lr

  // Add stack of primary stack to StackBase
  add   r0, r0, r2

  // Compute SecondaryCoresCount * SecondaryCoreStackSize
  MOV32 (r1, FixedPcdGet32(PcdCoreCount) - 1)
  mul   r3, r3, r1

  // Set Primary Stack ((StackBase + PrimaryStackSize) + (SecondaryCoresCount * SecondaryCoreStackSize))
  add   sp, r0, r3

  bx    r4

//ArmPlatformStackSetSecondary (
//  IN UINTN StackBase,
//  IN UINTN MpId,
//  IN UINTN PrimaryStackSize,
//  IN UINTN SecondaryStackSize
//  );
  mov   r4, lr
  mov   sp, r0

  // Get Core Position
  mov   r0, r1
  bl    ASM_PFX(ArmPlatformGetCorePosition)
  mov   r5, r0

  // Get Primary Core Position
  bl    ASM_PFX(ArmPlatformGetPrimaryCoreMpId)
  bl    ASM_PFX(ArmPlatformGetCorePosition)

  // Get Secondary Core Position. We should get consecutive secondary stack number from 1...(CoreCount-1)
  cmp   r5, r0
  subhi r5, r5, #1
  add   r5, r5, #1

  // Compute top of the secondary stack
  mul   r3, r3, r5

  // Set stack
  add   sp, sp, r3

  bx r4