# # Copyright (c) 2011-2013, ARM Limited. All rights reserved. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent # from arm_ds.debugger_v1 import DebugException import struct import string import edk2_debugger class EfiFileSection(object): EFI_SECTION_PE32 = 0x10 EFI_SECTION_PIC = 0x11 EFI_SECTION_TE = 0x12 EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW = 0x2 SIZEOF_EFI_FFS_FILE_HEADER = 0x28 def __init__(self, ec, base): self.base = base self.ec = ec def __str__(self): return "FileSection(type:0x%X, size:0x%x)" % (self.get_type(), self.get_size()) def get_base(self): return self.base def get_type(self): return struct.unpack("B", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(self.base + 0x3, 1, 8))[0] def get_size(self): return (struct.unpack("<I", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(self.base, 4, 32))[0] & 0x00ffffff) def get_debug_filepath(self): type = self.get_type() if type == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_TE: section = EfiSectionTE(self, ec, self.base + 0x4) elif type == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_PE32: section = EfiSectionPE32(self, ec, self.base + 0x4) else: raise Exception("EfiFileSection", "No debug section") return section.get_debug_filepath() class EfiSectionTE: SIZEOF_EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER = 0x28 EFI_TE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE = ('V','Z') def __init__(self, ec, base_te): self.ec = ec self.base_te = int(base_te) te_sig = struct.unpack("cc", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(self.base_te, 2, 32)) if te_sig != EfiSectionTE.EFI_TE_IMAGE_SIGNATURE: raise Exception("EfiFileSectionTE","TE Signature incorrect") def get_debug_filepath(self): stripped_size = struct.unpack("<H", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(self.base_te + 0x6, 2, 32))[0] stripped_size -= EfiSectionTE.SIZEOF_EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER debug_dir_entry_rva = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_te + 0x20) if debug_dir_entry_rva == 0: raise Exception("EfiFileSectionTE","No debug directory for image") debug_dir_entry_rva -= stripped_size debug_type = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_te + debug_dir_entry_rva + 0xC) if (debug_type != 0xdf) and (debug_type != EfiFileSection.EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW): raise Exception("EfiFileSectionTE","Debug type is not dwarf") debug_rva = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_te + debug_dir_entry_rva + 0x14) debug_rva -= stripped_size dwarf_sig = struct.unpack("cccc", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(self.base_te + debug_rva, 4, 32)) if (dwarf_sig != 0x66727764) and (dwarf_sig != FirmwareFile.CONST_NB10_SIGNATURE): raise Exception("EfiFileSectionTE","Dwarf debug signature not found") if dwarf_sig == 0x66727764: filename = self.base_te + debug_rva + 0xc else: filename = self.base_te + debug_rva + 0x10 filename = struct.unpack("400s", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(filename, 400, 32))[0] return filename[0:string.find(filename,'\0')] def get_debug_elfbase(self): stripped_size = struct.unpack("<H", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(self.base_te + 0x6, 2, 32))[0] stripped_size -= EfiSectionTE.SIZEOF_EFI_TE_IMAGE_HEADER return self.base_te - stripped_size class EfiSectionPE32: def __init__(self, ec, base_pe32): self.ec = ec self.base_pe32 = base_pe32 def get_debug_filepath(self): # Offset from dos hdr to PE file hdr file_header_offset = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe32 + 0x3C) # Offset to debug dir in PE hdrs debug_dir_entry_rva = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe32 + file_header_offset + 0xA8) if debug_dir_entry_rva == 0: raise Exception("EfiFileSectionPE32","No Debug Directory") debug_type = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe32 + debug_dir_entry_rva + 0xC) if (debug_type != 0xdf) and (debug_type != EfiFileSection.EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW): raise Exception("EfiFileSectionPE32","Debug type is not dwarf") debug_rva = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe32 + debug_dir_entry_rva + 0x14) dwarf_sig = struct.unpack("cccc", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(str(self.base_pe32 + debug_rva), 4, 32)) if (dwarf_sig != 0x66727764) and (dwarf_sig != FirmwareFile.CONST_NB10_SIGNATURE): raise Exception("EfiFileSectionPE32","Dwarf debug signature not found") if dwarf_sig == 0x66727764: filename = self.base_pe32 + debug_rva + 0xc else: filename = self.base_pe32 + debug_rva + 0x10 filename = struct.unpack("400s", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(str(filename), 400, 32))[0] return filename[0:string.find(filename,'\0')] def get_debug_elfbase(self): return self.base_pe32 class EfiSectionPE64: def __init__(self, ec, base_pe64): self.ec = ec self.base_pe64 = base_pe64 def get_debug_filepath(self): # Offset from dos hdr to PE file hdr (EFI_IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64) file_header_offset = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe64 + 0x3C) # Offset to debug dir in PE hdrs debug_dir_entry_rva = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe64 + file_header_offset + 0xB8) if debug_dir_entry_rva == 0: raise Exception("EfiFileSectionPE64","No Debug Directory") debug_type = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe64 + debug_dir_entry_rva + 0xC) if (debug_type != 0xdf) and (debug_type != EfiFileSection.EFI_IMAGE_DEBUG_TYPE_CODEVIEW): raise Exception("EfiFileSectionPE64","Debug type is not dwarf") debug_rva = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base_pe64 + debug_dir_entry_rva + 0x14) dwarf_sig = struct.unpack("cccc", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(str(self.base_pe64 + debug_rva), 4, 32)) if (dwarf_sig != 0x66727764) and (dwarf_sig != FirmwareFile.CONST_NB10_SIGNATURE): raise Exception("EfiFileSectionPE64","Dwarf debug signature not found") if dwarf_sig == 0x66727764: filename = self.base_pe64 + debug_rva + 0xc else: filename = self.base_pe64 + debug_rva + 0x10 filename = struct.unpack("400s", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(str(filename), 400, 32))[0] return filename[0:string.find(filename,'\0')] def get_debug_elfbase(self): return self.base_pe64 class FirmwareFile: EFI_FV_FILETYPE_RAW = 0x01 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FREEFORM = 0x02 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_SECURITY_CORE = 0x03 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_PEI_CORE = 0x04 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DXE_CORE = 0x05 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_PEIM = 0x06 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_DRIVER = 0x07 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_COMBINED_PEIM_DRIVER = 0x08 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_APPLICATION = 0x09 EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_IMAGE = 0x0B EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_MIN = 0xF0 CONST_NB10_SIGNATURE = ('N','B','1','0') def __init__(self, fv, base, ec): self.fv = fv self.base = base self.ec = ec def __str__(self): return "FFS(state:0x%x, type:0x%X, size:0x%x)" % (self.get_state(), self.get_type(), self.get_size()) def get_base(self): return self.base def get_size(self): size = (self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.base + 0x14) & 0x00ffffff) # Occupied size is the size considering the alignment return size + ((0x8 - (size & 0x7)) & 0x7) def get_type(self): return self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory8(self.base + 0x12) def get_state(self): state = self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory8(self.base + 0x17) polarity = self.fv.get_polarity() if polarity: state = ~state highest_bit = 0x80; while (highest_bit != 0) and ((highest_bit & state) == 0): highest_bit >>= 1 return highest_bit def get_next_section(self, section=None): if section == None: if self.get_type() != FirmwareFile.EFI_FV_FILETYPE_FFS_MIN: section_base = self.get_base() + 0x18; else: return None else: section_base = int(section.get_base() + section.get_size()) # Align to next 4 byte boundary if (section_base & 0x3) != 0: section_base = section_base + 0x4 - (section_base & 0x3) if section_base < self.get_base() + self.get_size(): return EfiFileSection(self.ec, section_base) else: return None class FirmwareVolume: CONST_FV_SIGNATURE = ('_','F','V','H') EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY = 0x800 DebugInfos = [] def __init__(self, ec, fv_base, fv_size): self.ec = ec self.fv_base = fv_base self.fv_size = fv_size try: signature = struct.unpack("cccc", self.ec.getMemoryService().read(fv_base + 0x28, 4, 32)) except DebugException: raise Exception("FirmwareVolume", "Not possible to access the defined firmware volume at [0x%X,0x%X]. Could be the used build report does not correspond to your current debugging context." % (int(fv_base),int(fv_base+fv_size))) if signature != FirmwareVolume.CONST_FV_SIGNATURE: raise Exception("FirmwareVolume", "This is not a valid firmware volume") def get_size(self): return self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.fv_base + 0x20) def get_attributes(self): return self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory32(self.fv_base + 0x2C) def get_polarity(self): attributes = self.get_attributes() if attributes & FirmwareVolume.EFI_FVB2_ERASE_POLARITY: return 1 else: return 0 def get_next_ffs(self, ffs=None): if ffs == None: # Get the offset of the first FFS file from the FV header ffs_base = self.fv_base + self.ec.getMemoryService().readMemory16(self.fv_base + 0x30) else: # Goto the next FFS file ffs_base = int(ffs.get_base() + ffs.get_size()) # Align to next 8 byte boundary if (ffs_base & 0x7) != 0: ffs_base = ffs_base + 0x8 - (ffs_base & 0x7) if ffs_base < self.fv_base + self.get_size(): return FirmwareFile(self, ffs_base, self.ec) else: return None def get_debug_info(self): self.DebugInfos = [] ffs = self.get_next_ffs() while ffs != None: section = ffs.get_next_section() while section != None: type = section.get_type() if (type == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_TE) or (type == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_PE32): self.DebugInfos.append((section.get_base(), section.get_size(), section.get_type())) section = ffs.get_next_section(section) ffs = self.get_next_ffs(ffs) def load_symbols_at(self, addr, verbose = False): if self.DebugInfos == []: self.get_debug_info() for debug_info in self.DebugInfos: if (addr >= debug_info[0]) and (addr < debug_info[0] + debug_info[1]): if debug_info[2] == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_TE: section = EfiSectionTE(self.ec, debug_info[0] + 0x4) elif debug_info[2] == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_PE32: section = EfiSectionPE32(self.ec, debug_info[0] + 0x4) else: raise Exception('FirmwareVolume','Section Type not supported') try: edk2_debugger.load_symbol_from_file(self.ec, section.get_debug_filepath(), section.get_debug_elfbase(), verbose) except Exception, (ErrorClass, ErrorMessage): if verbose: print "Error while loading a symbol file (%s: %s)" % (ErrorClass, ErrorMessage) return debug_info def load_all_symbols(self, verbose = False): if self.DebugInfos == []: self.get_debug_info() for debug_info in self.DebugInfos: if debug_info[2] == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_TE: section = EfiSectionTE(self.ec, debug_info[0] + 0x4) elif debug_info[2] == EfiFileSection.EFI_SECTION_PE32: section = EfiSectionPE32(self.ec, debug_info[0] + 0x4) else: continue try: edk2_debugger.load_symbol_from_file(self.ec, section.get_debug_filepath(), section.get_debug_elfbase(), verbose) except Exception, (ErrorClass, ErrorMessage): if verbose: print "Error while loading a symbol file (%s: %s)" % (ErrorClass, ErrorMessage)