/** @file Copyright (c) 2015 - 2017, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "SdBlockIoPei.h" /** Read/Write specified SD host controller mmio register. @param[in] Address The address of the mmio register to be read/written. @param[in] Read A boolean to indicate it's read or write operation. @param[in] Count The width of the mmio register in bytes. Must be 1, 2 , 4 or 8 bytes. @param[in, out] Data For read operations, the destination buffer to store the results. For write operations, the source buffer to write data from. The caller is responsible for having ownership of the data buffer and ensuring its size not less than Count bytes. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Address or the Data or the Count is not valid. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The read/write operation succeeds. @retval Others The read/write operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SdPeimHcRwMmio ( IN UINTN Address, IN BOOLEAN Read, IN UINT8 Count, IN OUT VOID *Data ) { if ((Address == 0) || (Data == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((Count != 1) && (Count != 2) && (Count != 4) && (Count != 8)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } switch (Count) { case 1: if (Read) { *(UINT8*)Data = MmioRead8 (Address); } else { MmioWrite8 (Address, *(UINT8*)Data); } break; case 2: if (Read) { *(UINT16*)Data = MmioRead16 (Address); } else { MmioWrite16 (Address, *(UINT16*)Data); } break; case 4: if (Read) { *(UINT32*)Data = MmioRead32 (Address); } else { MmioWrite32 (Address, *(UINT32*)Data); } break; case 8: if (Read) { *(UINT64*)Data = MmioRead64 (Address); } else { MmioWrite64 (Address, *(UINT64*)Data); } break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Do OR operation with the value of the specified SD host controller mmio register. @param[in] Address The address of the mmio register to be read/written. @param[in] Count The width of the mmio register in bytes. Must be 1, 2 , 4 or 8 bytes. @param[in] OrData The pointer to the data used to do OR operation. The caller is responsible for having ownership of the data buffer and ensuring its size not less than Count bytes. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Address or the OrData or the Count is not valid. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The OR operation succeeds. @retval Others The OR operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SdPeimHcOrMmio ( IN UINTN Address, IN UINT8 Count, IN VOID *OrData ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 Data; UINT64 Or; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Address, TRUE, Count, &Data); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Count == 1) { Or = *(UINT8*) OrData; } else if (Count == 2) { Or = *(UINT16*) OrData; } else if (Count == 4) { Or = *(UINT32*) OrData; } else if (Count == 8) { Or = *(UINT64*) OrData; } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Data |= Or; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Address, FALSE, Count, &Data); return Status; } /** Do AND operation with the value of the specified SD host controller mmio register. @param[in] Address The address of the mmio register to be read/written. @param[in] Count The width of the mmio register in bytes. Must be 1, 2 , 4 or 8 bytes. @param[in] AndData The pointer to the data used to do AND operation. The caller is responsible for having ownership of the data buffer and ensuring its size not less than Count bytes. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER The Address or the AndData or the Count is not valid. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The AND operation succeeds. @retval Others The AND operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SdPeimHcAndMmio ( IN UINTN Address, IN UINT8 Count, IN VOID *AndData ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 Data; UINT64 And; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Address, TRUE, Count, &Data); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Count == 1) { And = *(UINT8*) AndData; } else if (Count == 2) { And = *(UINT16*) AndData; } else if (Count == 4) { And = *(UINT32*) AndData; } else if (Count == 8) { And = *(UINT64*) AndData; } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Data &= And; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Address, FALSE, Count, &Data); return Status; } /** Wait for the value of the specified MMIO register set to the test value. @param[in] Address The address of the mmio register to be checked. @param[in] Count The width of the mmio register in bytes. Must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. @param[in] MaskValue The mask value of memory. @param[in] TestValue The test value of memory. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The MMIO register hasn't set to the expected value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The MMIO register has expected value. @retval Others The MMIO operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SdPeimHcCheckMmioSet ( IN UINTN Address, IN UINT8 Count, IN UINT64 MaskValue, IN UINT64 TestValue ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 Value; // // Access PCI MMIO space to see if the value is the tested one. // Value = 0; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Address, TRUE, Count, &Value); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Value &= MaskValue; if (Value == TestValue) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } return EFI_NOT_READY; } /** Wait for the value of the specified MMIO register set to the test value. @param[in] Address The address of the mmio register to wait. @param[in] Count The width of the mmio register in bytes. Must be 1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes. @param[in] MaskValue The mask value of memory. @param[in] TestValue The test value of memory. @param[in] Timeout The time out value for wait memory set, uses 1 microsecond as a unit. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The MMIO register hasn't expected value in timeout range. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The MMIO register has expected value. @retval Others The MMIO operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SdPeimHcWaitMmioSet ( IN UINTN Address, IN UINT8 Count, IN UINT64 MaskValue, IN UINT64 TestValue, IN UINT64 Timeout ) { EFI_STATUS Status; BOOLEAN InfiniteWait; if (Timeout == 0) { InfiniteWait = TRUE; } else { InfiniteWait = FALSE; } while (InfiniteWait || (Timeout > 0)) { Status = SdPeimHcCheckMmioSet ( Address, Count, MaskValue, TestValue ); if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { return Status; } // // Stall for 1 microsecond. // MicroSecondDelay (1); Timeout--; } return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Software reset the specified SD host controller and enable all interrupts. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The software reset executes successfully. @retval Others The software reset fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcReset ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 SwReset; SwReset = 0xFF; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_SW_RST, FALSE, sizeof (SwReset), &SwReset); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimHcReset: write full 1 fails: %r\n", Status)); return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcWaitMmioSet ( Bar + SD_HC_SW_RST, sizeof (SwReset), 0xFF, 0x00, SD_TIMEOUT ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SdPeimHcReset: reset done with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } // // Enable all interrupt after reset all. // Status = SdPeimHcEnableInterrupt (Bar); return Status; } /** Set all interrupt status bits in Normal and Error Interrupt Status Enable register. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation executes successfully. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcEnableInterrupt ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 IntStatus; // // Enable all bits in Error Interrupt Status Enable Register // IntStatus = 0xFFFF; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_ERR_INT_STS_EN, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Enable all bits in Normal Interrupt Status Enable Register // IntStatus = 0xFFFF; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS_EN, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus); return Status; } /** Get the capability data from the specified slot. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[out] Capability The buffer to store the capability data. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation executes successfully. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcGetCapability ( IN UINTN Bar, OUT SD_HC_SLOT_CAP *Capability ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT64 Cap; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_CAP, TRUE, sizeof (Cap), &Cap); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } CopyMem (Capability, &Cap, sizeof (Cap)); return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Detect whether there is a SD card attached at the specified SD host controller slot. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.1 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS There is a SD card attached. @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA There is not a SD card attached. @retval Others The detection fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcCardDetect ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT16 Data; UINT32 PresentState; // // Check Normal Interrupt Status Register // Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS, TRUE, sizeof (Data), &Data); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if ((Data & (BIT6 | BIT7)) != 0) { // // Clear BIT6 and BIT7 by writing 1 to these two bits if set. // Data &= BIT6 | BIT7; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (Data), &Data); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } // // Check Present State Register to see if there is a card presented. // Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_PRESENT_STATE, TRUE, sizeof (PresentState), &PresentState); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if ((PresentState & BIT16) != 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } else { return EFI_NO_MEDIA; } } /** Stop SD card clock. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.2.2 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Succeed to stop SD clock. @retval Others Fail to stop SD clock. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcStopClock ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 PresentState; UINT16 ClockCtrl; // // Ensure no SD transactions are occurring on the SD Bus by // waiting for Command Inhibit (DAT) and Command Inhibit (CMD) // in the Present State register to be 0. // Status = SdPeimHcWaitMmioSet ( Bar + SD_HC_PRESENT_STATE, sizeof (PresentState), BIT0 | BIT1, 0, SD_TIMEOUT ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Set SD Clock Enable in the Clock Control register to 0 // ClockCtrl = (UINT16)~BIT2; Status = SdPeimHcAndMmio (Bar + SD_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, sizeof (ClockCtrl), &ClockCtrl); return Status; } /** SD card clock supply. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.2.1 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] ClockFreq The max clock frequency to be set. The unit is KHz. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The clock is supplied successfully. @retval Others The clock isn't supplied successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcClockSupply ( IN UINTN Bar, IN UINT64 ClockFreq ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_HC_SLOT_CAP Capability; UINT32 BaseClkFreq; UINT32 SettingFreq; UINT32 Divisor; UINT32 Remainder; UINT16 ControllerVer; UINT16 ClockCtrl; // // Calculate a divisor for SD clock frequency // Status = SdPeimHcGetCapability (Bar, &Capability); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } ASSERT (Capability.BaseClkFreq != 0); BaseClkFreq = Capability.BaseClkFreq; if (ClockFreq == 0) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if (ClockFreq > (BaseClkFreq * 1000)) { ClockFreq = BaseClkFreq * 1000; } // // Calculate the divisor of base frequency. // Divisor = 0; SettingFreq = BaseClkFreq * 1000; while (ClockFreq < SettingFreq) { Divisor++; SettingFreq = (BaseClkFreq * 1000) / (2 * Divisor); Remainder = (BaseClkFreq * 1000) % (2 * Divisor); if ((ClockFreq == SettingFreq) && (Remainder == 0)) { break; } if ((ClockFreq == SettingFreq) && (Remainder != 0)) { SettingFreq ++; } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "BaseClkFreq %dMHz Divisor %d ClockFreq %dKhz\n", BaseClkFreq, Divisor, ClockFreq)); Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_CTRL_VER, TRUE, sizeof (ControllerVer), &ControllerVer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Set SDCLK Frequency Select and Internal Clock Enable fields in Clock Control register. // if ((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 2) { ASSERT (Divisor <= 0x3FF); ClockCtrl = ((Divisor & 0xFF) << 8) | ((Divisor & 0x300) >> 2); } else if (((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 0) || ((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 1)) { // // Only the most significant bit can be used as divisor. // if (((Divisor - 1) & Divisor) != 0) { Divisor = 1 << (HighBitSet32 (Divisor) + 1); } ASSERT (Divisor <= 0x80); ClockCtrl = (Divisor & 0xFF) << 8; } else { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Unknown SD Host Controller Spec version [0x%x]!!!\n", ControllerVer)); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Stop bus clock at first // Status = SdPeimHcStopClock (Bar); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Supply clock frequency with specified divisor // ClockCtrl |= BIT0; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (ClockCtrl), &ClockCtrl); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "Set SDCLK Frequency Select and Internal Clock Enable fields fails\n")); return Status; } // // Wait Internal Clock Stable in the Clock Control register to be 1 // Status = SdPeimHcWaitMmioSet ( Bar + SD_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, sizeof (ClockCtrl), BIT1, BIT1, SD_TIMEOUT ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Set SD Clock Enable in the Clock Control register to 1 // ClockCtrl = BIT2; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Bar + SD_HC_CLOCK_CTRL, sizeof (ClockCtrl), &ClockCtrl); return Status; } /** SD bus power control. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.3 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] PowerCtrl The value setting to the power control register. @retval TRUE There is a SD card attached. @retval FALSE There is no a SD card attached. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcPowerControl ( IN UINTN Bar, IN UINT8 PowerCtrl ) { EFI_STATUS Status; // // Clr SD Bus Power // PowerCtrl &= (UINT8)~BIT0; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_POWER_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (PowerCtrl), &PowerCtrl); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Set SD Bus Voltage Select and SD Bus Power fields in Power Control Register // PowerCtrl |= BIT0; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_POWER_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (PowerCtrl), &PowerCtrl); return Status; } /** Set the SD bus width. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.4 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] BusWidth The bus width used by the SD device, it must be 1, 4 or 8. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The bus width is set successfully. @retval Others The bus width isn't set successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcSetBusWidth ( IN UINTN Bar, IN UINT16 BusWidth ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 HostCtrl1; if (BusWidth == 1) { HostCtrl1 = (UINT8)~(BIT5 | BIT1); Status = SdPeimHcAndMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); } else if (BusWidth == 4) { Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, TRUE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } HostCtrl1 |= BIT1; HostCtrl1 &= (UINT8)~BIT5; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, FALSE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); } else if (BusWidth == 8) { Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, TRUE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } HostCtrl1 &= (UINT8)~BIT1; HostCtrl1 |= BIT5; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, FALSE, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); } else { ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return Status; } /** Supply SD card with lowest clock frequency at initialization. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The clock is supplied successfully. @retval Others The clock isn't supplied successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcInitClockFreq ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_HC_SLOT_CAP Capability; UINT32 InitFreq; // // Calculate a divisor for SD clock frequency // Status = SdPeimHcGetCapability (Bar, &Capability); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Capability.BaseClkFreq == 0) { // // Don't support get Base Clock Frequency information via another method // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // Supply 400KHz clock frequency at initialization phase. // InitFreq = 400; Status = SdPeimHcClockSupply (Bar, InitFreq); return Status; } /** Supply SD card with maximum voltage at initialization. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 3.3 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The voltage is supplied successfully. @retval Others The voltage isn't supplied successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcInitPowerVoltage ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_HC_SLOT_CAP Capability; UINT8 MaxVoltage; UINT8 HostCtrl2; // // Get the support voltage of the Host Controller // Status = SdPeimHcGetCapability (Bar, &Capability); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Calculate supported maximum voltage according to SD Bus Voltage Select // if (Capability.Voltage33 != 0) { // // Support 3.3V // MaxVoltage = 0x0E; } else if (Capability.Voltage30 != 0) { // // Support 3.0V // MaxVoltage = 0x0C; } else if (Capability.Voltage18 != 0) { // // Support 1.8V // MaxVoltage = 0x0A; HostCtrl2 = BIT3; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } MicroSecondDelay (5000); } else { ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Set SD Bus Voltage Select and SD Bus Power fields in Power Control Register // Status = SdPeimHcPowerControl (Bar, MaxVoltage); return Status; } /** Initialize the Timeout Control register with most conservative value at initialization. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 2.2.15 for details. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The timeout control register is configured successfully. @retval Others The timeout control register isn't configured successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcInitTimeoutCtrl ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 Timeout; Timeout = 0x0E; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_TIMEOUT_CTRL, FALSE, sizeof (Timeout), &Timeout); return Status; } /** Initial SD host controller with lowest clock frequency, max power and max timeout value at initialization. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The host controller is initialized successfully. @retval Others The host controller isn't initialized successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcInitHost ( IN UINTN Bar ) { EFI_STATUS Status; Status = SdPeimHcInitClockFreq (Bar); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcInitPowerVoltage (Bar); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcInitTimeoutCtrl (Bar); return Status; } /** Turn on/off LED. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] On The boolean to turn on/off LED. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The LED is turned on/off successfully. @retval Others The LED isn't turned on/off successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimHcLedOnOff ( IN UINTN Bar, IN BOOLEAN On ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 HostCtrl1; if (On) { HostCtrl1 = BIT0; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); } else { HostCtrl1 = (UINT8)~BIT0; Status = SdPeimHcAndMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); } return Status; } /** Build ADMA descriptor table for transfer. Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified spec 3.0 Section 1.13 for details. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The ADMA descriptor table is created successfully. @retval Others The ADMA descriptor table isn't created successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS BuildAdmaDescTable ( IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS Data; UINT64 DataLen; UINT64 Entries; UINT32 Index; UINT64 Remaining; UINT32 Address; Data = (EFI_PHYSICAL_ADDRESS)(UINTN)Trb->Data; DataLen = Trb->DataLen; // // Only support 32bit ADMA Descriptor Table // if ((Data >= 0x100000000ul) || ((Data + DataLen) > 0x100000000ul)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } // // Address field shall be set on 32-bit boundary (Lower 2-bit is always set to 0) // for 32-bit address descriptor table. // if ((Data & (BIT0 | BIT1)) != 0) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "The buffer [0x%x] to construct ADMA desc is not aligned to 4 bytes boundary!\n", Data)); } Entries = DivU64x32 ((DataLen + ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE - 1), ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE); Trb->AdmaDescSize = (UINTN)MultU64x32 (Entries, sizeof (SD_HC_ADMA_DESC_LINE)); Trb->AdmaDesc = SdPeimAllocateMem (Trb->Slot->Private->Pool, Trb->AdmaDescSize); if (Trb->AdmaDesc == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Remaining = DataLen; Address = (UINT32)Data; for (Index = 0; Index < Entries; Index++) { if (Remaining <= ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE) { Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Valid = 1; Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Act = 2; Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Length = (UINT16)Remaining; Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Address = Address; break; } else { Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Valid = 1; Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Act = 2; Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Length = 0; Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].Address = Address; } Remaining -= ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE; Address += ADMA_MAX_DATA_PER_LINE; } // // Set the last descriptor line as end of descriptor table // Trb->AdmaDesc[Index].End = 1; return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** Create a new TRB for the SD cmd request. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Packet A pointer to the SD command data structure. @return Created Trb or NULL. **/ SD_TRB * SdPeimCreateTrb ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet ) { SD_TRB *Trb; EFI_STATUS Status; SD_HC_SLOT_CAP Capability; // // Calculate a divisor for SD clock frequency // Status = SdPeimHcGetCapability (Slot->SdHcBase, &Capability); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return NULL; } Trb = SdPeimAllocateMem (Slot->Private->Pool, sizeof (SD_TRB)); if (Trb == NULL) { return NULL; } Trb->Slot = Slot; Trb->BlockSize = 0x200; Trb->Packet = Packet; Trb->Timeout = Packet->Timeout; if ((Packet->InTransferLength != 0) && (Packet->InDataBuffer != NULL)) { Trb->Data = Packet->InDataBuffer; Trb->DataLen = Packet->InTransferLength; Trb->Read = TRUE; } else if ((Packet->OutTransferLength != 0) && (Packet->OutDataBuffer != NULL)) { Trb->Data = Packet->OutDataBuffer; Trb->DataLen = Packet->OutTransferLength; Trb->Read = FALSE; } else if ((Packet->InTransferLength == 0) && (Packet->OutTransferLength == 0)) { Trb->Data = NULL; Trb->DataLen = 0; } else { goto Error; } if ((Trb->DataLen != 0) && (Trb->DataLen < Trb->BlockSize)) { Trb->BlockSize = (UINT16)Trb->DataLen; } if (Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandIndex == SD_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK) { Trb->Mode = SdPioMode; } else { if (Trb->DataLen == 0) { Trb->Mode = SdNoData; } else if (Capability.Adma2 != 0) { Trb->Mode = SdAdmaMode; Status = BuildAdmaDescTable (Trb); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Error; } } else if (Capability.Sdma != 0) { Trb->Mode = SdSdmaMode; } else { Trb->Mode = SdPioMode; } } return Trb; Error: SdPeimFreeTrb (Trb); return NULL; } /** Free the resource used by the TRB. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. **/ VOID SdPeimFreeTrb ( IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { if ((Trb != NULL) && (Trb->AdmaDesc != NULL)) { SdPeimFreeMem (Trb->Slot->Private->Pool, Trb->AdmaDesc, Trb->AdmaDescSize); } if (Trb != NULL) { SdPeimFreeMem (Trb->Slot->Private->Pool, Trb, sizeof (SD_TRB)); } return; } /** Check if the env is ready for execute specified TRB. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The env is ready for TRB execution. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The env is not ready for TRB execution. @retval Others Some erros happen. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimCheckTrbEnv ( IN UINTN Bar, IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet; UINT32 PresentState; Packet = Trb->Packet; if ((Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandType == SdCommandTypeAdtc) || (Packet->SdCmdBlk->ResponseType == SdResponseTypeR1b) || (Packet->SdCmdBlk->ResponseType == SdResponseTypeR5b)) { // // Wait Command Inhibit (CMD) and Command Inhibit (DAT) in // the Present State register to be 0 // PresentState = BIT0 | BIT1; } else { // // Wait Command Inhibit (CMD) in the Present State register // to be 0 // PresentState = BIT0; } Status = SdPeimHcCheckMmioSet ( Bar + SD_HC_PRESENT_STATE, sizeof (PresentState), PresentState, 0 ); return Status; } /** Wait for the env to be ready for execute specified TRB. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The env is ready for TRB execution. @retval EFI_TIMEOUT The env is not ready for TRB execution in time. @retval Others Some erros happen. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimWaitTrbEnv ( IN UINTN Bar, IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet; UINT64 Timeout; BOOLEAN InfiniteWait; // // Wait Command Complete Interrupt Status bit in Normal Interrupt Status Register // Packet = Trb->Packet; Timeout = Packet->Timeout; if (Timeout == 0) { InfiniteWait = TRUE; } else { InfiniteWait = FALSE; } while (InfiniteWait || (Timeout > 0)) { // // Check Trb execution result by reading Normal Interrupt Status register. // Status = SdPeimCheckTrbEnv (Bar, Trb); if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { return Status; } // // Stall for 1 microsecond. // MicroSecondDelay (1); Timeout--; } return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Execute the specified TRB. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The TRB is sent to host controller successfully. @retval Others Some erros happen when sending this request to the host controller. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimExecTrb ( IN UINTN Bar, IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet; UINT16 Cmd; UINT16 IntStatus; UINT32 Argument; UINT16 BlkCount; UINT16 BlkSize; UINT16 TransMode; UINT8 HostCtrl1; UINT32 SdmaAddr; UINT64 AdmaAddr; Packet = Trb->Packet; // // Clear all bits in Error Interrupt Status Register // IntStatus = 0xFFFF; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_ERR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Clear all bits in Normal Interrupt Status Register // IntStatus = 0xFFFF; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Set Host Control 1 register DMA Select field // if (Trb->Mode == SdAdmaMode) { HostCtrl1 = BIT4; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Bar + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } SdPeimHcLedOnOff (Bar, TRUE); if (Trb->Mode == SdSdmaMode) { if ((UINT64)(UINTN)Trb->Data >= 0x100000000ul) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SdmaAddr = (UINT32)(UINTN)Trb->Data; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_SDMA_ADDR, FALSE, sizeof (SdmaAddr), &SdmaAddr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } else if (Trb->Mode == SdAdmaMode) { AdmaAddr = (UINT64)(UINTN)Trb->AdmaDesc; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_ADMA_SYS_ADDR, FALSE, sizeof (AdmaAddr), &AdmaAddr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } BlkSize = Trb->BlockSize; if (Trb->Mode == SdSdmaMode) { // // Set SDMA boundary to be 512K bytes. // BlkSize |= 0x7000; } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_BLK_SIZE, FALSE, sizeof (BlkSize), &BlkSize); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } BlkCount = 0; if (Trb->Mode != SdNoData) { // // Calcuate Block Count. // BlkCount = (UINT16)(Trb->DataLen / Trb->BlockSize); } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_BLK_COUNT, FALSE, sizeof (BlkCount), &BlkCount); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Argument = Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandArgument; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_ARG1, FALSE, sizeof (Argument), &Argument); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } TransMode = 0; if (Trb->Mode != SdNoData) { if (Trb->Mode != SdPioMode) { TransMode |= BIT0; } if (Trb->Read) { TransMode |= BIT4; } if (BlkCount > 1) { TransMode |= BIT5 | BIT1; } // // SD memory card needs to use AUTO CMD12 feature. // if (BlkCount > 1) { TransMode |= BIT2; } } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_TRANS_MOD, FALSE, sizeof (TransMode), &TransMode); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Cmd = (UINT16)LShiftU64(Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandIndex, 8); if (Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandType == SdCommandTypeAdtc) { Cmd |= BIT5; } // // Convert ResponseType to value // if (Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandType != SdCommandTypeBc) { switch (Packet->SdCmdBlk->ResponseType) { case SdResponseTypeR1: case SdResponseTypeR5: case SdResponseTypeR6: case SdResponseTypeR7: Cmd |= (BIT1 | BIT3 | BIT4); break; case SdResponseTypeR2: Cmd |= (BIT0 | BIT3); break; case SdResponseTypeR3: case SdResponseTypeR4: Cmd |= BIT1; break; case SdResponseTypeR1b: case SdResponseTypeR5b: Cmd |= (BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT3 | BIT4); break; default: ASSERT (FALSE); break; } } // // Execute cmd // Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_COMMAND, FALSE, sizeof (Cmd), &Cmd); return Status; } /** Check the TRB execution result. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The TRB is executed successfully. @retval EFI_NOT_READY The TRB is not completed for execution. @retval Others Some erros happen when executing this request. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimCheckTrbResult ( IN UINTN Bar, IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet; UINT16 IntStatus; UINT32 Response[4]; UINT32 SdmaAddr; UINT8 Index; UINT8 SwReset; UINT32 PioLength; SwReset = 0; Packet = Trb->Packet; // // Check Trb execution result by reading Normal Interrupt Status register. // Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS, TRUE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } // // Check Transfer Complete bit is set or not. // if ((IntStatus & BIT1) == BIT1) { if ((IntStatus & BIT15) == BIT15) { // // Read Error Interrupt Status register to check if the error is // Data Timeout Error. // If yes, treat it as success as Transfer Complete has higher // priority than Data Timeout Error. // Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_ERR_INT_STS, TRUE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus ); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if ((IntStatus & BIT4) == BIT4) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; } else { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } } goto Done; } // // Check if there is a error happened during cmd execution. // If yes, then do error recovery procedure to follow SD Host Controller // Simplified Spec 3.0 section 3.10.1. // if ((IntStatus & BIT15) == BIT15) { Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_ERR_INT_STS, TRUE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } if ((IntStatus & 0x0F) != 0) { SwReset |= BIT1; } if ((IntStatus & 0xF0) != 0) { SwReset |= BIT2; } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_SW_RST, FALSE, sizeof (SwReset), &SwReset ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Status = SdPeimHcWaitMmioSet ( Bar + SD_HC_SW_RST, sizeof (SwReset), 0xFF, 0, SD_TIMEOUT ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Done; } // // Check if DMA interrupt is signalled for the SDMA transfer. // if ((Trb->Mode == SdSdmaMode) && ((IntStatus & BIT3) == BIT3)) { // // Clear DMA interrupt bit. // IntStatus = BIT3; Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } // // Update SDMA Address register. // SdmaAddr = SD_SDMA_ROUND_UP ((UINT32)(UINTN)Trb->Data, SD_SDMA_BOUNDARY); Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_SDMA_ADDR, FALSE, sizeof (UINT32), &SdmaAddr ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Trb->Data = (VOID*)(UINTN)SdmaAddr; } if ((Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandType != SdCommandTypeAdtc) && (Packet->SdCmdBlk->ResponseType != SdResponseTypeR1b) && (Packet->SdCmdBlk->ResponseType != SdResponseTypeR5b)) { if ((IntStatus & BIT0) == BIT0) { Status = EFI_SUCCESS; goto Done; } } if (Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandIndex == SD_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK) { // // When performing tuning procedure (Execute Tuning is set to 1) through PIO mode, // wait Buffer Read Ready bit of Normal Interrupt Status Register to be 1. // Refer to SD Host Controller Simplified Specification 3.0 figure 2-29 for details. // if ((IntStatus & BIT5) == BIT5) { // // Clear Buffer Read Ready interrupt at first. // IntStatus = BIT5; SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_NOR_INT_STS, FALSE, sizeof (IntStatus), &IntStatus); // // Read data out from Buffer Port register // for (PioLength = 0; PioLength < Trb->DataLen; PioLength += 4) { SdPeimHcRwMmio (Bar + SD_HC_BUF_DAT_PORT, TRUE, 4, (UINT8*)Trb->Data + PioLength); } Status = EFI_SUCCESS; goto Done; } } Status = EFI_NOT_READY; Done: // // Get response data when the cmd is executed successfully. // if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (Packet->SdCmdBlk->CommandType != SdCommandTypeBc) { for (Index = 0; Index < 4; Index++) { Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio ( Bar + SD_HC_RESPONSE + Index * 4, TRUE, sizeof (UINT32), &Response[Index] ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { SdPeimHcLedOnOff (Bar, FALSE); return Status; } } CopyMem (Packet->SdStatusBlk, Response, sizeof (Response)); } } if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { SdPeimHcLedOnOff (Bar, FALSE); } return Status; } /** Wait for the TRB execution result. @param[in] Bar The mmio base address of the slot to be accessed. @param[in] Trb The pointer to the SD_TRB instance. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The TRB is executed successfully. @retval Others Some erros happen when executing this request. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimWaitTrbResult ( IN UINTN Bar, IN SD_TRB *Trb ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet; UINT64 Timeout; BOOLEAN InfiniteWait; Packet = Trb->Packet; // // Wait Command Complete Interrupt Status bit in Normal Interrupt Status Register // Timeout = Packet->Timeout; if (Timeout == 0) { InfiniteWait = TRUE; } else { InfiniteWait = FALSE; } while (InfiniteWait || (Timeout > 0)) { // // Check Trb execution result by reading Normal Interrupt Status register. // Status = SdPeimCheckTrbResult (Bar, Trb); if (Status != EFI_NOT_READY) { return Status; } // // Stall for 1 microsecond. // MicroSecondDelay (1); Timeout--; } return EFI_TIMEOUT; } /** Sends SD command to an SD card that is attached to the SD controller. If Packet is successfully sent to the SD card, then EFI_SUCCESS is returned. If a device error occurs while sending the Packet, then EFI_DEVICE_ERROR is returned. If Slot is not in a valid range for the SD controller, then EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned. If Packet defines a data command but both InDataBuffer and OutDataBuffer are NULL, EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER is returned. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the Sd card to send the command to. @param[in,out] Packet A pointer to the SD command data structure. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The SD Command Packet was sent by the host. @retval EFI_DEVICE_ERROR A device error occurred while attempting to send the SD command Packet. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Packet, Slot, or the contents of the Packet is invalid. @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER Packet defines a data command but both InDataBuffer and OutDataBuffer are NULL. @retval EFI_NO_MEDIA SD Device not present in the Slot. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The command described by the SD Command Packet is not supported by the host controller. @retval EFI_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE The InTransferLength or OutTransferLength exceeds the limit supported by SD card ( i.e. if the number of bytes exceed the Last LBA). **/ EFI_STATUS EFIAPI SdPeimExecCmd ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN OUT SD_COMMAND_PACKET *Packet ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_TRB *Trb; if (Packet == NULL) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((Packet->SdCmdBlk == NULL) || (Packet->SdStatusBlk == NULL)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((Packet->OutDataBuffer == NULL) && (Packet->OutTransferLength != 0)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } if ((Packet->InDataBuffer == NULL) && (Packet->InTransferLength != 0)) { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } Trb = SdPeimCreateTrb (Slot, Packet); if (Trb == NULL) { return EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; } Status = SdPeimWaitTrbEnv (Slot->SdHcBase, Trb); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Status = SdPeimExecTrb (Slot->SdHcBase, Trb); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Status = SdPeimWaitTrbResult (Slot->SdHcBase, Trb); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto Done; } Done: SdPeimFreeTrb (Trb); return Status; } /** Send command GO_IDLE_STATE to the device to make it go to Idle State. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The SD device is reset correctly. @retval Others The device reset fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimReset ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_GO_IDLE_STATE; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeBc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = 0; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = 0; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SEND_IF_COND to the device to inquiry the SD Memory Card interface condition. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] SupplyVoltage The supplied voltage by the host. @param[in] CheckPattern The check pattern to be sent to the device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimVoltageCheck ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT8 SupplyVoltage, IN UINT8 CheckPattern ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SEND_IF_COND; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeBcr; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR7; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (SupplyVoltage << 8) | CheckPattern; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (SdStatusBlk.Resp0 != SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } return Status; } /** Send command SDIO_SEND_OP_COND to the device to see whether it is SDIO device. Refer to SDIO Simplified Spec 3 Section 3.2 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] VoltageWindow The supply voltage window. @param[in] S18r The boolean to show if it should switch to 1.8v. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdioSendOpCond ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT32 VoltageWindow, IN BOOLEAN S18r ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Switch; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SDIO_SEND_OP_COND; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeBcr; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR4; Switch = S18r ? BIT24 : 0; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (VoltageWindow & 0xFFFFFF) | Switch; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SD_SEND_OP_COND to the device to see whether it is SDIO device. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address of addressed device. @param[in] VoltageWindow The supply voltage window. @param[in] S18r The boolean to show if it should switch to 1.8v. @param[in] Xpc The boolean to show if it should provide 0.36w power control. @param[in] Hcs The boolean to show if it support host capacity info. @param[out] Ocr The buffer to store returned OCR register value. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSendOpCond ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca, IN UINT32 VoltageWindow, IN BOOLEAN S18r, IN BOOLEAN Xpc, IN BOOLEAN Hcs, OUT UINT32 *Ocr ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Switch; UINT32 MaxPower; UINT32 HostCapacity; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_APP_CMD; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Rca << 16; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SEND_OP_COND; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeBcr; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR3; Switch = S18r ? BIT24 : 0; MaxPower = Xpc ? BIT28 : 0; HostCapacity = Hcs ? BIT30 : 0; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (VoltageWindow & 0xFFFFFF) | Switch | MaxPower | HostCapacity; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // For details, refer to SD Host Controller Simplified Spec 3.0 Table 2-12. // *Ocr = SdStatusBlk.Resp0; } return Status; } /** Broadcast command ALL_SEND_CID to the bus to ask all the SD devices to send the data of their CID registers. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimAllSendCid ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_ALL_SEND_CID; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeBcr; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR2; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = 0; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SET_RELATIVE_ADDR to the SD device to assign a Relative device Address (RCA). Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[out] Rca The relative device address to be assigned. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSetRca ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, OUT UINT16 *Rca ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SET_RELATIVE_ADDR; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeBcr; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR6; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { *Rca = (UINT16)(SdStatusBlk.Resp0 >> 16); } return Status; } /** Send command SEND_CSD to the SD device to get the data of the CSD register. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address of selected device. @param[out] Csd The buffer to store the content of the CSD register. Note the caller should ignore the lowest byte of this buffer as the content of this byte is meaningless even if the operation succeeds. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimGetCsd ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca, OUT SD_CSD *Csd ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SEND_CSD; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR2; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Rca << 16; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { // // For details, refer to SD Host Controller Simplified Spec 3.0 Table 2-12. // CopyMem (((UINT8*)Csd) + 1, &SdStatusBlk.Resp0, sizeof (SD_CSD) - 1); } return Status; } /** Send command SELECT_DESELECT_CARD to the SD device to select/deselect it. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address of selected device. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSelect ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SELECT_DESELECT_CARD; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1b; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Rca << 16; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command VOLTAGE_SWITCH to the SD device to switch the voltage of the device. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimVoltageSwitch ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_VOLTAGE_SWITCH; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = 0; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SET_BUS_WIDTH to the SD device to set the bus width. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address of addressed device. @param[in] BusWidth The bus width to be set, it could be 1 or 4. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSetBusWidth ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca, IN UINT8 BusWidth ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 Value; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_APP_CMD; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Rca << 16; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SET_BUS_WIDTH; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; if (BusWidth == 1) { Value = 0; } else if (BusWidth == 4) { Value = 2; } else { return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER; } SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = Value & 0x3; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SWITCH_FUNC to the SD device to check switchable function or switch card function. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] AccessMode The value for access mode group. @param[in] CommandSystem The value for command set group. @param[in] DriveStrength The value for drive length group. @param[in] PowerLimit The value for power limit group. @param[in] Mode Switch or check function. @param[out] SwitchResp The return switch function status. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSwitch ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT8 AccessMode, IN UINT8 CommandSystem, IN UINT8 DriveStrength, IN UINT8 PowerLimit, IN BOOLEAN Mode, OUT UINT8 *SwitchResp ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 ModeValue; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SWITCH_FUNC; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAdtc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; ModeValue = Mode ? BIT31 : 0; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (AccessMode & 0xF) | ((PowerLimit & 0xF) << 4) | \ ((DriveStrength & 0xF) << 8) | ((DriveStrength & 0xF) << 12) | \ ModeValue; Packet.InDataBuffer = SwitchResp; Packet.InTransferLength = 64; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SEND_STATUS to the addressed SD device to get its status register. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address of addressed device. @param[out] DevStatus The returned device status. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSendStatus ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca, OUT UINT32 *DevStatus ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SEND_STATUS; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Rca << 16; Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { *DevStatus = SdStatusBlk.Resp0; } return Status; } /** Send command READ_SINGLE_BLOCK/WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK to the addressed SD device to read/write the specified number of blocks. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Lba The logical block address of starting access. @param[in] BlockSize The block size of specified SD device partition. @param[in] Buffer The pointer to the transfer buffer. @param[in] BufferSize The size of transfer buffer. @param[in] IsRead Boolean to show the operation direction. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimRwSingleBlock ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN EFI_LBA Lba, IN UINT32 BlockSize, IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN BufferSize, IN BOOLEAN IsRead ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; // // Calculate timeout value through the below formula. // Timeout = (transfer size) / (2MB/s). // Taking 2MB/s as divisor is because it's the lowest // transfer speed of class 2. // Packet.Timeout = (BufferSize / (2 * 1024 * 1024) + 1) * 1000 * 1000;; if (IsRead) { Packet.InDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.InTransferLength = (UINT32)BufferSize; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_READ_SINGLE_BLOCK; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAdtc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; } else { Packet.OutDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.OutTransferLength = (UINT32)BufferSize; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_WRITE_SINGLE_BLOCK; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAdtc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; } if (Slot->SectorAddressing) { SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Lba; } else { SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)MultU64x32 (Lba, BlockSize); } Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK/WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK to the addressed SD device to read/write the specified number of blocks. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Lba The logical block address of starting access. @param[in] BlockSize The block size of specified SD device partition. @param[in] Buffer The pointer to the transfer buffer. @param[in] BufferSize The size of transfer buffer. @param[in] IsRead Boolean to show the operation direction. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimRwMultiBlocks ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN EFI_LBA Lba, IN UINT32 BlockSize, IN VOID *Buffer, IN UINTN BufferSize, IN BOOLEAN IsRead ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; // // Calculate timeout value through the below formula. // Timeout = (transfer size) / (2MB/s). // Taking 2MB/s as divisor is because it's the lowest // transfer speed of class 2. // Packet.Timeout = (BufferSize / (2 * 1024 * 1024) + 1) * 1000 * 1000;; if (IsRead) { Packet.InDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.InTransferLength = (UINT32)BufferSize; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_READ_MULTIPLE_BLOCK; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAdtc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; } else { Packet.OutDataBuffer = Buffer; Packet.OutTransferLength = (UINT32)BufferSize; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_WRITE_MULTIPLE_BLOCK; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAdtc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; } if (Slot->SectorAddressing) { SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)Lba; } else { SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = (UINT32)MultU64x32 (Lba, BlockSize); } Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Send command SEND_TUNING_BLOCK to the SD device for SDR104/SDR50 optimal sampling point detection. It may be sent up to 40 times until the host finishes the tuning procedure. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSendTuningBlk ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot ) { SD_COMMAND_BLOCK SdCmdBlk; SD_STATUS_BLOCK SdStatusBlk; SD_COMMAND_PACKET Packet; EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 TuningBlock[64]; ZeroMem (&SdCmdBlk, sizeof (SdCmdBlk)); ZeroMem (&SdStatusBlk, sizeof (SdStatusBlk)); ZeroMem (&Packet, sizeof (Packet)); Packet.SdCmdBlk = &SdCmdBlk; Packet.SdStatusBlk = &SdStatusBlk; Packet.Timeout = SD_TIMEOUT; SdCmdBlk.CommandIndex = SD_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK; SdCmdBlk.CommandType = SdCommandTypeAdtc; SdCmdBlk.ResponseType = SdResponseTypeR1; SdCmdBlk.CommandArgument = 0; Packet.InDataBuffer = TuningBlock; Packet.InTransferLength = sizeof (TuningBlock); Status = SdPeimExecCmd (Slot, &Packet); return Status; } /** Tunning the sampling point of SDR104 or SDR50 bus speed mode. Command SD_SEND_TUNING_BLOCK may be sent up to 40 times until the host finishes the tuning procedure. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 and SD Host Controller Simplified Spec 3.0 Figure 2-29 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimTuningClock ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT8 HostCtrl2; UINT8 Retry; // // Notify the host that the sampling clock tuning procedure starts. // HostCtrl2 = BIT6; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Ask the device to send a sequence of tuning blocks till the tuning procedure is done. // Retry = 0; do { Status = SdPeimSendTuningBlk (Slot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, TRUE, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if ((HostCtrl2 & (BIT6 | BIT7)) == 0) { break; } if ((HostCtrl2 & (BIT6 | BIT7)) == BIT7) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } } while (++Retry < 40); DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimTuningClock: Send tuning block fails at %d times with HostCtrl2 %02x\n", Retry, HostCtrl2)); // // Abort the tuning procedure and reset the tuning circuit. // HostCtrl2 = (UINT8)~(BIT6 | BIT7); Status = SdPeimHcAndMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } /** Switch the bus width to specified width. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 and SD Host Controller Simplified Spec 3.0 section Figure 3-7 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address to be assigned. @param[in] BusWidth The bus width to be set, it could be 4 or 8. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSwitchBusWidth ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca, IN UINT8 BusWidth ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 DevStatus; Status = SdPeimSetBusWidth (Slot, Rca, BusWidth); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimSendStatus (Slot, Rca, &DevStatus); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Check the switch operation is really successful or not. // if ((DevStatus >> 16) != 0) { return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Status = SdPeimHcSetBusWidth (Slot->SdHcBase, BusWidth); return Status; } /** Switch the high speed timing according to request. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 4.7 and SD Host Controller Simplified Spec 3.0 section Figure 2-29 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @param[in] Rca The relative device address to be assigned. @param[in] S18a The boolean to show if it's a UHS-I SD card. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is done correctly. @retval Others The operation fails. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimSetBusMode ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot, IN UINT16 Rca, IN BOOLEAN S18a ) { EFI_STATUS Status; SD_HC_SLOT_CAP Capability; UINT32 ClockFreq; UINT8 BusWidth; UINT8 AccessMode; UINT8 HostCtrl1; UINT8 HostCtrl2; UINT8 SwitchResp[64]; Status = SdPeimGetCsd (Slot, Rca, &Slot->Csd); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimGetCsd fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcGetCapability (Slot->SdHcBase, &Capability); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimSelect (Slot, Rca); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimSelect fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } BusWidth = 4; Status = SdPeimSwitchBusWidth (Slot, Rca, BusWidth); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimSwitchBusWidth fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } // // Get the supported bus speed from SWITCH cmd return data group #1. // ZeroMem (SwitchResp, sizeof (SwitchResp)); Status = SdPeimSwitch (Slot, 0xF, 0xF, 0xF, 0xF, FALSE, SwitchResp); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Calculate supported bus speed/bus width/clock frequency by host and device capability. // ClockFreq = 0; if (S18a && (Capability.Sdr104 != 0) && ((SwitchResp[13] & BIT3) != 0)) { ClockFreq = 208; AccessMode = 3; } else if (S18a && (Capability.Sdr50 != 0) && ((SwitchResp[13] & BIT2) != 0)) { ClockFreq = 100; AccessMode = 2; } else if (S18a && (Capability.Ddr50 != 0) && ((SwitchResp[13] & BIT4) != 0)) { ClockFreq = 50; AccessMode = 4; } else if ((SwitchResp[13] & BIT1) != 0) { ClockFreq = 50; AccessMode = 1; } else { ClockFreq = 25; AccessMode = 0; } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SdPeimSetBusMode: AccessMode %d ClockFreq %d BusWidth %d\n", AccessMode, ClockFreq, BusWidth)); Status = SdPeimSwitch (Slot, AccessMode, 0xF, 0xF, 0xF, TRUE, SwitchResp); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimSwitch fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } if ((SwitchResp[16] & 0xF) != AccessMode) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimSwitch to AccessMode %d ClockFreq %d BusWidth %d fails! The Switch response is 0x%1x\n", AccessMode, ClockFreq, BusWidth, SwitchResp[16] & 0xF)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // Set to Hight Speed timing // if (AccessMode == 1) { HostCtrl1 = BIT2; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL1, sizeof (HostCtrl1), &HostCtrl1); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } } HostCtrl2 = (UINT8)~0x7; Status = SdPeimHcAndMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } HostCtrl2 = AccessMode; Status = SdPeimHcOrMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcClockSupply (Slot->SdHcBase, ClockFreq * 1000); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimHcClockSupply %r\n", Status)); return Status; } if ((AccessMode == 3) || ((AccessMode == 2) && (Capability.TuningSDR50 != 0))) { Status = SdPeimTuningClock (Slot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimTuningClock fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SdPeimSetBusMode: SdPeimSetBusMode %r\n", Status)); return Status; } /** Execute SD device identification procedure. Refer to SD Physical Layer Simplified Spec 4.1 Section 3.6 for details. @param[in] Slot The slot number of the SD card to send the command to. @retval EFI_SUCCESS There is a SD card. @retval Others There is not a SD card. **/ EFI_STATUS SdPeimIdentification ( IN SD_PEIM_HC_SLOT *Slot ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINT32 Ocr; UINT16 Rca; BOOLEAN Xpc; BOOLEAN S18r; UINT64 MaxCurrent; UINT64 Current; UINT16 ControllerVer; UINT8 PowerCtrl; UINT32 PresentState; UINT8 HostCtrl2; SD_HC_SLOT_CAP Capability; // // 1. Send Cmd0 to the device // Status = SdPeimReset (Slot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Executing Cmd0 fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } // // 2. Send Cmd8 to the device // Status = SdPeimVoltageCheck (Slot, 0x1, 0xFF); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Executing Cmd8 fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } // // 3. Send SDIO Cmd5 to the device to the SDIO device OCR register. // Status = SdioSendOpCond (Slot, 0, FALSE); if (!EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Found SDIO device, ignore it as we don't support\n")); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } // // 4. Send Acmd41 with voltage window 0 to the device // Status = SdPeimSendOpCond (Slot, 0, 0, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, &Ocr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Executing SdPeimSendOpCond fails with %r\n", Status)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } Status = SdPeimHcGetCapability (Slot->SdHcBase, &Capability); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_MAX_CURRENT_CAP, TRUE, sizeof (Current), &Current); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if (Capability.Voltage33 != 0) { // // Support 3.3V // MaxCurrent = ((UINT32)Current & 0xFF) * 4; } else if (Capability.Voltage30 != 0) { // // Support 3.0V // MaxCurrent = (((UINT32)Current >> 8) & 0xFF) * 4; } else if (Capability.Voltage18 != 0) { // // Support 1.8V // MaxCurrent = (((UINT32)Current >> 16) & 0xFF) * 4; } else { ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } if (MaxCurrent >= 150) { Xpc = TRUE; } else { Xpc = FALSE; } Status = SdPeimHcRwMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_CTRL_VER, TRUE, sizeof (ControllerVer), &ControllerVer); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } if ((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 2) { S18r = TRUE; } else if (((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 0) || ((ControllerVer & 0xFF) == 1)) { S18r = FALSE; } else { ASSERT (FALSE); return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } // // 5. Repeatly send Acmd41 with supply voltage window to the device. // Note here we only support the cards complied with SD physical // layer simplified spec version 2.0 and version 3.0 and above. // do { Status = SdPeimSendOpCond (Slot, 0, Ocr, S18r, Xpc, TRUE, &Ocr); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: SdPeimSendOpCond fails with %r Ocr %x, S18r %x, Xpc %x\n", Status, Ocr, S18r, Xpc)); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; } } while ((Ocr & BIT31) == 0); // // 6. If the S18a bit is set and the Host Controller supports 1.8V signaling // (One of support bits is set to 1: SDR50, SDR104 or DDR50 in the // Capabilities register), switch its voltage to 1.8V. // if ((Capability.Sdr50 != 0 || Capability.Sdr104 != 0 || Capability.Ddr50 != 0) && ((Ocr & BIT24) != 0)) { Status = SdPeimVoltageSwitch (Slot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Executing SdPeimVoltageSwitch fails with %r\n", Status)); Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Error; } else { Status = SdPeimHcStopClock (Slot->SdHcBase); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Error; } SdPeimHcRwMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_PRESENT_STATE, TRUE, sizeof (PresentState), &PresentState); if (((PresentState >> 20) & 0xF) != 0) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: SwitchVoltage fails with PresentState = 0x%x\n", PresentState)); Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Error; } HostCtrl2 = BIT3; SdPeimHcOrMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); MicroSecondDelay (5000); SdPeimHcRwMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_HOST_CTRL2, TRUE, sizeof (HostCtrl2), &HostCtrl2); if ((HostCtrl2 & BIT3) == 0) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: SwitchVoltage fails with HostCtrl2 = 0x%x\n", HostCtrl2)); Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Error; } SdPeimHcInitClockFreq (Slot->SdHcBase); MicroSecondDelay (1000); SdPeimHcRwMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_PRESENT_STATE, TRUE, sizeof (PresentState), &PresentState); if (((PresentState >> 20) & 0xF) != 0xF) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: SwitchVoltage fails with PresentState = 0x%x, It should be 0xF\n", PresentState)); Status = EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; goto Error; } } DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "SdPeimIdentification: Switch to 1.8v signal voltage success\n")); } Status = SdPeimAllSendCid (Slot); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Executing SdPeimAllSendCid fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } Status = SdPeimSetRca (Slot, &Rca); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { DEBUG ((EFI_D_ERROR, "SdPeimIdentification: Executing SdPeimSetRca fails with %r\n", Status)); return Status; } // // Enter Data Tranfer Mode. // DEBUG ((EFI_D_INFO, "Found a SD device at slot [%d]\n", Slot)); Status = SdPeimSetBusMode (Slot, Rca, ((Ocr & BIT24) != 0)); return Status; Error: // // Set SD Bus Power = 0 // PowerCtrl = (UINT8)~BIT0; Status = SdPeimHcAndMmio (Slot->SdHcBase + SD_HC_POWER_CTRL, sizeof (PowerCtrl), &PowerCtrl); return EFI_DEVICE_ERROR; }