/** @file
  PCI Segment Library implementation using PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol.

  Copyright (c) 2007 - 2018, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.<BR>
  SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause-Patent


#include "PciSegmentLib.h"

// Global variable to record data of PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol instances
PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_DATA  *mPciRootBridgeData     = NULL;
UINTN                 mNumberOfPciRootBridges = 0;

  The constructor function caches data of PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol instances.

  The constructor function locates PCI Root Bridge I/O protocol instances,
  and caches the protocol instances, together with their segment numbers and bus ranges.
  It will ASSERT() if that related operation fails and it will always return EFI_SUCCESS.

  @param  ImageHandle   The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
  @param  SystemTable   A pointer to the EFI System Table.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The constructor always returns EFI_SUCCESS.

PciSegmentLibConstructor (
  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
  EFI_STATUS                         Status;
  UINTN                              Index;
  UINTN                              HandleCount;
  EFI_HANDLE                         *HandleBuffer;

  HandleCount     = 0;
  HandleBuffer    = NULL;
  PciRootBridgeIo = NULL;
  Descriptors     = NULL;

  Status = gBS->LocateHandleBuffer (

  mNumberOfPciRootBridges = HandleCount;

  mPciRootBridgeData = AllocatePool (HandleCount * sizeof (PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_DATA));
  ASSERT (mPciRootBridgeData != NULL);

  // Traverse all PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol instances, and record the protocol
  // instances, together with their segment numbers and bus ranges.
  for (Index = 0; Index < HandleCount; Index++) {
    Status = gBS->HandleProtocol (
                    (VOID **)&PciRootBridgeIo
    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    mPciRootBridgeData[Index].PciRootBridgeIo = PciRootBridgeIo;
    mPciRootBridgeData[Index].SegmentNumber   = PciRootBridgeIo->SegmentNumber;

    Status = PciRootBridgeIo->Configuration (PciRootBridgeIo, (VOID **)&Descriptors);
    ASSERT_EFI_ERROR (Status);

    while (Descriptors->Desc != ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR) {
      if (Descriptors->ResType == ACPI_ADDRESS_SPACE_TYPE_BUS) {
        mPciRootBridgeData[Index].MinBusNumber = Descriptors->AddrRangeMin;
        mPciRootBridgeData[Index].MaxBusNumber = Descriptors->AddrRangeMax;


    ASSERT (Descriptors->Desc != ACPI_END_TAG_DESCRIPTOR);

  FreePool (HandleBuffer);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  The destructor function frees memory allocated by constructor.

  The destructor function frees memory for data of protocol instances allocated by constructor.
  It will ASSERT() if that related operation fails and it will always return EFI_SUCCESS.

  @param  ImageHandle   The firmware allocated handle for the EFI image.
  @param  SystemTable   A pointer to the EFI System Table.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS   The constructor always returns EFI_SUCCESS.

PciSegmentLibDestructor (
  IN EFI_HANDLE        ImageHandle,
  FreePool (mPciRootBridgeData);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;

  According to address, search for the corresponding PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol instance.

  This internal function extracts segment number and bus number data from address, and
  retrieves the corresponding PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol instance.

  @param  Address The address that encodes the Segment, PCI Bus, Device, Function and

  @return The address for PCI Root Bridge I/O Protocol.

PciSegmentLibSearchForRootBridge (
  IN UINT64  Address
  UINTN   Index;
  UINT64  SegmentNumber;
  UINT64  BusNumber;

  for (Index = 0; Index < mNumberOfPciRootBridges; Index++) {
    // Matches segment number of address with the segment number of protocol instance.
    SegmentNumber = BitFieldRead64 (Address, 32, 63);
    if (SegmentNumber == mPciRootBridgeData[Index].SegmentNumber) {
      // Matches the bus number of address with bus number range of protocol instance.
      BusNumber = BitFieldRead64 (Address, 20, 27);
      if ((BusNumber >= mPciRootBridgeData[Index].MinBusNumber) && (BusNumber <= mPciRootBridgeData[Index].MaxBusNumber)) {
        return mPciRootBridgeData[Index].PciRootBridgeIo;

  return NULL;

  Internal worker function to read a PCI configuration register.

  This function wraps EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL.Pci.Read() service.
  It reads and returns the PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  the width of data is specified by Width.

  @param  Address The address that encodes the PCI Bus, Device, Function and
  @param  Width   Width of data to read

  @return The value read from the PCI configuration register.

DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoReadWorker (
  IN  UINT64                                 Address,
  UINT32                           Data;

  PciRootBridgeIo = PciSegmentLibSearchForRootBridge (Address);
  ASSERT (PciRootBridgeIo != NULL);

  PciRootBridgeIo->Pci.Read (
                         PCI_TO_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_ADDRESS (Address),

  return Data;

  Internal worker function to writes a PCI configuration register.

  This function wraps EFI_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_PROTOCOL.Pci.Write() service.
  It writes the PCI configuration register specified by Address with the
  value specified by Data. The width of data is specifed by Width.
  Data is returned.

  @param  Address The address that encodes the PCI Bus, Device, Function and
  @param  Width   Width of data to write
  @param  Data    The value to write.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoWriteWorker (
  IN  UINT64                                 Address,
  IN  UINT32                                 Data

  PciRootBridgeIo = PciSegmentLibSearchForRootBridge (Address);
  ASSERT (PciRootBridgeIo != NULL);

  PciRootBridgeIo->Pci.Write (
                         PCI_TO_PCI_ROOT_BRIDGE_IO_ADDRESS (Address),

  return Data;

  Register a PCI device so PCI configuration registers may be accessed after

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address Address that encodes the PCI Bus, Device, Function and

  @retval RETURN_SUCCESS           The PCI device was registered for runtime access.
  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED       An attempt was made to call this function
                                   after ExitBootServices().
  @retval RETURN_UNSUPPORTED       The resources required to access the PCI device
                                   at runtime could not be mapped.
  @retval RETURN_OUT_OF_RESOURCES  There are not enough resources available to
                                   complete the registration.

PciSegmentRegisterForRuntimeAccess (
  IN UINTN  Address

  Reads an 8-bit PCI configuration register.

  Reads and returns the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.

  @return The 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.

PciSegmentRead8 (
  IN UINT64  Address

  return (UINT8)DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoReadWorker (Address, EfiPciWidthUint8);

  Writes an 8-bit PCI configuration register.

  Writes the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address with the value specified by Value.
  Value is returned.  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address     Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  Value       The value to write.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentWrite8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT8   Value

  return (UINT8)DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoWriteWorker (Address, EfiPciWidthUint8, Value);

  Performs a bitwise OR of an 8-bit PCI configuration register with an 8-bit value.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise OR between the read result and the value specified by OrData,
  and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentOr8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT8   OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (Address, (UINT8)(PciSegmentRead8 (Address) | OrData));

  Performs a bitwise AND of an 8-bit PCI configuration register with an 8-bit value.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData,
  and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.
  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentAnd8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT8   AndData
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (Address, (UINT8)(PciSegmentRead8 (Address) & AndData));

  Performs a bitwise AND of an 8-bit PCI configuration register with an 8-bit value,
  followed a  bitwise OR with another 8-bit value.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData,
  performs a bitwise OR between the result of the AND operation and the value specified by OrData,
  and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentAndThenOr8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT8   AndData,
  IN UINT8   OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (Address, (UINT8)((PciSegmentRead8 (Address) & AndData) | OrData));

  Reads a bit field of a PCI configuration register.

  Reads the bit field in an 8-bit PCI configuration register. The bit field is
  specified by the StartBit and the EndBit. The value of the bit field is

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to read.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.

  @return The value of the bit field read from the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldRead8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit
  return BitFieldRead8 (PciSegmentRead8 (Address), StartBit, EndBit);

  Writes a bit field to a PCI configuration register.

  Writes Value to the bit field of the PCI configuration register. The bit
  field is specified by the StartBit and the EndBit. All other bits in the
  destination PCI configuration register are preserved. The new value of the
  8-bit register is returned.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If Value is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  Value     New value of the bit field.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldWrite8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT8   Value
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (
           BitFieldWrite8 (PciSegmentRead8 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, Value)

  Reads a bit field in an 8-bit PCI configuration, performs a bitwise OR, and
  writes the result back to the bit field in the 8-bit port.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise OR between the read result and the value specified by
  OrData, and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI configuration register
  specified by Address. The value written to the PCI configuration register is
  returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations
  are serialized. Extra left bits in OrData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldOr8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT8   OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (
           BitFieldOr8 (PciSegmentRead8 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, OrData)

  Reads a bit field in an 8-bit PCI configuration register, performs a bitwise
  AND, and writes the result back to the bit field in the 8-bit register.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData, and
  writes the result to the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by
  Address. The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are
  serialized. Extra left bits in AndData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldAnd8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT8   AndData
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (
           BitFieldAnd8 (PciSegmentRead8 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, AndData)

  Reads a bit field in an 8-bit port, performs a bitwise AND followed by a
  bitwise OR, and writes the result back to the bit field in the 8-bit port.

  Reads the 8-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND followed by a bitwise OR between the read result and
  the value specified by AndData, and writes the result to the 8-bit PCI
  configuration register specified by Address. The value written to the PCI
  configuration register is returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI
  read and write operations are serialized. Extra left bits in both AndData and
  OrData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 7, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..7.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the result of the AND operation.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldAndThenOr8 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT8   AndData,
  IN UINT8   OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite8 (
           BitFieldAndThenOr8 (PciSegmentRead8 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, AndData, OrData)

  Reads a 16-bit PCI configuration register.

  Reads and returns the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.

  @return The 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.

PciSegmentRead16 (
  IN UINT64  Address

  return (UINT16)DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoReadWorker (Address, EfiPciWidthUint16);

  Writes a 16-bit PCI configuration register.

  Writes the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address with the value specified by Value.
  Value is returned.  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address     Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  Value       The value to write.

  @return The parameter of Value.

PciSegmentWrite16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT16  Value

  return (UINT16)DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoWriteWorker (Address, EfiPciWidthUint16, Value);

  Performs a bitwise OR of a 16-bit PCI configuration register with
  a 16-bit value.

  Reads the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise OR between the read result and the value specified by OrData, and
  writes the result to the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned. This function
  must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function and
  @param  OrData  The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentOr16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT16  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (Address, (UINT16)(PciSegmentRead16 (Address) | OrData));

  Performs a bitwise AND of a 16-bit PCI configuration register with a 16-bit value.

  Reads the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData,
  and writes the result to the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentAnd16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT16  AndData
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (Address, (UINT16)(PciSegmentRead16 (Address) & AndData));

  Performs a bitwise AND of a 16-bit PCI configuration register with a 16-bit value,
  followed a  bitwise OR with another 16-bit value.

  Reads the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData,
  performs a bitwise OR between the result of the AND operation and the value specified by OrData,
  and writes the result to the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentAndThenOr16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT16  AndData,
  IN UINT16  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (Address, (UINT16)((PciSegmentRead16 (Address) & AndData) | OrData));

  Reads a bit field of a PCI configuration register.

  Reads the bit field in a 16-bit PCI configuration register. The bit field is
  specified by the StartBit and the EndBit. The value of the bit field is

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to read.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.

  @return The value of the bit field read from the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldRead16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit
  return BitFieldRead16 (PciSegmentRead16 (Address), StartBit, EndBit);

  Writes a bit field to a PCI configuration register.

  Writes Value to the bit field of the PCI configuration register. The bit
  field is specified by the StartBit and the EndBit. All other bits in the
  destination PCI configuration register are preserved. The new value of the
  16-bit register is returned.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If Value is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  Value     New value of the bit field.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldWrite16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT16  Value
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (
           BitFieldWrite16 (PciSegmentRead16 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, Value)

  Reads a bit field in a 16-bit PCI configuration, performs a bitwise OR, writes
  the result back to the bit field in the 16-bit port.

  Reads the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise OR between the read result and the value specified by
  OrData, and writes the result to the 16-bit PCI configuration register
  specified by Address. The value written to the PCI configuration register is
  returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations
  are serialized. Extra left bits in OrData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldOr16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT16  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (
           BitFieldOr16 (PciSegmentRead16 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, OrData)

  Reads a bit field in a 16-bit PCI configuration register, performs a bitwise
  AND, writes the result back to the bit field in the 16-bit register.

  Reads the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData, and
  writes the result to the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by
  Address. The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are
  serialized. Extra left bits in AndData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 16-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldAnd16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT16  AndData
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (
           BitFieldAnd16 (PciSegmentRead16 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, AndData)

  Reads a bit field in a 16-bit port, performs a bitwise AND followed by a
  bitwise OR, and writes the result back to the bit field in the
  16-bit port.

  Reads the 16-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND followed by a bitwise OR between the read result and
  the value specified by AndData, and writes the result to the 16-bit PCI
  configuration register specified by Address. The value written to the PCI
  configuration register is returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI
  read and write operations are serialized. Extra left bits in both AndData and
  OrData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 15, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..15.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the result of the AND operation.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldAndThenOr16 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT16  AndData,
  IN UINT16  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite16 (
           BitFieldAndThenOr16 (PciSegmentRead16 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, AndData, OrData)

  Reads a 32-bit PCI configuration register.

  Reads and returns the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.

  @return The 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.

PciSegmentRead32 (
  IN UINT64  Address

  return DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoReadWorker (Address, EfiPciWidthUint32);

  Writes a 32-bit PCI configuration register.

  Writes the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address with the value specified by Value.
  Value is returned.  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address     Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  Value       The value to write.

  @return The parameter of Value.

PciSegmentWrite32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT32  Value

  return DxePciSegmentLibPciRootBridgeIoWriteWorker (Address, EfiPciWidthUint32, Value);

  Performs a bitwise OR of a 32-bit PCI configuration register with a 32-bit value.

  Reads the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise OR between the read result and the value specified by OrData,
  and writes the result to the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentOr32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT32  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (Address, PciSegmentRead32 (Address) | OrData);

  Performs a bitwise AND of a 32-bit PCI configuration register with a 32-bit value.

  Reads the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData,
  and writes the result to the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentAnd32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT32  AndData
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (Address, PciSegmentRead32 (Address) & AndData);

  Performs a bitwise AND of a 32-bit PCI configuration register with a 32-bit value,
  followed a  bitwise OR with another 32-bit value.

  Reads the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address,
  performs a bitwise AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData,
  performs a bitwise OR between the result of the AND operation and the value specified by OrData,
  and writes the result to the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address.
  The value written to the PCI configuration register is returned.
  This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations are serialized.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentAndThenOr32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINT32  AndData,
  IN UINT32  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (Address, (PciSegmentRead32 (Address) & AndData) | OrData);

  Reads a bit field of a PCI configuration register.

  Reads the bit field in a 32-bit PCI configuration register. The bit field is
  specified by the StartBit and the EndBit. The value of the bit field is

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to read.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.

  @return The value of the bit field read from the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldRead32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit
  return BitFieldRead32 (PciSegmentRead32 (Address), StartBit, EndBit);

  Writes a bit field to a PCI configuration register.

  Writes Value to the bit field of the PCI configuration register. The bit
  field is specified by the StartBit and the EndBit. All other bits in the
  destination PCI configuration register are preserved. The new value of the
  32-bit register is returned.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If Value is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  Value     New value of the bit field.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldWrite32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT32  Value
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (
           BitFieldWrite32 (PciSegmentRead32 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, Value)

  Reads a bit field in a 32-bit PCI configuration, performs a bitwise OR, and
  writes the result back to the bit field in the 32-bit port.

  Reads the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise OR between the read result and the value specified by
  OrData, and writes the result to the 32-bit PCI configuration register
  specified by Address. The value written to the PCI configuration register is
  returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI read and write operations
  are serialized. Extra left bits in OrData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldOr32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT32  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (
           BitFieldOr32 (PciSegmentRead32 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, OrData)

  Reads a bit field in a 32-bit PCI configuration register, performs a bitwise
  AND, and writes the result back to the bit field in the 32-bit register.

  Reads the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a bitwise
  AND between the read result and the value specified by AndData, and writes the result
  to the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address. The value written to
  the PCI configuration register is returned.  This function must guarantee that all PCI
  read and write operations are serialized.  Extra left bits in AndData are stripped.
  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If Address is not aligned on a 32-bit boundary, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   Address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device, Function, and Register.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldAnd32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT32  AndData
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (
           BitFieldAnd32 (PciSegmentRead32 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, AndData)

  Reads a bit field in a 32-bit port, performs a bitwise AND followed by a
  bitwise OR, and writes the result back to the bit field in the
  32-bit port.

  Reads the 32-bit PCI configuration register specified by Address, performs a
  bitwise AND followed by a bitwise OR between the read result and
  the value specified by AndData, and writes the result to the 32-bit PCI
  configuration register specified by Address. The value written to the PCI
  configuration register is returned. This function must guarantee that all PCI
  read and write operations are serialized. Extra left bits in both AndData and
  OrData are stripped.

  If any reserved bits in Address are set, then ASSERT().
  If StartBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is greater than 31, then ASSERT().
  If EndBit is less than StartBit, then ASSERT().
  If AndData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().
  If OrData is larger than the bitmask value range specified by StartBit and EndBit, then ASSERT().

  @param  Address   PCI configuration register to write.
  @param  StartBit  The ordinal of the least significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  EndBit    The ordinal of the most significant bit in the bit field.
                    Range 0..31.
  @param  AndData   The value to AND with the PCI configuration register.
  @param  OrData    The value to OR with the result of the AND operation.

  @return The value written back to the PCI configuration register.

PciSegmentBitFieldAndThenOr32 (
  IN UINT64  Address,
  IN UINTN   StartBit,
  IN UINTN   EndBit,
  IN UINT32  AndData,
  IN UINT32  OrData
  return PciSegmentWrite32 (
           BitFieldAndThenOr32 (PciSegmentRead32 (Address), StartBit, EndBit, AndData, OrData)

  Reads a range of PCI configuration registers into a caller supplied buffer.

  Reads the range of PCI configuration registers specified by StartAddress and
  Size into the buffer specified by Buffer. This function only allows the PCI
  configuration registers from a single PCI function to be read. Size is
  returned. When possible 32-bit PCI configuration read cycles are used to read
  from StartAdress to StartAddress + Size. Due to alignment restrictions, 8-bit
  and 16-bit PCI configuration read cycles may be used at the beginning and the
  end of the range.

  If any reserved bits in StartAddress are set, then ASSERT().
  If ((StartAddress & 0xFFF) + Size) > 0x1000, then ASSERT().
  If Size > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartAddress  Starting address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device,
                        Function and Register.
  @param  Size          Size in bytes of the transfer.
  @param  Buffer        Pointer to a buffer receiving the data read.

  @return Size

PciSegmentReadBuffer (
  IN  UINT64  StartAddress,
  IN  UINTN   Size,
  OUT VOID    *Buffer
  UINTN  ReturnValue;

  ASSERT (((StartAddress & 0xFFF) + Size) <= 0x1000);

  if (Size == 0) {
    return Size;

  ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);

  // Save Size for return
  ReturnValue = Size;

  if ((StartAddress & BIT0) != 0) {
    // Read a byte if StartAddress is byte aligned
    *(volatile UINT8 *)Buffer = PciSegmentRead8 (StartAddress);
    StartAddress             += sizeof (UINT8);
    Size                     -= sizeof (UINT8);
    Buffer                    = (UINT8 *)Buffer + 1;

  if ((Size >= sizeof (UINT16)) && ((StartAddress & BIT1) != 0)) {
    // Read a word if StartAddress is word aligned
    WriteUnaligned16 (Buffer, PciSegmentRead16 (StartAddress));
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT16);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT16);
    Buffer        = (UINT16 *)Buffer + 1;

  while (Size >= sizeof (UINT32)) {
    // Read as many double words as possible
    WriteUnaligned32 (Buffer, PciSegmentRead32 (StartAddress));
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT32);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT32);
    Buffer        = (UINT32 *)Buffer + 1;

  if (Size >= sizeof (UINT16)) {
    // Read the last remaining word if exist
    WriteUnaligned16 (Buffer, PciSegmentRead16 (StartAddress));
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT16);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT16);
    Buffer        = (UINT16 *)Buffer + 1;

  if (Size >= sizeof (UINT8)) {
    // Read the last remaining byte if exist
    *(volatile UINT8 *)Buffer = PciSegmentRead8 (StartAddress);

  return ReturnValue;

  Copies the data in a caller supplied buffer to a specified range of PCI
  configuration space.

  Writes the range of PCI configuration registers specified by StartAddress and
  Size from the buffer specified by Buffer. This function only allows the PCI
  configuration registers from a single PCI function to be written. Size is
  returned. When possible 32-bit PCI configuration write cycles are used to
  write from StartAdress to StartAddress + Size. Due to alignment restrictions,
  8-bit and 16-bit PCI configuration write cycles may be used at the beginning
  and the end of the range.

  If any reserved bits in StartAddress are set, then ASSERT().
  If ((StartAddress & 0xFFF) + Size) > 0x1000, then ASSERT().
  If Size > 0 and Buffer is NULL, then ASSERT().

  @param  StartAddress  Starting address that encodes the PCI Segment, Bus, Device,
                        Function and Register.
  @param  Size          Size in bytes of the transfer.
  @param  Buffer        Pointer to a buffer containing the data to write.

  @return The parameter of Size.

PciSegmentWriteBuffer (
  IN UINT64  StartAddress,
  IN UINTN   Size,
  IN VOID    *Buffer
  UINTN  ReturnValue;

  ASSERT (((StartAddress & 0xFFF) + Size) <= 0x1000);

  if (Size == 0) {
    return 0;

  ASSERT (Buffer != NULL);

  // Save Size for return
  ReturnValue = Size;

  if ((StartAddress & BIT0) != 0) {
    // Write a byte if StartAddress is byte aligned
    PciSegmentWrite8 (StartAddress, *(UINT8 *)Buffer);
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT8);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT8);
    Buffer        = (UINT8 *)Buffer + 1;

  if ((Size >= sizeof (UINT16)) && ((StartAddress & BIT1) != 0)) {
    // Write a word if StartAddress is word aligned
    PciSegmentWrite16 (StartAddress, ReadUnaligned16 (Buffer));
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT16);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT16);
    Buffer        = (UINT16 *)Buffer + 1;

  while (Size >= sizeof (UINT32)) {
    // Write as many double words as possible
    PciSegmentWrite32 (StartAddress, ReadUnaligned32 (Buffer));
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT32);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT32);
    Buffer        = (UINT32 *)Buffer + 1;

  if (Size >= sizeof (UINT16)) {
    // Write the last remaining word if exist
    PciSegmentWrite16 (StartAddress, ReadUnaligned16 (Buffer));
    StartAddress += sizeof (UINT16);
    Size         -= sizeof (UINT16);
    Buffer        = (UINT16 *)Buffer + 1;

  if (Size >= sizeof (UINT8)) {
    // Write the last remaining byte if exist
    PciSegmentWrite8 (StartAddress, *(UINT8 *)Buffer);

  return ReturnValue;