/** @file IPsec inbound and outbound traffic processing. Copyright (c) 2009 - 2010, Intel Corporation. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php. THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. **/ #include "IpSecImpl.h" #include "IpSecDebug.h" #include "IpSecCryptIo.h" extern LIST_ENTRY mConfigData[IPsecConfigDataTypeMaximum]; /** The call back function of NetbufFromExt. @param[in] Arg The argument passed from the caller. **/ VOID EFIAPI IpSecOnRecyclePacket ( IN VOID *Arg ) { } /** This is a Notification function. It is called when the related IP6_TXTOKEN_WRAP is released. @param[in] Event The related event. @param[in] Context The data passed by the caller. **/ VOID EFIAPI IpSecRecycleCallback ( IN EFI_EVENT Event, IN VOID *Context ) { IPSEC_RECYCLE_CONTEXT *RecycleContext; RecycleContext = (IPSEC_RECYCLE_CONTEXT *) Context; if (RecycleContext->FragmentTable != NULL) { FreePool (RecycleContext->FragmentTable); } if (RecycleContext->PayloadBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (RecycleContext->PayloadBuffer); } FreePool (RecycleContext); gBS->CloseEvent (Event); } /** Calculate the extension header of IP. The return length only doesn't contain the fixed IP header length. @param[in] IpHead Points to an IP head to be calculated. @param[in] LastHead Points to the last header of the IP header. @return The length of the extension header. **/ UINT16 IpSecGetPlainExtHeadSize ( IN VOID *IpHead, IN UINT8 *LastHead ) { UINT16 Size; Size = (UINT16) (LastHead - (UINT8 *) IpHead); if (Size > sizeof (EFI_IP6_HEADER)) { // // * (LastHead+1) point the last header's length but not include the first // 8 octers, so this formluation add 8 at the end. // Size = (UINT16) (Size - sizeof (EFI_IP6_HEADER) + *(LastHead + 1) + 8); } else { Size = 0; } return Size; } /** Authenticate the IpSec Payload and store the result in the IcvBuffer. @param[in] BufferToAuth The buffer to be Authenticated. @param[in] AuthSize The size of the buffer to be Authenticated. @param[in, out] IcvBuffer The buffer to store the ICV. @param[in] IcvSize The size of ICV. @param[in] Key The Key passed to the CryptLib to generate a CRYPT_HANDLE. @param[in] AuthAlgId The Authentication Algorithm ID. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED If the AuthAlg is not in the support list. @retval EFI_SUCCESS Authenticated the payload successfully. @retval otherwise Authentication of the payload failed. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecAuthPayload ( IN UINT8 *BufferToAuth, IN UINTN AuthSize, IN OUT UINT8 *IcvBuffer, IN UINTN IcvSize, IN VOID *Key, IN UINT8 AuthAlgId ) { switch (AuthAlgId) { case IKE_AALG_NONE : case IKE_AALG_NULL : return EFI_SUCCESS; default: return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } /** Verify if the Authentication payload is correct. @param[in] EspBuffer Points to the ESP wrapped buffer. @param[in] EspSize The size of the ESP wrapped buffer. @param[in] SadEntry The related SAD entry to store the authentication algorithm key. @param[in] IcvSize The length of ICV. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The authentication data is correct. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED The authentication data is not correct. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecEspAuthVerifyPayload ( IN UINT8 *EspBuffer, IN UINTN EspSize, IN IPSEC_SAD_ENTRY *SadEntry, IN UINTN *IcvSize ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN AuthSize; UINT8 IcvBuffer[12]; // // Calculate the size of authentication payload. // *IcvSize = IpSecGetIcvLength (SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthAlgoId); AuthSize = EspSize - *IcvSize; // // Calculate the icv buffer and size of the payload. // Status = IpSecAuthPayload ( EspBuffer, AuthSize, IcvBuffer, *IcvSize, SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthKey, SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthAlgoId ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { return Status; } // // Compare the calculated icv and the appended original icv. // if (CompareMem (EspBuffer + AuthSize, IcvBuffer, *IcvSize) == 0) { return EFI_SUCCESS; } DEBUG ((DEBUG_ERROR, "Error auth verify payload\n")); return EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; } /** ESP Decrypt the payload. @param[in, out] PayloadBuffer Pointer to the buffer containing the ESP wrapped; to be decrypted on input, and plaintext on return. The number of bytes of data to be decrypted is specified by EncryptSize. @param[in] EncryptSize The size of the PayloadBuffer as input. @param[in] SadEntry The related SAD entry. @param[in] IvSize The size of IV. @param[out] PlainPayloadSize Contains the return value of decrypted size. @param[out] PaddingSize Contains the return value of Padding size. @param[out] NextHeader Contains the return value of the last protocol header of the IP packet. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The Algorithm pointed to by the SAD entry is not supported. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecEspDecryptPayload ( IN OUT UINT8 *PayloadBuffer, IN UINTN EncryptSize, IN IPSEC_SAD_ENTRY *SadEntry, IN UINTN *IvSize, OUT UINTN *PlainPayloadSize, OUT UINTN *PaddingSize, OUT UINT8 *NextHeader ) { EFI_ESP_TAIL *EspTail; switch (SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncAlgoId) { case IKE_EALG_NULL: EspTail = (EFI_ESP_TAIL *) (PayloadBuffer + EncryptSize - sizeof (EFI_ESP_TAIL)); *PaddingSize = EspTail->PaddingLength; *NextHeader = EspTail->NextHeader; *PlainPayloadSize = EncryptSize - EspTail->PaddingLength - sizeof (EFI_ESP_TAIL); break; case IKE_EALG_3DESCBC: case IKE_EALG_AESCBC: // // TODO: support these algorithm // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; default : return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } return EFI_SUCCESS; } /** ESP Encrypt the payload. @param[in, out] BufferToEncrypt Pointer to the buffer containing plaintext to be encrypted on input, and ciphertext on return. The number of bytes of data to be encrypted is specified by EncryptSize. @param[in, out] EncryptSize The size of the plaintext on input, and the size of the ciphertext on return. @param[in] IvBuffer Points to IV data. @param[in] IvSize Size of IV. @param[in] SadEntry Related SAD entry. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED The Algorithm pointed by SAD entry is not supported. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation completed successfully. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecEspEncryptPayload ( IN OUT UINT8 *BufferToEncrypt, IN OUT UINTN EncryptSize, IN UINT8 *IvBuffer, IN UINTN IvSize, IN IPSEC_SAD_ENTRY *SadEntry ) { switch (SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncAlgoId) { case IKE_EALG_NULL: return EFI_SUCCESS; case IKE_EALG_3DESCBC: case IKE_EALG_AESCBC: // // TODO: support these algorithms // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; default : return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } } /** The actual entry to relative function processes the inbound traffic of ESP header. This function is the subfunction of IpSecProtectInboundPacket(). It checks the received packet security property and trim the ESP header and then returns without an IPsec protected IP Header and FramgmentTable. @param[in] IpVersion The version of IP. @param[in, out] IpHead Points to the IP header containing the ESP header to be trimed on input, and without ESP header on return. @param[out] LastHead The Last Header in IP header on return. @param[in, out] OptionsBuffer Pointer to the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] OptionsLength Length of the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] FragmentTable Pointer to a list of fragments in the form of IPsec protected on input, and without IPsec protected on return. @param[in, out] FragmentCount The number of fragments. @param[out] SpdEntry Pointer to contain the address of SPD entry on return. @param[out] RecycleEvent The event for recycling of resources. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. @retval EFI_ACCESS_DENIED One or more following conditions is TRUE: - ESP header was not found. - The related SAD entry was not found. - The related SAD entry does not support the ESP protocol. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The required system resource can't be allocated. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecEspInboundPacket ( IN UINT8 IpVersion, IN OUT VOID *IpHead, OUT UINT8 *LastHead, IN OUT VOID **OptionsBuffer, OPTIONAL IN OUT UINT32 *OptionsLength, OPTIONAL IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA **FragmentTable, IN OUT UINT32 *FragmentCount, OUT IPSEC_SPD_ENTRY **SpdEntry, OUT EFI_EVENT *RecycleEvent ) { EFI_STATUS Status; NET_BUF *Payload; UINTN EspSize; UINTN IvSize; UINTN PlainPayloadSize; UINTN PaddingSize; UINTN IcvSize; UINT8 *ProcessBuffer; EFI_IP_ADDRESS DestIp; EFI_ESP_HEADER *EspHeader; EFI_ESP_TAIL *EspTail; EFI_IPSEC_SA_ID *SaId; IPSEC_SAD_DATA *SadData; IPSEC_SAD_ENTRY *SadEntry; IPSEC_RECYCLE_CONTEXT *RecycleContext; UINT32 Spi; UINT8 NextHeader; UINT16 IpSecHeadSize; Status = EFI_SUCCESS; Payload = NULL; ProcessBuffer = NULL; RecycleContext = NULL; *RecycleEvent = NULL; PlainPayloadSize = 0; NextHeader = 0; // // Build netbuf from fragment table first. // Payload = NetbufFromExt ( (NET_FRAGMENT *) *FragmentTable, *FragmentCount, 0, sizeof (EFI_ESP_HEADER), IpSecOnRecyclePacket, NULL ); if (Payload == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Get the esp size and eso header from netbuf. // EspSize = Payload->TotalSize; EspHeader = (EFI_ESP_HEADER *) NetbufGetByte (Payload, 0, NULL); if (EspHeader == NULL) { Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Parse destination address from ip header. // ZeroMem (&DestIp, sizeof (EFI_IP_ADDRESS)); if (IpVersion == IP_VERSION_4) { CopyMem ( &DestIp, &((IP4_HEAD *) IpHead)->Dst, sizeof (IP4_ADDR) ); } else { CopyMem ( &DestIp, &((EFI_IP6_HEADER *) IpHead)->DestinationAddress, sizeof (EFI_IPv6_ADDRESS) ); } // // Lookup sad entry according to the spi and dest address. // Spi = NTOHL (EspHeader->Spi); SadEntry = IpSecLookupSadBySpi (Spi, &DestIp); if (SadEntry == NULL) { Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } SaId = SadEntry->Id; SadData = SadEntry->Data; // // Only support esp protocol currently. // if (SaId->Proto != EfiIPsecESP) { Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; goto ON_EXIT; } if (!SadData->ManualSet) { // // TODO: Check sa lifetime and sequence number // } // // Allocate buffer for decryption and authentication by esp. // ProcessBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (EspSize); if (ProcessBuffer == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } NetbufCopy (Payload, 0, (UINT32) EspSize, ProcessBuffer); // // Authenticate the esp wrapped buffer by the sad entry if has auth key. // IcvSize = 0; if (SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthKey != NULL) { Status = IpSecEspAuthVerifyPayload ( ProcessBuffer, EspSize, SadEntry, &IcvSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Decrypt the payload by the sad entry if has decrypt key. // IvSize = 0; if (SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncKey != NULL) { Status = IpSecEspDecryptPayload ( ProcessBuffer + sizeof (EFI_ESP_HEADER), EspSize - sizeof (EFI_ESP_HEADER) - IcvSize, SadEntry, &IvSize, &PlainPayloadSize, &PaddingSize, &NextHeader ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } } else { EspTail = (EFI_ESP_TAIL *) (ProcessBuffer + EspSize - IcvSize - sizeof (EFI_ESP_TAIL)); PaddingSize = EspTail->PaddingLength; NextHeader = EspTail->NextHeader; PlainPayloadSize = EspSize - sizeof (EFI_ESP_HEADER) - IvSize - IcvSize - sizeof (EFI_ESP_TAIL) - PaddingSize; } // // TODO: handle anti-replay window // // // Decryption and authentication with esp has been done, so it's time to // reload the new packet, create recycle event and fixup ip header. // RecycleContext = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IPSEC_RECYCLE_CONTEXT)); if (RecycleContext == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, IpSecRecycleCallback, RecycleContext, RecycleEvent ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // TODO: Who take responsible to handle the original fragment table? // *FragmentTable = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA)); if (*FragmentTable == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } RecycleContext->PayloadBuffer = ProcessBuffer; RecycleContext->FragmentTable = *FragmentTable; (*FragmentTable)[0].FragmentBuffer = ProcessBuffer + sizeof (EFI_ESP_HEADER) + IvSize; (*FragmentTable)[0].FragmentLength = (UINT32) PlainPayloadSize; *FragmentCount = 1; // // Update the total length field in ip header since processed by esp. // if (IpVersion == IP_VERSION_4) { ((IP4_HEAD *) IpHead)->TotalLen = HTONS ((UINT16) (((IP4_HEAD *) IpHead)->HeadLen + PlainPayloadSize)); } else { IpSecHeadSize = IpSecGetPlainExtHeadSize (IpHead, LastHead); ((EFI_IP6_HEADER *) IpHead)->PayloadLength = HTONS ((UINT16)(IpSecHeadSize + PlainPayloadSize)); } // // Update the next layer field in ip header since esp header inserted. // *LastHead = NextHeader; // // Update the spd association of the sad entry. // *SpdEntry = SadData->SpdEntry; ON_EXIT: if (Payload != NULL) { NetbufFree (Payload); } if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (ProcessBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (ProcessBuffer); } if (RecycleContext != NULL) { FreePool (RecycleContext); } if (*RecycleEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (*RecycleEvent); } } return Status; } /** The actual entry to the relative function processes the output traffic using the ESP protocol. This function is the subfunction of IpSecProtectOutboundPacket(). It protected the sending packet by encrypting its payload and inserting ESP header in the orginal IP header, then return the IpHeader and IPsec protected Fragmentable. @param[in] IpVersion The version of IP. @param[in, out] IpHead Points to IP header containing the orginal IP header to be processed on input, and inserted ESP header on return. @param[in, out] LastHead The Last Header in IP header. @param[in, out] OptionsBuffer Pointer to the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] OptionsLength Length of the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] FragmentTable Pointer to a list of fragments to be protected by IPsec on input, and with IPsec protected on return. @param[in, out] FragmentCount The number of fragments. @param[in] SadEntry The related SAD entry. @param[out] RecycleEvent The event for recycling of resources. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation was successful. @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES The required system resources can't be allocated. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecEspOutboundPacket ( IN UINT8 IpVersion, IN OUT VOID *IpHead, IN OUT UINT8 *LastHead, IN OUT VOID **OptionsBuffer, OPTIONAL IN OUT UINT32 *OptionsLength, OPTIONAL IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA **FragmentTable, IN OUT UINT32 *FragmentCount, IN IPSEC_SAD_ENTRY *SadEntry, OUT EFI_EVENT *RecycleEvent ) { EFI_STATUS Status; UINTN Index; EFI_IPSEC_SA_ID *SaId; IPSEC_SAD_DATA *SadData; IPSEC_RECYCLE_CONTEXT *RecycleContext; UINT8 *ProcessBuffer; UINTN BytesCopied; INTN EncryptBlockSize;// Size of encryption block, 4 bytes aligned and >= 4 UINTN EspSize; // Total size of esp wrapped ip payload UINTN IvSize; // Size of IV, optional, might be 0 UINTN PlainPayloadSize;// Original IP payload size UINTN PaddingSize; // Size of padding UINTN EncryptSize; // Size of data to be encrypted, start after IV and // stop before ICV UINTN IcvSize; // Size of ICV, optional, might be 0 UINT8 *RestOfPayload; // Start of Payload after IV UINT8 *Padding; // Start address of padding EFI_ESP_HEADER *EspHeader; // Start address of ESP frame EFI_ESP_TAIL *EspTail; // Address behind padding Status = EFI_ACCESS_DENIED; SaId = SadEntry->Id; SadData = SadEntry->Data; ProcessBuffer = NULL; RecycleContext = NULL; *RecycleEvent = NULL; if (!SadData->ManualSet && SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncKey == NULL && SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthKey == NULL ) { // // Invalid manual sad entry configuration. // goto ON_EXIT; } // // Calculate enctrypt block size, need iv by default and 4 bytes alignment. // EncryptBlockSize = 4; if (SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncKey != NULL) { EncryptBlockSize = IpSecGetEncryptBlockSize (SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncAlgoId); if (EncryptBlockSize < 0 || (EncryptBlockSize != 1 && EncryptBlockSize % 4 != 0)) { goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Calculate the plain payload size accroding to the fragment table. // PlainPayloadSize = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < *FragmentCount; Index++) { PlainPayloadSize += (*FragmentTable)[Index].FragmentLength; } // // Calculate icv size, optional by default and 4 bytes alignment. // IcvSize = 0; if (SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthKey != NULL) { IcvSize = IpSecGetIcvLength (SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthAlgoId); if (IcvSize % 4 != 0) { goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Calcuate the total size of esp wrapped ip payload. // IvSize = IpSecGetEncryptIvLength (SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncAlgoId); EncryptSize = (PlainPayloadSize + sizeof (EFI_ESP_TAIL) + EncryptBlockSize - 1) / EncryptBlockSize * EncryptBlockSize; PaddingSize = EncryptSize - PlainPayloadSize - sizeof (EFI_ESP_TAIL); EspSize = sizeof (EFI_ESP_HEADER) + IvSize + EncryptSize + IcvSize; ProcessBuffer = AllocateZeroPool (EspSize); if (ProcessBuffer == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } // // Calculate esp header and esp tail including header, payload and padding. // EspHeader = (EFI_ESP_HEADER *) ProcessBuffer; RestOfPayload = (UINT8 *) (EspHeader + 1) + IvSize; Padding = RestOfPayload + PlainPayloadSize; EspTail = (EFI_ESP_TAIL *) (Padding + PaddingSize); // // Fill the sn and spi fields in esp header. // EspHeader->SequenceNumber = HTONL ((UINT32) SadData->SequenceNumber + 1); EspHeader->Spi = HTONL (SaId->Spi); // // Copy the rest of payload (after iv) from the original fragment buffer. // BytesCopied = 0; for (Index = 0; Index < *FragmentCount; Index++) { CopyMem ( (RestOfPayload + BytesCopied), (*FragmentTable)[Index].FragmentBuffer, (*FragmentTable)[Index].FragmentLength ); BytesCopied += (*FragmentTable)[Index].FragmentLength; } // // Fill the padding buffer by natural number sequence. // for (Index = 0; Index < PaddingSize; Index++) { Padding[Index] = (UINT8) (Index + 1); } // // Fill the padding length and next header fields in esp tail. // EspTail->PaddingLength = (UINT8) PaddingSize; EspTail->NextHeader = *LastHead; // // Generate iv at random by crypt library. // Status = IpSecGenerateIv ( (UINT8 *) (EspHeader + 1), IvSize ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // Encrypt the payload (after iv) by the sad entry if has encrypt key. // if (SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.EncKey != NULL) { Status = IpSecEspEncryptPayload ( RestOfPayload, EncryptSize, (UINT8 *) (EspHeader + 1), IvSize, SadEntry ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Authenticate the esp wrapped buffer by the sad entry if has auth key. // if (SadData->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthKey != NULL) { Status = IpSecAuthPayload ( ProcessBuffer, EspSize - IcvSize, ProcessBuffer + EspSize - IcvSize, IcvSize, SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthKey, SadEntry->Data->AlgoInfo.EspAlgoInfo.AuthAlgoId ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } } // // Encryption and authentication with esp has been done, so it's time to // reload the new packet, create recycle event and fixup ip header. // RecycleContext = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (IPSEC_RECYCLE_CONTEXT)); if (RecycleContext == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } Status = gBS->CreateEvent ( EVT_NOTIFY_SIGNAL, TPL_NOTIFY, IpSecRecycleCallback, RecycleContext, RecycleEvent ); if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { goto ON_EXIT; } // // TODO: Who take responsible to handle the original fragment table? // *FragmentTable = AllocateZeroPool (sizeof (EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA)); if (*FragmentTable == NULL) { Status = EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES; goto ON_EXIT; } RecycleContext->FragmentTable = *FragmentTable; RecycleContext->PayloadBuffer = ProcessBuffer; (*FragmentTable)[0].FragmentBuffer = ProcessBuffer; (*FragmentTable)[0].FragmentLength = (UINT32) EspSize; *FragmentCount = 1; // // Update the total length field in ip header since processed by esp. // if (IpVersion == IP_VERSION_4) { ((IP4_HEAD *) IpHead)->TotalLen = HTONS ((UINT16) (((IP4_HEAD *) IpHead)->HeadLen + EspSize)); } else { ((EFI_IP6_HEADER *) IpHead)->PayloadLength = (UINT16) (IpSecGetPlainExtHeadSize (IpHead, LastHead) + EspSize); } // // Update the next layer field in ip header since esp header inserted. // *LastHead = IPSEC_ESP_PROTOCOL; // // Increase the sn number in sad entry according to rfc4303. // SadData->SequenceNumber++; ON_EXIT: if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) { if (ProcessBuffer != NULL) { FreePool (ProcessBuffer); } if (RecycleContext != NULL) { FreePool (RecycleContext); } if (*RecycleEvent != NULL) { gBS->CloseEvent (*RecycleEvent); } } return Status; } /** This function processes the inbound traffic with IPsec. It checks the received packet security property, trims the ESP/AH header, and then returns without an IPsec protected IP Header and FragmentTable. @param[in] IpVersion The version of IP. @param[in, out] IpHead Points to IP header containing the ESP/AH header to be trimed on input, and without ESP/AH header on return. @param[out] LastHead The Last Header in IP header on return. @param[in, out] OptionsBuffer Pointer to the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] OptionsLength Length of the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] FragmentTable Pointer to a list of fragments in the form of IPsec protected on input, and without IPsec protected on return. @param[in, out] FragmentCount Number of fragments. @param[out] SpdEntry Pointer to contain the address of SPD entry on return. @param[out] RecycleEvent Event for recycling of resources. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is successful. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED If the IPSEC protocol is not supported. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecProtectInboundPacket ( IN UINT8 IpVersion, IN OUT VOID *IpHead, OUT UINT8 *LastHead, IN OUT VOID **OptionsBuffer, OPTIONAL IN OUT UINT32 *OptionsLength, OPTIONAL IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA **FragmentTable, IN OUT UINT32 *FragmentCount, OUT IPSEC_SPD_ENTRY **SpdEntry, OUT EFI_EVENT *RecycleEvent ) { if (*LastHead == IPSEC_ESP_PROTOCOL) { // // Process the esp ipsec header of the inbound traffic. // return IpSecEspInboundPacket ( IpVersion, IpHead, LastHead, OptionsBuffer, OptionsLength, FragmentTable, FragmentCount, SpdEntry, RecycleEvent ); } // // The other protocols are not supported. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; } /** This fucntion processes the output traffic with IPsec. It protected the sending packet by encrypting it payload and inserting ESP/AH header in the orginal IP header, then return the IpHeader and IPsec protected Fragmentable. @param[in] IpVersion The version of IP. @param[in, out] IpHead Point to IP header containing the orginal IP header to be processed on input, and inserted ESP/AH header on return. @param[in, out] LastHead The Last Header in IP header. @param[in, out] OptionsBuffer Pointer to the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] OptionsLength Length of the options buffer. It is optional. @param[in, out] FragmentTable Pointer to a list of fragments to be protected by IPsec on input, and with IPsec protected on return. @param[in, out] FragmentCount Number of fragments. @param[in] SadEntry Related SAD entry. @param[out] RecycleEvent Event for recycling of resources. @retval EFI_SUCCESS The operation is successful. @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED If the IPSEC protocol is not supported. **/ EFI_STATUS IpSecProtectOutboundPacket ( IN UINT8 IpVersion, IN OUT VOID *IpHead, IN OUT UINT8 *LastHead, IN OUT VOID **OptionsBuffer, OPTIONAL IN OUT UINT32 *OptionsLength, OPTIONAL IN OUT EFI_IPSEC_FRAGMENT_DATA **FragmentTable, IN OUT UINT32 *FragmentCount, IN IPSEC_SAD_ENTRY *SadEntry, OUT EFI_EVENT *RecycleEvent ) { if (SadEntry->Id->Proto == EfiIPsecESP) { // // Process the esp ipsec header of the outbound traffic. // return IpSecEspOutboundPacket ( IpVersion, IpHead, LastHead, OptionsBuffer, OptionsLength, FragmentTable, FragmentCount, SadEntry, RecycleEvent ); } // // The other protocols are not supported. // return EFI_UNSUPPORTED; }